
  • The Force in Star Wars is just Harry under an Invisibility Cloak. The Ford Anglia is Arthur Weasley’s Horcrux. Gandalf and Dumbledore are the same wizard. Harry Potter, Breaking Bad, Spongebob and REAL life all exist in the same universe. Lord Voldemort is a Pokemon.

    These are just a handful of the absurd theories I’ve seen posted online, and for the most part I try to center this channel around ‘good’ theories. At least, that’s the goal.

    But for today, I thought I’d dive deep in to the worst of the worst and peel back the layers of some the ABSOLUTE worst Harry Potter theories out there. This list is full of GOLD and some of them are pretty hilarious, so join me as we examine the dregs of the theorydom.
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  • The Fantastic Beasts films left us on a MASSIVE cliffhanger. The Dark Wizard Gellert Grindelwald is STILL at large and the movies just…ENDED?

    Fortunately for us, we know how his story plays out, and we can attribute that to established Harry Potter lore.

    But as for the films..Those are over.

    So, what I want to know is..What happened to him along the way? What happened AFTER 1932?

    What happened to Gellert Grindelwald?
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  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • The 3 Unforgivable Curses: Imperio, Crucio and Avada Kedavra, are tremendously dangerous.  

    But why are THESE 3 spells in particular deemed UNFORGIVABLE when so many others aren’t? I mean, I’d argue that there are worse spells out there that are MORE deserving of this title.

    Today we’re going to be discussing all of this, and more, as we dive in to the history of the unforgivable curses, exploring their origins and classification. 

    Let’s dive in.
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  • Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re discussing all of the JUNE 2024 UPDATES for Hogwarts Legacy.
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  • What is the Wizarding World Like in 2024

    Who is Minister for Magic? What are Modern Brooms like? Who is Headmaster of Hogwarts? Are there Wizarding CELL PHONES? Is blood status STILL a controversial issue? And most importantly: are there any other NEW dark wizards on the rise? Today we’ll be answering all of that and MORE as we discuss the Wizarding World in modern times.

    Hey everyone, welcome to another installment of Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re going to be discussing the Wizarding World in the modern era. 

    It’s been 26 prosperous years since Lord Voldemort made his final stand at the Battle of Hogwarts, finally meeting his end on May 2nd of 1998. 

    And since that time, the MUGGLE world has changed a whole lot. The Internet has become mainstream, smartphones are prolific, communication is instant and everything is online. And if we consider how much the MUGGLE world has developed since the late 90s, I’d wager that the Wizarding World has undergone something similar.

    I think that, since the momentous day that marked Voldemort’s defeat, the Wizarding World has undergone a significant amount of change. Firstly, because they haven’t a dark threat to deal with in MANY years, and secondly because technology (even wizarding technology) develops exponentially.

    The First Wizarding War ran from 1970-1981, and the Second Wizarding War ran from 1995-1998, which MEANS that this is the longest period of time (for quite some time) that the Wizarding World has been able to exist in relative peace.

    And with the focus shifting from dark threats to societal development, things can evolve pretty quickly. Just like a phoenix, wizarding society rose from the ashes and emerged from the second wizarding war stronger than ever.
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  • Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re going to be diving in to 40 moments from the Harry Potter series that NOBODY saw coming. And when I say Plot Twists I am of course referring to unexpected turns in the story that surprised us. Moments that challenged the assumptions and expectations that had been built up throughout the narrative. 

    And when it comes to the Harry Potter story we have to give credit where credit is due- there are a LOT of twists and turns. From relatively mild to MAJOR, each of these plot twists contributed to a compelling story that left us full of intrigue and suspense.

    Before we get started be sure to comment some of YOUR favourite plot twists down below. 

    Without further ado, let’s take a look at 40 of the moments that left us guessing (in no particular order).
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  • "Malfoy's been giving generously to all sorts of things for years... gets him in with the right people... then he can ask favours... delay laws he doesn't want passed... Oh, he's very well-connected, Lucius Malfoy."

    This quote got me thinking. Did...Lucius Malfoy, KNOWN Death Eater and proponent of pure-blood supremacy, actually BRIBE his way out of going to Azkaban? And if that’s the case, why didn’t money help Bellatrix in the same way?

    Let’s dive in to it.
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  • In the world of Harry Potter, few objects are as chilling and enigmatic as Horcruxes - vessels of a dark wizard's soul created via only the most sinister acts of dark magic. 

    And throughout Wizarding history, there has always been an eerie silence surrounding the subject of Horcruxes. These mysterious objects, ingrained with a fragment of a dark wizard's soul, have become the epitome of the taboo. The reason for this secrecy lying in both fear and preservation- with the mere mention of these cursed objects sending shivers down the spines of even the bravest witches and wizards.

    But for a young schoolboy by the name of Tom Riddle, Horcruxes represented something very different. To him, they represented an opportunity- an opportunity to gain the upper hand over other witches and wizards and achieve unparalleled levels of power. 

    The allure of Horcruxes lay in the tantalizing promise of immortality and supremacy. As far back as early childhood, Riddle harbored ambitions far grander and more sinister than his peers. To him, Horcruxes weren't just objects of fear and secrecy; they were the key to unlocking a future in which he would reign unchallenged.

    And for the most part, Tom was able to succeed in his goal of harnessing the power of Horcruxes. But what I want to discuss today is another unspoken element of Horcrux creation that’s never been properly touched on..A SECRET from Voldemort’s past that may very well provide answers to some of the DARKEST questions related to Voldemort’s quest for immortality.

    Today we’ll answer all of that AND MORE as we dive in to the SECRET meanings behind each of Voldemort’s Horcruxes.
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  • "Avada..."

    This was what Lucius Malfoy began to utter upon the realization that he had just lost his House Elf servant, Dobby.

    Fortunately, he never got to complete what he was trying to say, and I suspect that if he HAD been able to complete the incantation of what we can only assume was meant to be ‘Avada Kedavra’, it would have had disastrous consequences.

    But why was Lucius Malfoy uttering Killing Curses outside of the Headmasters office in the halls of Hogwarts? What was going through his head? And more importantly- who was he trying to kill? Conventional wisdom would suggest that Lucius raised his wand to assassinate Harry, the insolent boy who had just lost him his house elf companion. 

    But I’m not sure it was quite that simple.

    Today we’re going to be discussing all of that (and more) as we unpack Lucius Malfoy’s interaction with Harry & Dobby in the Chamber of Secrets.
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  • "I thought he would come," said Voldemort in his high, clear voice, his eyes on the leaping flames. "I expected him to come."

    These were the words ushered from Voldemort’s mouth just moments before Harry Potter met his apparent demise. In this moment, Harry had made the choice to sacrifice himself in order to protect his friends- exchanging his own life for the safety of every other witch and wizard who bravely fought against Voldemort’s forces.

    And for a little while, it looked as though this may have been the end for Harry. Unlike his previous confrontations with Voldemort– like his meeting with a fragmented Voldemort attached to Professor Quirrell, or their duel in the graveyard of Little Hangleton – this time Harry had come forward without any intentions to fight back. He came to die.

    Of course we later find out that Harry, who stared death right in the face, eventually survives. But what I want to discuss today is HOW he survives.

    If we go by Harry Potter canon, there are several explanations that shed light on how Harry manages to survive, and we owe our gratitude to Dumbledore for providing us with answers to these sorts of questions. 

    But what I want to suggest today…Is that Dumbledore LIED. Join me in today’s video as we discuss WHY Dumbledore lied and explore the REAL WAY that Harry was able to return to the land of the living.

    Let’s dive in.
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  • The introduction of the International Statute of Secrecy in 1692 marked a pivotal moment in Wizarding history. It put a stop to the witch hunts and unjust persecution of witches and wizards.

    It ushered in an era of harmonious co-existence.

    And most importantly, it separated the two worlds: muggle and magical.

    But what IF there was a darker element to the statute that has never been properly explored?- an element that concerned the muggles beyond the primary separation of the two worlds? What if the statute, and the subsequent formation of the Ministry of Magic- marked the dawn of an era wherein wizardkind stealthily wielded control over the non-magical world, deftly manipulating it from the concealed depths of the shadows?
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  • Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we're discussing Dumbledore, Voldemort, and the Elder Wand. More specifically- we’re going to be discussing a popular fan theory which suggests that Dumbledore was never the TRUE owner of the elder wand...Something that would have had a SIGNIFICANT impact on how events unfolded throughout the story.
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  • Voldemort’s conception was..Unusual to say the least, and it was the loveless union between his parents that set in motion his path of psychopathy. With a mother that chose death over her infant child, and a father that abandoned the both of them, it’s fair to say that Voldemort never stood much of a chance. 

    But what if Voldemort’s origin story isn’t exactly what we thought it was? What if Merope Gaunt, accused of giving Voldemort’s father Tom Riddle Sr a love potion..Never did anything of the sort? What if…Tom Riddle SR LIED?

    Today we’re going to be discussing all of that and more as we unpack Vodemort’s origin story -uncovering some unknown truths about the early life of the most notorious dark wizard in history.
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  • Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. The first encounter between Albus Dumbledore and Tom Riddle was in 1938, when Dumbledore visits Wool’s Orphanage to offer Tom a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. During their meeting, Dumbledore informs Tom about the existence of the wizarding world and his magical heritage, and Tom, who had already sensed his own powers, is intrigued by the prospect of attending Hogwarts. 

    At the time, Tom was an 11-year-old orphan who had exhibited signs of magical abilities, but he was also known for his manipulative and cruel behavior towards the other chi*ldren at the orphanage. On the outside, Tom looked fairly innocuous, but underneath was a brooding dark force that would stop at nothing to cause pain and suffering to others.

    This encounter between Dumbledore and Tom Riddle is significant, because it marks the beginning of their complex relationship throughout the series. It also highlights Dumbledore's role in the early life of one of the most dangerous dark wizards in history.

    Right from the very beginning, from their very first encounter, Dumbledore was cautious and wary of the young boy- sensing Tom’s dark nature and potential for evil. Despite all of the warning signs, however, Dumbledore proceeds to offer Tom a place at Hogwarts- hoping that the school and new environment would help shift Tom’s life in a more positive direction.

    All of this is shown to Harry via the pensieve, the purpose of which was to give Harry a sense of context for the task that he would later give him, and the memories that he would later show him. He wanted to give Harry an idea of the troubled boy that lord Voldemort once was, show him that Tom Riddle was once a student much like him, and show him how his path of darkness began. 

    But my question is: how did Dumbledore, who we are led to believe is particularly intelligent and strategic, suffer such a massive oversight in assessing Tom Riddle’s nature?
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  • Today we’re going to be discussing the implications of Voldemort’s SUCCESS over Harry Potter in the Deathly Hallows.

    Have you ever wondered what would have happened if Voldemort..WON? Just for today, let’s step into a dystopian future where Voldemort emerged triumphant, shattering the hopes of Harry Potter and the wizarding community. What would Voldemort’s reign of darkness look like? What fates would have awaited our beloved characters in a world under the Dark Lord's rule? How would Hogwarts, once a beacon of magic and hope, have transformed under his tyranny? And how would the dominance of the dark forces have impacted the relationship between the magical and Muggle worlds? 

    We’re going to be discussing all of that, and more, as we peel back the folds of a world where Voldemort reigns triumphant.
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  • Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re discussing Wizarding conflicts.

    In the wizarding world of Britain, the threat of Lord Voldemort and his followers, the Death Eaters, cast a dark, ominous shadow over the entire magical population- a shadow that persisted for a long long time.

    Voldemort's reign of terror brought unprecedented tyranny to the wizarding world. Under his leadership, the Death Eaters mercilessly targeted and persecuted those who opposed them, instilling fear throughout the Wizarding community. Through his manipulation of dark magic, Voldemort was able to orchestrate a wide array of atrocities, ranging from mass murders to the infiltration and corruption of influential institutions like the Ministry of Magic. Via his insatiable thirst for power and dominance, Voldemort left a trail of destruction, that for a long time, forced Britain’s wizarding population to live in constant fear and subjugation.

    But perhaps the most surprising outcome of Voldemort’s reign of terror is the notable absence of external assistance or international intervention during this perilous period in Britain’s Wizarding history.

    As the threat of Voldemort grew, one would expect that neighboring countries, concerned about the potential ramifications on magical communities worldwide and the delicate balance between the magical and muggle worlds, would have rallied to support the subjugated wizards and witches of Britain.

    If Voldemort was such a menace, why didn’t other heroic wizards and witches from the international wizarding community volunteer to help fight against him?
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  • Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re discussing the VEIL. Deep within the heart of the Ministry of Magic lies a chilling enigma that has confounded wizards and witches for centuries – the Veil - a haunting manifestation nestled within the Death Chamber of the Department of Mysteries. 

    Its ethereal presence has long been regarded as a mystical and enigmatic artifact. But when faced with such an imposing structure, it’s hard not to ask questions like.. What IS it? Who created it? And how does the Veil connect to the wizarding world's understanding of life, death, and the beyond?

    Furthermore, what if the Veil is not exactly what it seems? What if, hidden within its folds, lies a dark truth about the Ministry's sordid past?

    Today we’re going to peel back the layers of secrecy that have long surrounded the Veil, and reveal a number of shocking revelations. For instance, what if I told you that the Ministry of Magic may have once employed the Veil for unimaginable, nefarious purposes? Prepare to question everything you thought you knew as we navigate the twisted corridors of the Ministry, uncovering a truth so haunting that it shaped the very foundations upon which this magical institution was built. Can you handle the truth that lies beyond the Veil?

    Let’s dive in.
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  • Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re going to be exploring a what-if scenario where Neville Longbottom, NOT Harry Potter, was the chosen one.

    Would Voldemort still have been defeated? Would Neville’s parents have been killed like Harry’s? What role would HARRY play in a world where he was no longer quite so special? How would other characters like Snape, Dumbledore, and the Order of the Phoenix respond to Neville as the chosen one? How would Neville's leadership style and decision-making differ from Harry's? Would Neville form close relationships with Ron and Hermione in Harry’s place? And how would Neville's upbringing and personality have shaped his journey as the chosen one?

    We’re going to be exploring all of that, and more, in today’s what-if scenario.
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  • Hey everyone, welcome to another installment of Harry Potter Theory. In a Wizarding World full of magic, Horcruxes are without a doubt one of the darkest forms of this magic. These cursed objects, created through an unnamed and forbidden process, are known for their ability to fragment the soul, preserving it beyond death, and granting the creator an impenetrable shield of immortality. However, the creation of these sinister objects comes at an unthinkable cost, leading us to wonder what dark magic and sacrilege went into their making.

    What unspeakable rituals did Voldemort undertake to achieve his twisted form of immortality? How did the creation of each Horcrux alter his soul, turning him further down the path of darkness? And what mysteries lie buried within the shattered remnants of his fragmented soul?

    Today we’re going to be exploring all of that, and more, as we uncover the truth behind the horrific dark magic that produces Horcruxes.

    Horcruxes, said to be one of two things from the Harry Potter books that made JK Rowling’s editor nearly VOMIT, are still very much an enigma to this day. The very first known Horcrux was made in Ancient Greece by a wizard named Herpo the Foul, and thousands of years later, Voldemort became only the second known creator of a Horcrux. Made from magic that is so terrible in nature that even dark wizards are horrified by what it entails, Horcruxes are creations that are unimaginable to the vast majority of the Wizarding World. So, when Voldemort made seven, it was a demonstration of just how incredibly evil he was. When interviewed on the topic, even JK Rowling stumbled her words as to avoid revealing its process directly.
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