
  • I spent $1.3 million to buy better friends...

    Yes, you read that right.

    Discover how this investment transformed my life and business, why I made this bold move, and what it truly means to invest in relationships that matter.

    If you're ready to take the next step in growing your health business, go to ➡️ https://podcast.healthpreneurgroup.com/show for our free training that has helped our clients grow.

    For more insights, tips and strategies follow us on Instagram ➡️https://www.instagram.com/healthpreneur/

  • In this episode, I reveal the top 5 mistakes that could bankrupt your health coaching business.

    I've personally experienced these pitfalls during my journey in the health industry, but I've also learned how to overcome them to build a successful online health business that has impacted thousands of lives.

    If you're a health professional looking to avoid these critical errors and build a thriving coaching business, this episode is for you.

    Stick around until the end for actionable tips on what you should do instead to ensure your business's success and longevity.

    If you're ready to take the next step in growing your health business, go to ➡️ https://podcast.healthpreneurgroup.com/show for our free training that has helped our clients grow.

    For more insights, tips and strategies follow us on Instagram ➡️https://www.instagram.com/healthpreneur/

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Are you ready to discover how social media ads can transform your business?

    In this episode, I'll reveal the secrets I shared at a recent workshop on scaling your business with social media advertising.

    I'll break down how social media ads can be your ultimate investment vehicle.

    Imagine achieving an average rate of return of 314%!

    Whether you're a health professional, coach, or entrepreneur, understanding this strategy can transform your business into a scalable coaching and service-based enterprise.

    Listen now to discover actionable tips that will help you leverage social media ads to unlock your business's full potential.

    If you're ready to take the next step in growing your health business, go to ➡️ https://podcast.healthpreneurgroup.com/show for our free training that has helped our clients grow.

    For more insights, tips and strategies follow us on Instagram ➡️https://www.instagram.com/healthpreneur/

  • If you’ve ever spoken with prospects who say they’re in and then send you the dreaded email “thank you for your time but…” then this episode is a must watch.

    I've done tens of thousands of client calls and enrolled thousands of clients, and I've seen it all.

    Today, I want to reveal 7 warning signs that will help you spot when prospects are lying to you.

    Knowing these signs can save you tons of time and energy by avoiding prospects who aren't a good fit.

    Tune in to learn how to improve your client qualification process and attract the right clients for your business.

    If you're ready to take the next step in growing your health business, go to ➡️ https://podcast.healthpreneurgroup.com/show for our free training that has helped our clients grow.

    For more insights, tips and strategies follow us on Instagram ➡️https://www.instagram.com/healthpreneur/

  • Are you unknowingly sabotaging your business growth?

    In this episode, I'm going to reveal 3 bad habits that could be holding you back.

    These common yet overlooked practices might be the hidden saboteurs undermining your success.

    Discover what they are and learn actionable strategies to overcome them.

    Listen now and take your business to the next level!

    If you're ready to take the next step in growing your health business, go to ➡️ https://podcast.healthpreneurgroup.com/show for our free training that has helped our clients grow.

    For more insights, tips and strategies follow us on Instagram ➡️https://www.instagram.com/healthpreneur/

  • Want to know how I went from an unknown health expert to becoming an industry leader in just 3 days?

    I reveal it all in this episode

    But this episode is not about me.

    It’s about you.

    And inside, I’ll show you how you can use this same strategy to become the leader in your space so you’re better able to reach, teach, and influence more people!

    If you're ready to take the next step in growing your health business, go to ➡️ https://podcast.healthpreneurgroup.com/show for our free training that has helped our clients grow.

    For more insights, tips and strategies follow us on Instagram ➡️https://www.instagram.com/healthpreneur/

  • We've seen some very talented people come through Healthpreneur, even on our own teams.

    Frequently, when otherwise good and talented young people don't end up being a fit here, it's because they don't understand how to work properly.

    The same is true of health entrepreneurs who never make it to financial freedom.

    Yep - there's definitely habits that will make you or break you if you want to be successful and there’s also things you simply can’t do because they are incongruent with that kind of success…

    In fact, I'll just put it out there...

    If you do these five things, you will not become a millionaire.

    Now, it's not about the tactics.

    Yes, strategy and doing the "right" work is important, but you won't do the right work if you have these five habits.

    Tune in to find out what they are and how you can avoid them to achieve financial freedom in the service of others.

    If you're ready to take the next step in growing your health business, go to ➡️ https://podcast.healthpreneurgroup.com/show for our free training that has helped our clients grow.

    For more insights, tips and strategies follow us on Instagram ➡️https://www.instagram.com/healthpreneur/

  • There's no shortage of online ideas that could help you make more money and help more people.

    Unfortunately, most of them are terrible.

    Common advice tends to lead to common results. After being in business more than 20 years, I've got a pretty good 'idea filter.'

    Today I'm going to talk you through the three business ideas I see most frequently that will keep you broke, burnt out, and stuck.

    So if you're working on one of these ideas, pump the breaks!

    You really can't afford to miss today's episode (unless you're not fond of your future), so click here to get into it and I'll help you avoid those critical mistakes that'll have you hating life.

    See you inside.

    If you're ready to take the next step in growing your health business, go to ➡️ https://podcast.healthpreneurgroup.com/show for our free training that has helped our clients grow.

    For more insights, tips and strategies follow us on Instagram ➡️https://www.instagram.com/healthpreneur/

  • Building an online health coaching business is exciting and nerve wrecking, and it should be.

    When you decided to take your health business online, you probably had some expectations. Did they match the reality that you found?

    Building a successful business online isn't a linear process for most people. I know I had to go through some things before I ultimately grew and sold my first 7-figure+ company.

    Having had conversations with thousands of health professionals and coaches, there's a little delusion around the topic of winning while transitioning online. There's really 5 things that I see happening over and over again.

    In today's #winningwednesday episodeI'm going to go through those five key things you need to understand to win online, and maybe dispel a few myths while I'm at it.

    If you're a health professional who is thinking of getting into online business and working with clients, this video needs to be your first stop.

    If you're ready to take the next step in growing your health business, go to ➡️ https://podcast.healthpreneurgroup.com/show for our free training that has helped our clients grow.

    For more insights, tips and strategies follow us on Instagram ➡️https://www.instagram.com/healthpreneur/

  • These seven mistakes are killing your dreams of success in Health Coaching.

    Nope, I'm not kidding. I know because I’ve been through every one of these mistakes myself.

    Today I'm going to walk you through the seven things that most commonly derail high-motivation entrepreneurs from achieving their dreams.

    The good news is that I've personally made each of these seven mistakes in the course of building, growing, and selling multiple 7 and 8 figure companies...

    So, these pitfalls don't have to be a death sentence.

    Hopefully this will help you accelerate your progress and not fall into some of the ditches that I did along the way.

    As they say - There are two ways to learn; mistakes and mentors.

    Today is your opportunity to avoid the mistakes that I made.

    If you're ready to take the next step in growing your health business, go to ➡️ https://podcast.healthpreneurgroup.com/show for our free training that has helped our clients grow.

    For more insights, tips and strategies follow us on Instagram ➡️https://www.instagram.com/healthpreneur/

  • What if I told you that your biggest competitor isn't some other business owner at all, but rather 'complacency.'

    In fact, the number one thing that keeps your prospects saying "no" is the comfort of the status quo.

    Many times, for these prospects, the pain of taking action is greater in their minds than the pain of the problem your product solves.

    Today I want to teach you how to help your future clients get across the finish line and take action to achieve their dreams, even if they think things are pretty good.

    This is, without a doubt, one of the top skills that our 6-7 figure coaches have to develop in our program.

    In this episode I'll unpack some proven strategies to increase your sales and help more people.

    If you're ready to take the next step in growing your health business, go to ➡️ https://podcast.healthpreneurgroup.com/show for our free training that has helped our clients grow.

    For more insights, tips and strategies follow us on Instagram ➡️https://www.instagram.com/healthpreneur/

  • I've accomplished more in 44 years than most people do in a lifetime.

    And it's not by accident.

    Now, this is not to brag, but I've:

    ✅ Played pro soccer

    ✅ Graduated with honors from one of the top universities in the world

    ✅ Built Healthpreneur from zero to multiple 8 figures

    ✅ Built and sold multiple 7-figure health businesses

    ✅ Helped over 500.000 people to better health

    Now, I share all of that to point out that I've accomplished those things despite being raised by a single mom...

    After losing all of my hair to autoimmune disease...

    After living on a poverty line income for over three years when I started out...

    What I'm going to share today is exactly how I made it all happen by bending the universe to my will.

    And you can, too.

    If you're someone who wants to start creating your desired outcomes in real life, you need to tune into today's episode while I unpack the 3-step system I use to get the Universe working on my behalf.

    If you're ready to take the next step in growing your health business, go to ➡️ https://podcast.healthpreneurgroup.com/show for our free training that has helped our clients grow.

    For more insights, tips and strategies follow us on Instagram ➡️https://www.instagram.com/healthpreneur/

  • There are only three types of people in this world, and only one of them achieves anything great in life.

    In today's episode, I'm going to show you the three types, and also give you a brief mnemonic that you can use in your enrollment conversations to help you close more business.

    The truth is that nobody is born a loser. It's a choice. Conversely, nobody is born a winner either.

    It's not too late for you to choose which of these three types of people you want to be.

    Everyone is going to say "Yeah, I want to be a winner." But the choices that follow are hugely important.

    Today, I'm going to unpack how to become the type of person who consistently wins in life and business. Tune in.

    If you're ready to take the next step in growing your health business, go to ➡️ https://podcast.healthpreneurgroup.com/show for our free training that has helped our clients grow.

    For more insights, tips and strategies follow us on Instagram ➡️https://www.instagram.com/healthpreneur/

  • Did you know that burnout is one of the most common problems among business owners?

    Almost every single entrepreneur I've spoken with has experienced this issue at one time or another.

    Whether or not you're a health professional is irrelevant in this case. If you own a business, you've probably experienced a certain amount of overwhelm, confusion, burnout, and frustration at some point.

    If you've ever found yourself feeling like your head might explode because you've got too much going on, this one's for you.

    Today I'm going to share five things that have really helped me to manage a rapidly growing company while maintaining my sanity and avoiding the burnout phenomenon.

    If you're ready to take the next step in growing your health business, go to ➡️ https://podcast.healthpreneurgroup.com/show for our free training that has helped our clients grow.

    For more insights, tips and strategies follow us on Instagram ➡️https://www.instagram.com/healthpreneur/

  • Today we're going to look at two coaches who operate in the same niche, but have very different results.

    We're going to examine the outcomes of two coaches - both of whom are operating in the Multiple Sclerosis space.

    One of them is a client of ours and is getting fantastic results with the high ticket health coaching model we teach.

    The other is selling courses for $200 and struggling to get by, to say nothing of having almost no clients who are making progress and changing their lives.

    So what's the difference between the two, besides the obvious difference in go-to-market strategy?

    I could say working with us is a difference, and of course that's true to some extent, but the real difference is MENTALITY.

    Which is one reason why one health coach chose to work with us and one didn't. But that's a symptom of a deeper mentality issue.

    Some people have mentality blocks to selling, to putting themselves out there, to charging what they are worth.

    Today we'll break that down and help you see where your mentality roadblocks might be.

    If you're ready to take the next step in growing your health business, go to ➡️ https://podcast.healthpreneurgroup.com/show for our free training that has helped our clients grow.

    For more insights, tips and strategies follow us on Instagram ➡️https://www.instagram.com/healthpreneur/

  • Once upon a time I was a dead broke personal trainer, working 12-14 hours per day, making less than $20/hr.

    Some of you are leaning forward now, because like I was, you're probably wondering where your life is going.

    I've really been where you are - overworked, underpaid, not having the impact you really desire, and definitely not having that income you want.

    You've got to figure out a way to escape the time-for-money equation of 1:1 training with people...

    The answer, of course, is to go online. But how?

    There are really only five simple steps to turn your personal training or fitness business into a highly successful, highly profitable online consulting business.

    Today, I'm going to explain exactly how I did it and precisely how it all works.

    If you're ready to take the next step in growing your health business, go to ➡️ https://podcast.healthpreneurgroup.com/show for our free training that has helped our clients grow.

    For more insights, tips and strategies follow us on Instagram ➡️https://www.instagram.com/healthpreneur/

  • How would you like to be able to make $30k in one day? It's not a pipe dream.

    I'm going to show you how one of our clients did exactly that and share the specific mindset secrets that he deployed to get there.

    The strategy is available for everyone.. But not everyone is ready to take the kind of decisive action that results in $30k days.

    Getting out of your own way is a major theme in the lives of most entrepreneurs at one point or another, so today we're going to talk about exactly how to do that.

    Let's work together on that issue today and get you on the way to achieving your business goals as well.

    If you're ready to take the next step in growing your health business, go to ➡️ https://podcast.healthpreneurgroup.com/show for our free training that has helped our clients grow.

    For more insights, tips and strategies follow us on Instagram ➡️https://www.instagram.com/healthpreneur/

  • We all have rules for how we navigate life and business. Some of us document them, and some of us don't.

    In this episode I'm going to walk you through 14 non-negotiable rules I use to run my life and business.

    If they serve you, feel free to take them and run with them. If not, no harm no foul.

    Why would you care about listening to the way my mind works?

    Well, I've managed to piece together a fair amount of success in life and business, so if I can use that experience to help you do the same, it's a worthwhile endeavor.

    The truth is that I wish I had identified and implemented some of these rules much earlier in my life, so my goal for today's episode is to give you an opportunity to do so through the lens of my experience.

    I think you'll find that there's two main ways to gain knowledge and wisdom in life - mentors and mistakes.

    I'd much rather you use my experience to avoid going the mistakes route.

    Join me and let's unpack 14 non-negotiable rules that run my life and business.

    If you're ready to take the next step in growing your health business, go to ➡️ https://podcast.healthpreneurgroup.com/show for our free training that has helped our clients grow.

    For more insights, tips and strategies follow us on Instagram ➡️https://www.instagram.com/healthpreneur/

  • One of my clients recently asked me how to get over the hump and finally build some self-belief and confidence as a business owner.

    Today, I'm going to unpack four key ideas that I've used over the years that have really catapulted me to self-belief.

    If you're a real entrepreneur, you've no doubt had moments that were totally discouraging and really tough.

    I completely get it. I’ve been there as well.

    Entrepreneurship is a roller coaster ride.

    In fact, I think you'll find that every single day has challenges that make even the most confident entrepreneur doubt themselves.

    But using these four key strategies, you can level up your self belief and become a bigger, better version of yourself and serve people at a higher level.

    Join me, and let's get into it.

    If you're ready to take the next step in growing your health business, go to ➡️ https://podcast.healthpreneurgroup.com/show for our free training that has helped our clients grow.

    For more insights, tips and strategies follow us on Instagram ➡️https://www.instagram.com/healthpreneur/

  • Today I'm going to unpack a profound (but ugly) truth about running your own business...

    Most people shouldn't be entrepreneurs.

    There are a bunch of reasons why it's not for everyone, and it's worth considering the following:

    -Its going to take longer and cost more money than you want

    -It's going to be far more painful than you thought

    -It takes a special kind of person to do this for real

    Someone recently asked me on a Podcast, "Do you think entrepreneurs are born?" (as opposed to 'made').

    In retrospect, I think a lot of us (entrepreneurs) are actually born this way, but the SYSTEM attempts to beat it out of us before we ever become what we can be.

    Join me on today's episode and we'll take a deep dive into what makes (and un-makes) entrepreneurs.

    If you're ready to take the next step in growing your health business, go to ➡️ https://podcast.healthpreneurgroup.com/show for our free training that has helped our clients grow.

    For more insights, tips and strategies follow us on Instagram ➡️https://www.instagram.com/healthpreneur/