
  • This podcast and all of our podcasts are recorded live, with audience interaction invited and welcomed.    To register for the next LIVE event, please visit:   This special RedZone edition of the Birdie Brigade podcast focuses on 100 yards and in. We will demonstrate 4 drills and give you a challenge you can perform to track your progress. We’ll even help you reduce pressure on the course with our special Pressure Cooker game.   In fact, every podcast we do issues a clear challenge to help you lower your score and work on your weaknesses. We’ll give you actionable drills, pressure tests, and games so practicing becomes more fun…not to mention, more time efficient.   If you’ve struggled to break through 100, 90 and even 80 - today’s special RedZone edition will get you back on track and create shorter putts for you.   Here’s a list of the drills in this podcast: The Step Drill aka Spieth Drill (14:40 mark) The Two Ball Drill (34:26 mark) The Book Drill (36:29 mark) The Belly Button Drill (39:20 mark) And, here’s how to put the lesson from today into ACTION…   First, head to the range and practice the two ball, book and belly button drill...   Second, work on the Step Drill and write down your yardages on the assessment sheet below:     The empty boxes are where you can add a checkmark if you hit that exact distance. If you miss, place a minute (-) in the box. Your goal is to get more checks the next time you do this drill. This is a way to keep score and create a tiny bit of pressure.   Third, play the pressure cooker game and keep score. This one is more practical in terms of seeing if your step drill is helping you accurately choose the right swing and club for a particular distance.    Here’s how it works: Play 9 holes from a variety of RedZone distances… for example, pick 30 yards, 60 yards, and 90 yards as target distances.  Play them randomly a total of 9 holes.  Keep score for each hole using the following scoring system using spot landing and not factoring in roll: 21 feet outside target pin = 0 points 16-20 feet = 1 point 11-15 feet = 2 points 6-10 feet = 3 points 1-5 feet = 4 points Hit the flagstick = 5 points And here’s how to get the most from this weeks lesson plan...   Challenge of the Week Go out this week and practice a total of 3 times. Follow the layout above. End every session with the Pressure Cooker.   Set a Pressure Cooker and Step Drill benchmark your first practice session and aim to beat these during every other practice session.   I am convinced if you put in 30 minutes per session over three practice sessions, you can lower your score immediately. And I know for a fact you’ll be making more pars and looking at more birdies.   Christian Henning    

  • Life is hard. Golf is harder.
    Golf and life are intertwined and help propel each other forward.
    Lessons learned in golf can help propel you farther in life.
    This isn't your usual golf podcast, this is how to get your mind in order... divorcing your old habits and how to develop new ones.
    Visit us @:
    Christian Henning
    Read my blog:
    Become a member:

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • If you are a golfer and over 40... this is an important podcast to tune in to.
    Update on the Rust Buster Challenge.
    Workouts, stretching programs, golf lessons and tips on building habits that will lower your score permanently and deliver more consistency.
    Group 2 starts March 21st. Sign up today.
    To enter, just visit:
    Visit us @

  • Last week we discussed warming up your mind for the golf season… this week we will discuss warming up your body.
    Preparing your body for the season is crucial to prevent injury, perform your best, and live longer.
    This Challenge isn't going to be based on results in your score or performance… rather, we are going to do a 'consistency' challenge. This means, you will score yourself based on the items we give you each day and report in.
    We will be putting our http://SingleDigitBlueprint.com members through this starting next week.
    There are 8 criteria… some are daily… some are one-time things.
    Rich will be building one of his famous checklists to post on the main Golf Aggressive Facebook page here:
    It's going to be 3 weeks, it's going to start March 14th… right after daylight savings time changes again… and who the hell thought of this bs anyway? What does it do? No one has ever given me a straightforward answer.
    So… the winner of the Challenge that starts on March 14 will win three months membership into the http://singledigitblueprint.com.
    So here's the hard 8 we will be focusing on during this consistency challenge:
    Step 1: Regain Touch
    INDOOR: End your day right before bed with 15 minutes of putting and chipping.
    OUTDOOR: If weather and daylight permit, hit the public putting green for a quick 18 holes of putting and about 30 to 40 chips from various area's around the green.
    Step 2: Work on Fundamentals with GTG
    Use our Greasing the Groove Principle to jumpstart your fundamentals.
    Use a mirror.. Then graduate to no mirror. Have a pro check your setup and alignment on driver, irons, chipping, and putting.
    INDOOR: 15 minutes throughout the day, work on your setup and alignment. Rotate through driver setup and alignment, medium iron setup and alignment, putting setup and alignment, and chipping setup and alignment.
    Step 3: Use Our New Practice Workout
    Weather permitting, hit the practice range and green a minimum of 30 minutes 3 days per week. If weather is bad, you should still be doing Step 1 and Step 2 and making progress towards regaining feel while improving your fundamentals.
    Last month we introduced a new Practice Session 'workout'. Designed just like a workout with sets, reps, and a clear focus for each session… use the basic one we laid out for 3 days a week inside the members area of http://SingleDigitBlueprint.com.
    Step 4: Start Exercising
    Last week we did a little survey where we gave away the Golf Body Audit… just a short workout test to see where you are physically… you can do that to measure yourself… but you need to be on a regular plan too.
    Yep… if you took part in our Flatbelly Challenge, you are well aware of how important fitness is to your game. Our flatbelly challenge focuses on dropping unwanted fat and increasing flexibility and strength. We even have a walking challenge In that rich… and I'm questioning your numbers. Do you have little scooters you take partially around your neighborhood?
    If you haven't started exercising yet… you need to get this going ASAP.
    I think I'll release a revised 14-day jumpstart workout this week Rich… to get people a kick in the ass. What do you think about that?
    It's a good start… and there's like probably a years worth of fat burning workouts inside of the SingleDigitBlueprint.com. I mean… no one has the amount of golf specific workouts we have.
    Most golf fitness guys are one and done… let's make this video look super awesome. We don't roll like that. We make our shit good… great even. And we deliver results.
    Give me some results from the FBC of our participants… and you know, this is how we measure the SingleDigitBlueprint.com. Results.
    We don't just make a workout, make it pretty, hire a marketing firm and sell it for 10 years. We test our stuff every time… we help the students… and we get results.
    I'll put our results up against anybody!
    I sound like Donald Trump.
    Step 5: Work on Flexibility
    A big, big, big deal to our readers… I'll release a short stretch program you can perform right before bed this week. I would do this a minimum of 4 times per week.
    Step 6: Pledge to Use Statistics this Year
    Just like Donald Trump wants you to pledge your vote to him, you should pledge to track your stats on EVERY ROUND this year.
    This is absolutely crucial if you want to grab the low hanging fruit and make rapid score decreases in your game. By centering in on our worst area's, we have the most room to improve. Stats are the only way to do this.
    Install an app, track scorecards… whatever it takes, never play a round without keeping stats!
    Step 7: Check Your Equipment
    First of the season is a great time to buy new clubs and shoes and anything else you need for the upcoming season.
    Do yourself a favor though and see a PGA fitting professional… we aren't talking the guys with the trackman at the big box stores. A real seasoned professional who watches your ball flight. Computers are good, but a human with Jedi skills is even better.
    Even if you aren't retooling your inventory, get a fitting and have your clubs fine tuned. With the cold weather, you won't miss your clubs while they are in the shop.
    Step 8: Assess Your Distance
    Yep… first of the season I bet you have NO CLUE how far you hit every club! And if you use our workouts and challenges, that numbers going to go UP… so it's a good place to start lowering your score… it is also the easiest!
    We have a full distance assessment module inside of the SingleDigitBlueprint.com for you to print out and take to the range… we also have a few videos in there for you.

    15-minutes per day chipping and putting indoors… or outdoors if weather is ok.
    15-minutes per day of GTG setup and alignment.
    Implement 30-minute Practice Workout 2-3 times per week.
    Start exercising to lose fat and regain endurance.
    Stretch before bed every night for 15-minutes
    Install a stats tracking app and learn how to use it.
    Get your equipment checked
    Once you are striking the ball decent, perform our distance assessment test to learn your exact club distances. Do this day 1, and last day of the Challenge.

    If you want to take part in this challenge you can certainly do it on your own… or with our group of golf nuts we call lovingly the Birdie Brigade. Come join us at SingleDigitBlueprint.com.
    Listen all the way to the end and then visit to make your entry so you are eligible to win 1 full year of Whataburger.

  • Knocking the rust off every year seems to take forever... it's almost as if you have gotten worse.
    It doesn't need to be this way.
    Today's podcast will cover how to speed up your recovery time so you start fast and improve more this season than any ever before. Neural programming, getting comfortable, and even refining your grip, setup and alignment can be done in just a few minutes per day.
    In addition, Rich and I release a brand new Practice Routine 'Workout'. You can use this just like a workout to improve your game. We'll discuss what it is and how to use it... and how you can modify it to your own needs.
    And if you would like access to our Single Digit Blueprint so you can QUICKLY and EASILY craft your own customized practice plan, get one on one coaching from Rich and I, and meet like minded golfers just like you, go here:
    Listen to the Game Podcast on Your Mobile Device


    Links From The Show:

    Join the Discussion on Facebook.

  • Every year, about this time… this really annoying happens in the Northern Hemisphere… I think it's called cold or something…
    It gets windy, cold, and this white ice substance falls from the sky and blocks the ground so you can't swing a club… and it even has the heartless soul to be the same color as a golf ball.
    And many a golfer simply writes off this time of year and packs it in… but at what cost?
    By turning your neural system off every winter - you are basically accepting regression.
    And it doesn't have to be this way… you don't have to regress just because winter swings around every year.
    Now… here's the plan...

    Build your own "winter man cave golf practice facilities so we can break 80 facility winter cave".
    Use the Drills we give you… and use the GTG and games inside of the Single Digit Blueprint in your "winter man cave golf practice facilities so we can break 80 facility"
    Crack a beer, turn on the big screen, and get to slapping balls.

    In today's podcast we'll get down to business…
    Listen to the Game Podcast on Your Mobile Device:


    Links From The Show:

    Single Digit Blueprint:
    Caribbean Trips:
    OptiShot 2:


  • Links:

    In our last podcast, we discussed the basic fundamentals you need to accept in order for your score to start improving… and today I’ll give you a simple formula you can use to create your own practice routine.
    I don’t believe getting better at golf has to be hard… but you can make improving harder for yourself.
    Tip of the day golfers will NEVER beat a the golfer with a plan.

    You must first accept that tips of the day are a waste of your time…
    You must accept that a new club or gadget isn’t going to cure that awful setup and grip…
    You must accept it’s going to take time… in incremental steps…
    You must accept… that you need a solid plan if you want to improve…

    . Anything that requires skill is going to take time to master.
    A musician doesn’t pick up a guitar and tear off a great riff… no, he learns to tune the guitar, some basic cords, then works on his finger work to build dexterity. Over time he is able to play one song… then another… until he can create his own.
    Golf is the same. It just requires time and smart planning.
    I know in today’s world of instant this and that, it is hard to accept the fact that acquiring a skill will require time. And to be honest, this is unacceptable to most golfers.
    This is your competitive advantage over other golfers.
    Other golfers aren’t willing to lay down a strong foundation and build a wealth of skill, confidence and consistency.
    That’s why you are reading this… you are serious… you understand that practicing with a purpose is going to lay the foundation of success.
    We’ve seen it over and over again in our . Golfers buy in to our methods and philosophy and those scores start to descend.
    Just this past summer we had several golfers become club champions… basically coming out of nowhere to win their courses championship.
    One of our students, Justin Tucker, was the 8th seed in his club championship and he went on to knock off the #1 seed with relative ease.
    Justin then went on to knock off the rest of the field to claim his first club championship.
    Justin didn’t just win, he decimated his competition. In each of his rounds they didn’t even finish 18 full holes he had won so many holes.
    You can do the same thing!!
    So let’s get down to business…
    The Perfect Practice Plan
    Before we dive into building a monster plan, we need to know how much time we have.
    Ideally, you need 1 hour and 30 minutes of uninterrupted time to hit each aspect of your game.
    My sessions include full shots with irons and woods, RedZone shots, putting, chipping, and a small amount of sand work (depending on the course I play or will be playing).
    So my personal timing is as follows:
    Full Swing: 20 minutes RedZone: 20 minutes Chipping / Greenside: 20 minutes Putting: 20 minutes Sand (greenside): 10 minutes
    Additionally, I have allocated another 15 minutes of time for neural programming at home… also known as “Greasing the Groove” or GTG’s as our clients call it.
    In addition, each of my personal workouts are geared for golf… aimed at training my full body for balance, strength, power and once a week for endurance.
    Now that you’ve seen my plan, here is Rich’s personal plan based on his preferences… and you’ll notice his putting session is longer than mine… maybe thats why he has 28 or 29 putts per round?
    Full Swing: 35 minutes RedZone: 10 minutes Chipping / Greenside: 10 minutes Putting: 30 minutes Sand (greenside): 5 minutes
    Your timing will vary based on how much time you can allocate each day. You’ll want to turn off your phones texting and any distractions… I usually put on Ice Cube on my phone and listen… the slow beats help with my timing.
    Now onto the meat of this plan…
    With the above timing, we are able to break our program into chunks and ensure we are hitting each area with enough time to keep things sharp.
    How to Design the Perfect Practice Plan
    If you are a member of the , building your plan will be easy. In fact, I’m going to use the SDB to build out an example plan based on my personal time preferences. However, I’m just going to build out a plan for one week.
    Ideally, you will sit down and craft a full 4 week plan.
    First thing, I need to know where my game stands overall… and I have a pretty good idea because I’ve taken all of the Pressure Tests inside of the Single Digit Blueprint.
    The pressure tests recreate on course pressure in a set and controlled environment… the range or practice green. If you aren’t a member of the , the drills and Pressure Tests I mention may not mean anything to you… but if you are a member, you can see how I’ve stacked all of the Challenges to work out one nice practice routine.
    Knowing my results and stats is very important, because that is the benchmark I will use to see how much I improve over the next 4 weeks of my plan.
    I will then re-take the Pressure tests at the end of a 2 week period and compare my results. I will see improvements in each of the 5 area’s listed above. If I don’t, then I will need adapt and change using the 5 Fundamentals of Practice (click here to read that article).
    Perfect Practice Outline
    Alright, I’m going to give you the outline for the practice program I’ve created for one week.
    Full Swing Drill (10 mins): Tempo – Feet Together alternating regular shots with drill Pressure Test (10 mins): Fairways and Greens Game (play 9 imaginary holes on driving range and keep score of how many fairways and greens you hit. 1 par 5, 6 par 4’s, and 2 par 3’s)
    RedZone Drill (10 mins): Quit the Flip – alternating regular shots with drill Pressure Test (10 mins): 3 Hole Challenge (from RedZone Challenge)
    Chip/Greenside Drill (10 mins): Looking Up Tee Drill alternating regular shots with drill Pressure Test (10 mins): Consistency Assessment (from TapIn Challenge)
    Putting Drill (10 mins): Right Hand Only Drill – alternating regular shots with drill Pressure Test (10 mins): Drawback Game (from No More 3 Putts! Challenge)
    Sand Drill (5 mins): Weight Forward Drill – alternating regular shots with drill Pressure Test (5 mins): 3 Hole Challenge (Pick 3 holes and alternate shot distance randomly keeping score by how close you get for each)
    Now for homework, I’m not going to do a GTG for each part of my game. I’m going to PICK ONE area I need to work on the most and stick with it for the full week.
    I’ll devote a random amount of time throughout the day and evening to work on this one aspect of my game.
    Full Swing GTG: Setup and Alignment
    Just so happens that I’ve picked a very basic but crucial ingredient to work on – my setup and alignment. Now to do this, I’ll actually put tape on the floor of my office or a golf mat so I know for sure that I’m setting up properly.
    Of course, every week the GTG will change to another item up the food chain. I’ll keep changing each week until I’ve grooved the particular area’s that may have been plaguing my game.
    And if you would like access to our Single Digit Blueprint so you can build your own customized practice program, you can grab it here:


    Scheduling one week of workouts, GTG, EMF and practice based on the Single Digit Blueprint system.


  • How do you practice? Think about it for a moment… are you leaving the golf course better, the same, or worse after each session?
    If you don’t know… or your score hasn’t gone down in the past 3 months – you are probably practicing the wrong way.
    ALL OF THEM… use the methods I’m about to reveal to you. If you are looking for the ‘secret’… this is it.
    The secret isn’t sexy and it sure isn’t easy… but it’s the TRUTH.
    Here are the 5 Fundamentals you should adopt if you want to lower your score quickly and efficiently.

    Adopt the Kaizen Method
    Avoid SOS (shining object syndrome) aka Tips of the Day
    Have a Clear Vision and Blueprint Built on Basics
    Master Before Graduating
    Regress When Struggling

    . Let’s break these down individually now…
    Fundamental 1 – The Kaizen Method
    I hope to shed a little light on the subject of practice using our Kaizen method that we teach in the Single Digit Blueprint.
    If you aren’t familiar with Kaizen, it’s a technique used to overcome the fight or flight thinking our brains undergo when we overwhelm them with the complexity of golf. Essentially breaking the game into bite-sized chunks so you can progress and kill the overwhelm.
    You can read more about Kaizen here:
    Click Link => 
    Fundamental 2- Kick Michael Breed to the Curb
    Now, I’ll give some credit to the Tip of the Day Pro’s… but not much. While they do give you tidbits here and there in bite-sized chunks they really aren’t providing you ANY VALUE AT ALL.
    In fact, they are wasting your time… and you are wasting your time watching random tips that are not delivered in context to YOUR GAME.
    Quite simply they are reckless with their shotgun approach to the game of golf. They are LYING TO YOU when they promise a better game.

    “It’s not me, it’s you” ~ You to Michael Breed

    You WON’T GET ANY BETTER practicing random sh*t.
    Tip of the day shows are addicting because you get excited at the hope of the ONE TIP that’s going to awaken your game.
    Well… it’s been how long since you’ve been reading Tip of the Day Magazines and watching Tip of the Day TV shows… and how’s your game? Better or worse or the same?
    And that’s where I’ll begin by telling you to STOP falling for the magic pill approach. It DOESN’T WORK.
    Here’s what does work…
    Fundamental 3 – Develop a CLEAR Blueprint Built Upon Strong Fundamentals
    A blueprint that covers a sound foundation and works its way outward.
    Forget about backswing positions and how to begin your downswing… that’s right, FORGET THEM!
    The game begins from the ground up… and that’s where you should build your game from… every aspect from irons to drivers to wedges to putters and sand shots… it all starts at the ground and works up from there.
    It drives me crazy watching Michael Breed (I’m sure he’s a great guy) teach random sh*t, it’s rapid fire… It’s confusing, it’s not aimed for YOUR personal game, it’s meant to capture the golfers who want the magic pill….
    …and I know that’s not you, or you wouldn’t subscribe to Rich and I’s golf newsletter.
    When I dramatically dropped my golf scores over a period of 6 months when I was a teenager, it was because I dumped the Tip of the Day mentality and followed a well designed blueprint.
    My blueprint focused on Ben Hogan’s Five Lessons… and wisdom from Harvey Penick.
    I must have read Hogan’s book at least 50 times over the years… and there are nuggets in each sentence if you pay careful attention. Some wisdom won’t reveal itself to you until many years later… kind of like watching Caddyshack, you catch things you never noticed before.
    I built my blueprint focusing on painstaking attention to my grip, my stance, my alignment. THE BASICS.
    I put tape on my bedroom floor and I practiced over and over and over the boring aspects of the setup and alignment.
    What occurred over a very short period of time was magical. My score began to drop, my shots narrowed closer to the target, my confidence grew, and I got BETTER.
    Fundamental 4 – Master Before Graduating
    The only rule I had was that I must be able to MASTER or come close to MASTERING the task at hand. To be real, I wasn’t striving for perfection. I was striving for a full understanding of what it felt like, what it looked like in a mirror, and how I could groove a smooth swing.
    I was not allowed to move on or lose focus until I had completed a basic mastery of the fundamental I was working on.
    If you suffer from SOS (Shiny Object Syndrome) you will find this particularly difficult… and one of our authors on Golf Aggressive struggles with this even today… I won’t mention any names, but Robert Phillips struggles with staying on task to improve.
    It is human nature to want to improve rapidly and graduate to the more exciting things in golf… however, this is EXACTLY why golfers never break 90 or 80… or even 100!
    Quite simply, the basics must be mastered and revisited at the beginning of each session if you want to get better at golf.
    It sounds boring and maybe it is… and maybe it can be frustrating… but a house built on shaky ground is going to fall down and be useless.
    Fundamental 5 – Regress When Struggling
    Yep… when thing’s go in the sh*tter it’s time to regress and go backwards.
    The best approach is to start from the very beginning all over again.
    Check your grip, posture, stance, weight balance, alignment… once the foundation is solid hit a few shots. It’s important you build a benchmark for yourself.
    When you are striking the ball well, have a record of your setup, your grip, your alignment, your takeaway and so on.
    I actually keep notes on my phone when I’m striking the ball well. Filled with the feels and mental cues I am using that day.
    It also helps to have someone video your swing.
    Now getting to that point is going to take some work… and we cover that in Fundamental 4 – Master Before Graduating.
    Essentially, you are building your game from the ground up… and when you are struggling you return to the beginning. If you don’t know what those fundamentals should look or feel like, hire a PGA Pro for a session or two to line you out. Record the lesson and watch it back later until it all becomes second nature… or join the and we can take a look at your video’s and provide some guidance.
    That covers the 5 Fundamentals of Practice… but that’s just the outline.
    Tomorrow, we’ll put some meat on the bone and talk about how to stack GTG’s (Greasing the Groove), Specific Drills, and Pressure Testing from all of our Challenges to build a comprehensive practice regimen you can use to get that score heading in the right direction.
    Tomorrow, we will put together an outline you can use to build your own Blueprint.

    Christian Henning Onnit Academy Certified Trainer

  • Fitness for golf... fitness for health... both can be achieved with one workout. To be honest, golf is as close to real life movements as you will get. Rotation, posture, power, static holds, it has everything... and in the span of just a few seconds. In addition, endurance plays a big role in your health as well as golf.
    And you don't need to be a gym rat to have success and drop unwanted pounds of fat and become more flexible.
    In today's podcast, we are going to talk about better ways to do cardio, why flexibility matters, and how to keep yourself motivated.
    Give the podcast a listen here:

    Today's Podcast Topics Include

    2:22 Whataburger Sponsorship request
    4:00 Why being flexible matters for golf
    6:52 You don't need a long workout
    9:00 Why long boring cardio sucks and you should stop doing it
    10:00 Eye test for the best exercise tools at a gym
    11:00 Why you want an athletic look
    11:43 Chris is preparing for Zombie apocalypse
    17:15 Too much cardio can cause heart damage
    23:00 Why shorter workouts are better
    23:35 Rich Challenges Chris to 30 minute runs at full speed
    29:00 Being smart with better fitness programming for golf
    36:11 The Most Interesting Golfer in the World Warmup review
    45:00 You should be able to play 36 holes without pain or exhaustion
    51:00 Dove Mountain golf ball donor speaks out
    52:00 Jack Nicklaus hates the average golfer and proved it
    60:00 How to be imperfectly perfect and keep your workout momentum
    64:00 Two Head Kangaroos under Rich's desk
    65:00 Rich's 45 pound fat loss

    Listen to the Game Podcast on Your Mobile Device


    Links From The Show:


  • Is your short game the real reason your scores are not going down? Club manufacturers have brainwashed most golfers into believe the fastest way to a better game is through new drivers and equipment upgrades.
    Certainly, new equipment feels good… like a brand new suit off Savile Row.
    However, equipment is NOT the key to lower scoring. Nope… technique is.
    When reviewing the videos Rich and I receive inside our Facebook Coaching group, we notice many golfers lack a good foundation. many of the flaws we see are:

    Grip Problems – either too strong or too weak.
    Setup Problems – Alignment, posture, ball position are off.
    Takeaway Problems – Wristy, or too inside, or even outside the plane.
    Tempo Problems – Backswing and downswing are out of sync.
    Impact Problems – Proper positions into Impact Zone are not being achieved.

    . Luckily, these are all fairly easy to fix… if you know what you are looking for… and that brings us to the 5 DEATH Moves of Chipping… in fact, we give you a few extra’s on today’s podcast.
    Today’s podcast covers the short game aspect of chipping… the problems to look for and the drills you need to develop better habits. Over time, you can improve your stroke immensely while improving your proximity to the hole after your chips… so you are left with more TapIns.
    Give the podcast a listen here:
    The 5 DEATH Moves of Chipping Podcast
    Today’s Podcast Topics Include

    1:53 Tequila and Cuban cigars
    2:38 The 5 Death Moves Overview
    4:00 Why Confidence Matters
    5:30 The Vominator
    6:25 Death Move Tip’s
    10:00 Fastest Grooving Tip Ever
    13:40 How to Setup with Proper Balance
    15:00 It Wasn’t Me
    20:00 The Tee Tip
    25:00 Wife-beater Friendly Golf Courses
    29:00 Death Move #4
    33:40 Death Move List Reorganized
    41:00 Tiger Woods Waffle House Up and Downs
    44:00 TapIn Challenge Announcement
    45:00 How to Hire a Golf Coach
    49:00 Why You Need a Path and Not One-Off Lessons
    54:00 Where to Get the 5 DEATH Moves of Chipping Video’s

    If you are looking for a systematic way to improve your chipping and create more Tap In's, check our the Single Digit Blueprint here:

  • Lowering your golf score – it’s the number one goal on just about every golfers list… and I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it… the Golf Channel and golf magazines DON’T WANT YOU to get too good. Nope, they want you addicted to their endless tips. How else are they going to keep feeding their wallet if you don’t need them?
    Some of you may not like the content in today’s post… but I owe it to you to cut through the BS that’s out there.
    Golf is a complex sport, but the solution to lowering your score isn’t complex… if you use SYSTEMS.
    I swear I feel like I need ADD medication anytime I watch Michael Breed on the Golf Fix. Holy sh*t the dude just rambles from one tip to the next… my head feels like it will explode. If I watch it too long I start thinking too much when I do go practice or play. So I decided to turn off that crap… no offense to Michael Breed, I’m sure he’s a fun guy to play golf with… but I can’t stand ADD Golf Guru’s. These guys are doing more harm than good. The tips they give really are solid… if used i n the right context. However, just slapping out tip after tip to someone who doesn’t have basic systems and fundamentals isn’t going to help them.
    The honest truth is that the skills you need to break 100… and then 90… and then 80 are BASIC. They aren’t complicated. In fact, their sheer simplicity isn’t complex enough for most golfers.
    The average golfer is highly educated, has a demanding job, and a very busy schedule.
    As such, they don’t expect breaking 90 or 80 to be so simple. This is where golfers get stuck on the golf tip treadmill… To be honest, Rich and I have coached golfers who shoot in the high 90’s and brought them down into the 70’s. We’ve taken guys who shoot in the 70’s to under par… and winning their club championships.
    How do we do it so quickly? Through the use of sound fundamentals and SYSTEMS.
    According to Golf Digest:
    Half of all golfers in America have broken 100. 5 percent shoot in the 70’s, 20 percent in the 80’s and 27 percent in the 90’s. The average score in America in 2005 was 98.3.
    According to Golf Digest then, 75% of all golfers can’t break 90.
    That begs the question, what is the problem with golf instruction? If there are so many die-hard golfers, why are so many not able to break 90?
    Golf is a complex sport, but the solution to lowering your score isn’t complex.
    In business, the company that is best able to simplify complex problems and efficient ‘systems’ to solve problem is usually the company that earns the most profit. Similarly, the best golfers are the ones who are able to simplify their games by building a strong base foundation that becomes second nature and automatic.
    Easier said that done.
    In fact, I would wager that most good golfers don’t fully understand the ‘systems’ they have created… they’ve been doing them so long it’s like driving a car to them… they don’t even think about what they do or why.
    Working with mid to high handicap golfers I can tell you without a doubt they do not have ‘system’s or even the basic tools to lower their score. If they do have a system, it’s based on the hodge-podge of golf tips and books they’ve strung together to lower their score.
    More often than not, it is a land of confusion for them… they have lots of great information in their minds, they just don’t know how to apply it in the RIGHT ORDER.
    Rapid fire guru’s hammer tons of information at the average golfer. To be honest, the average golfer doesn’t know what he needs… he just know he needs help. When he tries to apply a tip here and there, is he addressing the root cause of his problem? I doubt it. How can a rapid fire golf guru know through the TV?
    Now, I’m not bashing great TV presenters with their rapid fire shows… they are just catering to what people want. However, what golfers want and what they need are often two entirely different things.
    While teaching systems and fundamentals isn’t sexy, Rich and I don’t really give a damn… all I know is, I will put our results up against ANY GOLF INSTRUCTOR or GOLF FITNESS guru. Our results prove our systems work.
    Here’s just a few posts we had inside our coaching group within the PAST WEEK.

    Jamie Scobie improved his Pre-Shot Routine using our PSR model and fine tuned his focus.

    Paul struggled with his driver until our latest podcast where we covered a very simple way to setup to your driver every time for more consistency.

    Justin made it to the top 8 in his club and took out the #1 seed in dominating fashion after participating in our No More 3 Putts! Challenge.

    Another success story after listening to The Game Podcast and using our Golf Specific Workouts.

    Playing under pressure, Justin was able to drop an under par score. No More 3 Putts! PAYING$OFF.

    So what do I do to lower my score?
    Let’s throw out all the bullsh*t we THINK we know.
    Let’s go back to the basics. Let’s master the basics. Let’s add on to the basics with simple techniques to improve our shotmaking skills.
    Let’s stop just working on our golf swing only.
    Let’s assess our game completely.
    Once we know where we stand, we can develop a systematic plan.
    Let’s employ SYSTEMS that allow us to master fundamentals.
    Random doesn’t work. It doesn’t work at your job, it doesn’t work in business, and it doesn’t work for success. Systems are methods that allow you to transform your overall game. All of our Challenges in the Single Digit Blueprint use systems.
    Generally, we form a sound foundation and work our way out. The basic fundamentals.. then we add sprinkles to the donut. What happens is mastery of the basics so you can fix your own game… and then develop shotmaking skills like professional golfers.
    Lowering your score, playing well under pressure, and developing consistency all require time and investment.

    P.S. If you are ready to dump the “tip of the day” coaching and get serious about simplifying your game, check out the

  • One night during jiujitsu class I was schooled by a black belt on how to escape the mount… and you may be wondering what jiujitsu has to do golf.
    Quite a bit actually… both are art forms in their own right. Let me explain…
    Sometimes there are invisible things you don’t see and aren’t taught that have a huge impact on the outcome of your swing or jiujitsu. Much like a master painter working on a masterpiece… it’s the things you don’t see that make the painting a masterpiece.
    The black belt showed me one tiny tweak to make… almost invisible to the untrained eye. The result? Magical, powerful, and unstoppable.
    Golf is no different… there are many “secrets” master golfers employ that the average golfer isn’t even aware of. These secrets are the finishing touches to solid foundations that make Tour Pro’s and scratch golfers swings so magical, powerful, and unstoppable.
    I’m going to reveal one such “invisible” tweak you can make to your swing for booming drives… a tweak your playing partners won’t notice unless they are master PGA teaching professionals or accomplished golfers.
    This week's episode covers 3 or 4 tips (maybe more) that you can quickly employ to improve your driving distance and more importantly, accuracy.
    Links in this episode:
    Christian Henning

  • Sometimes you can work your butt off and see no results. That's pretty frustrating, and I think we've all been there at some point or another. After all, who wants to shoot +/- 5 of their score the rest of their life?
    Not me!
    I want to break 70 as my goal.. and it's not much fun when you hit that sticking point (or glass ceiling as I call it).
    Today's podcast we discuss mental reasons, physical reasons, and brainwashing reasons that might be holding you back... we go into 15 reasons or more... we got a little long-winded, but we had a good time and I think you'll enjoy this show.
    Fortunately, you can do something about it once you pinpoint the issue or issues surrounding your game. I also issue a challenge on what you can do to get back on track.
    In addition, we announce the release of our brand new membership site, the .
    Links in the show:

    Right now you can get FULL access to the Single Digit Blueprint for just $1 for the first 30 days... and then the special intro rate of just $14.96/month. Once we hit the first 100 members, we will be increasing the price... so take advantage of this now.
    Christian Henning

  • Assessing your putting game beyond the norms of today is essential if you want to pinpoint issues that could be costing you strokes on the green.
    In our podcast today, we talk about various ways to assess your putting both on the practice green and again on the course. Once we have gathered enough statistical data, we can then develop a plan of action, and ultimately imrove our weaknesses.
    The assessment for the practice green is very simple:
    -      x    5 and 10 footers (10 putts to each, record make percentage)
    -      x   Lag Putting – draw back game (18 holes, how many draw backs, distances/slop, makes, score)
    We will also discuss what to track during a live round, as the old school putts per round is dated and doesn't reveal any significant data we can use to improve.
    We hope you enjoy todays show!
    Christian Henning

  • Everyone can use a mentor... in life, business, romance, parenting, and yes... even golf.
    A mentor is the lighthouse that keeps you off the rocks... away from danger and steering on a successful course.
    In my younger days, I always thought I knew the best way. As I've aged, I've learned that doing it alone is not the best way, it's the WORST way. When I lost my grandfather, I learned this the hard way. The man I had spent so much time with, and received so much advice from, was gone. Going it alone is never the easy way.
    Whether your mentor is virtual or physical, it doesn't really matter. What you need is someone with experience... someone who's been where you are and is now WHERE YOU WANT TO BE.
    On today's podcast, we discuss how to find a golf mentor.
    For the most part, we talk about someone in person who can guide you along your journey... but you can also go virtual as well.
    For example, in every single Challenge we run, Rich and I are available in real-time. Just post a question up to the Private Facebook group and we'll write you back with our thoughts... and we get great questions all of the time.
    In fact, we love helping people get better at golf.
    The best moments are when we receive an email from someone who we have helped or touched in some special way.
    Christian Henning

  • Fore more content on How to Break 80 click here: http://golfaggressive.com
    Breaking 80 is the dream of every golfer. Most golfers think that breaking 80 is out of reach… that they need to have Sergio Garcia’s iron game, Ben Crenshaws putting, and Rory’s driver distance and accuracy.
    To be honest, you don’t need to do any of these things great in order to break 80.
    All you need are a few spare minutes each day and a solid game-plan. In addition, you need to throw out the idea that a single tip is going to magically make you better quickly. Stop chasing the FOOLS GOLD that is popular in today’s golf publications – REJECT the quick fix mentality.
    Let’s be real for a moment… the golf ball and golf club are inanimate objects. If you pick up the same club and Jordan Spieth picks up the same club… what do you think the end result will be for any given shot?
    If you pick up the same club and Jordan Spieth picks up the same club… what do you think the end result will be for any given shot?
    Jordan will probably nail the shot – no matter how old that club is. What will the result be if you pick the club up? I’m guessing it won’t be as good as Jordan’s. You see, the issue is not with your clubs or ball, it’s with YOU. You are placing a force on the ball that is less than optimal. By rearranging and tweaking a few things, you are in full control of how that ball will react.
    So let’s drop the idea’s that new clubs, quick fixes, gadgets, or other Fools Gold are the solution. Sure, your equipment needs to be decent… but the Club Champion at my course won with clubs that are almost 20 years old – Mizuno T-Zoids.
    The solution lies in gaining a better understanding of your game. Once you know your game and where it stands, we can set out a plan to FIX THE PROBLEMS. It’s very simple in theory and it’s very simple to put into practice. However, most golfers can’t dissect their game (because they don’t know their numbers)… worse, some are not honest with themselves about their skill level or scores.
    In order to gain an understanding of our game, we must begin with a few basics…
    In addition to the Seven Critical Skills to Breaking 80, there are a few tools you need to implement immediately.

    Start Tracking Your Stats
    Learn Your Distances for EVERY Club In Your Bag
    Start Practicing the RIGHT WAY

    Now that you’ve taken ownership and realized the problem is NOT YOUR CLUBS – but with YOU – we are more than 75% of the way to breaking 80.
    Everything starts with Sweat Equity. Again, Jordan Spieth didn’t become a Jedi Master of Golf by sitting on his ass and buying a new driver every year. He also doesn’t show up at the range not knowing what he’s working on. In addition, I would be Jordan doesn’t own any gadgets or gimmicks.
    So now that we know what is required, what we need to know, how do we put a plan together to break 80?
    Getting better is done in tiny little increments over the course of a few months or over a year.
    If you are breaking 90 and hovering around the mid-80’s – I think breaking 80 is right around the corner for you… if you can apply some basic stat tracking and practice planning.
    For the golfer that is close, it’s a matter of tuning up the weakest part of their golf game. So if you haven’t started tracking stats – start doing that immediately. We need a good sample of scores and stats in order to pinpoint the weak-spots… and you may have a few. That’s OK. I think probably 10 rounds is a good sample size of stats.
    Track Greens in Regulation, Putts Per Round, Fairways Hit and Missed (and the side of the fairway or rough landed), Chipping Accuracy (actually step these off and write on the card), and do the same for your sand game. In addition, look at how far away your putts are from the hole when you hit a green in regulation. Beyond that, we need to know how far you hit every club in your bag.
    Sound like a lot of work? Not really… you can track this as you go. Then transfer to a spreadsheet. IT’S TIME WELL SPENT.
    Once we see the numbers, it’s time to put a plan of action together.
    This is my favorite part of the game to be honest. Practicing, learning, working towards a goal is fun. Better yet, when you practice the right way, you will make improvements immediately. Improving is done with FOCUS.
    Now, I’m going to go back on my rant again against the major golf publications and TV… they simply don’t enforce the REALITY of improvement is through laser like FOCUS.
    In our Challenge groups, EVERYBODY who applies themselves gets better.
    Because we aren’t asking them to do a ridiculous amount of things. Our aim is to focus on one aspect of their game and make it better. We do it by breaking everything down into small increments. THEY MASTER THOSE INCREMENTS and then move on.
    When you were learning to read, you didn’t start out reading The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire did you? Hell no.
    You learned the basics and worked your way up. Our methodology in our Challenge’s is no different. In fact, we have several scratch golfers, PGA pro’s, and guys on the cusp of breaking 80 regularly participating in our Challenges.
    So… what do you practice? The first step is to look at our stats… If I’m rolling 35 or 36 putts and my average score is 83 – I start with putting. Beyond that, I look at what exactly am I doing wrong in my putting? Then I put together a plan of drills and steps and I execute those over the course of SIX WEEKS. Anything less is not giving myself the best chance for success LONG TERM.
    Yep. Sweat Equity. Focus. Purpose.
    Now, Rich and I have broken down the following SEVEN Critical Golf Skills you need to break 80 EVERYDAY. Here they are in no particular order… because as we have learned, we all have strengths and weaknesses… we get more bang for our buck focusing on the weaknesses ALWAYS. As we bring that weakness up, we will discover another one… so the process continues until 80 is broken.
    The SEVEN Critical Golf Skills for Breaking 80
    1) Accurate within the Red Zone (100 yards and in)
    2) Finding the Fairway with Your Drives (we don’t always need to bang the driver)
    3) Short Game & Bunkers (the ability to save par close to the green)
    4) Eliminating 3 Putts (mastering distance control and green reading)
    5) Shotmaking Skills (rarely is there a flat shot, master the basic downhill, sidehill, uphill, downhill shots)
    6) Mental Game (coming out with a plan for the course before you get to the course, making wise decisions, not making things worse)
    7) Fitness (eliminate the back 9 fade, develop more power, better balance, and endurance so you can practice)
    Now that you have an understanding of the process, get out there and start tracking those stats! I think you will find more enjoyment out of your golf through focused practice, goals, and challenging yourself to get better with a plan. Building your game up by YOURSELF is much more enjoyable than buying a game.
    … and we’ll be covering this in our podcast this week.
    If there’s anything you would like to hear on , let me know!
    Christian Henning

  • Visit us at http://golfaggressive.com for more mind, body, and skill tips and drills.100 yards and in for most amateurs is a guessing game. Guessing about how hard to hit their irons instead of regulating their backswing length. Total confusion really… but this could be the holy grail when it comes to scoring. What good is being a great putter if you are putting for bogeys constantly or doubles?It’s really important to know how far you hit your clubs, and its even more important to equate your backswing length to distance…What I mean by that is that to score from 100 yards and in you’ll need to be accurate from 20, 30, 40, 50 and so on up to 100 yards if you want more birdie chances and par opportunities… and it’s really not super hard to get that kind of accuracy.If you watch TV and watch the pro’s, the commentators don’t really tell you how much the pro’s actually practice using the methods we’re about to show you.In fact, Ben Hogan is famous for having his caddy stand out at certain yardages with a baseball glove and catch his shots. Now, Rich isn’t advocating that, but he does have something close to it that will help you nail varying distances of shots from 100 yards and in.The DrillFootball field suggestion for more accurate yardages and reduce risk of getting slapped with a ball from a hacker on range. Also, maybe break it down in 20 yard increments instead of 10 yards.The Pressure TestGreat drill but missing pressure testing. Play 9 holes of varying distances… for example, pick 30 yards, 60 yards, and 90 yards as target distances. Play them randomly a total of 9 holes. Keep score.The ChallengeGo out this week and practice a total of 3 times, set a benchmark your first time out using the Pressure Test AFTER you do Rich’s drill. Keep that score and repeat two more times. Your goal is to beat your score by the end of the third practice session.Now, I believe in you, and I know you can break 90, 80, and even 70. One of our students is getting very close to breaking par - Larry Horrie. And I believe you can make the PGA or Senior Tour, and I sure as hell think you can become the club champion. You just need to plan out your baby steps and get to work. And you don’t need to spend hours per day practicing. A few minutes here or there is all you need.Go out and try this drill and pressure test… I am convinced if you put in 30 minutes per session over three practice sessions, you can lower your score immediately and in addition gain a lot more confidence. And I know for a fact you’ll be making more pars and looking at more birdies.Christian Henninghttp://golfaggressive.com

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    Ahh yes… your best buddy – the blow up hole. There you are, stringing a few pars along with a few bogeys. I’m going to break 90 today!

    Wipe that grin off your face sir… you just lost millions of dollars of endorsements and a chance at legend status.

    Then, almost as if some evil force takes control of your mind and body… you hit a bad shot into the woods. Your mind races… I’ve GOT to save par or bogey to break 90!
    Suddenly you have the confidence that your trouble saving skills are on par with Ian Poulter… yeah right!
    Where did you find this confidence? You’ve been riding the bogey train for decades. Now you are going to play a Bubba shot from the woods and break 90? FAT CHANCE! :-)
    It seemed like a good idea at the time… going for that green from the pine needles in damp ground… only to slip and fatty it deeper into the swamplands of Louisiana. But yet, you had to give it a shot… you had a chance at breaking 90!
    You blew it the second you wanted to be the hero of the day.
    It’s time for you to grow up and take your medicine.
    Luckily, Rich came up with a strategy that will help you decide on the PERFECT shot for any situation. Follow these simple rules to eliminate the blow up holes and you MAY JUST BREAK 90… or 80… or even win the British Open (I’m looking at you Jean Van de Velde).
    Even guys good enough to be the HERO can come out smelling like SH*T.

  • The big golf trip to Myrtle Beach was in full swing. Four days and six courses. Some people I knew, but the majority were strangers.It was hot. Really hot… and humid.Late June in South Carolina brings temperatures to a boiling point. This particular week, we experienced a heat wave even by South Carolina standards. In the weeks leading up to the trip, Rich had kept telling me that I was going to be hurting. We would be driving between courses, playing 36 holes, and staying out into the late evenings.Rich didn’t know my secret… I was more than ready. Simply because each training session I perform, and every workout program I design, prepares myself and my golfers for endurance. At that point last year, Rich was still a bit overweight and had not participated in any of our test groups. However, this past January Rich joined the and has lost a total of 35 pounds. He can not play 54 holes in one day and feel great at the end of each round. Better yet, there’s no hangover the next day.Now, Rich understands more than ever that the style of programming I build into the workouts pays dividends in many different area’s… most often forgotten is endurance.So how did I do on the hot golf trip? I did great. The last day I put it all together and even made some money. Better yet, I never struggled at all with the long days on the course. Starting with the 6AM wake-up and returning back to the condo at 8PM. The golfers around me though were complaining that this was too much golf in such a short span of time. They were complaining about their backs… and it showed on their scorecards and in their bad moods. During those days, I had prepared my body in advance by focusing on three keys of the four keys of golf endurance… and the fourth key is to simply stay hydrated all day by drinking enough water and staying away from alcohol.The Four Keys of Golf Endurance1. HIIT Interval Training2. Resistance Training3. Hydration4. Walk MoreHIIT TrainingHigh Intensity Interval Training is designed into most of our golf fitness programs like  and . Perform a short 20-minute HIIT session at the end of your resistance training session. Doing so can improve endurance and spike your body’s fat burning furnace long after your stop exercising (this is not a benefit you will get with long and slow cardio). Resistance TrainingResistance training is often overlooked when it comes to building endurance. Endurance requires strong muscles. Endurance also builds more lean muscle which burns more calories over the course of a day, making you even leaner. In addition, the stronger you are into old age, the more likely you will be able to play golf well into your golden years.
    Again, I built and with resistance training built into them for this very reason.
    HydrationBeing dehydrated can cause many issues. In this podcast, Rich even mentions that when he doesn’t drink enough water that he gets migraine headaches near the end of his round of golf. This makes sense because your brain tissue is 85% water. Dehydration causes your brain to become taxed and you lose focus. Quite simply, golf is a sport of focus.Stay hydrated by drinking at least two bottles of water per 9 holes. Spike that water with a hydration supplement such as Golf Fuel’s Hydration Pro for even better results. Walk MoreWalking in general has been shown to increase your life span. In addition, walking the course is just enjoyable and provides many benefits… including faster play. Check out a push or pull cart for your rounds and convert to walking. If you don’t want to walk every round, why not do it at least 9 holes per week? Give it a shot and I know you’ll feel better.I would avoid carrying your bag. There’s no need to put the strain on your spine by lifting and setting down your bag every time you hit a shot. Links Mentioned in This Week’s PodcastShed Pounds to Shave Strokes: Core to Score: Golf Fuel Hydration Pro:

  • Is it really possible to break 90 consistently in 42 days or less? YES! But it won’t happen if you practice like most hackers who go to driving range and randomly hit hundreds of balls. We’re going to laser focus on quickly mastering the 6 most critical golf skills. Mastering these skills is a simple shortcut to lower scores.
    Add in some simple course management strategies and you’ll be breaking 90 faster then you ever imagined possible. And you’ll have more fun playing golf too! -- 5 Star Reviews
    “This has helped me to play SMARTER golf... Playing according to this book's plan has helped bring my average down by about 5-8 strokes, and I'm enjoying golfing a lot more.” – JC
    “A simple book of simple strategies that work. My first goal was to always shoot below 100. This book helped me do that and aim for 90 or less.“ – Norman
    “Excellent tips that provide a different insight and a great quick read.” – Matt “This read jump started my roadmap to consistently break 85. Thanks for the roadmap.” – Anonymous
    “Excellent Golf Book. Admittedly I read almost every book that there is about gold. However, this was definitely one of the better ones and one that I will be recommending to everyone apart from my opponents!” – Gina