Freed Up is so grateful to have served the podcast community over the last few years. We're continuing the journey...in so many different ways. Tune in to hear how!
If you or someone you know is having thoughts of taking your life by suicide, know that you are loved and precious to God and to so many others even when it doesn't feel like it. Help is available to you!
Simply dial or text 988, the suicide hotline, and a caring person will be read to talk with you.
Remember, all of you, that you do not walk this path alone. I am walking right alongside you, as well as the rest of the Freed Up Friends. Don't ever forget...God loves you! I love you! And make sure you take care of YOU!
Blessings always,
Tina Robertson, LCSW-S
Freed Up podcast host -
The holiday season can feel like a mixed bag. Some look forward to this time of year, others want to wish it away. No matter which end of the spectrum you find yourself, or if you are somewhere in between, know that you can experience some peace and joy during this time...listen in to this episode to find out how!
Remember, you do not walk this path alone. I am walking right alongside you as well as the rest of the Freed Up friends. Don't forget...God loves you! I love you! And make sure you take care of YOU!
Peace & Wellness,
Tina L. Robertson, LCSW-S
Freed Up podcast host -
Manglende episoder?
I love the quote from Jack Welch that says "Change before you have to".
I'm so glad that Freed Up is talking about change...it's the only constant in life, right? Tune in to this brief episode to hear all about what change means for us in the days ahead.
As always, remember, you do not walk this path alone. I am walking right alongside you as well as the rest of the Freed Up Friends. And don't forget...God love you! I love you! And make sure you take care of YOU!
Peace and Wellness,
Tina L. Robertson, LCSW-S
Freed Up podcast host
We each must forge our own individual path toward healing, yet we can all tap into some core strategies that will help us find the renewal and peace that God has appropriated for us.
Tune in to hear 7 faith principles that will guide you on your healing path.
Remember, you do not walk this path alone. I am walking right alongside you as well as the rest of the Freed Up Friends. And don't forget...God loves you! I love you! And make sure you take care of YOU!
Peace and Wellness,
Tina Robertson, LCSW-S
Freed Up Podcast Host -
Regarding shame in our lives, could it be that we're missing a hidden culprit? Have we truly centered that needing forgiveness is a significantly influential factor in all of this. And often when we think of forgiveness, right off the top, we zero in on forgiving someone else. But as it relates to shame, often we have some work to do around forgiveness for ourselves.
Take a listen in...this one is so freeing!
And remember, you do not walk this path alone. I am walking right alongside you, as well as the rest of the Freed Up Friends. And don't forget...God loves you! I love you! And make sure you take care of YOU!
Peace & Wellness,
Tina L. Robertson, LCSW-S
Freed Up Podcast Host -
Whose words are guiding your thinking and your living? What are you speaking to yourself, about yourself and over yourself? Sometimes, the words spoken over us in our earliest experiences and over the course of our lifetimes are subconsciously affecting our ability to live our best lives! How do you shift shame? Shift your words. This episode gives you exactly the tools to do just that!
And remember, you do not walk this path alone. I am walking right alongside you as well as the rest of the Freed Up Friends. Don't forget...God loves you! I love you! And make sure you take care of YOU!
Peace and Wellness,
Tina L. Robertson, LCSW-S
Freed Up Podcast Host -
If you could sit down right now with an autobiographer, what would you tell them? Often we are living with and living our shame stories until we begin to shift the shame from our lives. One way we do that is to re-story our shame narratives. This is how we experience healing and restoration. Listen in to this episode as Freed Up shares various shame stories we tell ourselves and one key strategy that begins the restoring/re-storying process!
For any questions on this episode or to share any feedback or your own re-storying process, reach out to us at connect@freefilledfavored.com.
And remember, you do not walk this path alone. I am walking right alongside you as well as the rest of the Freed Up Friends. And don't forget...God loves you! I love you! And make sure you take are of YOU!
Peace & Wellness,
Tina L. Robertson, LCSW-S
Freed Up Podcast Host -
Can shame be positive in any way? How does shame from childhood show up in our adult relationships? What does it mean to rewrite a shame story?
This episode is answering questions you've been wondering about. Tune in to hear the answers from a faith and mental perspective.
Disclaimer: Freed Up's podcast content provides general psychoeducation about various MH challenges and applies a faith perspective. For in-depth therapeutic insights and support for your personal situation and/or mental health challenges and needs, please seek out a licensed and trained professional, therapist, counselor or coach. If you need assistance connecting to a resource, please reach out to Freed Up via email: connect@freefilledfavored..com.
We are also available to pray for you if you would like to submit a request to us.
And remember, you do not walk this path alone. I am walking right alongside you, as well as the rest of the Freed Up Friends. And don't forget: God loves you! I love you! And make sure you take care of YOU!
Peace & Wellness,
Tina L. Robertson, LCSW-S
Freed Up Host -
To shift the shame, we have to shift our way of thinking. But how do we pull up the roots that feel firmly planted down in our minds because of shame? Listen in to find out about some of the unhelpful and negative thinking patterns that we often battle in our minds and one key strategy for making the shift!
If you have a question about shifting shame that you'd like answered in our upcoming Cue & Aye episode, please send it to: connect@freefilledfavored.com.
And as always, you do not walk this path alone. I am walking right alongside as well as the rest of the Freed Up friends. And don't forget...God loves you! I love you! And make sure you take care of YOU!
Peace & Wellness,
Tina L. Robertson, LCSW-S
Freed Up podcast host -
Years of shame spiraling take time for rewiring. But the time to start is NOW! This is the episode to make sure you bring your journals and your best listening ear. We're highlighting four basic strategies/steps for uprooting the shame that has hung around in our lives and held us back far too long! Take a listen and plan to get 'Freed Up'!
If you have a question about shame that you would like answered on our 'Cue & Aye' episode, please send it to connect@freefilledfavored.com. We'll be happy to address it for you and the listening audience.
Remember, you do not walk this path alone. I am walking right alongside you as well as the rest of the Freed Up Friends. And don't forget...God loves you! I love you! And make sure you take care of YOU!
Peace & Wellness,
Tina L. Robertson, LCSW-S
Freed Up Podcast Host -
The emotion of shame can have a profound effect on our daily lives and particularly relationships. This episode discusses the definition of shame, four major contributors to its development in our lives, and how those factors impact our thinking and behavior and prevents us from living life from the vibrant and authentic essence of who we really are.
Pull up your seat and settle in for this one. So informative. So transformational!
If you have any feedback on this episode or others, would like to ask a question to be answered via email and or in an upcoming episode, please reach out to: connect@freefilledfavored.com.
As always, remember, you do not walk this path alone. I am walking right alongside you, as well as the rest of the Freed Up friends. God loves you! I love you! And make sure you take care of YOU!
Peace & Wellness,
Tina L. Robertson, LCSW-S
Freed Up Podcast Host
Shame is a common emotion that is largely responsible for many of our spiritual and mental health issues. It is often referred to as a self-conscious emotion. While it may be extremely difficult to recognize, it certainly is not shy about wreaking havoc in every area of our lives. If you we're going to get to the root of most mental health challenges, we'll need shift the shame that is underneath. This episode dives into the origin of shame starting from the spiritual/faith lens. This is one of the most important episodes to date, from Freed Up. Listen in from start to end!
As mentioned in the episode, here are two resources that will help you on your journey of understanding more about who God is.
1) Jeremiah, D. (2018). The God You May Not Know. Turning Point for God Publishers.
2) Perry, J. (2021). Holier Than Thou: How God's Holiness Helps Us Trust Him. B & H Publishing Group.
Please reach out to us if you have any questions on this episode or feedback to share. We'd love to hear from you. Send to: connect@freefilledfavored.com.
And as always, you do not walk this path alone. I am walking right alongside you as well as the rest of the Freed Up Friends. And don't forget...God loves you! I love you! And make sure you take care of YOU!
Peace & Wellness,
Tina L. Robertson, LCSW-S
Freed Up Host -
Schools and families have had a very rough last two years and this has created a need for significant relational care for them. Freed Up is excited to host Lisa V, a Licensed Social Worker who has over 25 years working with children and families to improve their psycho-social supports and mental health. As we take a break this summer and gear up for the upcoming school year, this episode is full of granular, easy-to-implement strategies for self-care for families and teachers alike.
If you would like more information about mental health support for schools or for yourself, please reach out to us: connect@freefilledfavored.com.
As always, you do not walk this path alone. I am walking right alongside you as well as the rest of the Freed Up friends. And don't forget...God loves you! I love you! And make sure you take care of YOU!
Peace & Wellness,
Tina L. Robertson, LCSW-S
Freed Up Host -
Part of sustaining our growth on the Freed Up journey includes reflecting and celebrating just how far we've come. It's important to take in the wins and remember all that we've given to the process. Listen in to this episode that highlights just how much we've accomplished so far this year. We're doing this together, y'all!
If you have any feedback you would like to share about your progress or have questions you would like answered on Freed Up or topics you would like to have covered, please reach out to us at: connect@freefilledfavored.com.
And remember...you do not walk this path alone! I am walking right alongside as well as the rest of the Freed Up Friends. God loves you! I love you! and make sure you take care of YOU!
Peace & Wellness,
Tina L. Robertson, LCSW-S
Freed Up podcast host -
We do get to choose what areas of beauty we will focus on as a priority! So, why not choose to give our most sincere efforts to developing inner beauty since it will never fade away, unlike external beauty?
This episode makes the case for centering internal beauty as the beauty gold standard. Listen in to this discussion with visiting Freed Up Friend ABY (Alicia) as we explore and explain more about the true beauty of a woman's character.
If you have thoughts to share or want to have a question answered on the podcast, please reach out to us at: connect@freefilledfavored.com. We are also available to pray for you if you are experiencing a particular area of struggle in your mental health or faith journey.
And as always, you do not walk this path alone. I am walking right alongside you, as well as the rest of the Freed Up friends. Don't forget...God loves you! I love you! And make sure you take care of YOU!
Peace & Wellness,
Tina L. Robertson, LCSW-S
Podcast Host -
External beauty, let’s face it, is big business in our culture today! And it is filtering over into every phase of our lives--even affecting our relationships. We are a society being lulled into expectations of external perfection. Recent studies have found that women are obsessed with their looks. And that obsession is fueling our anxiety, depression, comparisons and competition with others; increasing insecurity, jealousy, and elevating moments of and not so noticeable incidences of anger and resentment.
This episode invites each of us to think about how society's obsession with how we look is affecting our mental health and offers guidance on how to combat the pitfalls toward external perfection.
Freed Up would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Please email those to connect@freefilledfavored.com.
And remember, you do not walk this path alone. I am walking right alongside you, as well as the rest of the Freed Up friends. And don't forget...God loves you! I love you. And make sure you take care of YOU!
Peace & Wellness,
Tina L. Robertson, LCSW-S
Free Up Podcast Host -
With each topic series on Freed Up, we answer your (the listeners) questions. Tune in to learn more about what the Freed Up friends are curious about related to relationships.
If you have any feedback or questions on any content you have heard or would like to recommend future topics, please send those to: connect@freefilledfavored.com
And remember, you do not walk this path alone. I am walking right alongside you as well as all other Freed Up friends. Don't forget...God loves you! I love you. And make sure you take care of YOU!
Peace & Wellness,
Tina Robertson, LCSW-S
Freed Up Podcast Host -
Relationships take work! We are often learning how to be in them, love in them, and live within them. God never intended for us to do this on our own. He invites us into relationship with him FIRST...from there we learn how to be loved and how to give love. Have you said "yes" to God's invitation for relationship? Truly, it is the first and foundational path to living FREED UP! Listen in to learn more.
Please reach out to us at connect@freefilleldfavored.com to share your joys and challenges in your most meaningful relationships. We're here to support you...
And remember, you do not walk this path alone. I am walking right alongside you as well as the rest of the Freed Up Friends. And don't forget...God loves you! I love you. And make sure you take care of YOU!
Peace & Wellness,
Tina L. Robertson, LCSW-S
Freed Up Podcast Host -
All of us wants to understand more about ourselves and how we fit in relation to others. Arguably, the most useful resource in helping us with this is learning our attachment styles. Your attachment style was established through the relational interactions in your earliest life experiences with your parents or caregivers. These experiences primarily drive how we relate to others in our adult relationships.
This episode covers in detail the disorganized/fearful-avoidant attachment pattern and some general strategies for moving toward healthier relationships in our lives. This series is part of our year's focus on "making the investment" into healthier, happier relationships.
Tune in to get all the goods!
And remember, you do not walk this path alone. I am walking right alongside you, as well as the rest of the Freed Up Friends. And most of all, don't forget...God loves you! I love you! And make sure you take care of YOU!
Peace & Wellness,
Tina L. Roberson, LCSW-S
Freed Up podcast host -
The more we become aware of the role our early life experiences played in shaping us relationally, the more equipped we are to shift some of those patterns and behaviors that are creating challenges for us in our relationships. Avoidant attachment is an insecure attachment style that develops when a child's needs are ignored, dismissed and/or emotional expression is discouraged or even punished. In turn, they learn to depend on themselves and remain emotionally distant from others as a protective mechanism and a learned behavior.
The good news is that this attachment style is not a life-sentence. Through self-awareness, and practicing a few strategies that we talk about in this episode, anyone who with this relational pattern can begin to draw closer to others and feel more confident about their own emotional expression. Tune in to hear more!
Also, if you'd like to share feedback on this episode or this podcast or would like to request prayer, please reach out to connect@freefilledfavored.com.
As always, you do not walk this path alone. I am walking right alongside you, as well as the rest of the Freed Up Friends. Don't forget...God loves you! I love you. And make sure you take care of YOU!
Peace & Wellness,
Tina L. Robertson, LCSW-S
Freed Up Host - Vis mere