
  • 108: The Castor Oil Trend

    We love promoting or debunking a new trend on the social media. We’ve been seeing Castor Oil in our news feed and we just couldn’t ignore it any longer! WE definitely have thoughts, but the facts are listed and debriefed. Don’t forget to click on the reference links below for more of a breakdown and the list of top brands!


    If you want to workout with us, at home or in person, check us out www.CFITfitness.com We would love to have you join the CFIT Community :)

    Follow us for updates, inspiration, and ridiculousness!

    F2BR Insta: https://www.instagram.com/fittoberealpodcast/

    CFIT Insta: https://www.instagram.com/cfitfitness/

    CFIT Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cfitfitness/

    CFIT Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@cfitfitness?lang=en

    Watch us on our Youtube Channel! https://youtube.com/@fittoberealpodcast?si=mPS5PgKAkiFt7_pG

    Email us! [email protected]

    **For legal reasons we have to tell you that this podcast is meant for entertainment and educational purposes only. we are not health care professionals. For all of your health, wellness, fitness, and self-care needs please refer to the medical professional in your life. Your primary care physician, your therapist, a certified coach whoever it may be…and then let us know what they say because I guarantee we need to know it too, ok?! okbye.



    https://www.womenshealthmag.com/health/a61987741/castor-oil-belly-button/ , Women’s Health

    https://buyersguide.org/castor-oil/t/best?l=469&gclid=Cj0KCQiAq-u9BhCjARIsANLj-s1FY2TraIRj8-efYbo5cj2DHci9ByZfeQU6YEvLrgWoAINGz9DjcRQaApm6EALw_wcB&sli=1 , Buyer’s Guide

  • It is Valentine’s week! We have a little holiday fun with facts and games and then break down some navigation techniques to get through the week whether you are in a relationship or whether you are living the single life. Either way self-care is always the way to go…YOU DO YOU, BOO BOO. We let you in on a special surprise we are cooking up behind the scenes with some MERCH! Woohoo!

    We hope you get some good fun vibes and helpful tips from this chat! We sure did! Who knew?!



    If you want to workout with us, at home or in person, check us out www.CFITfitness.com We would love to have you join the CFIT Community :)

    Follow us for updates, inspiration, and ridiculousness!

    F2BR Insta: https://www.instagram.com/fittoberealpodcast/

    CFIT Insta: https://www.instagram.com/cfitfitness/

    CFIT Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cfitfitness/

    CFIT Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@cfitfitness?lang=en

    Watch us on our Youtube Channel! https://youtube.com/@fittoberealpodcast?si=mPS5PgKAkiFt7_pG

    Email us! [email protected]

    **For legal reasons we have to tell you that this podcast is meant for entertainment and educational purposes only. we are not health care professionals. For all of your health, wellness, fitness, and self-care needs please refer to the medical professional in your life. Your primary care physician, your therapist, a certified coach whoever it may be…and then let us know what they say because I guarantee we need to know it too, ok?! okbye.

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • We have been inundated with the heavy news of the world on the daily, and sometimes our own little worlds have their own obstacles to get through at the same time. Everyone is stressed and tired, so it feels like the perfect time to take a mental health day to do silly things and laugh as much as you can. There aren so many medicinal benefits to just laughing and playing games with people you can have fun with :) In addition, we have a pretty sweet story time of Carly & Victoria pastimes to tune into at the end! Today is just for fun and we hope you have it with us!


    If you want to workout with us, at home or in person, check us out www.CFITfitness.com We would love to have you join the CFIT Community :)

    Follow us for updates, inspiration, and ridiculousness!

    F2BR Insta: https://www.instagram.com/fittoberealpodcast/

    CFIT Insta: https://www.instagram.com/cfitfitness/

    CFIT Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cfitfitness/

    CFIT Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@cfitfitness?lang=en

    Watch us on our Youtube Channel! https://youtube.com/@fittoberealpodcast?si=mPS5PgKAkiFt7_pG

    Email us! [email protected]

  • 105: Fitness Trends of 2025

    New year, new ways to get creative with your fitness lifestyle. We go down the list of the top 6 trends for 2025 so far….from actual workouts, to products, and ways to accomplish your goals. Today’s chat is a great example as to why it is so important and helpful to talk things out with a friend, co-worker, family member etc. By the end of the chat Carly has a major revelation about this trending mindset…and Victoria agrees!? Get in the know and check it out! Also check out the reference links below!


    If you want to workout with us, at home or in person, check us out www.CFITfitness.com We would love to have you join the CFIT Community :)

    Follow us for updates, inspiration, and ridiculousness!

    F2BR Insta: https://www.instagram.com/fittoberealpodcast/

    CFIT Insta: https://www.instagram.com/cfitfitness/

    CFIT Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cfitfitness/

    CFIT Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@cfitfitness?lang=en

    Watch us on our Youtube Channel! https://youtube.com/@fittoberealpodcast?si=mPS5PgKAkiFt7_pG

    Email us! [email protected]

    **For legal reasons we have to tell you that this podcast is meant for entertainment and educational purposes only. we are not health care professionals. For all of your health, wellness, fitness, and self-care needs please refer to the medical professional in your life. Your primary care physician, your therapist, a certified coach whoever it may be…and then let us know what they say because I guarantee we need to know it too, ok?! okbye.


    https://www.acefitness.org/resources/pros/expert-articles/8776/10-fitness-trends-to-look-forward-to-in-2025/ , ACE Fitness

    https://www.menshealth.com/fitness/a63227011/2025-fitness-trends/ , Men’s Health

  • Welcome to the Fit To Be Real... & A Little Extra Podcast Live! Your favorite podcast is now live streamed for that little extra goodness! Watch live and chat with us each week. The Let Them Theory is a fantastic system created by the renowned Mel Robbins. Besides grabbing her book you should check out The Mel Robbins Podcast if you haven’t already. It is the #1 go-to for all things science based life coaching without any frills. I, Victoria, pre-ordered her book with the intentions of gifting it to Carly…if you know our podcast, then you know…in this chat we surprise Carly with it AND force her to begin her reading journey. Snippets of the theory that resonate enough to be mindblowingly obvious…not just for Carly. Again, I implore you to introduce this theory and Melly-R, as we so sillily refer to her as, to yourself for yourself and your future selves.


    If you want to workout with us, at home or in person, check us out www.CFITfitness.com We would love to have you join the CFIT Community :)

    Follow us for updates, inspiration, and ridiculousness!

    F2BR Insta: https://www.instagram.com/fittoberealpodcast/

    CFIT Insta: https://www.instagram.com/cfitfitness/

    CFIT Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cfitfitness/

    CFIT Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@cfitfitness?lang=en

    Watch us on our YouTube Channel! https://youtube.com/@fittoberealpodcast?si=mPS5PgKAkiFt7_pG

    Email us! [email protected]

    **For legal reasons we have to tell you that this podcast is meant for entertainment and educational purposes only. we are not health care professionals. For all of your health, wellness, fitness, and self-care needs please refer to the medical professional in your life. Your primary care physician, your therapist, a certified coach whoever it may be…and then let us know what they say because I guarantee we need to know it too, ok?! okbye.


    https://a.co/d/i2vibnC , The Let Them Theory Book

    https://www.melrobbins.com/podcast , The Mel Robbins Podcast

  • 103: Bloating isn’t just for the holidays, but after a fun filled week it is very high on our list of things to focus on. Here we break down the ins & outs of what it is, how to prevent it, and how to relieve it! Per usual, we get real candid about our own journeys with bloat and over share…but if our embarrassing stories help you resonate with feeling better about yourself and making changes to help your future gassy moments then so be it! Check out the reference links below to take a dive into the articles we read!


    Real Tip of the Day: Fiber Baby!

    If you haven’t started counting your fiber intake or just becoming aware of the amount of fiber you are getting in a day, we highly recommend you start! You will either be surprised at how on par you are with the recommended amount we should have or you are severely over/under. Either way, awareness is a great thing!

    Lets make it EXTRA! This Beat Is Automatic Supersonic, Probiotic Funky Fresh…

    Start adding some more probiotics in your life! Keep your system regular and support your immune system on this health journey!


    If you want to workout with us, at home or in person, check us out www.CFITfitness.com We would love to have you join the CFIT Community :)

    Follow us for updates, inspiration, and ridiculousness!

    F2BR Insta: https://www.instagram.com/fittoberealpodcast/

    CFIT Insta: https://www.instagram.com/cfitfitness/

    CFIT Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cfitfitness/

    CFIT Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@cfitfitness?lang=en

    Watch us on our Youtube Live! Channel

    Email us! [email protected]

    **For legal reasons we have to tell you that this podcast is meant for entertainment and educational purposes only. we are not health care professionals. For all of your health, wellness, fitness, and self-care needs please refer to the medical professional in your life. Your primary care physician, your therapist, a certified coach whoever it may be…and then let us know what they say because I guarantee we need to know it too, ok?! okbye.


    https://www.slidellmemorial.org/blog/fight-that-post-holiday-bloat, Slidell Memorial Hospital

    https://www.osfhealthcare.org/blog/why-youre-bloated-and-how-to-get-fast-relief/, OSF Healthcare

  • 102: It is hard to believe we are just about a week into 2025! Time is wild. We had this chat last year about the ins and outs of our hopes for the year, so we are making it a tradition and encourage you to do the same! Mapping out how you want your year to look is a sure fire way to manifest the goods and eliminate the bad…you know what we mean ;) —————

    Real Tip of the Day: Do It To It!

    Make this list of 5 (or 6) ins and 5 (or 6) outs for your year ahead. Become aware of what you want and then go from there!

    Lets make it EXTRA! Work it!

    Do the work! Write it down and then put it to action! Decide this is the year for actual change, but you can’t just think it…you have to work!


    If you want to workout with us, at home or in person, check us out www.CFITfitness.com We would love to have you join the CFIT Community :)

    Follow us for updates, inspiration, and ridiculousness!

    Instagram: @fittoberealpodcast Instagram/Facebook/Tik Tok @cfitfitness Watch us on our Youtube Live! Channel Email us! [email protected]

  • You can go watch this chat LIVE!! on our Youtube Channel: Fit To Be Real & A Little Extra! We are super pumped to start this new venture, of course we have no idea what we’re doing, but it will all work out nonetheless. You get to be with us from day 1 as we evolve in this video journey. Todays chat is a mix of introducing the pod couch and also a breakdown of what your clothing choices say about you psychologically. Makes a lot of sense to us!

    We have to give a big shout out to our new, didn’t ask for this title, Producer…Pedro! Without him we would be a lot slower with this process and thank goodness he is the most patient man ever to deal with the both of us :)

    Cheers to the first inside look…don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel and tune in!


    If you want to workout with us, at home or in person, check us out www.CFITfitness.com We would love to have you join the CFIT Community :)

    Follow us for updates, inspiration, and ridiculousness!

    *Instagram: @fittoberealpodcast

    *Instagram/Facebook/Tik Tok @cfitfitness

    *Watch us on our Youtube Live! Channel

    *Email us! [email protected]

  • We can not believe we have kept this podcast up for one hundred weeks straight. Who knew it was going to be such a journey and something we never want to stop doing. Thank you to all of our listeners who tune in every week, who write in, who tell us that they completely relate to the self-care struggles, weight struggles, motivation struggles and happiness struggles. The whole point of starting this weekly chat was to let everyone know that they aren’t alone trying to figure this whole life thing out. We’re all in this learning together, and sometimes the best thing to do for it is laugh. Making laughter a part of our weeks has completely shifted our outlooks! We hope yours as well. So, thank YOU for staying with us and riding the wave together!

    This chat is our first Instagram LIVE! Announcing BIG news coming up in the next 100 episodes! Go on Instagram to watch it!


    If you want to workout with us, at home or in person, check us out www.CFITfitness.com We would love to have you join the CFIT Community :)

    Follow us for updates, inspiration, and ridiculousness!

    Instagram: @fittoberealpodcast Instagram/Facebook/Tik Tok @cfitfitness Email us! [email protected]

  • The winter/holiday season is always crazy busy no matter what you celebrate. There is something about the schedules getting jam packed with parties, end-of-the-year obligations, work requirements, etc. They get jam packed and stressful. The last thing you feel you have time for is time to take care of yourself. You’re fatigued, you’re overwhelmed, you’re overstimulated and the last time you went to the gym was before Halloween. Carly has some great advice and tips to keep your MOJO up in the gym and your health journey.

    You can do this! Take the time to listen to the whole episode and get your motivations groove going through the holidays and into the New Year!


    If you want to workout with us, at home or in person, check us out www.CFITfitness.com We would love to have you join the CFIT Community :)

    Follow us for updates, inspiration, and ridiculousness!

    Instagram: @fittoberealpodcast Instagram/Facebook/Tik Tok @cfitfitness Email us! [email protected]

  • Things you didn’t know you needed to know about shopping, Amazon, the answer to where “away” is once it is deemed trash, and so much more. Victoria had the time to watch Buy Now! The Shopping Conspiracy on Netflix and boy is it a doozy. It made such an impact that this whole episode was meant to break it down and encourage you to watch it yourself. So much damage, in more ways than one, is happening every time we click the “Buy Now” button and add items to our carts. The goal is that we will think twice before purchasing something new, maybe fix what isn’t permanently broken and save a little bit of the future one thing at a time! We are in a season of shopping, lets return it to the season of giving! Check out this documentary below as soon as you have a minute to put down the shopping bags.


    If you want to workout with us, at home or in person, check us out www.CFITfitness.com We would love to have you join the CFIT Community :)

    Follow us for updates, inspiration, and ridiculousness!

    Instagram: @fittoberealpodcast Instagram/Facebook/Tik Tok @cfitfitness Email us! [email protected]


    Buy Now! The Shopping Conspiracy, Netflix

  • Make sure to listen to the end for some Bloops! Sometimes you think you have it all together, and sometimes life throws you so many curve balls you have no choice but to go with the flow and hope for the best. This holiday week was a cornucopia of life getting in the way…so today’s episode is brought to you by spontaneity and a prayer…but we did it! Lucky for us all Billy Mayo was in town and willing to be thrown to the wolves for 20 Questions Game and a few laughs. We highly suggest you gather your friends and family and play some games of your own! We’re always down for a game night and this one we just happened to share with “the world.” We hope you laugh and smile today!!


    If you want to workout with us, at home or in person, check us out www.CFITfitness.com We would love to have you join the CFIT Community :)

    Follow us for updates, inspiration, and ridiculousness!

    Instagram: @fittoberealpodcast Instagram/Facebook/Tik Tok @cfitfitness Email us! [email protected]

  • Happy Thanksgiving 2024! It is hard to believe this holiday has come back around again, but here we are! If you are hosting this week…or host any type of gathering where organization is needed then we have the timeline to a stress free and fully prepared hosting experience! And seeing as tensions feel as though they are higher than ever in the world right now and in families or any circle really, we have a list of things you may just want to avoid bringing up this holiday season. Why not enjoy our loved ones without expectations, judgements, debates, etc. Its always nice to get the reminder so we have got you covered!


    Real Tip of the Day: Organization Station!

    Keep yourself organized this holiday season!

    Lets make it EXTRA! B-Y-O

    Bring your own Tupperware to get your leftovers at the end of your meal and save yourself from the host’s responsibility to return to you!


    If you want to workout with us, at home or in person, check us out www.CFITfitness.com We would love to have you join the CFIT Community :)

    Follow us for updates, inspiration, and ridiculousness!

    Instagram: @fittoberealpodcast Instagram/Facebook/Tik Tok @cfitfitness Email us! [email protected]

  • Bridget Clawson hold many titles: BSN, RN, Yoga teacher, concert goer, beach babe and what we are chatting her up about today…Death Doula. She has a fabulous perspective on what she experiences on the hospital floors with her medicinal knowledge and her spiritual background of the Yoga teachings…she mixes the two to help aid her ability to help her patients and the families that surround them in every phase of healing. After this chat we firmly believe that Bridget is a healer and her purpose is in learning about people and guiding them to peace in any way she feels she is able. We want to give a big thanks to Bridget for taking time on her day off to come in and talk with us about such a solemn topic and for giving us so much logic and hope about it. Check out the links below that she has graciously shared with us!


    Real Tip of the Day: Allow yourself to feel your grief for as long as you need to.

    Let's make it EXTRA! Go to therapy, Carly.


    If you want to workout with us, at home or in person, check us out www.CFITfitness.com We would love to have you join the CFIT Community :)

    Follow us for updates, inspiration, and ridiculousness!

    Instagram: @fittoberealpodcast Instagram/Facebook/Tik Tok @cfitfitness Email us! [email protected]


    Honoring Bridget R Clawson, RN, The Daisy Foundation

    Words of Wisdom From Bridget Clawson

  • Melatonin is something we have always heard about for sleep aid, but what is it really? Do we produce it naturally? Why do our levels rise and drop? Can we supplement to help with those melatonin levels? We cover all of this so that we can all create a more beautiful night’s sleep. If we all sleep well, we will all be kinder and if we are kinder the world will be that much better. Good sleep is the answer to most of our world’s issues. Check out the reference links below for a deeper dive!


    Real Tip of the Day: Make Your Room Your Sanctuary!

    Build the dream room of quite literally….your dreams! Whether it is your bed, bedding, curtains, alarm clock….do something your room that will help your deep sleep!

    Lets make it EXTRA! Night Time Is The Right Time

    Try a sleep aid WITHOUT melatonin. MoonBrew is a hot cocoa sleep and recovery supplement. It is a calm and gentle magnesium sleep aid without melatonin. 60 day guarantee!


    If you want to workout with us, at home or in person, check us out www.CFITfitness.com We would love to have you join the CFIT Community :)

    Follow us for updates, inspiration, and ridiculousness!

    Instagram: @fittoberealpodcast Instagram/Facebook/Tik Tok @cfitfitness Email us! [email protected]


    5 min Understanding Melatonin, Zero To Finals; YouTube TV

    Everything You Need To Know, VIVARAYS

  • Everyone needs to let out a little steam about things that bug them every once in a while….but when it is a frequent occurrence is it still called venting? We learned that is what is called Emotional Dumping! Who knew?! We chat through the difference between Emotional Dumping and Healthy Venting….because they are very different. The we rattle off 10 things we just can not stand and need to get off our chests…we think you can relate in these thoughts so that we can collectively let it out and then let it go! Acceptance after the fact is what makes it healthy!


    If you want to workout with us, at home or in person, check us out www.CFITfitness.com We would love to have you join the CFIT Community :)

    Follow us for updates, inspiration, and ridiculousness!

    Instagram: @fittoberealpodcast Instagram/Facebook/Tik Tok @cfitfitness Email us! [email protected]

  • ’Tis the season for candy being on sale at the stores, festive parties with treats, taking some bites of your kid’s Halloween candy bags….we all know this too well and feel the after affects from indulging too much. But what really is inflammation? Can we help our bodies with specific foods or diet? What does sugar really do to our bodies? And even worse, our brains? We all joke that some foods, primarily sugars, are addicting….but is it really? We tackle all of these questions in Episode 92….because…. “the more you know!”


    If you want to workout with us, at home or in person, check us out www.CFITfitness.com We would love to have you join the CFIT Community :)

    Follow us for updates, inspiration, and ridiculousness!

    Instagram: @fittoberealpodcast Instagram/Facebook/Tik Tok @cfitfitness Email us! [email protected]

  • It’s that time of year again when you reflect on your many trips around the sun…birthday time! Hopefully you learn something from them, hopefully you put those lessons into action…either way it's all about growth! Carly turns 39 (providing 9 lessons) TODAY and Victoria turns 36 (providing 6 lessons) in the next two weeks…listen in on what has come up new this past year and what have resurfaced…lessons tend to stick around until they are truly learned, so you’ll hear how human and normal that really is.


    Real Tip of the Day: Do it!

    Take time to reflect on your years at your birthday or maybe just do it now! It’s amazing how much you realize without even knowing it!

    Lets make it EXTRA! No, really. Do it!

    It’s not tricky….just get it done!


    If you want to workout with us, at home or in person, check us out www.CFITfitness.com We would love to have you join the CFIT Community :)

    Follow us for updates, inspiration, and ridiculousness!

    Instagram: @fittoberealpodcast Instagram/Facebook/Tik Tok @cfitfitness Email us! [email protected]

  • It feels like there is tragedy all around us at all times all over the world. Feeling hopeless and helpless is a very common emotional response. We just had a local tragedy at our childhood grade school, St. Francis of Assisi, when it was engulfed in flames and burnt down. While everyone got out safely, the weight of distress is heavy in our community. With disaster comes community, hope, love, and action….and that is what we wanted to talk about! How can we help? How can we efficiently lend a hand or a heart to those in need? What are the best ways to show we care? Tune in for all of these answers…and of course, a little humor ;) If you want to donate to any cause, volunteer in any way, or start the process for yourself on how to feel hopeful in a hopeless situation…CHECK OUT THE REFERENCE LINKS BELOW that will direct you to amazing organizations already in the fight for humanity.


    If you want to workout with us, at home or in person, check us out www.CFITfitness.com We would love to have you join the CFIT Community :)

    Follow us for updates, inspiration, and ridiculousness!

    Instagram: @fittoberealpodcast Instagram/Facebook/Tik Tok @cfitfitness Email us! [email protected]


    Serving People, Pets, & Planet, Greater Good Org.

    Disaster Relief , American Red Cross

    Assistance After Disaster, FEMA

    Global Health & Humanitarian Organization , Project Hope

  • It is officially Spooky Season and we SO here for it! This season brings so many exciting things like pumpkins, sweaters, cold mornings, and the main topic of today’s chat….all things scary! Horror movies, thrillers. Haunted houses, and friendly prank scares…we all react to them differently. There is a reason why some of us love the rush and some of us absolutely stay away from them all. Which one are you?? We talk through all of the physical symptoms our bodies go through when reacting to fear and why highly sensitive people just can’t handle the heat. Check out the reference links for more!


    If you want to workout with us, at home or in person, check us out www.CFITfitness.com We would love to have you join the CFIT Community :)

    Follow us for updates, inspiration, and ridiculousness!

    Instagram: @fittoberealpodcast Instagram/Facebook/Tik Tok @cfitfitness

    Email us! [email protected]


    Why We Like Scary, Washington Post

    Why We Love True Crime, NY Post

    Spooky Science of Horror Movies, Inspire Mind

    Love Horror Movies, Psych Central