Abiola talks about her story of struggling with same sex attraction and becoming free of that struggle. Enjoy!
Ablo Convos - Anchor
Ablo Convos - Apple Podcast
Colours of Grace - Rainbow By Pastor Mayowa Sani of Celebration Church Abuja
It's so easy to get caught up in the rat race of working to prove you're worth to the world. How many followers do I have? How many likes does this post have? How many streams can my song get? What can I do to climb the success ladder? How can I get people to accept me? While having goals isn't bad, being obsessed with productivity that it seeps into your relationship with God is a bad thing. In this episode, we get a glimpse of God plan for us, created to rest.
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One of my favourite authors and theologian is Charles Spurgeon. So as a bonus episode each month this year, I will read one of his writings just to charge you up! Enjoy!
There a popular quote which says "Seeing is believing". In our kingdom, opposite is the case. Faith requires you believe in the word of God first. Thank God for experiences, but being grounded in what the word of God says over how you feel, your mistakes and past actions is a true path tp total freedom.
In this episode, we will take a look and learn from bible characters who believed before they saw!
One of my favourite authors and theologian is Charles Spurgeon. So as a bonus episode each month this year, I will read one of his writings just to charge you up! Enjoy!
Research has shown how destructive Porn is on our society as the human race. This fact is deduced from peer-reviewed research by world renowned scientists. Therefore this petition's goal is to:
1. Enforce porn industries to put a boldly written caveat on all porn related material warning the users of its detrimental effects. An example being "The federal ministry of health warns that smokers are liable to die young"
2. WHO to produce a Framework Convention on Porn control introducing tough sanctions on the Porn Industry.
Here are some of the many effects porn has on the society:
1. Leading cause of Sex trafficking.
2. Porn glorifies sexual abuse.
3. Porn can fuel sexually violent behaviour.
4. Teen and Child porn promotes child sexual exploitation.
5. Porn causes the watchers to view the opposite sex as sex objects.
6. Porn promotes toxic narratives like incest, racism, sexism, underaged teens being taken advantage of, rape, manipulation, etc.
7. Porn romanticises unhealthy relationships.
If it goes unchecked, porn WILL tear down the very fabric of our society.
Click the link below to sign the Porn Hurts petition!
https://chng.it/H5fqCMz6bG -
The freedom we have in Christ is powerful enough to pull down any addiction no matter how powerful they may seem. Press play and listen to Aziki as she shares her story of freedom from porn, masturbation and the damage rape causes.
Aziki's email is: azikiyaila@gmail.com and her instagram is Lovedfrombirth_
Reach out to me: freeindeedwithjosh@gmail.com
The long term solution to any addiction or sin issue isn't a more in-depth teaching on what sin is and what sin is not. True freedom doesn't start by trying to do, it begins by by truly understanding what has already been done. In this episode, we take a closer look at who the man in Christ really is and how she/he became a new creature!
The doubts men face when it comes to taking the next step to becoming family man are born out of a lack of knowledge about who is calling you to fill the role of husband and father. In this podcast, I share how to get anchored in him.
There is a huge difference between what God created to be enjoyed within the context of marriage, and the twisted cheap imitation the devil has created and saturated the world with. Press play!
Morality birthed from the Spirit is God's plan for his children. This spirit-born morality is what enables the believer who is in a constant struggle with habits to break free once and for all. In this episode, we expound on the need for Doctrine and Theology in the life of the believer and how they help your journey to total freedom.
If you would like to support the ministry, please send me an email at Jkesena@gmail.com. Thank you!!!
The Puppet Master Games: this is the constant battle in the mind between two forces, the Spirit and the Flesh. What the Spirit wants the flesh is against and what the flesh wants the Spirit is against. The referee? You! You decide who wins. The winner gets to majorly influence your actions, words, and thoughts. Who will you give control to today, The Spirit or the Flesh?
On my journey to total freedom from sexual immorality issues and addictions, I realized a key tool that Temptation uses to influence my actions -Emotions. In this episode, we explore how emotions influence our actions and how to stop them.
One key thing that will help addictions is a good understanding of The New Creature created in Christ, you. This new creature is Alien to the principles and workings of this world. In this episode, we will take a closer look at who the man in Christ is born to be.
The best way to win any fight is to understand how your opponent thinks. Understanding how the evil one tempts is a major key to overcoming every temptation he throws our way. In this episode, I uncover the evil one's biggest tool of deceit: The Power of Imagination.
Every Addict, or anyone who has ever struggled with habits, has this question at the back of their minds; "Will I ever overcome this?". In this episode, I let the man who killed death answer this age-old question.
If love is to lead, then we as saints have to do better to those who are still growing from where we came from. In this episode, examples of emotional intelligence are taken from scripture.
According to the World Health Organization Close to 800,000 people die due to suicide every year. This means one person commits suicide every 40 seconds. Suicidal thoughts are a by-product of depression which is a result of being unable to process and handle tough situations. Every human goes through tough times and this includes Believers, how we handle these tough times is what makes the difference. In this episode, JoDeep and I have an honest conversation on the symptoms, causes, and solutions to depression and suicidal thoughts.
What forms our opinions on sex? The media or the word? In this episode, I unveil the Evil One's long term plan of using movies, music, and porn to ruin one of God's awesome gifts to man, sex.
One Man's Journey from Addict to Free Indeed caused by a vision of the Love of Jesus.
Track: Sunflower — Soyb [Audio Library Release]
Is the Butterfly Effect Real? - Trace Dominguez of Dnews
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