
  • Allow life to flourish in the realm of Ratnasambhava. Garavavati explores the symbols, wisdom and transformational power of the yellow Buddha in the southern realm of the Five Buddha Mandala. This talk was given on London Buddhist Centre’s Winter Retreat, 2022.


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  • Akshobhya: Transforming Hatred Into the Mirror-Like Wisdom

    Under hatred lies fear, under fear there is compassion. Vajrapriya shares something of the symbolism of Akshobhya and talks about how we bring the mirror-like wisdom into our daily lives. This talk was given at Birmingham Buddhist Centre, 2019.


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  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • A clear and passionate talk, looking at bodhicitta and its twin aspects of love and letting go: wisdom and compassion. Maitrisiddhi explores the role of paradox and how we need to 'hold two necessary ideas together' without polarising between them. Given at Taraloka Retreat Centre as part of the Taraloka & Tiratanaloka online Great Gathering weekend, for women training for ordination and Order Members, 2021.


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  • In his first talk on Shantideva's Bodhicaryavatara Padmavajra speaks of Sangharakshita's evocation of the Bodhicitta. He goes on to talk about his discovery of the Bodhicarayavatara and what is known of the life of Shantideva. The main part of the talk is Padmavajra's discussion of some of the verses of the first chapter of the Bodhicaryavatara, especially of verse ten, in which the Bodhicitta is likened to the highly potent quicksilver elixir of the alchemist, capable of transforming the worst of things into the Bodhicitta. Talk given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre as part of the series Shantideva's Bodhicaryavatara, 2020.


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  • Vessantara offers an introduction to the origin of the Bodhicitta in the brahma viharas, moves on from the blue sky to the refuges and an exploration of the view of scientific materialism. This talk was given in 2020 at Adhisthana as part of the series The Bodhicitta Practice which includes many led meditation practices.


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  • Balajit starts by exploring different perspectives on what is the body and how limited views can limit our practice. He shares his own journey of discovery around what the body is, particularly during his years living at Vajraloka Retreat Centre. The talk then looks at what it might mean for the body to be truly, profoundly and deeply at peace with itself. Given at Manchester Buddhist Centre, 2017.


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  • Singhashri reminds us of Bhante's emphasis on the development of the true individual, positive group and spiritual community. She then links an embodied and relational approach to our individual and collective going for refuge, encouraging us to explore how a direct experience of safety, dignity and belonging in the sangha might support collective awakening. She ends by sharing specific ways we may practice "somatic going for refuge" which she describes as not a new level of going for refuge, but rather a way of practicing that we can "needle through" our lives from provisional to cosmic going forth. This talk was given at the June 2024 Women's Area Order Weekend themed “I am because we are.”


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  • Here Ratnadharini takes us a little closer into the whole, often misunderstood area of karma in Buddhist thinking. She draws out the important details of the process that we call 'actions and consequences' - but her emphasis is always on putting what we learn into practice in real life, with other real people.

    The fourth talk in a five-part series The Four Mind-Turning Reflections of the Tibetan tradition given at Tiratanaloka Retreat Centre, 2005.


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  • Reflecting on her response to Bhante Sangharakshita’s death, Khemasuri celebrates the gratitude she feels for what she has learned in her Dharma practice, partciluarly the ability to open up and turn towards what is difficult in a very real way. This is a series of talks and practices from the Four Reminders Retreat at Taraloka Retreat Centre, November, 2018.


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  • The first of a series on the 4 reminders, given live at the North London Buddhist Centre, 12 Sept 2020. 1. Our life as a human being is a precious opportunity. 2. Everything changes, and death is inevitable, so don’t lose your opportunities. 3. You do make a difference, the way you live and act now will change the future for yourself and for the world. 4. Ordinary habitual or self-centred life is a trial for everyone, so live a meaningful life, take your opportunities, make a difference! Everyone can liberate themselves. What is so special about human awareness, and what particular advantages make it 'precious'? Ratnaprabha shows how we can see the huge value of what life is offering right now, and take this opportunity to commit to practice. Talk given at North London Buddhist Centre, 2020.


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  • The human body, at peace with itself, Is more precious than the rarest gem. Cherish your body - it is yours this time only. The human form is won with difficulty, It is easy to lose. All worldly things are brief, Like lightning in the sky; This life you must know As the tiny splash of a raindrop; A thing of beauty that disappears Even as it comes into being. Therefore set your goal; Make use of every day and night To achieve it. With these inspiring words as a starting point, Sanghagita explores the practice of The Four Reminders, the preliminary practice of the Mind Training. How would we act in every ordinary moment if we were Enlightened? How can we act to be more Enlightened? This powerful, pithy teaching tells us how to do just that.

    Talk given at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 2024.


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  • What does it take to create a context which allows people to experience meaning? Saddhanandi looks how sangha is created through meaningful, authentic friendships and communication. The talk includes references to her interviews about poetry with Sangharakshita. This talk was given at Cardiff Buddhist Centre, 2023.


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  • “Happy indeed we live, friendly amid the haters. Among those who hate we dwell free from hate. Happy indeed we live, healthy amid the sick. Among those who are sick we dwell free from sickness. Happy indeed we live, content amid the greedy. Among those who are greedy we dwell free from greed.” (The Dhammapada, chapter 14, ‘Happiness’, verses 197-199). Ratnaghosha explores the Buddha’s vision of spiritual community as it is expressed in three verses of the Dhammapada. This is a comprehensive survey of the Buddha's teaching but is also replete with practical advice about how we might apply this to our lives today - and finishes on a very encouraging note. Talk given at the Dublin Buddhist Centre, 2024.


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  • In a life well lived there is a conscious search for meaning. Suryagupta reflects on the Buddha’s (and our own!) Noble Quest. This talk was given as a part of the LBC Winter Retreat 2023, following the Buddha's This talk was given at London Buddhist Centre as part of the series The Noble Quest, 2023.


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  • Jnanadhara explores the meaning of inspiration and its importance in the Dharmalife. He makes some general observations about the nature of inspiration, discusses the three kinds of faith, and concludes by talking about The Buddha as a source of inspiration. This talk was given at Adhisthana as part of the series Changemakers Weekend: Passing on the Flame, 2024.


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  • ‘Just as I love and cherish my body, which is divided into many limbs, so I should love and cherish this whole world, which is divided into many beings.’ So says Shantideva in his famous ‘Guide to the Path of Awakening’. In this talk Vadanya will explore what Shantideva tells us about the wisdom teaching of ‘anatman’ – often translated as ‘no-self’ – and look at how this apparently negative doctrine opens up a positive and inspiring vision of connectedness. Given at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 2024.


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  • On a warm spring day, under the overhanging branches of the Sycamore tree in the Buddhist Centre garden, Parami richly evokes Gautama's quest, realisation, and their relevance for today's world. This talk was given on Buddha Day at the Birmingham Buddhist Centre, 2010.


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  • Nagasiddhi traces the period after the Buddha’s going forth: as he masters meditation then turns towards extreme asceticism in his quest to overcome dukkha. Having taken himself to the brink of death, the Buddha-to-be finally realises that he must find his own ‘middle way’ to liberation. This talk is part of the series In the Footsteps of the Buddha given during a Buddhist Centre Online home retreat, 2021. This magical week-long retreat explores the images, myths and symbols of the Buddha’s journey to awakening using dharma talks, meditation, storytelling, puppetry and art. Visit 'In the Footsteps of the Buddha' for more resources from this retreat: https://thebuddhistcentre.com/footsteps


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  • Amitasuri explores what can happen when faced with well-being, illness, ageing and death, and looks at how the Dharma might influence our response. Amitasuri takes her Dharma practice to her work as a Buddhist Hospital Chaplain, where she supports health and well-being through pastoral, religious and spiritual care for staff, patients and their families in a number of hospitals in Greater Manchester. This talk was given at Manchester Buddhist Centre, 2015.


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  • After an account of the Buddha's life, Sangharakshita asks how, if at all, such a man can be defined or categorised. This talk was given in 1968 as part of the series Introducing the Three Jewels of Buddhism


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