
  • Episode Summary:
    Summertime is here again and we love it! Gina and Dawn loved summer as kids and still do. But, somehow things have changed. Kids today don't understand the joys of summertime the way we did as children. Playing at the park, in the pool, riding bikes, and getting into the best trouble.

    So ladies and gentlemen...here's to us and cheers to the summertime! Go play with your kids, make them swim, pull out that sprinkler and force them to love it. ;)
    Links to Know:
    Gina Luker: The Shabby Creek Cottage + GinaLuker.com

    Dawn Stockslager: That organizing thing, and the new T-shirt shop (that's in the works)

    iTunes: Hot Mess Moms Podcast

  • Episode Summary:
    Embarrassing your kids can be a wonderful experience for a parent. (totally kidding...kinda!)

    How do we transform from the fully engaging and interesting people into these bridge trolls that our children are ashamed to even be seen with? Well Dawn, for one, decided to take her daughters embarrassment and use it to her advantage.

    I'm pretty sure all children are embarrassed by their parents at one point or another. And as much as we hated it as kids and teens, somehow we tend to look back on some of those experiences with humor now. Remembering those moments somehow brings our own parents into the realm of humanity. We can look back on those moments and see them for the funny and interesting people they were...before we sucked the energy from them!

    So, my friends, go forth and embarrass your kids. Use humor to create moments they may hate today, but will cherish tomorrow.
    Links to Know:
    Gina Luker: The Shabby Creek Cottage + GinaLuker.com

    Dawn Stockslager: That organizing thing, and the new T-shirt shop (that's in the works)

    iTunes: Hot Mess Moms Podcast

    Facebook: Hot Mess Moms


  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Episode Summary:
    My oh, my...Gina had a rant this week! Why are we all so busy? Why do we wear busyness like a badge of honor? Apparently, Gina has had enough of it.

    Not so much that she doesn't like being "busy", or even that she doesn't understand why people use the term. But, more to the point, Gina really can't stand it when people assume that because her life is full, she is TOO BUSY to be there for the people she loves.

    Guess what! She isn't.

    Find out why Gina gets so irritated at this "dirty little four-letter B word."

    Tell us, what's the word that drives you up the walls??
    Links to Know:
    Gina Luker: The Shabby Creek Cottage + GinaLuker.com

    Dawn Stockslager: That organizing thing, and the new T-shirt shop (that's in the works)

    iTunes: Hot Mess Moms Podcast

    Facebook: Hot Mess Moms


  • Episode Summary:
    Guess what! We all waste money, one way or another. It doesn't matter if you're buying new clothes for your kid (every six months), throwing away half your groceries (because you didn't cook any of it), or getting that sweet, sweet "coffee" on your way into work.

    It happens. It can be frustrating as hell, but it's nearly impossible to stop completely. Dawn and Gina have figured out they waste a lot of money, some of the time.

    So how do you curb it? Lord...if someone knows can you please let us know? ;)

    Let's be honest. Sometimes you can't help it. Your kids grow so those shoes you bought last month are now useless to them. It rained, so that carwash you paid for is ruined. You decided to go have dinner with friends instead of cook at home, so those veggies have gone bad.

    Well, you know what? I say that's ok. If your kids are growing, they are healthy. If it rained, we probably needed it. And, truth be told, you can't put a price on spending time with the ones you love.

    We can try to curb the ways we waste money, but you have to know it's never going to completely stop.

    So, I say this to you, my sweet friends, buy the new clothes (but maybe the kids can use a smaller wardrobe), wash the car (because it smells better that way), and go have dinner with your friends!

    Until next week...we love you HOT MESS MAMA'S!!
    Links to Know:
    Gina Luker: The Shabby Creek Cottage + GinaLuker.com

    iTunes: Hot Mess Moms Podcast

    Facebook: Hot Mess Moms


  • Episode Summary:
    Our friendships are one of the few things we carry with us through life. New friends come into our lives but we still cherish the friendships that begin in elementary school. Does one mean more than the other? For Dawn and Gina, nope.

    Friendships are like relationships in that each one is different. Each one has its own language. Each one has its own history and origin story. No two friendships are the same.

    So...who's your best friend? How long have you known them? Oh...and do you also refer to some of your friends as "___, my friend from ___."
    Links to Know:
    Gina Luker: The Shabby Creek Cottage + GinaLuker.com

    iTunes: Hot Mess Moms Podcast

    Facebook: Hot Mess Moms


  • Episode Summary:
    We're getting old!! Man, it sucks, but it happens to all of us. I honestly don't even know what to say about it. I so am not ready for this!!! Have a listen and laugh with us as we ramble on about it.

    Tell us when you found your first grey hair. Oh, and before I forget....have a great weekend!!
    Links to Know:
    Gina Luker: The Shabby Creek Cottage + GinaLuker.com

    iTunes: Hot Mess Moms Podcast

    Facebook: Hot Mess Moms


  • Episode Summary:
    It's that time of year again...school's out for the summer! At least here in Alabama, it is. What does that mean for all us parents? If you're anything like Dawn, it means a combination of stress and excitement.

    Why both? Because it's the time of year when you get to "be a kid again" and make amazing memories with your littles. It's also the time of year when "what your kids are doing every day" instantly effects your daily routine. The same goes for everyone. I don't care if you work for yourself, work for someone else, or work in the home. It's something we all have to deal with as parents for the next two months.

    Also, does anyone else remember summer being longer when we were kids? I totally remember not going back to school until early September, but this year mine will go back August 8th! (Sorry...side tangent)

    So what are we moms to do? Well, first we need to remember that on average, we only get to have 18 of these summers with our kids. So we need to keep that in mind when they are driving us crazy...lol. But also, remember that this time moves quickly. It's important to make the most of the time we have.

    I know, I know...most of us work either for ourselves or outside the home. Which means, more than likely, at least some amount of our income is required to keep the household from sinking. That's a huge deal! It just means we have to get creative with how we make those awesome summer memories!

    So tell us...what are your plans for the summer? Any trips, or camping, or nights at the drive-in (yes, they still exist)? We'd love to know all about it!

    *yep...that's my kiddo enjoying some pool time at Gina's house!
    Links to Know:
    Gina Luker: The Shabby Creek Cottage + GinaLuker.com

    Dawn's other job: Organizing Florence Alabama

    iTunes: Hot Mess Moms Podcast

    Facebook: Hot Mess Moms


  • Episode Summary:
    Do you have a mantra to live by? A short string of words that reminds you of who you are, who you want to be, and what's important to you. Gina has been on a "mantra kick" for a few weeks now, and my what a great one she's found.

    "Presence not perfection"

    Dawn has two...

    "Less stuff, more story" and "Don't chase broken men"

    Yes, we know...they are all perfect for us. Especially for single Dawn...lol.

    Have you put much thought into a mantra? In case you are new to the idea, here are some tips to help you find the best one for you.

    It shouldn't be too long
    It needs to instantly focus you
    If you can't remember it instantly, it's just a quote
    It should be personal to you
    The best mantras cross into all aspects of your life

    Ok friends, let us know what your mantra is. Have you had it for years, or is it new?

    We love you....and remember, DON'T CHASE BROKEN PEOPLE 
    Links to Know:
    Gina Luker: The Shabby Creek Cottage + GinaLuker.com

    Dawn's other job: Less Stuff, More Story

    iTunes: Hot Mess Moms Podcast

    Facebook: Hot Mess Moms


  • Episode Summary:

    A friend reunion is by definition, (Dawn's definition) seeing an old childhood friend after years of little to no contact. Someone that could tell stories to embarrass you in front of your children.

    Gina experienced exactly that a couple of weeks ago. A friend that has so many shared stories (from about 20 years ago). So many stories!!

    You expect these reunions to be met with the same line, "oh the stories I could tell about your mama!" But, Gina heard the words that immediately let her know that this was indeed a true friendship.

    Have a listen and have a great week my friends!! #HappyMothersDay
    Links to Know:
    Gina Luker: The Shabby Creek Cottage + GinaLuker.com

    Dawn's other job: That thing Dawn does in Florence, Al

    iTunes: Hot Mess Moms Podcast

    Facebook: Hot Mess Moms


  • Episode Summary:
    This week Dawn and Gina get really honest about how much it sucks to be sick and tired. Dawn ended up in the hospital emergency room and diagnosed with Bronchitis last week. Sadly it doesn't mean that Dawn can get any rest. But, really what mom does when she's sick?!?! NO MOM EVER! That's who.

    I could say more, but honestly...I'm still sick a little bit. And coughing all over my MacBook seem's like the last thing I want to be doing right now! So, enjoy this week's podcast and we will see you again next week...and hopefully, this bronchitis will be gone.

    Have an amazing weekend everyone. #bluecrayon #SomeoneBringDawnSoup
    Links to Know:
    Gina Luker: The Shabby Creek Cottage + GinaLuker.com

    iTunes: Hot Mess Moms Podcast

    Facebook: Hot Mess Moms

  • Episode Summary:

    Dawn and Gina have an honest conversation about working out and looking cute naked. Traditional workouts aren't for Dawn. She needs a class with a group of people suffering together. Gina can't do classes because of her anxiety, but she can dance her butt off to "Just Dance" and get her heart rate pumping.

    It's amazing how much working out does for your soul, more so than your body. When you're going through it all, working out can become the thing to keep you sane. It was for Dawn when she was at one of her lowest points in life. Besides that working out for yourself is a great decision for a million other reasons.

    So tell us, do you work out? Alone or in groups? Do you do yoga at home or cross fit at a gym? Let us know! Bye, for now, my friends #BlueCrayon
    Links to Know:
    Gina Luker: The Shabby Creek Cottage + GinaLuker.com

    Dawn's Other Job: Organization in Florence Alabama

    iTunes: Hot Mess Moms Podcast

    Facebook: Hot Mess Moms


  • Episode Summary:

    I am going to get really honest, you should spoil yourself! This week Gina made it in to record by the skin of her teeth because she was out taking care of her sanity...with a pedicure. Look, sometimes you just need to be nice to yourself, dare I should say spoil yourself.

    Life is hard. Jobs are demanding. Families can be tiring. Love is exciting sometimes. Being the woman that has it all together takes a damn village!! We all like to think of our own mothers as selfless queens that gave us the world while quietly (or maybe loudly) cheering us on from the sidelines. But truth be told if our moms didn't sneak a minute or two for themselves...none of us would probably have made it through puberty.

    So for the future of the human race, and the sanity of all those that love you, spoil yourself some! Take some time for yourself, love yourself. Lock yourself in a quiet room and do that thing that makes you oh so happy. I promise we won't listen at the door ;)

    Have a great week and if you feel like being nice to us, drop us a comment, or a review! We would love to hear what you have to say. We would do it, but iTunes frowns upon us spoiling ourselves with 5 Stars all the time :(
    Links to Know:
    Gina Luker: The Shabby Creek Cottage + GinaLuker.com

    Dawn's Other Job: That Organizing Thing

    iTunes: Hot Mess Moms Podcast

    Facebook: Hot Mess Moms


  • Episode Summary:
    Buying a house when you are cheap and picky is no easy feat. Luckily if you are willing to buy a fixer-upper and put in some serious sweat equity, then your chances are better at getting what you want. Dawn and Gina talk about Dawn's dream of buying a new house and going through the remodel process.

    Luckily Dawn has Gina, who has been through several remodel's, and a daughter she fully intends to enlist the help of. How much could you get a fixer-upper for in your town? Realistically, Dawn could find a small house easily for $60K. However, because she is tenacious, she insists on finding a hidden gem for about $40K.
    Links to Know:
    Gina Luker: The Shabby Creek Cottage + GinaLuker.com

    Dawn's Other Job: That thing Dawn does

    iTunes: Hot Mess Moms Podcast

    Facebook: Hot Mess Moms


  • Episode Summary:

    Giving your kids positive motivation is a tricky subject. Knowing when to push them towards new interests, and when to simply let them enjoy what they already love is an idea several parents have. Dawn is no different. Her daughter is seriously interested in only three things. YouTube, Roblox, and Minecraft. That's it! She has "suffered" through three years of Girl Scouts, six months of Jiu-Jitsu, and a handful of horse riding lessons.

    So this is Dawn's question, how does she get her daughter to be open to doing more? In reality, you (apparently) can't force your kids to enjoy new things. You can't make a shy kid want to dance in public. You can't force a sporty kid to prefer reading. And, you can't force your gamer girl kid to want to do anything physical.

    This week Dawn gets some great advice from Gina about how to use positive motivation to encourage Emmy's interest, without letting her just play on Xbox for hours on end. It looks like Dawn might be taking Emmy to VidCon next summer...
    Links to Know:
    Gina Luker: The Shabby Creek Cottage + GinaLuker.com

    iTunes: Hot Mess Moms Podcast

    Facebook: Hot Mess Moms

    Emmy's Passion: VidCon

  • Episode Summary:

    Family heirlooms may not mean what they once did. But wanting to cherish antique pieces of your families history, is far from a new desire. The biggest change in the idea of what to do with family heirlooms comes in the form of what we decide to do with those heirlooms.

    This week Dawn gives a little detail about how she is tackling this issue in her house. Dawn has her mom's old cedar chest that was built in the early 1940's. Though she isn't sure of its exact origin (meaning was it passed down to her mom or purchased second hand), she can remember it always being in her parent's bedroom.

    Now that both of Dawn's parents have passed she has been thinking about what to exactly DO with this family heirloom. She doesn't need nor really have space for a cedar chest, but the idea of just selling or donating the piece also feels wrong.

    So Dawn came up with a great idea that will use the wood of the cedar chest but will allow her to turn this family heirloom into something that she can move forward and cherish in a new way. But just like in true Dawn fashion, she doesn't exactly know HOW to make this headboard fantasy a reality.

    Links to Know:
    Gina Luker: The Shabby Creek Cottage + GinaLuker.com

    iTunes: Hot Mess Moms Podcast

    Facebook: Hot Mess Moms

    Organizing Services by Dawn: that thing Dawn does!

  • Episode Summary:

    A coffee facial sounds magical, but in reality, it's one of those things that happens when a mom is in a hurry. If you haven't experienced it, just wait you probably will soon. But in your case "coffee facial" could also refer to milk, or tea, or any other liquid you happen to be holding at that exact moment. For the sake of your own safety...I just hope that it isn't anything hot.

    This week Dawn and Gina talk about more realities of being a hot mess mom. How can to people each be such a hot mess, but each in their own ways? Gina is always late, Dawn rarely is. But that doesn't mean Dawn is any less of a hot mess! She is notorious for wearing her drinks...(remember that coffee facial).

    So, what's the lesson here? Take some time to relax, and don't freak out if you ending up wearing your drink or run a little behind because of it. These moments will soon pass, and we will all look back and laugh at the days when our kids were young and we couldn't seem to get out the door.

    Links to Know:
    Gina Luker: The Shabby Creek Cottage + GinaLuker.com

    Dawn Stockslager Organizing: That thing Dawn does

    iTunes: Hot Mess Moms Podcast

    Facebook: Hot Mess Moms

  • Episode Summary:
    How do you deal with embarrassment when you find yourself in a situation you never expected? The best advice, LAUGH IT OFF. Sometimes things just happen. You find yourself in a situation that you couldn't imagine. This week we got to talk with Donna. A Texas girl from the tiny town of Canton. If you know Canton, chances are it's because of the HUGE market that takes place there several weeks a year. This week we aren't talking about markets, we're laughing along as Donna shared one of her best and embarrassing stories while on the job as a corrections facility nurse.

    Night shift is no joke people! Donna deal's with embarrassment in the best way possible. She saves the story to share with everyone a few years later. Because we all know that things happen. Being a hot mess mom, you basically have to reside yourself to the fact that someday's you'll end up saving a life, without a bra on.

    Links to Know:
    Gina Luker: The Shabby Creek Cottage + GinaLuker.com

    iTunes: Hot Mess Moms Podcast

    Facebook: Hot Mess Moms

    Donna Dodson: our awesome guest

  • Episode Summary:
    Is work-life balance a real thing people accomplish? We don't always think we will survive adulthood. But centuries of generations prove us wrong. We all have moments when we feel like crap parents, bosses, employees, spouses, friends, lovers, and humans. It's part of this wild ride we call life. To survive adulthood we need to understand that we aren't alone! It takes a village, my friends.

    This week, Dawn and Gina (mostly Dawn) get real about how hard this adulting thing can be. Dawn's daughter basically throws down the gauntlet on Dawn's recent work schedule. (It hasn't been pretty.) Realistically holding down four jobs (or gigs) take some serious effort and focus. Thankfully Dawn only has one more week before she can say buh-bye to the "day job."

    Which if you're counting, will open up 40 hours per week for all the other jobs that she loves so much more. A transition is hard my friends, it takes effort and drive to change your life in a drastic way. Which explains why Dawn's daughter has been feeling a little neglected in the attention department.

    We don't judge here, so if you've been feeling the pain of adulting and confused on how to do this work-life balance thing, we've got your back! #bluecrayon

    Links to Know:
    Gina Luker: The Shabby Creek Cottage + GinaLuker.com

    iTunes: Hot Mess Moms Podcast

    Facebook: Hot Mess Moms

  • Episode Summary:
    Dawn had a magical moment when she went shopping for some new jeans. Actually THREE magical moments! If you're like most of us, shopping can be an experience we sometimes hate to love. You're looking for a thing. You need this one thing. Now it's a matter of finding that one thing. AND finding it in a store that hopefully has nice employees and know what they're talking about! Shopping isn't easy my friends.

    This week Dawn and Gina talk about what a difference customer service makes when you're out shopping. A little smile and wave go a long way when you're doing something that can quickly stress you out and make you sweat (let's be real, trying on clothes in those dressing rooms gets hot). Take a listen and hear Dawn's story about the AMAZING customer service and attention she got when she was shopping for jeans. Oh, and she also found a little something extra that she's been on the hunt for, for four years!

    Happy Friday everyone!

    Links to Know:
    Gina Luker: The Shabby Creek Cottage + GinaLuker.com

    iTunes: Hot Mess Moms Podcast

    Facebook: Hot Mess Moms

    Buckle: Awesome Jeans Store and (These are Dawn's jeans)

  • Episode Summary:
    Why is making friends as adults so freaking hard? I miss the days of playing together at recess and suddenly having a new best friend. Today it's all about scheduling time for lunch or super formal get-togethers. Where are all the friends at? Get your bottle of tequila ready because we are going to say "blue crayon" nine-hundred-eleventy-bajillion times.

    Episode Transcript:

    Links to Know:
    Gina Luker: The Shabby Creek Cottage + GinaLuker.com

    iTunes: Hot Mess Moms Podcast

    Facebook: Hot Mess Moms

    #BlueCrayon: Blue Crayons