Dr Hooker interviews Dr Tarlow on the upcoming Roots of Healing | Holistic Autism Conference taking place in August 18-20, 2023. Learn about why the focus of this conference is on Food as Medicine: Foods that harm, foods that heal; autonomic nervous system dysregulation and how that affects brain and gut health plus much more!
www.holisticautism.com for more information.
Larry Miller, DO had very little knowledge of autism until his own son regressed at around 18 months. His daughter, on the other hand, was slow to progress and didn't have that profound change in her milestones. Over the years, he's worked extensively with those on the autism spectrum. He has a unique perspective having two children on the autism spectrum that still require a lot of care but also as a practitioner.
We sit down and talk about the many causes and some approaches to helping a children and adults heal.
For information about the Roots of Healing: Holistic Autism Conference, go to www.holisticautism. com
Manglende episoder?
Dr Nancy Tarlow and Dr Brian Hooker break down the vaccine ingredients are harmful, factual information as to who gets Hep B, why are other countries aren't giving it to newborns! Why does the United States not only have the highest infant mortality rate but also the highest first day infant mortality rate of industrialized countries? Could it be the shot? Listen to learn more!
This episode originally aired on CHD.tv if you'd like to see the graphs used for this discussion.
Conversation with Zoey O'Toole. Did you know the vid shot was just added to the childhood schedule? What does this potentially mean for your child to attend school or college? Are you aware of the risks and are manufacturers liable in the case of injury or death? What is the best things you can do to help keep your children health?
Get the facts, today! Don't wait. Learn how you can protect the health of your children and grandchildren.
Vaccine Safety Science:
Are childhood vaccines are tested against inert placebos.
Doe the CDC investigate vaccine side effects?
How Effective is The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is deficient by design.
Are vaccine safety studies following the gold standard - true placebo, double blind?
Does the CDC do studies that could convince parents that vaccines are safe.
Is there scientific basis for the childhood schedule, specific shots together with other shots?
Did you know that the vast majority of infectious disease mortality disappeared before vaccines were widely
Does “herd immunity” does apply to the majority of childhood vaccines?
Book: Turtles all the way down: Vaccine Science and Myth by Zoey O'Toole and Mary Holland of Children's Health Defense
To watch this interview or other podcast episodes go to www.DrNancyTarlow.com
Leti Shelton, PhD and Chemical Engineer will guide us on the elements of essential oils. She discusses some that are good for healing but also the process to make them and how to use them safely.
You can watch this episode on my Nourish channel on Rumble (https://rumble.com/v28wulg-introduction-to-essential-oils-with-dr-leti-shelton.html) or YouTube @NourishwithDrTarlow.
Her website is DrFrenchy.com.
To watch additional podcast videos go to www.DrNancyTarlow.com
This podcast segment originally aired on CHD Tv where Dr. Hooker and Dr Tarlow discuss studies that are done on the shots on the childhood schedule. They lead you through HOW you can find the data which they recommend everyone do on their own before any potential damage is done. Get the facts so you can make an informed decision.
To watch the original episode go to Rumble under Healthy Alternatives to Vaccinations.
Go to drnancytarlow.com to checkout the other podcast interviews.
Dr Cilla Whatcott brings a rich and varied background of personal and professional experiences to her healing practice.
She holds a B.A. degree from Arizona State University, a diploma from the four year professional program at Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy, Minneapolis, MN and a PhD in clinical homeopathy from Kingdom College. She was an instructor at Normandale Community College in Minnesota for eight years, teaching classes about homeopathy, vaccines, and autism. She is the co-founder of a non-profit 501c3 for the education of homeopathic practitioners in homeoprophylaxis.
Cilla was a forerunner in opening the conversation regarding the need for safe immunizations as early as 2008, while teaching at Normandale Community College and a pioneer bringing homeoprophylaxis to American families.
A gifted teacher, Cilla is available to speak to you group or teach classes on Homeoprophylaxis, or a variety of homeopathic applications including Basic Homeopathy, Cell Salts, First Aid, Upper Respiratory Infections, and more. Please contact her at realimmunityts@gmail.com for more information.
You can watch this interview by going to: http://mbodyhealth.net/podcasts.html
In this episode, we discuss the body's innate healing ability. For instance, when we get a viral or bacterial infection, our body knows to increase the body temperature to kill off the invader.
We also discuss vitalism vs mechanistic approaches to health. Why do masks potentially create more health problems and affect innate healing ability?
We also discuss info on the C D C website on the data regarding who is dying from the vid.
At the end we look at a study by the Cleveland Clinic on how getting the "juice" may affect your health outcome in regard to a vid infection.
This episode originally aired on CHD TV under Dr. Hooker's show, Doctors and Scientists.
Dr. Lisette Beam is a functional nutrition Doctor of Chiropractic in Southern California. In this episode, we discuss how ketones work in the body to create a more efficient fuel source, the difference between a ketogenic diet and taking "exogenous" ketones, how ketones are helping people with brain trauma (both physically and chemically induced), and how those that are dealing with ADD, memory and other brain issues are being helped. Plus, how do they help decrease inflammation and improve glutathione production.
To try these, go to http://drwellness.ShopKeto.com
Dr. Tim Young was born and raised in Springfield, MO. After graduating in 1994 from Cleveland Chiropractic School in Kansas City, MO, Dr.Young and his family relocated to Oklahoma City where he began his own practice, Young Chiropractic. Dr. Young is currently the Founder and President of The Oklahoma Chiropractors’ Association, Founder and President of the national chiropractic education seminar company FocusOKC, as well as the Co-Founder of Next Level Chiropractic Development company. Along with running one of the more successful chiropractic offices in the Nation, Dr. Young excels in maintaining a balanced life and keeps his Family his first priority. Along his side is his wife Shannon and 3 children and now a grandson, Copeland. Dr. Young maintains a mission to serve his community and patients with love, compassion and gratitude. Nextlevelglobal.net Focusokc.com
Dr Don MacDonald has spent 17 years in the health and wellness industry as a chiropractor in Edmonton Alberta. It was from his position at the adjusting table that he noticed a common frustration developing into a major stressor in the lives of many patients.
He identified it as ‘the underdog’ and they couldn’t seem to break out of it.
It was a pattern he had seen in his own life - from the basketball days of his youth to life as a businessman and health practitioner. It stopped people from living their best lives, and often stripped them of true happiness. He made it his mission to find out how to break the underdog curse and move into authentic, lasting success.
Dr Don is now a life coach and motivational speaker who dedicates his time to empowering people with the new, inspiring information regarding success, health, and his first love, neurology.
Dr Paul Thomas (affectionately known as Dr Paul) is now on a mission to educate the public on the issues of toxins in the environment and in vaccines, and brings general pediatric and controversial topics to his patients in person and to the world on YouTube and his blogs. He is not against vaccines, but wants to guide people to vaccinate in as safe a manner possible and encourage the vaccine industry to improve the safety of the vaccines we currently have and develop safer options in the future.
Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D., former Senior Fellow at the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University, is an award-winning science journalist and book author. Her writing has appeared in many of the nation’s most respected and credible publications, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, and on thecover of Smithsonian Magazine. A meticulous researcher who’s not afraid to be controversial, she is nationally known as a journalist who opens people’s eyes to the realities behind accepted practices in health care.
For 6 years, Del Bigtree was an Emmy Award-winning producer on the daytime talk show The Doctors. With a background both as a filmmaker and an investigative medical journalist, he is best known for combining visually impactful imagery, raw emotional interviews and unbiased investigative research into stories that push the envelope of daytime television. Some of his most thought-provoking episodes include a rare televised debate between Monsanto’s head of toxicology Dr. Donna Farmer and GMO activist Jeffrey Smith and an exposé on a “gold standard” medical test that mistakenly indicts loving parents for child abuse, causing their children to be remanded to Child Protective Services.
When Bigtree began investigating the story of the CDC Whistleblower and the fraud perpetrated by the CDC, he soon realized that he had stumbled upon a story of corruption and deception beyond any he had ever seen. Further investigation into the wrongful destruction of Andrew Wakefield’s career orchestrated by Big Pharma and the UK Department of Health inspired him to focus all of his attention on what he believes to be the most crucial documentary of the year. Bigtree is proud to be working side by side with Andrew Wakefield, one of the most important minds of our time, to create a documentary that will not only alert Americans to the outright destruction of their civil liberties, but will lead the charge to demand the formation of a genuine independent research body conducting legitimate science to ensure that all vaccines are truly safe.
In this interview, Del discusses why he is so passionate about this issue, his concern about "journalism" as it exists today, as well as other pertinent issues and he leaves us with an inspiring and positive message.
Mary Pulles Cavanaugh - Is a mom of three girls who are vaccine injured. She became an avid researcher in 2008 by necessity when she began the autism journey of her youngest daughter that led her to awareness of the sick-care system that is so prevalent today. What keeps her focused is the knowledge that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. In 2013 Mary, also known as Rebel, became one of the Thinking Moms and a Co-Author of their book "Evolution of a Revolution: From Hope To Healing How Thinking Parents Are Recovering Their Children and Uncovering the Truth." This year she was excited to publish her own book "The Book On Greatness How To Keep Shining Your Light". Rebel looks forward to a future with natural healers of the mind and body, and many future travels discovering new places with her husband of 29 years. Her current focus is staying uncomfortable and manifesting change. Her website can be found at marypullescavanaugh.com You can also find her on twitter @max4metals.
Judy A. Mikovits earned BA in Chemistry from University of Virginia in 1980 and a PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology from George Washington University in 1992. In her thirty-five-year career, she has done pioneering work in immunology, epigenetics, virology, and natural products drug development including discovery of the modulation of DNA Methylation machinery by human retroviral infection and the concept of inflammatory cytokines and chemokine signatures of infection and disease. In 2014 she and Kent Heckenlively co-authored the book Plague. One scientist’s intrepid search for the truth about human retroviruses and chronic fatigue syndrome, autism and other diseases.
She reveals why so many children are getting injured by the HPV vaccines including Gardasil, if parents need to be concerned about HPV for their children, how to heal naturally from HPV and how to heal from injuries that have occurred by the HPV vaccines.
Tamara Sutton was forced to deal with grief when her son died suddenly. This led her on a long journey of discovery of herself and healing. Whether you are dealing with grief due to a loved one having a vaccine injury or death, Tamara gives suggestions for helping you to move through it.
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