To celebrate the 200th episode of the podcast, I figured I'd retell my story like I did on episode one... However, I couldn't tell it the same way... I just don't feel miserable as a single person anymore.
Yes, it's true. For so many years, it bothered me so badly, and I was so frustrated that I was single. But now, 4 years later, I genuinely am happy N Single.
Take a walk with me as I look back on my journey for the past 20 years or so.
Manglende episoder?
What if you really could change your life in just 5 minutes a day? Listen to this episode to hear how
What if most arguments were just misunderstandings?
Have you ever tried to win an unwinnable argument?
Sometimes, even if we win an argument, we lose. Why is that? Today's podcast explores what we gain by losing some argument
Could spending 5 minutes a day on the things you want most change your life?
Yes... listen to this episode to hear how.
Do you find yourself stressing if you get off schedule even a few minutes?
For years, that was me. Recently, though, I have noticed that a schedule is very helpful for some things and very unhelpful for others. In today's episode, I share how to have more freedom and flow in your life.
Often times we are told to jump in with both feet, but what if at first we allowed ourselves to ease into something.
Do you have a dream that you have tried to pursue, but you feel like you're banging your head against a wall and not getting anywhere?
I've seen in my life that if I can't have what I currently want, I may sit and pout. Well, yeah, that's about as helpful as watching paint dry!
What I see now is that if I can't currently have one dream, I simply can just pick another and pursue it.
Today's episode talks about the two things that are important factors to achieve anything in life.
Do you struggle to do all or nothing?
Me TOO! You see, I realized that I lost all of my rhythm when I recently took a three-week vacation. I didn't write in my book, focus on my business, or do plenty of other things. When I got back it took me a month to get back in rhythm. However, I realized today that if I had just spent a few minutes each day doing those things, even on vacation, I would have maintained my momentum.
So even if you have 15, 5, or 3 minutes, doing what you need to even while on vacation, could be very beneficial. that I could have. I realized recently, what if I just spent a few minutes each day doing the things that I love to do?
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