A weekly podcast exploring stories at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens.
This week: Mitch and Missy sat down with Dr. Karoline Lewis to discuss the future of preaching.
Dr. Karoline Lewis is a professor of preaching at Luther Seminary in Minnesota, as well as one of the directors of the Festival of Homiletics.
"Good Faith Weekly" is produced out of Norman, Oklahoma. Music is by Pond5. Learn more at www.GoodFaithMedia.org and @GFMediaOrg
Links: Dr. Karoline Lewis - https://www.karolinelewis.com/
Festival Of Homiletics - https://festivalofhomiletics.com/why-foh/ -
A weekly podcast exploring stories at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens.
This week: Mitch and Missy sat down with Paul Kroeger to discuss the latest developments in Ukraine.
Paul Kroeger is a field officer based in Lviv, Ukraine, managing humanitarian projects for an NGO. He has lived in Ukraine for about two years. Prior to his work in Ukraine, Paul lived in Germany as an opera singer, working as a soloist at several theaters for six years.
"Good Faith Weekly" is produced out of Norman, Oklahoma. Music is by Pond5. Learn more at www.GoodFaithMedia.org and @GFMediaOrg
Paul Kroeger ~ https://www.condevfoundation.org/paul-kroeger
Amnesty International ~ https://www.amnestyusa.org/ -
Manglende episoder?
A weekly podcast exploring stories at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens.
This week: Mitch and Missy sat down with Evan Clark, the Executive Director of Atheists United, in Los Angeles, California.
Evan is an award-winning atheist community organizer with over 16 years experience tinkering with secular communities. He was hired in 2019 as Atheists United’s first Executive Director.
"Good Faith Weekly" is produced out of Norman, Oklahoma. Music is by Pond5. Learn more at www.GoodFaithMedia.org and @GFMediaOrg
Evan Clark ~ https://www.atheistsunited.org/about -
A weekly podcast exploring stories at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens.
This week: Mitch and Missy sat down with Rebecca Glazier to discuss her book, Faith and Community: How Engagement Strengthens Members' Places of Worship and Society.
Rebecca A. Glazier is Professor in the School of Public Affairs at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. She is the Director of the Little Rock Congregations Study and the author of Connecting in the Online Classroom: Building Rapport between Teachers and Students.
"Good Faith Weekly" is produced out of Norman, Oklahoma. Music is by Pond5. Learn more at www.GoodFaithMedia.org and @GFMediaOrg
Links: Rebecca A. Glazier - https://www.rebeccaglazier.net/
Book:https://www.amazon.com/stores/Rebecca-A.-Glazier/author/B09348T9J9?ref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true -
A weekly podcast exploring stories at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens.
This week: Mitch and Missy sat down with Rick Steves to discuss his new book, On the Hippie Trail: Istanbul to Kathmandu and the Making of a Travel Writer."
Rick Steves is a travel expert, author, and TV host who specializes in Europe. His travel philosophy encourages Americans to explore less-touristy areas and immerse themselves in local cultures.
"Good Faith Weekly" is produced out of Norman, Oklahoma. Music is by Pond5. Learn more at www.GoodFaithMedia.org and @GFMediaOrg
Links: Rick Steves- https://www.ricksteves.com/
Book: "On the Hippie Trail: Istanbul to Kathmandu and the Making of a Travel Writer " https://www.amazon.com/dp/1641716436 -
A weekly podcast exploring stories at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens.
This week: Mitch and Missy sat down with Matthew Dowd for a conversation about the state of the country and hopes for the future.
Matthew Dowd is the chief political analyst for ABC News, a best-selling author, and a campaign strategist for more than 100 campaigns. In his position with ABC News, he appears on “This Week,” “Good Morning America,” and “Nightline.”
"Good Faith Weekly" is produced out of Norman, Oklahoma. Music is by Pond5. Learn more at www.GoodFaithMedia.org and @GFMediaOrg
Matthew Dowd -https://politics.uchicago.edu/fellows/former-fellows/matthew-dowd -
A weekly podcast exploring stories at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens.
This week: Mitch and Missy discuss the inauguration of President Donald Trump and the powerful sermon that captured global attention.
"Good Faith Weekly" is produced out of Norman, Oklahoma. Music is by Pond5. Learn more at www.GoodFaithMedia.org and @GFMediaOrg
Links: GoodFaithMedia- https://goodfaithmedia.org/ -
A weekly podcast exploring stories at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens.
This week: Mitch and Missy sat down with Leah Payne to discuss her new book, "God Gave Rock and Roll to You: A History of Contemporary Christian Music."
Guest: Leah Payne is an award-winning historian and Associate Professor of American Religious History at Portland Seminary. She holds a Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University and her research explores the intersection of religion, politics, and popular culture.
"Good Faith Weekly" is produced out of Norman, Oklahoma. Music is by Pond5. Learn more at www.GoodFaithMedia.org and @GFMediaOrg
Links: Leah Payne ~ https://www.drleahpayne.com/
Summer Institute for Global Charismatic-Pentecostal Studies - https://candler.emory.edu/about-candler/institutes-initiatives-affiliates/the-summer-institute-for-global-charismatic-pentecostal-studies/ -
A weekly podcast exploring stories at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens.
This week: Mitch and Missy sat down with Matthew Taylor, who has a new book out titled The Violent Take It by Force: The Christian Movement That Is Threatening Our Democracy.
Guest: Matthew D. Taylor is senior scholar at the Institute for Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies in Baltimore, where he specializes in American Christianity, American Islam, Christian extremism, and religious politics.
"Good Faith Weekly" is produced out of Norman, Oklahoma. Music is by Pond5. Learn more at www.GoodFaithMedia.org and @GFMediaOrg
Links: Matthew Taylor ~ https://icjs.org/people/matthew-d-taylor/ -
A weekly podcast exploring stories at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens.
This week: Mitch and Missy speak with Randall Balmer about the life and legacy of former President Jimmy Carter.
Guest: Randall Balmer, an Episcopal priest, teaches Religion in North America at Dartmouth College. He is a CNN Contributor, the author of more than a dozen books, and his commentaries appear in newspapers across the country.
"Good Faith Weekly" is produced out of Norman, Oklahoma. Music is by Pond5. Learn more at www.GoodFaithMedia.org and @GFMediaOrg
Links: Randall Balmer ~ https://www.randallbalmer.com/ -
A weekly podcast exploring stories at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens.
This week: Mitch and Missy wish you and yours a Merry Christmas -- and Happy Holidays!
Guest: Sister Helen Holy, a character conceived by actor and comedian Paul J. Williams.
"Good Faith Weekly" is produced out of Norman, Oklahoma. Music is by Pond5. Learn more at www.GoodFaithMedia.org and @GFMediaOrg
Sister Helen Holy ~ http://www.helenholy.com/ -
A weekly podcast exploring stories at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens.
This week: Mitch and Missy are honoring the life of Doctor Tony Campolo
Guest: Robert Gauthier, executive director of the Campolo Center for Ministry.
"Good Faith Weekly" is produced out of Norman, Oklahoma. Music is by Pond5. Learn more at www.GoodFaithMedia.org and @GFMediaOrg
Robert Gauthier ~ https://www.eastern.edu/offices-centers/office-advancement/robert-gauthier
Campolo Center for Ministry ~ https://www.eastern.edu/campolocenter/about -
A weekly podcast exploring stories at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens. This week:
Mitch and Missy develop a relationship with Alexa.
Guest: Blockprint artist Kreg Yingst, whose new book is "Everything Could Be a Prayer: 100 Portraits of Saints and Mystics."
"Good Faith Weekly" is produced out of Norman, Oklahoma. Music is by Pond5. Learn more at www.GoodFaithMedia.org and @GFMediaOrg
Kreg Yingst ~ https://kregyingst.com/
"Everything Could Be a Prayer: 100 Portraits of Saints and Mystics" book ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/1506499481 -
A weekly podcast exploring stories at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens. This week:
Mitch and Missy share their gratitude lists.
Guest: Lucille O'Neal, author of "While I Have Your Attention: It’s Never Too Late for a New Beginning."
"Good Faith Weekly" is produced out of Norman, Oklahoma. Music is by Pond5. Learn more at www.GoodFaithMedia.org and @GFMediaOrg
"While I Have Your Attention" book ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/1400344212 -
A weekly podcast exploring stories at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens. This week:
Mitch and Missy share their unique strategies for coping with bad news.
Guests: Lloyd Barba and Sergio González, historians and hosts of the podcast "Sanctuary: On the Border Between Church and State."
"Good Faith Weekly" is produced out of Norman, Oklahoma. Music is by Pond5. Learn more at www.GoodFaithMedia.org and @GFMediaOrg
"Sanctuary: On the Border Between Church and State" podcast ~ https://redcircle.com/shows/sanctuary-on-the-border-between-church-and-state
Lloyd D. Barba ~ https://www.amherst.edu/people/facstaff/lbarba
Sergio González ~ https://www.marquette.edu/history/directory/sergio-gonzalez.php -
A weekly podcast exploring stories at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive
Christian lens.
This week: Mitch and Missy discuss the presidential election and what's to come.
Guest: Skye Perryman, president and CEO of Democracy Forward.
"Good Faith Weekly" is produced out of Norman, Oklahoma. Music is by Pond5. Learn more at www.GoodFaithMedia.org and @GFMediaOrg
Skye Perryman ~ https://democracyforward.org/team/?staff=skye-perryman
Democracy Forward ~ https://democracyforward.org/
GFM's Faith & Democracy Initiative ~ https://goodfaithmedia.org/faith-and-democracy/
Democracy Forward statement on the 2024 election ~ https://democracyforward.org/updates/democracy-forward-statement-on-election-results/
People's Guide to Project 2025 ~ https://democracyforward.org/the-peoples-guide-to-project-2025/ -
A weekly podcast exploring stories at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens.
This week: Mitch and Missy share details of an interesting side trip in the nation's capital this week.
Guest: Amanda Tyler, executive director of BJC (Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty) and author of the new book "How to End Christian Nationalism."
"Good Faith Weekly" is produced out of Norman, Oklahoma. Music is by Pond5. Learn more at www.GoodFaithMedia.org and @GFMediaOrg
Amanda Tyler ~ https://bjconline.org/amanda-tyler/
BJC ~ https://bjconline.org
End Christian Nationalism ~ https://www.endchristiannationalism.com/
"How to End Christian Nationalism" book ~ https://www.broadleafbooks.com/store/product/9781506498287/How-to-End-Christian-Nationalism -
A weekly podcast exploring stories at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens.
This week: Mitch and Missy recover "lost treasures" as they move into their new (old) house.
Guest: Brad Onishi, social commentator, scholar and co-host of the "Straight White American Jesus" podcast.
"Good Faith Weekly" is produced out of Norman, Oklahoma. Music is by Pond5. Learn more at www.GoodFaithMedia.org and @GFMediaOrg
Brad Onishi ~ https://www.bradonishi.com/ -
A weekly podcast exploring stories at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens. This week:
Mitch and Missy cover Ninja Blenders, Cat's home inspection, and unexpected playlists.
Guest: Jamie Marich, clinical trauma specialist and founder of the Institute for Creative Mindfulness.
"Good Faith Weekly" is produced out of Norman, Oklahoma. Music is by Pond5. Learn more at www.GoodFaithMedia.org and @GFMediaOrg
Jamie Marich ~ https://jamiemarich.com/
The Institute for Creative Mindfulness ~ https://www.instituteforcreativemindfulness.com/ -
A weekly podcast exploring stories at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens. This week:
Mitch and Missy battle coyotes -- and save democracy -- in the woods of North Carolina.
Guest: Skye Perryman, president and CEO of Democracy Forward.
"Good Faith Weekly" is produced out of Norman, Oklahoma. Music is by Pond5. Learn more at www.GoodFaithMedia.org and @GFMediaOrg
Skye Perryman ~ https://democracyforward.org/team/?staff=skye-perryman
Democracy Forward ~ https://democracyforward.org/
GFM's Faith & Democracy Initiative ~ https://goodfaithmedia.org/faith-and-democracy/
People's Guide to the 2024-2025 SCOTUS Term ~ https://democracyforward.org/peoples-guide-to-the-2024-2025-supreme-court-term/
People's Guide to Project 2025 ~ https://democracyforward.org/the-peoples-guide-to-project-2025/
Pro Publica article on Chevron deference ~ https://www.propublica.org/article/supreme-court-chevron-deference-loper-bright-guns-abortion-pending-cases
Voting Resources ~ https://www.vote.org/ - Vis mere