Ascolta questo libro audio completo gratuitamente su http://audiobookspace.com/free Titolo: L'allenamento della motivazione [Motivation Training]Autore: Andrzej Stanislaw BudzinskiNarratore: Maurizio MosettiFormato: UnabridgedDurata: 35 minsLingua: ItalianoData di pubblicazione: 12-27-17Editore: TektimeCategoria: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationRiepilogo Editore:Ecco il nuovo argomento del nostro percorso e a me sembra molto importante.Ho la voglia - allora faccio?Sempre è così?Dal volere al fare c'è un grande mare....Che cosa significa?Che non è così facile realizzare quello che vogliamo. Dicono che le pareti dell'inferno siano costruite dalla buona volontà mai realizzata....Vorrei!Mi piacerebbe!Sarebbe bello!Ma si finisce qui nel mondo dei sogni.Purtroppo manca la concretezza e la motivazione. E alla fine.Per avere quello che desidero non basta soltanto desiderare! Non basta restare nel mondo dei sogni!La motivazione!Che cosa è?Che cosa ci dà?Per che cosa ci serve?La parola motivazione è composta da due parole:La parola motivazione proviene da una parola latina movere - che significa mettere in moto, spingere.Prima di cominciare un'azione devo avere un motivo concreto che mi spinge a fare o non fare qualcosa.Adesso i conti matematici.Motivo + azione = motivazione.Gli psicologi indicano tre elementi della motivazione:Please note: This audiobook is in Italian.Contattami per qualsiasi domanda: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: 7 Tips to Life Success and HappinessSubtitle: A Guide to Creating the Life You WantAuthor: Jocelyn LambNarrator: Julia ChristinaFormat: UnabridgedLength: 10 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 12-26-17Publisher: Happiness NowGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:This short guide was written to help people create happiness and success in their life through seven simple steps that can be used daily.Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
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Escuche este audio libro completo gratis en http://audiobookspace.com/free Título: Donde Ocurre la Magia [Where the Magic Occurs]Subtitular: Derriba los muros de tu zona de confort [Knock Down the Walls of Your Comfort Zone]Autor: Marina R. PintoNarrador: Eduardo DiezFormato: UnabridgedDuración: 4 hrs and 26 minsIdioma: EspañolFecha de publicación: 12-21-17Editor: BookaCategorías: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationResumen del editor:Todo lo que deseas y anhelas para tu vida está fuera de tu zona de confort.¿Te gustaría convertir tu hobbie en tu empleo? ¿o quizás tengas un gran proyecto en tu cabeza y no sabes por donde empezar?Sea cual sea tu propósito de vida, este libro puede ayudarte a encontrar el camino correcto y a formar un plan de acción infalible para conseguir cumplir con tus sueños.¿Te atreves a salir para descubrir lo que te espera fuera?Please note: This audiobook is in Spanish.Contáctame para cualquier pregunta: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: The Self DecodeSubtitle: Uncover Your Brains Abilities to Destroy Limitations, Empower Yourself, and Live the Life of Your DreamsAuthor: Robert CarsonNarrator: Michelle MurilloFormat: UnabridgedLength: 4 hrs and 8 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 12-19-17Publisher: Robert CarsonGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Every person I talk to has one thing in common, and it isnt something they like to admit. Every one of them wants better things.... They feel lost in a desert. Almost like they were born at the wrong time in history. And when they go to build their dreams, accomplish their ambitions, and live at their highest expressions, they violently swing between moments of power and moments of fear, uncertainty, and diminishing confidence and are unable to control their thoughts. The truth is that the greatest barrier to a better life is your own mind.The Self Decode will help you to understand your thoughts, organize them, and attach the appropriate actions to them. Mental clarity equals peace and control of your mind. The goal of this audiobook is simple: You'll actually have something real that works if you just follow the instructions along. Gain an understanding of the mind in a way that makes everything so simple to comprehend and apply!What are some of the benefits you can expect when you follow this program?As well as:Clarity of mind releases you from stress and anxiety.The bottom line: The Self Decode is a manual for those who feel defeated, who resigned long ago - a manifesto for true life change by unleashing your mental genius. Life isnt as complicated as we are made to think, and it is time for you to discover why, using advanced brain enhancement techniques.Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Your Break Through Is Guaranteed!Subtitle: Seven Simple Steps to Your SuccessAuthor: Dr. Stan HarrisNarrator: Dr. Stan HarrisFormat: UnabridgedLength: 5 hrs and 6 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 12-08-17Publisher: Dr Breakthrough, LLCGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:From getting tarred and feathered as a six-year-old boy to becoming a 10th-degree black belt champion, businessman, author, and speaker, Dr. Stan Harris has had to break through many barriers. Allow him to empower you and assist you in experiencing a massive breakthrough. You might never be the same again!Dr. Stan gives you seven simple steps that will ensure you success in any area of your life. Your breakthrough is guaranteed!Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Écoutez ce livre audio dans son intégralité gratuitement sur http://audiobookspace.com/free Titre: C'est dommage (Change ma vie 34)Auteur: Clotilde DusoulierNarrateur: Clotilde DusoulierFormat: UnabridgedDurée: 7 minsLangue: FrançaisDate de publication: 12-07-17Éditeur: Change ma vieGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationRésumé de l'éditeur:Aujourd'hui, on examine ensemble une expression qui se glisse dans nos conversations et dont on pourrait agréablement se passer. C'est la petite phrase, "C'est dommage que..." qui annonce toujours un truc plombant, qui pointe toujours du doigt le verre à moitié vide. Cette semaine, je vous explique pourquoi c'est intéressant de la remarquer quand elle pointe son nez, et comment reformuler (si on a envie) pour apporter plus de soleil à la conversation.©2017 Clotilde Dusoulier (P)2017 Clotilde DusoulierContactez-moi pour toute question: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: No More Average: Overcome an Average Life and Live as the Real YouAuthor: Andy AudateNarrator: Anamaria Gomes, Andy AudateFormat: UnabridgedLength: 3 hrs and 15 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 12-05-17Publisher: Andy Audate EnterprisesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Before you can save anyone else from averageness; you must be saved. In the event of an in-flight emergency, airplane flight attendants recommend you fit your oxygen mask on before helping other people needing help, such as children, or the disabled. If you don't do this, you will lose oxygen and you won't be able to help other people.The Real You is screaming "Save yourself." Your life's responsibility depends on one choice, whether you save yourself and not be average, or not save yourself and be average. Through easy-to-follow principles and storytelling of his winning over Averageness, Andy Audate guides you in taking the next step to living life as The Real You. Turn your thoughts of greatness into reality and help your family, friends and those people who depend on your life's purpose.Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Self Confidence, Self Esteem for Happiness and Success: Love, Respect, Honor Yourself Subtitle: Empowerment Series, Book 10Author: Gautam SharmaNarrator: Don HoeksemaFormat: UnabridgedLength: 52 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 11-23-17Publisher: Gautam SharmaRatings: 5 of 5 out of 1 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:A self-help audiobook with an action plan to boost self-confidence and self-esteem and give multiple ways to love, respect, and honor yourself.Do you wish that you could make your life experiences mostly joyous and successful? Do you feel worthy and deserving enough to be a wonderful person and enjoy a healthy, happy lifestyle? How about boosting your self-worth and your true value to its optimal level?Several types of people will listen to this audiobook: first, those with healthy self-worth; second, others with low self-worth; and the third kind are those with over-inflated self-worth. Individuals with low and highly inflated self-worth are both narrow-minded; they are just different sides of the same bad coin. Low self-worth often results in not bringing about what people want. On the other extreme, over-inflated self-worth shows results faster and more easily but mostly with restrictions. The author explains these facts clearly in the audiobook.Although interrelated, self-worth is not the same as self-esteem. Hear about the differences, and more importantly, how you can boost these in your life for health and happiness.Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: 1600+ Positive Things to Say to Someone ElseAuthor: Lisa RusczykNarrator: Ginger WhiteFormat: UnabridgedLength: 1 hr and 16 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 11-22-17Publisher: CZYK PublishingGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Do you need to be more positive in your life? Are you unsure how encourage your friends and family? Do you want to say more positive things to the people around you? If you answered yes to any of these questions then this book is for you...1600+ Positive Things to Say to Someone Else by Lisa Rusczyk Ed.D. offers many different statement to tell others to encourage them. In this book you will discover over 1600 positive things to say to someone else. Read a couple each day or enjoy the entire book at one time. Ten cents of each book sold is donated to teaching and learning.Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Kaizen TheoryAuthor: IntroBooksNarrator: Andrea GiordaniFormat: UnabridgedLength: 41 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 11-20-17Publisher: IntroBooksGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Adoption of the word gemba has lagged behind adoption of the kaizen concept in the world. This is unfortunate, but understandable; being present on the gemba can be a greater mind-set and behavior change than simply doing kaizen.Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Écoutez ce livre audio dans son intégralité gratuitement sur http://audiobookspace.com/free Titre: Le moine qui vendit sa Ferrari [The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari]Sous-titre: Lhistoire du bonheurAuteur: Robin S. SharmaNarrateur: Bertrand MaudetFormat: UnabridgedDurée: 5 hrs and 28 minsLangue: FrançaisDate de publication: 11-14-17Éditeur: AB Publishing, NewInTech LLCGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationRésumé de l'éditeur:Le best seller mondiale qui a changé les vies des millions des gens!Julian Mantle est un grand ténor du barreau dont la vie déséquilibrée le mène inexorablement à une crise cardiaque en plein tribunal. Ayant frôlé la mort, il traverse une crise spirituelle qui l'oblige à se poser les grandes questions de la vie. Espérant trouver le bonheur, il va entreprendre un voyage dans l'Himalaya et rencontre un peuple détenteur des "sept vertus éternelles". Un livre-guide qui nous connecte à une source inépuisable de courage, de joie et d'équilibre!Lautor Robin S. Sharma, ancien avocat, transmet un enseignement qui allie le meilleur de la sagesse orientale aux principes du succès occidentaux. Le moine qui vendit sa Ferrari s'est vendu à plus d'un million d'exemplaires et a été traduit dans vingt-cinq pays.Please note: This audiobook is in French.Contactez-moi pour toute question: inforeq17@gmail.com
Écoutez ce livre audio dans son intégralité gratuitement sur http://audiobookspace.com/free Titre: La Visualisation (Change ma vie 30)Auteur: Clotilde DusoulierNarrateur: Clotilde DusoulierFormat: UnabridgedDurée: 31 minsLangue: FrançaisDate de publication: 11-09-17Éditeur: Change ma vieGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationRésumé de l'éditeur:Cette semaine, je vous parle d'un outil que j'ai découvert par le biais de la Loi de l'Attraction, que j'ai complètement intégré à ma façon de vivre, et qui m'apporte énormément. Cet outil, c'est la visualisation. Ça consiste à explorer en imagination vos rêves et vos objectifs, pour clarifier ce que vous voulez, lever des blocages et des inquiétudes, et vous rapprocher beaucoup (beaucoup) plus vite de votre vie rêvée. Je suis passionnée par le sujet, et je vous donne tous mes conseils et plein d'exemples dans l'épisode de cette semaine.©2017 Clotilde Dusoulier (P)2017 Clotilde DusoulierContactez-moi pour toute question: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Be the Exception: Your 7 Steps to TransformationAuthor: Annie MeehanNarrator: Annie MeehanFormat: UnabridgedLength: 3 hrs and 30 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 11-02-17Publisher: Richard GasawayGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:For a long time, Annie Meehan felt she was worthless. She thought that she would never be able to escape the cycle of negativity, poverty, and abuse that she had grown up in. But even in the darkest times, she knew, deep inside, that she was created for more.Life can be rough - we all know it. But the truth is that you are stronger than your circumstances. You have the ability to be an inspiration and to live a truly exceptional life! Whether you're just beginning your journey or are a well-traveled veteran, know there is always room to grow.Be the Exception will show you how to take the suffering of your past and mold it into a ladder that will lead you to freedom. In these pages, you will find stories that guide you through the tough times. It will teach you how to let go of anger and resentment, how to love yourself, and how to grow into the person you dream of being.Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Écoutez ce livre audio dans son intégralité gratuitement sur http://audiobookspace.com/free Titre: Alignement et action (Change ma vie 28)Auteur: Clotilde DusoulierNarrateur: Clotilde DusoulierFormat: UnabridgedDurée: 17 minsLangue: FrançaisDate de publication: 10-09-17Éditeur: Change ma vieGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationRésumé de l'éditeur:Parmi les notions vraiment intéressantes mises en jeu dans la Loi de l'Attraction, il y a l'articulation entre la vibration, l'alignement et l'action. Autrement dit, bien viser avant de tirer. Qu'est-ce que c'est que cette histoire ? Je vous explique tout dans l'épisode de cette semaine !©2017 Clotilde Dusoulier (P)2017 Clotilde DusoulierContactez-moi pour toute question: inforeq17@gmail.com
Écoutez ce livre audio dans son intégralité gratuitement sur http://audiobookspace.com/free Titre: La pizza (Change ma vie 25)Auteur: Clotilde DusoulierNarrateur: Clotilde DusoulierFormat: UnabridgedDurée: 7 minsLangue: FrançaisDate de publication: 10-09-17Éditeur: Change ma vieGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationRésumé de l'éditeur:Cette semaine on parle pizza ! Pas de pizza littéralement, même si j'adore ça, mais de la pizza comme parabole des leçons de vie et des enseignements qu'on reçoit. Et plus précisément : que faire si on n'aime pas les anchois ? Doit-on jeter toute la pizza ? Goûter pour se faire une idée ? On en parle dans l'épisode de cette semaine.©2017 Clotilde Dusoulier (P)2017 Clotilde DusoulierContactez-moi pour toute question: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Love YourselfSubtitle: Learn How to Love Who You Are and Be HappyAuthor: Sean WellsNarrator: Bill BurrowsFormat: UnabridgedLength: 44 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 09-19-17Publisher: Sean WellsRatings: 5 of 5 out of 1 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Do you know what the greatest love of all is?It isn't the love of a mother although that is certainly one of the greatest. It is not the love of a Savior or God although theologians will argue that point with you. It is also not the love of friends, a lover or a social group although those can be as outstanding as ever.The greatest love is loving yourself. Now hold your horses. I didn't mean narcissism. There is a vast difference between loving who you are and making yourself the center of the universe. The latter is putting yourself on a pedestal and setting yourself up as the epitome of perfection, flawlessness and the absolute point of reference. Unfortunately, that is nothing but pride, conceit and vanity. It makes you feel you have no wrongs and lifts you so high only to slam you down hard on the pavement with the entire world laughing at your humiliation and shame.On the other hand, really loving who you are will bring you happiness. Learning to love yourself will unmask who you really are and your flaws, imperfections, inabilities without diminishing your self-esteem. It will uncover your strengths, talents and abilities in order to give you self-confidence. It will make you look beyond whatever you have gone through that may have slanted your views, skewed your opinions or shattered your beliefs and restore your self-respect. It will help you decide whatever you choose to become and give you the self-assurance that you can be that person.Learn to love who you are and you will be able to look beyond the past into the future and beat a path to it. When you do then you will begin to feel the greatest love and become happy despite any adversity that comes your way.Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Secrets Kids Know...That Adults Oughta LearnSubtitle: Enriching Your Life by Viewing It Through the Eyes of a ChildAuthor: Allen KleinNarrator: Rudy SandaFormat: UnabridgedLength: 6 hrs and 13 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 09-12-17Publisher: Dreamscape Media, LLCGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Kids have a fantastic way of looking at the world, and they are kind, curious, and completely honest about the things they experience. We tend to lose those natural traits as we get older, but it doesn't have to be that way. In this book, parents share stories about the lessons they've learned from their children - from hilarious anecdotes that make you think to out-of-nowhere, almost melancholy thoughts on modern issues.Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Cura das Feridas Interiores [Healing Inner Wounds]Author: Irm Maria EuniceNarrator: Irm Maria EuniceFormat: UnabridgedLength: 3 hrs and 2 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 09-01-17Publisher: Canço NovaGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Medo, culpa, solido, depresso...todos esses sentimentos fazem parte da vida cotidiana de homens e mulheres que a cada dia vivem mais oprimidos por essas feridas emocionais. Mas o que fazer diante de males que parecem ser to poderosos? Neste livro para ouvir, Irm Maria Eunice responde a essa pergunta a partir de textos especiais que foram selecionados de cura e libertaço, que nos ajudam a compreender a origem de nossos traumas e a vencê-los. So oraçes, passagens bíblicas, testemunhos e orientaçes sobre como entregar nossa vida nas mos de Deus, nosso Pai, que nos ama e nos cura totalmente das nossas preocupaçes e das nossas feridas.Please note: This audiobook is in Portuguese.Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Not F--cking AroundSubtitle: The No Bullsh*t Guide for Getting Your Creative Dreams off the GroundAuthor: Jeff LeisawitzNarrator: Jeff LeisawitzFormat: UnabridgedLength: 59 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 08-31-17Publisher: Author's RepublicRatings: 3 of 5 out of 1 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Can't quite get your creative juices flowing? The day job sucking your soul? Fizzled out before you put the finishing touches on your amazing creation?With relentless positivity, full-on authenticity, and a punk-rock thunder spirit, author Jeff Leisawitz pulls back the curtain on the creative process and reminds us that we are all creative superstars.It's time to get off the couch and get on the path. It's time to tap into the cosmic heartbeat that thumps in your chest and shines from your soul. It's time to get NFA!Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Meditation basicsAuthor: Frédéric GarnierNarrator: Katie HaighFormat: UnabridgedLength: 1 hr and 19 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 08-30-17Publisher: Astorg AudioGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Meditation has been scientifically proven to help alleviate pain, increase willpower and efficiency, and generally enhance satisfaction by bringing clarity and focus into everyday decisions. Long before that, it was agreed that its techniques were the basis for living a more empowered and enlightened life: the more consciousness one achieves, the easier it is to free oneself from the unconscious influences that can shape our behavior against our will. This album is the result of a careful compilation of every essential meditation tool for beginners. Simple yet powerful, they are easy to learn and provide you with a wide panel of techniques to help you shape your own daily meditation ritual and enjoy all the benefits of advanced practice. From breathing awareness to mantra meditation techniques, basic, intermediate and advanced Zen techniques, guided chakra meditations and visualizations: 21 tracks to guide you towards mastering all meditation essentials.©2017 Compagnie du Savoir (P)2017 Compagnie du SavoirContact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
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