
  • Exciting announcement today!

    I’m hosting a FREE 5-Day Challenge called Solve Your Food Struggles in 5 Days. From Monday, July 1st to Friday, July 5th, you will discover how to solve your food struggles for good—no matter where you're starting from.

    During the challenge, you will:

    Day 1: End the on-track, off-track dieting cycle Day 2: Establish self-discipline with food Day 3: Lower cravings without relying on willpower Day 4: Enjoy your favorite foods without overindulging Day 5: Let weight loss be simple

    Through live workshops, coaching, and our community Facebook group, you'll gain clarity, get unstuck, and make significant shifts towards naturally healthy eating and permanent weight loss.

    It’s going to be a transformative experience full of aha-moments and breakthroughs. Are you ready to solve your food struggles in 5 days?

    REGISTER HERE: https://katrentas.com/challenge

    Can’t wait to support you inside!

  • Feeling frustrated and stuck in your journey with weight loss? Or feel like you’ve done everything you can and the results are still out of reach?

    In this episode, we dive deep into the emotion of frustration—a common yet challenging feeling that many of us encounter on our journey to permanent weight loss. You'll learn how to recognize and effectively validate frustration without letting it stall your progress.

    We'll explore:

    → How frustration manifests in your brain and body, making it tough to process

    → Why the particular emotion of frustration leads to feelings of confusion and being stuck

    → The importance of acknowledging and correctly validating these frustrations to move forward

    → How to move beneath your frustration so you can effectively take responsibility for your results

    This isn't about indulging your frustrations, but rather validating yourself for the emotions you experience along the way. When you do this, you’ll clear the path to take actionable steps toward permanent weight loss without resistance.

    Learn more at: https://katrentas.com/frustration-podcast


    Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program.

    Find yourself overeating and you’re not sure why? I’ve created a free video masterclass, where I share the two reasons why you’re overeating now and what you need to do to stop overeating forever. Click here to access the free master class.

    Hang out with me on Instagram here.

  • Manglende episoder?

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  • Ever felt that surge of motivation to lose weight for the very last time, but just couldn’t bring yourself to start?

    In this episode, we'll discuss why that initial burst of motivation can fizzle out, leaving us feeling stuck and frustrated when we don't stay consistent with our healthy eating goals.

    Here’s what we’ll uncover:

    → Why striving for perfection might be what’s keeping you stuck, and how focusing on realistic progress can keep you moving forward.

    → What you can actually expect when you commit to losing weight permanently, despite unpredictable life circumstances.

    → The importance of lowering the stakes with weight loss, so you can continue progressing sustainably without pressure.

    → Why embracing a trial-and-error approach, instead of striving for perfect performance, is key to making real, lasting changes with weight loss.

    It’s not about constantly maintaining high motivation to achieve results. It’s about taking step-by-step actions towards lasting weight loss, regardless of the motivation that’s present.

    Learn more at: https://katrentas.com/success-fuel-motivation-podcast


    Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program.

    Find yourself overeating and you’re not sure why? I’ve created a free video masterclass, where I share the two reasons why you’re overeating now and what you need to do to stop overeating forever. Click here to access the free master class.

    Hang out with me on Instagram here.

  • Are you caught in the dilemma of wanting to eat healthier without feeling restricted, yet know you need to eat less to lose weight?

    In this episode, we’ll dive into the key difference between food restriction and emotional deprivation.

    Understanding these concepts is the key to solving overeating without restricting yourself from foods you love.

    You’ll learn:

    → The distinction between not eating enough to support your body's needs and feeling emotionally deprived

    → Examples of clients who successfully overcame overeating challenges without feeling restricted

    → Effective strategies to recognize and manage feelings of deprivation with food, so you can have a freer approach to weight loss

    → How to build trust with yourself to eat in alignment with your body's needs without overindulging

    Turns out, you can have a relationship with healthy eating and weight loss, where you hone the skill of not overeating without restricting yourself along the way.

    Learn more at: https://katrentas.com/know-if-youre-restricting-podcast


    Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program.

    Find yourself overeating and you’re not sure why? I’ve created a free video master class, where I share the two reasons why you’re overeating now and what you need to do to stop overeating forever. Click here to access the free master class.

    Hang out with me on Instagram here.

  • Are life's stressors constantly throwing a wrench in your healthy eating and weight loss plans?

    In this episode, we’ll explore the power of mental awareness and why it's crucial to check in with yourself regularly to manage stress. Regulating your stress isn’t just important—it’s the biggest key to achieving and maintaining weight loss.

    Here’s what we’ll cover:

    → The transformative question I ask myself every day to keep my mind in check

    → How unchecked mental chatter, rumination, and stress end up controlling what you eat

    → Why getting a handle on your stress response is far more important for losing weight than simply perfecting your diet

    → Actionable steps to proactively increase your mental awareness and support your weight loss journey

    This isn’t just about shedding pounds—it’s about learning to manage your mind to transform the way you eat so you can lose weight for that last time.

    Learn more at: https://katrentas.com/doing-the-work-one-question-podcast


    Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program.

    Find yourself overeating and you’re not sure why? I’ve created a free video master class, where I share the two reasons why you’re overeating now and what you need to do to stop overeating forever. Click here to access the free master class.

    Hang out with me on Instagram here.

  • Want to enjoy the foods you love without the guilt of overeating? The key is understanding that finding pleasure in the foods you love and overindulging are two separate concepts.

    In this episode, I’m exploring how you can enjoy your meals without overindulging and sacrificing your weight goals.

    You’ll learn:

    → Common misconceptions from diet culture about finding pleasure in food
    → How distinguishing between eating for taste and eating for emotional comfort can drastically change the way you eat
    → The key differences between an urgent and non-urgent relationship to foods you love
    → Practical steps to start enjoying your food more deliberately, without sacrificing your weight loss goals

    Turns out, you don’t have to give up optimal enjoyment with your favorite foods to reach your ideal weight.

    In fact, it’s necessary you master the skill of prioritizing food pleasure to do so.

    Learn more at: https://katrentas.com/enjoy-food-without-overeating-podcast


    Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program.

    Find yourself overeating and you’re not sure why? I’ve created a free video master class, where I share the two reasons why you’re overeating now and what you need to do to stop overeating forever. Click here to access the free master class.

    Hang out with me on Instagram here.

  • Are you being your own worst enemy on your weight loss journey?

    Forcing yourself into weight loss can feel like an act of self-betrayal.

    In this episode, we'll explore why pushing yourself too hard on your weight loss journey is more about being harsh than being helpful. You’ll discover why being mean to yourself is a choice, and there’s an alternative approach available for you now.

    We’ll discuss:

    → The pressure of "I should have figured this out by now" and how to address these judgments

    → The crucial difference between having pressured thoughts and actively indulging them

    → Strategies to stop treating yourself like a drill sergeant and start nurturing yourself as the caregiver you deserve

    → Acknowledging the changes and efforts you’ll make before any weight loss shows on the scale

    Imagine a version of you that’s on your own side: compassionate, supportive, and holding your own hand through the journey of naturally healthy eating and permanent weight loss.

    That’s the standard we want to set when solving this problem for the last time.

    Learn more at: https://katrentas.com/honest-truths-force-weight-loss-podcast


    Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program.

    Find yourself overeating and you’re not sure why? I’ve created a free video master class, where I share the two reasons why you’re overeating now and what you need to do to stop overeating forever. Click here to access the free master class.

    Hang out with me on Instagram here.

  • Are you waiting for the perfect time to prioritize building the skills for naturally healthy eating and permanent weight loss?

    This mindset is the most common block I see keeping women from achieving the long-term results they desire.

    In this episode of the Get Unstuck series, we're tackling the belief that “There will be a better time,” and exploring why there's no better time than now to start making changes.

    You’ll learn:

    → Exactly how the belief that any time is “better” holds you back

    → What you’re really protecting yourself from when you hold onto this perspective

    → How to move past the fear of not being perfect during your weight loss journey

    → How opting into tolerable discomfort on purpose can transform your results with healthy eating and weight loss

    If you wait for the perfect time to prioritize this work, you’ll be waiting a lifetime.

    Tune in to get unstuck so you can embrace now as the right time to start.

    Learn more at: https://katrentas.com/get-unstuck-better-time-podcast


    Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program.

    Find yourself overeating and you’re not sure why? I’ve created a free video master class, where I share the two reasons why you’re overeating now and what you need to do to stop overeating forever. Click here to access the free master class.

    Hang out with me on Instagram here.

  • Ready to redefine failure and transform your journey to weight loss success?

    Many of us view failure as a devastating endpoint, a dangerous place from which there's no return. But what if we saw failure differently? What if failure was simply an opinion we hold about ourselves when we don't meet our expectations?

    In this episode of my Get Unstuck series, we'll explore the true meaning of failure and how shifting your perspective can dramatically change your approach to weight loss and healthy eating.

    You'll learn:

    → How to distinguish between destructive and constructive views of failure

    → Why avoiding discomfort might be holding you back from the results you want

    → The importance of normalizing mistakes and self-judgment as part of your permanent weight loss

    → How the fear of imperfection can be the only real obstacle to achieving your goals

    Learn more at: https://katrentas.com/get-unstuck-fail-again-podcast


    Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program.

    Find yourself overeating and you’re not sure why? I’ve created a free video master class, where I share the two reasons why you’re overeating now and what you need to do to stop overeating forever. Click here to access the free master class.

    Hang out with me on Instagram here.

  • Are discouraging thoughts about your past holding you back? Do you find yourself believing that your history with food and weight loss defines your future success?

    In this episode, we're diving deep into how to get unstuck from the belief: “I’ve had this problem for so long.”

    You'll discover why personalizing your past can keep you from moving forward and how to shift your mindset to finally achieve the long-term results you desire.

    You'll learn:

    → How to recognize discouraging thoughts about your past and reframe them
    → Why your past with food and weight loss only exists as neutral facts and doesn't define you now
    → How to stop letting your past dictate your future decisions and break free from old patterns
    → How you can be in a completely different place one year from now, regardless of how long you've struggled

    Your past doesn't have to hold you back anymore. Join me as we explore how to gently challenge your brain and redefine what your past means for your current weight loss journey.

    Learn more at: https://katrentas.com/get-unstuck-problem-so-long-podcast


    Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program.

    Find yourself overeating and you’re not sure why? I’ve created a free video master class, where I share the two reasons why you’re overeating now and what you need to do to stop overeating forever. Click here to access the free master class.

    Hang out with me on Instagram here.

  • Have you ever felt like you've tried every approach under the sun and are still stuck struggling with healthy eating and weight loss?

    In this episode of the Get Unstuck series, I’m tackling the objection that "I’ve already tried everything."

    We'll discuss:

    How to validate and acknowledge your past struggles without staying stuck

    The thought patterns that lead to feelings of helplessness, pity, and entitlement

    The protective nature of "I don’t know how”

    How to embrace agency and resourcefulness to find new solutions

    It's time to let go of the notion that nothing works and embrace a new approach. You deserve a future where food and weight loss are no longer a problem to solve for.

    Learn more at: https://katrentas.com/get-unstuck-tried-everything-podcast


    Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program.

    Find yourself overeating and you’re not sure why? I’ve created a free video master class, where I share the two reasons why you’re overeating now and what you need to do to stop overeating forever. Click here to access the free master class.

    Hang out with me on Instagram here.

  • Want to lose weight for the last time but feel stuck in a rut?

    Welcome to the first episode of my brand new Get Unstuck series! I’ll be discussing ways to help you overcome common blocks holding you back from permanent weight loss and healthy eating.

    In celebration of our May cohort of Own Your Eating Habits kicking off on May 22nd, I'm diving deep into the biggest challenges high-achieving women face in their weight loss journey.

    Today's episode focuses on the first and perhaps most relatable block: “I’m too busy.”

    In this episode, you'll discover:

    → Why the belief "I'm too busy" is keeping you stuck and how to unravel it
    → How to debunk the sub-beliefs "I don't have time" and "I don't have energy"
    → How to make healthy eating decisions quickly and efficiently in the moment
    → Why natural, sustainable eating doesn't require willpower, shame, or strict discipline

    Don't let the thought of "I'm too busy" hold you back from your permanent weight loss now. You can learn to make powerful, quick decisions that lead to lasting results without overthinking or overcomplicating your eating choices.

    Make sure you tune into each episode this week to break through your blocks and get unstuck.

    And, if you're ready to lose weight for the last time now, the doors to our May cohort of Own Your Eating Habits are open now go to KatRentas.com/coaching to join today.

    Learn more at: https://katrentas.com/get-unstuck-im-too-busy-podcast


    Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program.

    Find yourself overeating and you’re not sure why? I’ve created a free video master class, where I share the two reasons why you’re overeating now and what you need to do to stop overeating forever. Click here to access the free master class.

    Hang out with me on Instagram here.

  • Ever notice how just when things start going well, a little voice in your head begins to doubt it all? This voice can make you feel like you're an imposter in your own success story—especially when it comes to healthy eating and weight loss.

    In this episode, we're diving deep into the heart of imposter syndrome, a common roadblock for those on the path to permanent weight loss. We'll explore why it comes up as you start seeing real, tangible changes along your journey.

    You'll learn:

    → Why your brain resists the unfamiliar and often interprets new success as a threat

    → How to recognize and manage the imposter syndrome thoughts that challenge your progress

    → The skill of mind management to align your brain with your new healthy identity

    → Strategies to acclimate your body and brain to the new changes, making the unfamiliar feel safe

    Imposter syndrome will be a symptom of you making foundational changes in this area of your life. Let’s equip you with the perspective to move through this discomfort so you can continue progressing towards naturally healthy eating and permanent weight loss.

    Learn more at: https://katrentas.com/imposter-syndrome-podcast/


    Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program.

    Find yourself overeating and you’re not sure why? I’ve created a free video master class, where I share the two reasons why you’re overeating now and what you need to do to stop overeating forever. Click here to access the free master class.

    Hang out with me on Instagram here.

  • Join me in today’s Client Case Study as I discuss how my client Rachel S. lost 41 pounds in 6 months without dieting

    Here’s a look at what I’m covering today:

    → What the best course of action will be when your gut-reaction is to “do more” to eat healthy

    → The main areas of focus necessary when wanting to lose weight for the last time

    → Why lowering your emotional stress first is the most tactically valuable approach you can take

    → What life will look like when you’re no longer solving for this area

    Healthy eating doesn’t need to feel forced. Weight loss doesn’t need to be disciplinary. I hope hearing Rachel’s story inspires you to equip yourself with a method of weight loss that feels tailored to your unique life and circumstances.

    Learn more at: https://katrentas.com/client-case-study-1-podcast/


    Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program.

    Find yourself overeating and you’re not sure why? I’ve created a free video master class, where I share the two reasons why you’re overeating now and what you need to do to stop overeating forever. Click here to access the free master class.

    Hang out with me on Instagram here.

  • Experiencing fluctuation frustrations with the scale?

    Pushing harder to lose the weight isn’t the answer.

    In this episode, we’re digging into the most common occurrences of weight loss fluctuations and how to uncover whether it’s a problem you should be addressing.

    You’ll learn:

    → How to normalize weight fluctuations as a natural part of the journey, rather than a setback.

    → The two experiences of weight fluctuations: one that sees the average weight decrease, while the other stays the same. What separates these outcomes?

    → Understand which version of trial-and-error with weight loss keeps you stuck and which approach moves you forward.

    → How to shift your focus from short-term weight fluctuations to long-term permanent results to truly gauge your success.

    When you make the shift from fluctuation frustration to proactive progress, you provide your body the conditions it needs to reach your weight goals – without hustle.

    Learn more at: https://katrentas.com/weight-loss-fluctuations-podcast/


    Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program.

    Find yourself overeating and you’re not sure why? I’ve created a free video master class, where I share the two reasons why you’re overeating now and what you need to do to stop overeating forever. Click here to access the free master class.

    Hang out with me on Instagram here.

  • Ready to break free from the cycle of starting and stopping your weight loss journey?

    This isn’t about lacking willpower or discipline. It’s about confronting the real fears and vulnerabilities that hold you back.

    In this episode, we delve into the mental blocks that subtly undermine your weight loss efforts. We'll highlight the gap between wanting change and your brain's instinctive resistance, explaining why it's hard to stick to healthy eating consistently over the long term.

    You'll discover:

    → Techniques for collaborating with your brain to welcome healthy changes, even when they're new.

    → The key step to understanding why you haven't managed to keep the weight off.

    → The importance of addressing your fear of failure and vulnerability to stop self-sabotage.

    → Ways to turn fear into a supportive ally, leading you to real, lasting weight loss success.

    The results you want aren’t just about losing weight; it's a journey to deeply understand yourself, your brain, and the fears that prevent you from achieving your goals.

    Learn more at: https://katrentas.com/success-resistance-podcast/


    Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program.

    Find yourself overeating and you’re not sure why? I’ve created a free video master class, where I share the two reasons why you’re overeating now and what you need to do to stop overeating forever. Click here to access the free master class.

    Hang out with me on Instagram here.

  • Do you find yourself overthinking or ruminating about how best to eat healthy so you can finally lose weight?

    Are you convinced that just one more piece of information will unlock your ability to follow through?

    This is what I like to call "healthy eating confusion," where you believe that you don’t already possess the answers you need to start taking action toward the results you want.

    In this episode, we’ll unpack how to move past this analysis paralysis so you can begin to make decisions and implement them.

    You’ll learn:

    Why you fall into the trap of healthy eating confusion and what to do when you feel stuck.

    How to properly address your brain so you can overcome decision paralysis and begin implementing.

    What’s necessary to make decisions for the healthy eating results you want now.

    How to generate momentum and progress with healthy eating, without the need for perfection or willpower.

    It’s time you don’t let overthinking hold you back any longer from the results you want.

    You don’t need more information; you simply need to release yourself from the healthy eating confusion to access the progress that’s available to you now.

    Learn more at: https://katrentas.com/healthy-eating-confusion-podcast/


    Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program.

    Find yourself overeating and you’re not sure why? I’ve created a free video master class, where I share the two reasons why you’re overeating now and what you need to do to stop overeating forever. Click here to access the free master class.

    Hang out with me on Instagram here.

  • Are you tired of forgetting to eat during your busiest days?

    Relying on reactive food decisions for your meals isn't the answer.

    In this episode, we’ll dive deep into shifting your relationship with food from a reactive to a proactive focus, even alongside your packed schedule.

    You'll discover:

    → The common misconception that leads us to believe we're not in control of our eating decisions, and how to challenge it.

    → The consequences of not acknowledging your hunger and how it leads to emotional eating and unwanted weight retention.

    → A simple, yet powerful solution to prioritize healthy eating decisions that fit seamlessly into your workday.

    → Practical steps to shift from a reactive to a proactive mindset, ensuring you meet your food needs without unnecessary stress.

    It’s time to learn to become the active decision-maker in your eating habits, treating yourself with the care and deliberation you deserve.

    Learn more at: https://katrentas.com/forgetting-to-eat-podcast/


    Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program.

    Find yourself overeating and you’re not sure why? I’ve created a free video master class, where I share the two reasons why you’re overeating now and what you need to do to stop overeating forever. Click here to access the free master class.

    Hang out with me on Instagram here.

  • Feeling overwhelmed by your packed schedule and thinking it leaves no room for healthy eating?

    You're not alone in this struggle. However, the truth is, the busyness is all in your mind. You'll need to dispel the myth that healthy eating requires extra time, energy, or effort that you just don't have.

    In this episode, we'll dive deep into how to transform your relationship with your schedule and your meals. You'll learn:

    → Why it's your busy mind, not your busy schedule, that's the real barrier to eating healthy.

    → Strategies for integrating naturally healthy eating into even the most hectic days, showing it's not about having time but about making time.

    → How to lower stress around your work schedule to make proactive, not reactive, food choices, and regulate your emotions in the process.

    → The importance of establishing a flexible approach to healthy eating and weight loss that adapts to any situation, ensuring you're prepared for unpredictability.

    It's time to redefine what healthy eating looks like for you, making it an accessible part of your life, no matter how busy your schedule.

    This isn't about adding another task to your to-do list; it's about integrating healthy eating into your lifestyle in a way that feels natural and sustainable.

    Learn more at: https://katrentas.com/when-youre-busy-podcast/


    Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program.

    Find yourself overeating and you’re not sure why? I’ve created a free video master class, where I share the two reasons why you’re overeating now and what you need to do to stop overeating forever. Click here to access the free master class.

    Hang out with me on Instagram here.

  • Want long-term results with healthy eating and weight loss?

    Pressuring yourself to follow through won’t cut it.

    With this approach, you’ll inevitably burn out, fall off track, and find yourself in the same place as before without the permanent weight loss to show for your effort.

    In this episode, I’m discussing how to parent yourself properly to a version of healthy eating and weight loss that lasts for you.

    You’ll learn:

    → What approach keeps you stuck in the all-or-nothing behavior with food

    → How to break free from the yo-yo cycle of healthy eating and weight loss

    → The spectrum of emotions involved in self-parenting with food and body

    → The emotional energy necessary for lasting, permanent results

    In order to lose weight for the last time, you’ll not only need to learn the strategies, but you’ll need to become the best caregiver of your eating habits.

    Learn more at: https://katrentas.com/parenting-yourself-podcast/


    Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program.

    Find yourself overeating and you’re not sure why? I’ve created a free video master class, where I share the two reasons why you’re overeating now and what you need to do to stop overeating forever. Click here to access the free master class.

    Hang out with me on Instagram here.