
  • 314-A Family History of Mental Illness (rerun), from Giving Voice to Depression, delves into the intricate relationship between genetics and mental disorders. It looks at how genetic susceptibility and environmental factors interplay in the development of mental health issues.

    The guest, Matt Zinman, shares his personal story of growing up with a bipolar father and a depressive mother who survived a suicide attempt. His candid reflections highlight the confusion and anger he felt as a child and the lasting impact of his mother's attempt on their relationship. Matt also discusses his own battles with depression, including a critical episode in his early twenties and the ongoing struggle with medication management, which once led to severe suicidal ideation.

    Tragedy struck Matt's family again in 2012 with the death of his brother, who struggled with opioid addiction. Matt expresses his complex emotions of anger and understanding towards his brother's death, drawing parallels to his feelings about his mother.

    The conversation emphasizes the importance of recognizing and navigating the complex emotions associated with mental illness, such as anger, love, and guilt.


  • About a third of all people experiencing mental illnesses and about half of people living with severe mental illnesses also experience substance use disorders.

    "These statistics are mirrored in the populations of people living with substance use disorders. where about a third of all alcohol abusers and more than half of all drug abusers report experiencing a mental illness," according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

    That statistic, like all statistics, is about real people. Not numbers.

    This episode's guest, Donald, is one of those people. And he shares his story of dual diagnosis- living with substance use disorder in addition to depression and anxiety.

    NAMI re: dual diagnosis: www.nami.org/NAMI/media/NAMI-Me…l-Diagnosis-FS.pdf

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  • In episode 312 of the Giving Voice to Depression podcast, hosts Terry and Dr. Anita Sanz continue their discussion with Jeanie, the mother of Jake Possemato, who died by suicide at 26. They delve into Jake's life, his struggles with mental health from a young age, and his involvement in the car drifting community. Jeanie recounts how Jake's passion for drifting and the tight-knit car community have become integral in raising awareness for mental health and honoring Jake’s memory and caring heart.

    The hashtag #checkonyourfriends has become a powerful reminder for people to look out for one another. Jeanie highlights the impact of these stickers and her family’s other efforts to raise mental health awareness, which have spread worldwide, symbolizing a movement of hope and support.

    The episode emphasizes the importance of community and unconditional love in combating depression. Jeanie and her husband use funds raised from Rio Bash to provide financial assistance to those struggling, covering necessities like rent, groceries, and therapy. This approach reflects Jeanie’s belief in paying it forward and creating a supportive network for those in need.

    Terry and Dr. Anita discuss the contagious nature of hope and the significance of simple gestures, such as supportive messages, in making a difference. They also stress the value of feeling heard and loved, and the necessity of fighting the negative messages that depression can bring. The episode concludes with a reminder of the importance of checking on friends and offering support to those struggling with mental health issues.

  • In this episode of the Giving Voice to Depression podcast, hosts Terry and Dr. Anita Sanz talk with Jeanie, a mother who lost her son Jake to suicide. Jeanie recounts Jake's life, highlighting his exceptional intelligence and deep compassion from a young age, contrasted with his struggles with depression, anxiety, and later bipolar disorder.

    Jake's mental health battles were profound, starting as early as age seven when he expressed feelings of the world being too heavy for him. Jeanie shares the emotional toll of living in constant worry, trying to support Jake while respecting his independence. Despite their best efforts and open communication, Jake ultimately took his own life.

    The episode poignantly illustrates that even with the most attentive care and close connections, sometimes a loved one may still end their life. Jeanie now advocates for mental health awareness through the #checkonyourfriends campaign, encouraging open conversations to support those in need.

    The episode emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing mental health struggles while recognizing the limitations and challenges faced by caregivers.

  • What is "normal"? That can be a tricky question for anyone, since our normal is always different than someone else's and our normal changes, depending on a variety of factors.

    But depression can make us believe that other people are normal and that we are not. And that belief can make the dark, heavy days when we "just can't" seem like personal failures vs. like sick days, which is what we'd likely think with any other illness that stopped us in our tracks.

    "When You Don’t Feel 'Normal' Because of Your Depression", a 16-minute episode, features Tara, who has struggled with depression and anxiety since childhood. Tara shares about her journey, starting with panic attacks at age four after a traumatic car accident. She describes the relief of finally identifying her symptoms as panic attacks and depression during her teenage years- an understanding she gained from an infomercial-- not a doctor or mental health provider.

    Tara recounts how her ongoing battle with depression and anxiety has impacted her education, family life, and employment. She highlights the importance of asking for help and the comfort of having supportive people who can simply be present. Tara emphasizes redefining "normal" and celebrating small victories in daily life, such as completing simple tasks. The episode concludes with messages of encouragement to speak up about mental health struggles and support others who are going through tough times.

  • If any part of you thinks that people with depression are weak, buckle up.
    In this powerful episode of Giving Voice to Depression, we hear about the mental health journey of NFL Hall of Famer Brian Dawkins who, despite his success on the field, faced a profound battle with depression. Dawkins' struggles became public when he made the bold and impactful decision to use his Hall of Fame induction speech to share about the dangers of not getting help and support when we're struggle with a mental health condition. Dawkins talks about his suicidal thoughts, how he hid his pain from his teammates, friends and family, and how only through taking off the mask was he able to find peace and support. Tune in for an inspiring and eye-opening conversation about resilience, hope, and the fight to unmask the pain.

  • In "When You Need to Let it Out," hosts Terry and Anita welcome guest Paula to share her journey with depression. Paula defies the stereotype of someone living with depression, appearing energetic and confident on the surface. However, she opens up about her struggles and how she came to terms with her mental health.

    Paula shares her experience of growing up in various countries before settling in the US, where she discovered her depression. Despite her outwardly positive demeanor, Paula found herself battling with dark thoughts and feelings of loneliness. After reaching a breaking point, she turned to her parents for support, finding solace in prayer and eventually opening up publicly about her struggles on social media.

    Through sharing her story openly, Paula found support from unexpected places and realized the power of shared experiences in overcoming depression. She discusses the importance of finding coping mechanisms that work for individuals, even if they may not be traditional methods like therapy or medication. Paula emphasizes the significance of authentic self-expression and building a supportive community to navigate mental health challenges.

    Throughout the episode, Terry, Anita, and Paula provide insights into managing depression, advocating for open dialogue, self-care, and finding a supportive community. They encourage listeners to speak up about their struggles and offer support to those in need.

  • "Listening is a Loving Gift We Can All Offer" delves into the profound act of listening as a powerful tool in supporting those living with depression.

    Robert, a trained and experienced "listener," shares insights from years of experience at a crisis hotline where he demonstrated the significance of genuine, empathetic listening.

    Robert discusses the dual perspective of experiencing depression and anxiety personally while working in mental health, and the lesson he's learned through both that the most impactful act is often to let someone talk without the need to provide unsolicited advice.

    Through poignant anecdotes and reflections, the episode highlights the transformative impact of offering a compassionate ear, fostering hope, and reducing stigma surrounding mental health issues.

    Tune in to discover how the simple act of listening can be a profound source of connection and support for individuals navigating the complexities of depression.

  • This episode delves into the experiences of Natasha, a mother who shares her journey through postpartum depression (PPD). Natasha recounts her initial lack of recognition of PPD symptoms despite prior education on the topic, attributing it to the overwhelming life changes accompanying motherhood. She reflects on her reluctance to acknowledge or share her feelings, viewing them as signs of weakness, and the impact of societal expectations and family upbringing on seeking help.

    Natasha emphasizes the importance of early communication and seeking support, highlighting her journey to acceptance and proactive management through therapy and self-expression.

    The 21-minute episode underscores the complexity of PPD symptoms, their relation to personal and familial history, and the need for persistent support and understanding from loved ones.

    It concludes with a caregiver tip from Families for Depression Awareness on recognizing signs of PPD and emphasizes the significance of speaking up and listening to those struggling with mental health challenges.

    Postpartum Depression: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment (clevelandclinic.org)
    Postpartum depression - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
    Home - Families for Depression Awareness (familyaware.org)
    Families for Depression Awareness - Depression and Bipolar Test (familyaware.org)

  • In this episode of Giving Voice to Depression, we delve into the often-misunderstood realm of postpartum depression (PPD), a silent struggle affecting approximately one in 8 new mothers. While the birth of a baby is traditionally associated with joy and excitement, for some, it can trigger unexpected emotions, including anxiety and depression.

    Hosts Dr Anita Sanz and Terry McGuire explore the nuances between the common "baby blues" experienced by most new mothers and the more profound, enduring impact of postpartum depression. From mood swings and crying spells to anxiety and sleep disturbances, the spectrum of PPD symptoms is illuminated.

    Our guest Natasha Lettner candidly shares her experience after the birth of her first child, offering listeners an inside look at the fact postpartum depression, even when discussed beforehand, can get so mixed up with other post-birth life changes, that it is not immediately recognized.

    Importantly, the episode underscores the importance of seeking timely treatment, emphasizing that support and intervention can facilitate symptom management and foster crucial bonding with the newborn.

    Join us as we shed light on this often overlooked but significant aspect of the postpartum experience, offering hope and understanding to those navigating the shadows of postpartum depression.

    This episode was produced in partnership with Families for Depression Awareness and made possible by a sponsorship from Sage Therapeutics and Biogen. We'll continue our discussion with Natasha next week.

    Home - Families for Depression Awareness (familyaware.org)

  • In this inspiring follow-up episode, we revisit the remarkable journey of Jonny and Neil, whose lives intersected on a bridge during a mental health crisis, altering their paths forever. Six years after their life-saving encounter, they reunite as partners in mental health advocacy, spreading a message of hope and recovery.

    Jonny and Neil's reunion is a testament to the enduring power of connection and the profound impact of compassion. From the depths of despair to the forefront of advocacy, they have transformed their shared experience into a beacon of hope for others struggling with mental health challenges.

  • In this poignant episode of the Giving Voice to Depression podcast, we explore a chance encounter that changed lives forever. Join us as we hear from two remarkable individuals: Jonny, who stood on the edge, and Neil, whose compassion halted tragedy.

    Jonny ran from a psychiatric hospital to a nearby bridge, consumed by despair. But Neil appeared, offering a lifeline of understanding and empathy. Their exchange became a turning point, illuminating the power of human connection in the darkest of moments.

    Through their shared journey, we witness the transformative impact of compassion and the resilience of the human spirit. Join us for "Bridging Hope," a testament to the profound difference a simple act of kindness can make.

  • We're not taught how to have these conversations.: A friend or family member is struggling. Maybe they're just "not themselves." Maybe they're suicidal.
    How do we offer support them?
    What do we say? What do we need to avoid saying?
    What can we do that's actually helpful?
    In this episode we explore a list of real-world tested ways we learn from someone who has struggled mightily about the things his support network has done that have helped. These tips are for the end of the spectrum when someone is nearing or in crisis.
    Because we need to learn how to offer support and kindness without waiting to be asked.

    Link to Sam's blog post with all 11 suggestions:
    Links to two previous episodes with ways to reach out:
    1) https://www.buzzsprout.com/2032100/14697923
    3) Link to free Mental Health America screenings: https://screening.mhanational.org/screening-tools/

  • For the past two weeks we've explored ways to reach out for support if you are the one struggling. Today we shift gears. What if you know someone who seems really depressed--maybe even suicidal, and they're not reaching out.
    How do you reach IN?
    In the first of two episodes, our return guest Sam Dylan Finch details how people have shown up for him in helpful and meaningful ways.
    Not knowing what to do is not an excuse to do nothing.

    Link to Sam's blog post with all 11 suggestions:
    Links to two previous episodes with ways to reach out:
    1) https://www.buzzsprout.com/2032100/14697923
    3) Link to free Mental Health America screenings: https://screening.mhanational.org/screening-tools/

  • How many times have you heard: "Reach out if you are struggling."But it's not as easy or clear as it sounds. How? What if you don't even know what you want or need? What if your depression has convinced you no one cares, that you don't deserve help, or that you are a bother to people?It can all sound straight forward and obvious from the outside, or from wellness. But in dark times, or hours of crisis, nothing is clear. An articulate, caring and experienced mental health advocate made a list of 10 Ways to "Reach Out" When You're Struggling With Your Mental Health. We discuss his sixth through tenth suggestions in this episode.

    Part one: Everyone Says Reach Out for Help, But HOW?
    Link to Sam's list:

  • How many times have you heard: "Reach out if you are struggling."But how? What should you say? When should you say it and to whom? It can all sound straight forward and obvious from the outside, or from wellness. But in dark times, or hours of crisis, nothing is clear. And with depression convincing you no one cares about or would want to help you, it's even more complicated. An articulate, caring and experienced mental health advocate made a list of 10 Ways to "Reach Out" When You're Struggling With Your Mental Health. We discuss his first 5 suggestions in this episode.

    Link to Sam's list:

  • "Carrying Buckets of Water for Those Still in the Fire" is a continuation of John's story from last week (#297- When You Learn That What You're Feeling Has a Name:")

    Despite delving into psychology, battling bouts of depression his whole life, and tirelessly researching his own mind and body, John struggled to piece together his inner turmoil.

    It wasn't until he connected with others sharing their experiences that the puzzle began to fit.

    Realizing he wasn't alone in his darkness shattered the misconception of personal failure or weakness. Depression, he learned, is a widespread and manageable condition. By bravely sharing his journey, John sheds light on the shadows of mental illness as other guests did for him when he needed hope and information.

    Join us for 22 minutes as John shares his hard-earned insights, offering hope and understanding to those navigating similar struggles. Together, let's "carry buckets of water for those still in the fire."

  • In this episode of Giving Voice to Depression, join us as we delve into John's journey of self-discovery. Struggling with the end of a relationship and battling Covid, John confronted the depths of his despair, only to realize that what he's been living with and battling most of his life has a name: depression. Tune in as we explore the societal pressures and personal revelations that led John to acknowledge his mental health struggles, challenging preconceived notions of masculinity and strength. This poignant episode offers a raw and honest exploration of one man's journey towards self-awareness and acceptance.

    Links to ACEs information & tests:


  • In this poignant episode of Giving Voice to Depression, titled "Why You Have to Tell Someone if You're Suicidal," we delve into the critical importance of telling someone if you're struggling with suicidal ideation-- EVEN IF you believe no one cares or any of the other lies that depression is likely telling you.

    Our guest Katie, bravely shares her personal experience of planning to end her life and the pivotal moment when she shared her secret and got the love, support and treatment she desperately needed.

    Drawing from her account we explore the deceptive nature of depression and the insidious, convincing lies it repeatedly tells those in its grip. Through Katie's story, we confront the dangerous misconception that one can manage these thoughts alone and emphasize the life-saving significance of reaching out for support.

    By engaging in an open dialogue about the internal battles many face, we aim to destigmatize conversations surrounding mental health and suicidal ideation to empower listeners to break the silence and seek the help they deserve to live lives worth living.

    Join us as we confront the silence surrounding suicidal thoughts, unravel the tangled web of depression's deceit, and champion the transformative power of reaching out in times of despair.

    Katie on IG: @Katie.TheBipolarTherapist

  • In this compelling episode, Katie shares her deeply personal journey through two distinct emergencies: one marked by psychiatric crisis and the other by physical trauma. With raw honesty, she contrasts her experiences navigating the emergency healthcare system during a period of intense vulnerability.

    First, Katie shares how, after detailed planning to end her life, she "broke down" and shared her plans with her sister. That disclosure led to her psychiatric hospitalization for much-needed care. She shares the good and bad about how the hospital staff talked to her, the stigma that was evident throughout the experience, and the way her family responded.

    Then, she shifts focus to her unexpected hospital visit just months later, following a freak accident that resulted in back surgery. Through her narrative, Katie explores the marked differences in treatment, support, and societal attitudes between her mental health and physical health emergencies.

    Throughout the episode, Katie reflects on her journey, and sheds light on the distinct differences of navigating dual emergencies, even though both were essentially life-saving medical treatments.