Let us dive into the world of corporate integrity, ethical leadership, and its success factors.
Without being sensitised, we quickly find ourselves surrounded by different patterns of white-collar crime, non-compliance, and cyber-crime.
Compressed knowledge in easily digestible doses to protect your company, your employees, your customers, and yourself - as a business leader or entrepreneur.
Are you a decision-maker? A game changer towards corporate integrity and ethical leadership?
The podcast The Human Factor - Corporate Integrity Matters is an extract of the three decades of experience earned by Sonja Stirnimann, a certified public accountant with an international Executive MBA in Financial Services and Insurance, a Certified Fraud Examiner, a business mediator, and executive coach.
As a globally active entrepreneur, founder of (Structuul)and (Corporate Integrity Concepts™), independent board member of various organisations and expert in her field, she knows the challenges. (Sonja) shares her knowledge because she is convinced that raising awareness is the most effective preventive measure to protect individuals and organisations asset and reputation.
No matter whether we talk about accounting scandals, insider trading, Ponzi schemes, investment fraud, compliance breaches, tax evasion, data theft, extortion, allegations of corruption and bribery, cyber-attacks, or a combination thereof. They all have in common that the successful implementation of the organisation’s strategy, the asset and reputation protection as well as the ability to act in crises is put at risk.
Let yourself be inspired by insights, interviews, and use cases in corporate integrity with its various factors impacting human behaviour. -
The Awake With Jake Show was created to help you break through your mental barriers, gain clarity and awaken your power so you can live a free and fulfilling life.
Join Jake as he dives into the nuances of masculine and feminine dynamics of dating and relationships to help you find deeper connection and understanding. -
Haftalık yayınlanan bu Podcast’de Zeki Eser ve Emel Caba; sizleri hayatın stresinden biraz olsun uzaklaştırmak, bilgi dağarcığınızı genişletmek, eğlenmek ve eğlendirmek amacıyla hiçbir şeyi ve her şeyi irdeleyecekler. Biraz ondan, biraz da bundan olsun diyorsanız, Organik Beyinler tam size göre...
„Tatort Deutschland“ ist der wöchentliche True Crime Podcast aus Deutschlands größter Polizeiredaktion. Farina Kirmse, Mirko Kasimir und Stefan Netzebandt präsentieren Morde, Serienverbrechen und Cold Cases aus der Nachrichtenredaktion von BILD - Deutschlands größter Zeitung. Unterstützt werden sie dabei von Polizeireportern, Redakteuren, Experten und Augenzeugen.
Vom Mord im Spandauer Forst über das Leichenpuzzle von Freckenhorst bis zu blutigen Rockerkriegen: „Tatort Deutschland“ erzählt spektakuläre Fälle ausführlich – aber ohne Geschwafel!
Jeden Dienstag gibt es eine neue Folge! Abonniere den Podcast auf Deiner Podcastplattform und verpasse so keine neue Folge mehr! -
Ortak dertlerimiz var. Hayatımızı anlamlı yaşamak istiyoruz. Fikirlerimizi hayata geçirmek istiyoruz. Değerli olmak ve değer üretmek istiyoruz. Kendimiz için doğru olan hayatı yaşamanın yollarından biri de girişimci olmak. Bu podcast serisinde kitaplardan beslenip, yönetim bilimleri, felsefe ve sanattan yola çıkarak bir yaşam felsefesi olarak girişimciliği anlamaya çalışacağız. Bir fikri hayata geçirmek isteyen herkese faydası olması dileğiyle.
Finansal Bağımsızlık yolunda atılması gereken adımları anlatan ve genel olarak mevcut finansal düzeni sorgulayan bir podcast.İletişimMail : borsadabirbasina@gmail.comTwitter :
On the SPEED CHANGE REPEAT podcast, Jonathan Pfaffenrot creates deep dives with some of the brightest minds on nerdy topics around entrepreneurship while geeking out on digital health, biohacking and the never ending quest of human self-optimization and balance. Sample conversations include inventors, billionaires, founders, athletes and researchers.
Farklı yollardan yürümüş özgün ve başarılı insanların hayata bakış açılarını, mental modellerini, rutinlerini, alışkanlıklarını, kişiliklerini/karakterlerini oluşturan hikayeleri dinliyoruz.
5 KİŞİ Podcast ismini Jim Rohn'un "Kendini en fazla ilişkilendirdiğin beş kişinin ortalamasısın." sözünden alıyor.
Daha fazla bilgi ve bütün podcast notları için: -
Jim Stengel, former CMO of the largest marketer in the world (Procter & Gamble), and now small company entrepreneur sits down for intimate conversations with the most dynamic CMOs from all over the industry. This is not your typical marketing podcast, this is a unique look at the thought process and motivation of the CMO. Jim, who put purpose on the map gets in depth with each guest to reveal more about this pivotal role every brand seeks to fill. Through personal and revealing discussions Jim and his guests paint a picture of this demanding position that very few understand, yet affects the entire consumer experience.
The CMO Podcast is sponsored by Deloitte and Flowcode.
Discord Grup Linki:
Startuplar ve freelance çalışanlar için iş geliştirme ve satışa giriş niteliği taşıyacak bu seride, satış dünyasının değişen dinamiklerine dair kısa değerlendirmelerde bulunup, hem satış profesyonellerinin hem de satış temelli olmayan kurucuların faydalanabileceği bilgiler paylaşacağım. -