
  • On this episode of Get Hired, LinkedIn Senior Managing Editor Andrew Seaman sits down with the chief human resources officers for Home Depot and Johnson & Johnson – Tim Hourigan and Peter Fasolo, respectively – to talk about the importance of upskilling. Tim and Peter discuss how their companies support employee growth, as well as why AI amplifies the importance of upskilling in today’s business landscape. They also share their top tips for avoiding common pitfalls during the hiring process.
    Follow Andrew on LinkedIn to join the Get Hired community by clicking here.
    Follow Tim Hourigan on LinkedIn by clicking here.
    Follow Peter Fasolo on LinkedIn by clicking here.

  • This week on Get Hired, we’re featuring the first episode of a new bonus series from our friends over at Hello Monday with Jessi Hempel. “Hello Monday Master Class” is a distillation of hundreds of conversations broken down into five essential rules for thriving in an ever-changing professional landscape. The first episode in the series is all about defining your values. 
    Tune in each Thursday through the end of June for more actionable insights and collaborative exercises to elevate your career. And for more from Jessi, join the Hello Monday Group by clicking here.

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  • On this episode of Get Hired, LinkedIn Senior Editor Andrew Seaman speaks with Joseph Fuller, professor of management practice at Harvard Business School. They discuss how technological advancements in AI are changing the way workers do their jobs, search for new ones and remain competitive in the labor market. Professor Fuller also shares advice for conquering the fear that comes with unfamiliar technological territory and gives his predictions for what the future of work will look like over the next decade.
    Follow Andrew on LinkedIn to join the Get Hired community by clicking here.
    Follow Joseph Fuller on LinkedIn by clicking here.

  • On this episode of Get Hired, LinkedIn Senior Editor Andrew Seaman sits down with Walmart Chief People Officer Donna Morris and Chief Talent Officer Lo Stomski. They discuss how Walmart – the largest private employer in the U.S. – is envisioning a skills-first future. They also explain how the company is using AI to level up its HR department and promote career advancement. Plus, they share their top tips for landing your next job.
    Follow Andrew on LinkedIn to join the Get Hired community by clicking here.
    Follow Donna Morris on LinkedIn by clicking here. 
    Follow Lo Stomski on LinkedIn by clicking here.

  • On this episode of Get Hired, LinkedIn News Editor Andrew Seaman speaks with policymakers, academics and talent executives to hear how employers and business leaders are thinking about ageism and work. We’ll hear about strategies for getting hired as an older worker, the benefits of multigenerational workforces and how AI is impacting all of this. While this episode marks the final installment of our special series on ageism, we’ll be continuing the conversation in future episodes of the show. 
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    Follow Joseph Fuller on LinkedIn by clicking here.
    Follow Johnny Taylor on LinkedIn by clicking here.
    Follow Peter Fasolo on LinkedIn by clicking here.
    Follow Donna Morris on LinkedIn by clicking here.
    Follow Lo Stomski on LinkedIn by clicking here.
    Follow Tim Hourigan on LinkedIn by clicking here.

  • Imposter syndrome is a real and pervasive problem. It’s associated with burnout, depression and anxiety, and it holds us back from reaching our full potential and achieving career satisfaction. So, what can we do to conquer our imposter syndrome at work?
    On this episode of Get Hired, LinkedIn News Editor Andrew Seaman speaks with Deesha Dyer, former White House social secretary and author of the book Undiplomatic: How My Attitude Created the Best Kind of Trouble. Deesha discusses her career path from hip hop reporter to White House intern to social secretary for the Obama administration, and shares how she overcame her own feelings of imposter syndrome at work. She also offers advice on practicing self-compassion, challenging negative thoughts and seeking support. 
    Follow Andrew on LinkedIn to join the Get Hired community by clicking here.
    Follow Deesha Dyer on LinkedIn by clicking here.

  • Workplace ageism is a pervasive issue in the U.S. According to an AARP survey from 2021, 78 percent of workers between the ages of 40 and 65 say they’ve seen or experienced age discrimination at work. So, what strategies can employers and employees use to combat ageism?
    On today’s show, LinkedIn News Editor Andrew Seaman speaks with Ashton Applewhite, an anti-ageism advocate and the author of This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism. They discuss what companies and hiring managers can do to fight age bias during the hiring process, and what employees can do to support older colleagues. Ashton also explains why deepening our understanding of ageism is so important, and how the same tools used to combat other forms of prejudice can be applied in the case of ageism.
    Follow Andrew on LinkedIn to join the Get Hired community by clicking here.
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  • Graduation season has arrived in the U.S with over a million people earning their college degrees and gearing up to enter the workforce. Many of them will be entering the world of work for the first time. If you fall into this bucket, you might feel a little overwhelmed right now. 
    To help make the move easier, LinkedIn News Editor Andrew Seaman is talking with Sho Dewan, a career coach and founder/CEO of Workhap. Sho shares advice for recent graduates as they venture into the workforce. They dive into strategies for making a lasting impression, setting ambitious career goals, and charting a path towards long-term success.
    Whether you're stepping into your first job or exploring career paths, this episode is for anyone navigating the challenges and opportunities of post-grad life.
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  • The US workforce is getting older. Last year, almost 20% of Americans ages 65 and older were employed – that’s nearly double the rate it was in the 1980s. For some older workers, they want to keep working past retirement age; for others, it’s not a choice. So how should older people position themselves in the labor market to overcome age bias?
    In the second installment of our ageism series, LinkedIn News Editor Andrew Seaman is talking to Janine Vanderburg, founder and former director of Changing the Narrative, a nationwide campaign and nonprofit dedicated to reframing the way we think, and talk, about age and aging. They dive into the do’s and don'ts for getting hired as an older worker.
    Whether you're actively seeking employment or looking to maintain your current position, this episode offers practical advice and strategies for older workers to position themselves effectively in the job market and overcome age bias during the hiring process and in their day-to-day work environment.
    Follow Andrew on LinkedIn to join the Get Hired community by clicking here.
    Follow Janine on LinkedIn by clicking here.

  • The work of carving out a career doesn’t end with an offer letter – that’s where it builds intensity. The problem is that there isn’t one guidebook or set of rules for how to grow in your profession. You got the job – now what? 
    Andy LaCivita is an executive recruiter, career coach and author of The Zebra Code: A Step-By-Step Guide to Mastering Career Skills That Make You a Standout Professional, which will be published in August. Andy brings together over three decades of expertise in navigating the complexities of professional advancement into the pages of his book. He joins LinkedIn News Editor Andrew Seaman to share his methodology for developing the core skills every professional needs to succeed in their career. He also shares strategies for building confidence, boosting creativity and remaining competitive in the job market.
    Whether you’re just starting out in your career or making a push for your next promotion, this episode offers practical and actionable advice for leveling up your professional skills. 
    Follow Andrew on LinkedIn to join the Get Hired community by clicking here.
    Follow Andy on LinkedIn by clicking here.
    Check out Andy’s book, The Zebra Code

  • Getting older should be something to celebrate: you’ve gained experience, honed a skillset and acquired the wisdom to know where, and when, to apply your energy. Yet, employers and colleagues don’t always see the value of experience. People often buy into ageist myths that punish older employees. As the proportion of workers over age 50 grows, age-based discrimination will become more evident and an urgent problem to address. 
    To kick off a series of shows on ageism, LinkedIn News Editor Andrew Seaman sits down with Chip Conley, co-founder and CEO of Modern Elder Academy. MEA is a midlife wisdom school for people navigating life transitions in their 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond. Chip shares his experience working at Airbnb, where he came to be known as the “modern elder.” He also offers advice for rejuvenating your career in midlife and challenges the notion of the “midlife crisis.”
    This episode is for anyone contemplating making a career change in midlife and wants support in navigating their next chapter. 
    Follow Andrew on LinkedIn to join the Get Hired community by clicking here.
    Follow Chip on LinkedIn by clicking here.
    Check out Chip’s book, Learning to Love Midlife.

  • Landing a job in a competitive industry can feel like an insurmountable challenge if you don’t have certain advantages, like family connections, wealth or a degree from a prestigious university. But it doesn’t mean it’s impossible.
     In this episode of Get Hired, LinkedIn News Editor Andrew Seaman is joined by Jim VandeHei, a journalist-turned-entrepreneur who defied the odds to achieve remarkable success, first as a reporter and then as a founder of two media startups. In 2007, Jim co-founded Politico, revolutionizing the political journalism space; today he leads a team of 500 as the CEO of Axios. Jim’s sharing his advice for breaking into competitive fields by using your unique strengths, taking risks and exploiting luck. 
    This episode is for anyone aspiring to break into a field and feels discouraged by their lack of conventional advantage – but remains determined to pursue their passions and carve out their own path to success.
    Follow Andrew on LinkedIn to join the Get Hired community by clicking here.
    Follow Jim on LinkedIn by clicking here.
    Check out Jim’s new book, Just the Good Stuff.

  • LinkedIn News is out with our latest roundup of Top Companies, which are a collection of employers judged across several metrics including their employees’ ability to grow their skills, advance in their careers, and much more.
    JPMorgan Chase Head of Human Resources Robin Leopold, an executive vice president at the firm, joins LinkedIn News Editor Andrew Seaman to discuss what makes JPMorgan Chase a Top Company. She explains why so many talented people want to work for JPMorgan, how the company supports its employees at all career stages, and what she looks for in applicants.
    Follow Andrew on LinkedIn to join the Get Hired community by clicking here.
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  • Much of the advice we share on Get Hired is for job seekers interested in white collar jobs. But not everyone wants to sit at a desk or stare at a computer screen for eight hours a day. Plus, the industrial labor force is rife with opportunity. From bustling construction sites to cutting-edge manufacturing facilities, there's a world of possibilities out there for those who want to roll up their sleeves and get out into the -world by working in a blue-collar job.
    Joanie Bily, President of the professional division at Employbridge and author of "Dive in D.E.E.P.: Strategies to Advance Your Career, Find Balance, and Live Your Best Life” joins LinkedIn News Editor Andrew Seaman to discuss how to get hired in the industrial sector. Joanie also explains what staffing companies are and how they can help job seekers find, and advance in, their next role. 
    Whether you're considering a career change or seeking fulfilling employment outside the confines of a traditional office setting, this episode equips you with the knowledge to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of blue-collar work.
    Follow Andrew on LinkedIn to join the Get Hired community by clicking here.
    Follow Joanie on LinkedIn by clicking here.

  • Despite talk about an economic "soft landing" and a robust job market from experts, job seekers are experiencing layoffs and grappling with the side effects of inflation.
    CNBC Make It Senior Work Editor Hanna Howard joins LinkedIn News Editor Andrew Seaman to dissect the complex realities of the current labor market. Hanna shares her current analysis of workforce trends, and offers practical advice for job seekers, emphasizing the importance of staying informed, adaptable, and leveraging resources to navigate the evolving job landscape.
    Whether you're an experienced professional considering a career change, a recent graduate entering the workforce, or someone impacted by industry-specific layoffs, this episode provides some clarity and guidance amidst the complexities of today's labor market.
    Follow Andrew on LinkedIn to join the Get Hired community by clicking here.
    Follow Hanna by clicking here.

  • Networking is likened to fuel for your career, propelling you forward as you engage with others. But strategic networking goes even further; it involves building meaningful connections and leveraging them effectively – oftentimes before you even begin your job search.
    April Little, a renowned executive career coach with over 200,000 followers on LinkedIn, joins LinkedIn News Editor Andrew Seaman to shed light on the difference between strategic networking and the usual approach. They discuss the importance of cultivating genuine and meaningful relationships, rather than simply accumulating contacts. They also explore the concept of relationship mapping: by mapping out your professional network, you can pinpoint key mentors, colleagues, and industry insiders who can provide valuable insights and assistance.
    Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, this episode provides actionable tips to elevate your networking skills and jumpstart your professional journey. 
    Follow Andrew on LinkedIn to join the Get Hired community by clicking here.
    Follow April on LinkedIn by clicking here.

  • The art of crafting resumes can be tricky in the digital age. So, how do we balance creativity with professionalism? 
    Amy Schultz, head of the global acquisition team at Canva, brings a wealth of knowledge on crafting resumes that both catch the eye and capture the essence of who you are as a professional. Amy joins LinkedIn News Editor Andrew Seaman to discuss the evolving norms of resume design and strategies for standing out in an increasingly competitive labor market. They also discuss how job seekers can utilize tools like Canva to add that extra flair to their job applications, including the do's and don'ts of resume customization and tips for making a lasting impression on hiring managers in your application materials. 
    This episode is for anyone interested in understanding how modern design tools can be used to enhance a resume and help strike the right balance between creativity and professionalism.
    Follow Andrew on LinkedIn to join the Get Hired community by clicking here.
    Follow Amy on LinkedIn to join the Get Hired community by clicking here.

  • The world of work can be a bit of a mystery — especially when you are the first member of your family to enter the professional world. Sometimes it can feel like you don't have all the puzzle pieces to get the full picture of how the workplace operates.
    Gorick Ng, a bestselling author of "The Unspoken Rules: Secrets to Starting Your Career Off Right" and a career advisor at Harvard, joins LinkedIn News Editor Andrew Seaman to shine a light on the unique challenges first-generation professionals face in launching their careers. Gorick has dedicated a significant portion of his own career to understanding these challenges, and to helping those entering the workforce from diverse backgrounds find success. Through his work, he aims to equip everyone with the knowledge and tools needed to successfully navigate a career.
    This episode is a must-listen for anyone who feels like they're venturing into uncharted territory in their professional life, and anyone interested in understanding the diverse challenges faced by people entering the workforce. 
    Follow Andrew on LinkedIn to join the Get Hired community by clicking here.
    Follow Gorick on LinkedIn by clicking here.

  • We all know that job searching is tough. Yet, few of us take the steps to protect our mental health from the challenges inherent in the process. 
    Linda Le is a recruiter, mental health advocate, and founder of Creatively Quiet. She joins LinkedIn News Editor Andrew Seaman on the latest episode of the Get Hired podcast to discuss the importance of prioritizing mental health in the midst of professional transitions and the decisions she's made for herself in her career. They explore the steps you can take to safeguard your mental well-being while navigating the intricacies of job searching, including negotiations, rejections, and more. 
    This episode is for anyone who wants proactive strategies to protect your mental health while navigating the intricacies of job searching. 
    Follow Andrew on LinkedIn to join the Get Hired community by clicking here.
    Follow Linda on LinkedIn by clicking here.

  • Taking a leap or pivot in your career can be scary unless you put the work in to make it a success. That work helps you build confidence and increase your odds of successfully making a move. Considering 2024 is a leap year, giving us an extra day in February. What better way to honor this occasion than by discussing how to make a leap in your career?
    Melissa Grabiner is a global HR and talent acquisition leader. She has not only witnessed numerous individuals make significant career pivots but She has also embarked on her own professional journey. Melissa joins LinkedIn News Editor Andrew Seaman on the latest episode of his Get Hired podcasts to share valuable insights into what it takes to successfully transition into a new role, new employer, or new field. The two also discuss what employers look for when taking a chance on someone exploring uncharted territory.
    If you've ever felt the urge to explore new professional horizons, transition into a different field, or simply want to learn more about the dynamics of making bold career moves, this episode will help you take a leap in their professional life.
    Follow Andrew on LinkedIn to join the Get Hired community by clicking here.
    Follow Melissa on LinkedIn by clicking here.