
  • Planet Earth is beautiful, but she's suffering. We're polluting ecosystems. Displacing people because of climate change. And we're seeing species disappearing every day at alarming rates. This needs to stop.

    In this episode of Future Future, hosts Phnam and Mardis Bagley cover the myths and misconceptions around the word, "sustainability," and instead advocate for regeneration. Then, they'll share how good design can influence major positive change.

    This podcast is brought to you by Nonfiction, a design firm based in San Francisco, USA. To learn more about what we do, visit us at www.nonfiction.design.


    Adrienne Ciuffo, Producer

    Cat Ganson, Editor

    Fifile Nguyen, Marketing

    #design #cradletocradle #circulardesign

  • It is estimated that by 2058 the Earth will have 10 billion people on it. How will those humans survive and thrive?

    This latest episode of Future Future, starring futurists Mardis Bagley and Phnam Bagley, talks about what behaviors, activities, and technologies keep people healthy today, and what transformative technologies scientists and technologists are developing to turn us into superhumans in the near future.

    This podcast is brought to you by Nonfiction, a design firm based in San Francisco, USA. To learn more about what we do, visit us at www.nonfiction.design.


    Adrienne Ciuffo, Producer

    Cat Ganson, Editor

    Fifile Nguyen, Marketing

    #transformativetechnology #humanbody #healthcare #futureofhealthcare #healthandwellness #CRISPR #prosthetics

  • Manglende episoder?

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  • Life today can often feel daunting. How can we find balance? One way is to identify our life's purpose and trigger a cycle of abundance.

    In this episode of Future Future, hosts Mardis Bagley and Phnam Bagley emphasize the importance of abundance and resilience mindsets. They explain that these mindsets help individuals thrive, and how they in turn enable collective societies to thrive. Practices like ikigai and using transformative technologies can help people get there. Learn more by watching this latest episode.

    This podcast is brought to you by Nonfiction, a design firm based in San Francisco, USA. To learn more about what we do, visit us at www.nonfiction.design.


    Adrienne Ciuffo, Producer

    Cat Ganson, Editor

    Fifile Nguyen, Marketing

  • Most people might think design for disability equals medical devices that do the job. But it's so much more than that. Today's great innovators are thinking differently about who to design for, and what they actually need: dignity, taste, look, motivation, even pride.

    Designing for disability is a process that involves human-centered design research, material science, machine learning and AI, and so much more. And it actually benefits all of us. Find out what we mean in this latest episode of Future Future with hosts Phnam Bagley and Mardis Bagley.

    This podcast is brought to you by Nonfiction, a design firm based in San Francisco, USA. To learn more about what we do, visit us at www.nonfiction.design.


    Adrienne Ciuffo, Producer

    Cat Ganson, Editor

    Fifile Nguyen, Marketing

  • We need air, water, and food to survive. Unfortunately, the 7+ billion people on this planet today don't have access to these essentials.

    In this episode, hosts Phnam and Mardis Bagley share how good design, how good science, and how good technology working together can help us create of a future where we can all breathe, eat, and drink water safely. They talk about how humans have survived in the past, what we're seeing in the present, and how near-future innovations are going to transform how we live on Earth and beyond.

    This podcast is brought to you by Nonfiction, a design firm based in San Francisco, USA. To learn more about what we do, visit us at www.nonfiction.design.


    Adrienne Ciuffo, Producer

    Cat Ganson, Editor

    Fifile Nguyen, Marketing

  • Pre-historic humans designed the sewing needle to survive the elements, and started planting crops to feed their growing tribes. Today, we have customized transformative technology to help us perform better, like the Oura Ring and Fitbit. And soon, we'll have AI and machine learning powered technology to help us become even healthier and happier.

    In this episode of Future Future, hosts Phnam and Mardis Bagley talk about the past, present, and future of designing for humanity. They'll share how Nonfiction is working to solve problems having to do with longevity, health, wellness, comfort, and equality, and how important it is to make sure designed innovations are accessible to all.

    This podcast is brought to you by Nonfiction, a design firm based in San Francisco, USA. To learn more about what we do, visit us at www.nonfiction.design.


    Adrienne Ciuffo, Producer

    Cat Ganson, Editor

    Fifile Nguyen, Marketing

  • Design is powerful. But if you're not designing to positively impact humans and the environment, then you shouldn't be designing.

    At Nonfiction, we think about systems around the product that we design. Where do the materials come from? How are they being transformed? How do they impact the lives of the people they're designed for? What happens after you throw them away?

    Season two of Future Future is here, and in this episode you'll hear hosts Mardis and Phnam Bagley talk about how Nonfiction is working to design a world where people and ecosystems thrive.

    This podcast is brought to you by Nonfiction, a design firm based in San Francisco, USA. To learn more about what we do, visit us at www.nonfiction.design.


    Adrienne Ciuffo, Producer

    Cat Ganson, Editor

    Fifile Nguyen, Marketing

  • "What exactly does Nonfiction do?" is a question we hear often. We merge science, technology, business, art, and design to create solutions that put our clients at the forefront of their industries, from healthcare to aerospace to consumer electronics and more.

    Why? We believe that science validates magic. That technology creates possibilities. That business should meet people's needs. That art triggers emotion. That design enables connections. And because we are committed to transforming lives for the better, each of our clients must satisfy at least one of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

    Learn more about what we do and how we make vision come to life in this latest episode of Future Future, hosted by Nonfiction co-founders Phnam and Mardis Bagley.

    This podcast is brought to you by Nonfiction, a design firm based in San Francisco, USA. To learn more about what we do, visit us at www.nonfiction.design.


    Adrienne Ciuffo, Producer

    Cat Ganson, Editor

    Fifile Nguyen, Marketing

  • How did we feed humanity's growing population in the early 1900s? How will we feed our growing population in the very near future?

    Revolutionary technologies like hydroponics will enable us to feed people wherever they are - whether in food deserts, on the Moon, or even on Mars. In this episode of Future Future, hosts Phnam Bagley and Mardis Bagley talk about why, how, and what's next for the future of food.


    Adrienne Ciuffo, Producer

    Cat Ganson, Editor

    Fifile Nguyen, Marketing

  • By 2050, we will be an estimated 10 billion people living on Earth. How will we feed ourselves? How will we keep our air clean?

    One way we can do this is through hydroponics. Applied solutions like vertical farming enables us to grow delicious, nutritious food and remove toxins from the air while using less soil and space. In New York, people are already experimenting with integrating vertical farms into human-inhabited skyscrapers, so farm-fresh food is just down the hallway!

    In this episode of Future Future, hosts Phnam Bagley and Mardis Bagley share the basics of hydroponics, and why it matters as we build a future where humans everywhere can thrive.

    This podcast is brought to you by Nonfiction, a design firm based in San Francisco, USA. To learn more about what we do, visit us at www.nonfiction.design.


    Adrienne Ciuffo, Producer

    Cat Ganson, Editor

    Fifile Nguyen, Marketing

  • What is your stuff made out of? When we look at the products around us - consumer electronics, furniture, food containers - it's always that same fifteen materials. It's plastics. Glass. Aluminum. Wood.

    At Nonfiction, we insist on getting more creative with materials. One of the ways we do that is by accessing a material library. Our headquarters hosts a world-class material library created by Material ConneXion, a New York City based material science company that gathers a lot of materials - and most importantly sustainable materials - from all over the world.

    Our office features hundreds of materials that you can touch, smell, bend, and read about. Learn about why we have a material library, and how we use it in this latest episode of Future Future hosted by Phnam Bagley and Mardis Bagley.

    Learn more about our material library here: https://www.nonfiction.design/projects/material-library

    And, check out all that Material ConneXion has to offer: https://materialconnexion.com/

    #materiallibrary #industrialdesign #materialscience


    Adrienne Ciuffo, Producer

    Cat Ganson, Editor

    Fifile Nguyen, Marketing

  • Good designers know how to use materials to tell brand stories. In other words, materials are a way a brand's vision, mission, and purpose can be translated to the end user.

    Thanks to our in-house material library in partnership with Material ConneXion, we at Nonfiction access the latest in material science advancements to apply renewable materials and tell beautiful stories. Materials that are self-healing. Living materials. Materials that react to temperature fluctuations. Each of these have huge potential to tell strong brand stories.

    This episode of Future Future, hosted by Phnam Bagley and Mardis Bagley, will share how we take cutting-edge materials and put them out in the world to inspire other industries, companies, and people to do the same.

    To see some of our work up close, check out our website at https://www.nonfiction.design.

    To learn more about Material ConneXion, visit https://materialconnexion.com/.


    Adrienne Ciuffo, Producer

    Cat Ganson, Editor

    Fifile Nguyen, Marketing

  • Design can help in all kinds of ways! We work with clients at all kinds of stages, from pre-seed to well-established. Sometimes, they come with an idea, or a technology, or a partially-baked design. Then, we help turn those things into market leading products.

    At Nonfiction, we are trained to think ​critically from a business perspective, from a design perspective, from a user experience perspective, and all the aspects that make a product a reality. Learn some of the major ways design can help in this latest episode of Future Future, hosted by Phnam Bagley and Mardis Bagley.

    Check out the projects mentioned in this episode at https://www.nonfiction.design.


    Adrienne Ciuffo, Producer

    Cat Ganson, Editor

    Fifile Nguyen, Marketing

  • Ergonomic design is about design that works for you rather than you working for it. It can help counteract fatigue caused by repeated interactions with construction equipment or even computers.

    In this episode of #FutureFuture, hosts Phnam and Mardis Bagley share a short history of ergonomic design, why it's important, and how industrial designers today make the right decisions when it comes to ergonomic design.

    Watch the episode, then check out some of Nonfiction's ergonomically excellent designs at https://www.nonfiction.design.


    Adrienne Ciuffo, Producer

    Cat Ganson, Editor

    Fifile Nguyen, Marketing

    #ergonomicdesign #comfortabledesign #industrialdesign

  • Space has been in the news a lot lately. In 2024, we'll be going back to the Moon for the first time since the 1970s. The Moon is going to be used for mining and as a launching point for an even bigger mission to Mars.

    But how can lunar miners live happily and healthily on the Moon? We've designed Color on the Moon: high-tech habitats and structures that integrate color psychology to make space more human. Listen to this latest episode of Future Future to learn more about how humans will soon become an interplanetary species.

    Find out more about us at https://www.nonfiction.design.


    Mardis Bagley, Host

    Phnam Bagley, Host

    Adrienne Ciuffo, Producer

    Cat Ganson, Editor

    Fifile Nguyen, Marketing

  • At Nonfiction, we've crafted a series of six questions to help us make the right decisions as we design innovative products, services, and environments.

    In this episode of Future Future, hosts Phnam and Mardis Bagley share what these right questions are, how they define, "good design", and invite you to try this six question methodology out for yourself.

    Want to see what we've been up to at Nonfiction? Visit us at https://www.nonfiction.design​.


    Adrienne Ciuffo, Producer

    Cat Ganson, Editor

    Fifile Nguyen, Marketing​

  • We get hit up all the time by people who want us to quickly design high quality products for cheap. But realistically, they can't expect to get all three.

    In this episode of Future Future, hosts Mardis and Phnam Bagley share why companies developing products can't have it all, rookie mistakes they've seen, and how we at Nonfiction help companies look at these three different factors.

    Thanks for listening! If you'd like to see some of our high quality work, visit us at https://www.nonfiction.design.


    Adrienne Cuiffo, Producer

    Cat Ganson, Editor

    Fifile Nguyen, Marketing

  • Business class needs some serious updating. How can airlines transform the business class flight experience to make it more exciting and aligned with how people actually do business today?

    Nonfiction has redesigned the business class experience with the goal of reinstating pleasure in flight. Networking, connections, privacy, productivity, entertainment, relaxation. We've incorporated the needs of today's business travelers. Tell your airlines to call us.

    This is an episode of Future Future, a series where hosts Mardis and Phnam Bagley talk about the future of everything.

    Nonfiction is an award-winning creative studio of designers, architects, strategists, and engineers. From our headquarters in San Francisco, California, we work with clients around the world to turn science fiction into reality for a better future.

    Find out more about us at https://www.nonfiction.design.


    Adrienne Ciuffo, Producer

    Cat Ganson, Editor

    Fifile Nguyen, Marketing

  • Are you a leader by paycheck, or by practice?

    True leadership shows through behaviors, like micromanaging (don't), delegating (do), being decisive (do), and much more.

    Watch the latest episode of Future Future, where hosts Mardis and Phnam Bagley share the productive leadership attitudes and behaviors they've picked up on their journey from early career designers to creative directors at Nonfiction.

    Learn more about Nonfiction at https://www.nonfiction.design.


    Adrienne Cuiffo, Producer

    Cat Ganson, Editor

    Fifile Nguyen, Marketing

  • We want to have happy personal lives, AND we want to very productive at work. What we want to do is to do less and achieve more. What if our tasks every day were propelling us towards a goal in life, instead of slowing us down?

    In this newest episode of Future Future, hosts Mardis Bagley and Phnam Bagley will tell you the hyperproductive attitudes, behaviors, and habits we at Nonfiction adpot to feel personally fulfilled while doing great work, and how you can do it, too.

    Get to know us and our work at https://www.nonfiction.design.


    Adrienne Ciuffo, Producer

    Cat Ganson, Editor

    Fifile Nguyen, Marketing