I have been seeing a reoccurring theme lately where relationships are breaking down in front of me with a common theme to them all. One or both of the people within the relationship aren't being true to themselves.
So, in this episode, I am asking you to look deeper within yourself and see if you are being your true self or trying to be someone your partner or husband wants you to be.
When we are trying to live up to certain expectations of our spouse we don't realise this has an expiry date, a relationship can not survive when it's based on trying to be someone you are not. Healing the reason why we do this in relationships can be a huge step within your journey to finding a healthy, loving relationship.
All my love always,
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Dealing with heartbreak and heavy emotions can be tough, it can be challenging, so challenging in fact you might just want to give up altogether, go back to what you already know, or just be in a place of keeping yourself busy to avoid feeling what is truly going on.
I avoided feeling my heartbreak until it got to the point where I had no other option than to just feel. The only thing that got me through the most challenging time in my life is in this episode. Holding onto this one thing got me through the other side and becoming the woman I am.
So before going into the deeper stuff, I want you to find your secret driving force so that no matter what, you will get yourself through your heartbreak storm and out the other side.
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One of the most commonly asked questions I receive is, how do I love myself? Yet most of the time women aren't realising just how much they are hating themselves, hating how they have acted and what they have said at the same time.
Hate and love can't coexist together in this journey hence why it's so important to start learning to love the parts you hate.
In this episode, I will share my journey to learning how to love myself again and how I have worked with the emotion of shame to be able to do that.
If you want to take this journey even deeper then pop me a message.
All my love always,
So many of us don't realise when we go through heartbreak we go down the road of blaming the other person, seeing all they did bad to us, blaming them for breaking our hearts when the true reality is that we also played a role in our hearts being broken. Yes, ouch!!!!
We have a lot of built-up anger within us over the pain we are feeling without realising most of this anger is towards ourselves because we can't admit to the role we played in breaking our hearts.
So to begin this journey it's all about taking accountability, where did you allow your own heart to be broken? Where did you no uphold our boundaries? When did you abandon yourself for the sake of him? These are all extremely valuable questions to ask yourself when taking accountability and owning the role you play.
This is your first building block to healing your broken heart and beginning a new chapter in your journey.
As always if you wish to take this journey deeper you know where I am and I am sending you soooo much love!
Your relationship guide, JLT.