I don't know about you, but there are times when it seems like everyone else seems to be living an idyllic life...everyone but me! Social media tends to paint a picture of these beautiful, easy lives void of suffering and disappointments. Part of my brain knows that's a lie and not reality, but then there's this part of me that can fall into the trap that it's real. Today, I'm talking with my friend (and my kids' high school pastor) about SUFFERING! Sadly, I think it's something we shy away from - I mean...who wants to sit around and talk about the disappointments and pain of life!? Well, as believers we need to understand what the Lord says about suffering, how to suffer, and how to honor Him in the process. There is HOPE! A lot of HOPE! And as discouraging as this topic may sound...I pray you walk away encouraged!
xx, michelle
Connect with Josh
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We're definitely going a little against the grain and celebrating mamas AFTER Mother's Day! But, let's be real...we can use encouragement every day of the week!
If you're a mama...this is for you!
xx, michelle
If you love this podcast, can I ask you to do me a favor? (it won't cost you any money!)
Pray! Pray for me. Pray the Lord is honored and glorified in all that is said and done here. Pray that it is HIS name that is extoled above all else!SHARE the podcast on your socialsLeave a REVIEW - this helps in a BIG way. Just like with IG or FB or TT…podcasts run on an algorithm that I won’t even begin to understand…but reviews not only help the show to be seen, but it helps me when I want to reach out to those BIG names on other podcasts. So…LEAVE A 5 STAR REVIEW…pleaseConnect with Michelle on Instagram
Manglende episoder?
Sometimes it's the simplest things that have the most profound effect on me and my walk with Jesus. This is one of those times. The Lord put a simple question on my heart and it's been making me think ever since.
So...if you're ready for simple, yet thought provoking questions...hop in to today's episode!
See ya inside!
xx, Michelle
If you love this podcast, can I ask you to do me a favor? (it won't cost you any money!)
Pray! Pray for me. Pray the Lord is honored and glorified in all that is said and done here. Pray that it is HIS name that is extoled above all else!SHARE the podcast on your socialsLeave a REVIEW - this helps in a BIG way. Just like with IG or FB or TT…podcasts run on an algorithm that I won’t even begin to understand…but reviews not only help the show to be seen, but it helps me when I want to reach out to those BIG names on other podcasts. So…LEAVE A 5 STAR REVIEW…pleaseConnect with Michelle on Instagram
Today on GATG we're talking about our weaknesses and how, as a Christian, it's so good to be reminded that they are a good thing. They are meant to point us to Christ. It's one of those things that we probably say and agree with, but then when the rubber hits the road, the bottom falls out, life is insanely hard, or maybe you throw your back out and your forced to ask yourself if you actually believe what you too eagerly agree with!
Yes...that was a run-on sentence, but no one's grading me, so I'm totally ok with it!
Hop in and take a listen. I'd love to hear your REAL LIFE examples of when the Lord has reminded you that those weaknesses are actually an opportunity to see HIS goodness and mercy!
See ya inside!xx, Michelle
If you love this podcast, can I ask you to do me a favor? (it won't cost you any money!)
Pray! Pray for me. Pray the Lord is honored and glorified in all that is said and done here. Pray that it is HIS name that is extoled above all else!SHARE the podcast on your socialsLeave a REVIEW - this helps in a BIG way. Just like with IG or FB or TT…podcasts run on an algorithm that I won’t even begin to understand…but reviews not only help the show to be seen, but it helps me when I want to reach out to those BIG names on other podcasts. So…LEAVE A 5 STAR REVIEW…pleaseConnect with Michelle on Instagram
Have you been hearing me say that - "seek Jesus in every conversation" and wonder what exactly I mean by that?
Well, that's what we're talking about today. Sometimes we're in FACE TO FACE conversations and we're ignoring the prompting of the Holy Spirit to say what He wants us to say...and sometimes we're just going about our day...how do we seek Jesus in the big and little things of life?
Hop in and take a listen.
xx, michelle
If you love this podcast, can I ask you to do me a favor? (it won't cost you any money!)
Pray! Pray for me. Pray the Lord is honored and glorified in all that is said and done here. Pray that it is HIS name that is extoled above all else!SHARE the podcast on your socialsLeave a REVIEW - this helps in a BIG way. Just like with IG or FB or TT…podcasts run on an algorithm that I won’t even begin to understand…but reviews not only help the show to be seen, but it helps me when I want to reach out to those BIG names on other podcasts. So…LEAVE A 5 STAR REVIEW…pleaseConnect with Michelle on Instagram
Anyone else have the gift of overcomplicating or overextending????
Just me?!Ok...well then...keep scrolling.
But...if you too have a tendency to self-inflict pain in the form of over complicating, then this little soundbite is for you!
The reality is...if we're overcommitted and overextended we can't really show up for Jesus like we should...which then means that we're probably not doing such a stellar job for our family...just a guess...cause that's how things play out for me. :(
Hop in, let's get going.
If you love this podcast, can I ask you to do me a favor? (it won't cost you any money!)
Pray! Pray for me. Pray the Lord is honored and glorified in all that is said and done here. Pray that it is HIS name that is extoled above all else!SHARE the podcast on your socialsLeave a REVIEW - this helps in a BIG way. Just like with IG or FB or TT…podcasts run on an algorithm that I won’t even begin to understand…but reviews not only help the show to be seen, but it helps me when I want to reach out to those BIG names on other podcasts. So…LEAVE A 5 STAR REVIEW…pleasePlease know...I'm praying for YOU!Thanks for supporting this podcast. :)
xx, michelle
Connect with Michelle on Instagram
Heeeeeeyyyyyy there friend!!!
It's been a lot longer than I ever imagined...definitely a time of Proverbs 16:9 - “The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD determines his steps." I had plans... BUT GOD!
Did you catch the changes?From the name - going back to the OG ... to the pod art ... to the MUSIC!! Ooooh!! I'm definitely a little bit rock and roll and love me a good rock band song. Hello...I'm a product of the 80's.
But above all...it is my heart's desire to point you to JESUS! He is worthy of all praise and honor and worship. I don't want to just walk with Jesus...I want to walk, sleep, speak, eat, dream, dance, drive, teach, parent, work...do EVERYTHING with Jesus. There is POWER in His name!
I'm so glad you're here and I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store!!
If you love this podcast, can I ask you to do me a favor? (it won't cost you any money!)
Pray! Pray for me. Pray the Lord is honored and glorified in all that is said and done here. Pray that it is HIS name that is extoled above all else!SHARE the podcast on your socialsLeave a REVIEW - this helps in a BIG way. Just like with IG or FB or TT…podcasts run on an algorithm that I won’t even begin to understand…but reviews not only help the show to be seen, but it helps me when I want to reach out to those BIG names on other podcasts. So…LEAVE A 5 STAR REVIEW…pleasePlease know...I'm praying for YOU!Thanks for supporting this podcast. :)
xx, michelle
Connect with Michelle on Instagram
Aside from the fact that Jesus paid my penalty on the cross...the Bible may be my 2nd most favorite thing! I can't imagine living without the written word of God!
That's what we're chatting about today!
Let's get started.
Also...if you haven't done so...I'd love to hear from you!
xx, michelle
Today we're taking a few minutes to talk about the fact that God is JUST! He NEVER over punishes or under punishes!! I don't know about you...but that gives me A LOT to be thankful for!!!
Hop in and let's get started!
IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY DONE SO...I'd LOVE to hear from you!
xx, Michelle
Hallelujah and AMEN!
I think I speak for all of us when I say I'm so glad that God does not change!!!
This month we'll be talking about gratitude and thanksgiving from a little different perspective...yes! we should be thankful for the things the Lord has given us...but what if we also spent some time in gratitude and appreciation for WHO our God is!
So...that's what we're doing!
Grab your coffee and let's get started!
xx, Michelle
EEEEEEPPPPP!!! I'm so excited to share Jodie Berndt with you today!
I've shared all about her books in the past, but TODAY...she's ON THE PODCAST!!!
I like to take bold action and a month or so ago I decided to reach out to some amazing women who are definitely outside my sphere and Jodie responded almost immediately.
If you're new here then you may not know who Jodie is - she's the author of the "Praying the Scriptures ... " books. She's a wife, mom, and grandma who knows the ONLY way through each day is with Jesus by her side!
You can find her and all of her resources at jodieberndt.com.
Stick around...after my interview with Jodie I'm sharing what's coming up for November.
xx, michelle
If you listened to Ep 298 (apple podcast link) where I got super vulnerable and shared a big piece of my heart with you...or if you've ever struggled with understanding exactly what Biblical intimacy in your marriage could and should look like...then would you mind taking a minute to fill this out for me?
I'm fairly certain you've heard about this woman from Proverbs 31 and maybe you're even tempted to skip over this episode...I get it! How many times have we heard about this woman and walk away feeling "less than"...yet again!
Well...I don't believe the author, or our Lord, intends us to walk away with that feeling. In fact, I'm very confident that He wants us to walk away ENCOURAGED and CHALLENGED!
Take a listen to my perspective on this woman.
xx, michelle
Here's the Link to the Bible Recap Ep on Proverbs 31
And...if you listened to Ep 298 from last Friday...would you take a minute to fill this out?
Fill it out completely ANONYMOUSLY: https://bit.ly/immc-biblicalintimacy
Yes! I just compared your marriage to your taxes!
Hop in and let's see if you can relate!
xx, michelle
Praying for your marriage calendar
Here's where you can find me...
1. HERE - the podcast!
2. Instagram - @itsmemichellecastro
3. Email - itsmemichellecastro@gmail.com
4. THE FACEBOOK GROUP! https://bit.ly/biblicaltruthforwomen
BONUS: you can also find me living out my best DIY life over at @flipflopsandtablesaws on instagram.
For the first time in my life I've read through entire Bible!
I've shared about it over the last year, but now that I've completed (and started round 2) I wanted to share with you a few things that struck me while I read.
Mainly...why did I wait so long?
Shoot me a message if you've read through the Bible, are reading, or have been wanting to start reading!
Have an amazing day and let's get started!
xx, michelle
Here's where you can find me...
1. HERE - the podcast!
2. Instagram - @itsmemichellecastro
3. Email - itsmemichellecastro@gmail.com
4. THE FACEBOOK GROUP! https://bit.ly/biblicaltruthforwomen
BONUS: you can also find me living out my best DIY life over at @flipflopsandtablesaws on instagram.
Happy Tuesday friend!
A few months back I shared about this book and promised a review...well...HERE IT IS!!
I've shared it with many friends since first reading it. If you haven't started reading it...go grab it now!!
You can find it HERE on Amazon or wherever you buy books.
I'd love to hear from you...have you read this book? What were your thoughts? Do you have a book you're currently loving?
I'd love to hear!
See ya next week.
xx, Michelle
Here's where you can find me...
1. HERE - the podcast!
2. Instagram - @itsmemichellecastro
3. Email - itsmemichellecastro@gmail.com
4. THE FACEBOOK GROUP! https://bit.ly/biblicaltruthforwomen
BONUS: you can also find me living out my best DIY life over at @flipflopsandtablesaws on instagram.
If you aren't yet aware...Satan is after your marriage! He is a master deceiver and he will do anything and everything within his limited power to destroy your marriage.
He will stop at NOTHING!
And he's doing a really good job.
Today we're talking about protecting your marriage in a very practical way. In fact, you can implement these ideas before this episode is even over!
WHAT IF we stood up and protected our marriages!
What a revival that would bring about!
Let's get started!!!
xx, Michelle
Here's where you can find me...
1. HERE - the podcast!
2. Instagram - @itsmemichellecastro
3. Email - itsmemichellecastro@gmail.com
4. THE FACEBOOK GROUP! https://bit.ly/biblicaltruthforwomen
BONUS: you can also find me living out my best DIY life over at @flipflopsandtablesaws on instagram.
We all want our businesses to THRIVE, but today I'm sharing three reasons why you might not be seeing the growth you've been dreaming and hoping for!!
Grab that coffee...better yet...pour it over some ice, throw in a straw and let's get started!
xx, Michelle
I'm in a phase of simplification...as a result you can find me in three places...
1. HERE - the podcast!
2. Instagram - @itsmemichellecastro
3. Email - itsmemichellecastro@gmail.com
BONUS: you can also find me living out my best DIY life over at @flipflopsandtablesaws on instagram.
I'm sure this is not anything new...but we live in a FALLEN world! So...what does it mean to "be a christian" in the 21st century?
That's what we're talking about in today's episode!
Grab your coffee, stick in some earbuds, and let's get started!
xx, Michelle
Here's where you can find me...
1. HERE - the podcast!
2. Instagram - @itsmemichellecastro
3. Email - itsmemichellecastro@gmail.com
4. THE FACEBOOK GROUP! https://bit.ly/biblicaltruthforwomen
BONUS: you can also find me living out my best DIY life over at @flipflopsandtablesaws on instagram.
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