
  • While the hallway isn't an actual room of the home, it does give us access to the rooms in the home. Why is the hallway important? Tune in to find out what the hallway has to do with our lives, and with C.S. Lewis's book "The Magician's Nephew."

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • We have exciting news! Tune in to this short episode to hear an update on our personal life, and what changes will be coming to the podcast.

  • Books for children with unique needs:

    “Can I Tell You About Asperger Syndrome?: A Guide for Friends and Family” by, Jude Welton

    “Ethan's Story: My Life With Autism” by, Ethan Rice

    “My Autism Book: A Child's Guide to their Autism Spectrum Diagnosis” by, Tamar Levi

    Websites mentioned:



    Adult resources mentioned:

    “Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers” by, Dane C. Ortlund



    Leigh Anne’s website: www.thankfulforeachmoment.com

  • https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9yaXNlbm1vdGhlcmhvb2QubGlic3luLmNvbS9yc3M/episode/MTk3YTY4MTEtMmZjMS00YTJkLTllZGEtZmYzN2FhNzFkYTMx?ep=14

    “Liturgy of the Ordinary”, Tish Warren quote: “If we are ever peacemakers, it is not without a good deal of war in our hearts.”

  • The next Fruit of the Spirit is joy! In this episode, Mom and the kids talk about birthdays and how they remind us and show us in a tangible way the joy we have in Christ. Be sure to tune in at the end of this month as we cover the next Fruit of the Spirit, peace.

  • What is a bedroom for? Bre and Mason speak to the meaning of a bedroom in the home. In this episode, we discuss marriage, sleep, sex, and more. Keep listening for more in this series on rooms of the home.

  • Here we are again discussing the Fruit of the Spirit. Today we tackle joy in the home. What is joy? How do we have it? Why is it important for a home to be rooted in joy? Mason and Bre answer all these questions in a laid-back conversation that you'll enjoy and benefit from.

  • We continue our interview with Sarah Cook on the topic of chronic illness and pain. Sarah shared her story with us in the last episode (part one) and in this episode, she answers questions and gives more practical advice on navigating home life while living with chronic physical challenges. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom. We pray this episode encourages you and helps you grow in wisdom while dealing with such hard things in the home.

  • Sarah Cook joins us for a two-part series on Chronic Illness & Pain. In this first part, we see God through her story. She shares her testimony and heart with us about how she has battled breast cancer and now autoimmune disorders. Finding peace and contentment in the home can be hard at any time in our life, especially when dealing with chronic health issues. We pray this episode gives you hope and wisdom on how to navigate your own health in the home. Tune in next week for part two.

  • Happy Valentine's Day! Ever wonder the history behind this special holiday? Today we answer that question briefly for your kids and discuss our first Fruit of the Spirit...LOVE!

  • Love makes a house a home, but what is love? How do we love? Mason and Bre tackle these questions in part one of a nine part series on the Fruit of the Spirit. Each month starting in February, we will be focusing on one Fruit of the Spirit. Love is a large topic to cover in a short 30 minute podcast, but hopefully your home can glean some encouragement from this episode.

  • Mom and the girls talk about loving God, hearing His voice, and how the fruit of the Spirit grow in those of us who love Him and know Him! They also sing a catchy tune at the end to help your kids remember the nine fruit listed in Galatians.

  • We start our introduction to the Fruit of the Spirit series in this episode by talking about Humble Homes. How do have humility in our lives that creates a healthy home? Is humility the soil that these fruit of the spirit are planted and cultivated in? Find out in this week's episode with Bre!

  • Dad takes the kids for a surprise episode to talk about...SURPRISES! Anora and Daddy talk about what they love most about surprise and even discuss the best surprise of all time.

  • It's finally here! Say hello to House to Home Kids. We hope you enjoy this introductory episode of the new segment of the podcast. Grab your children and let them enjoy this podcast just like mom and dad.

  • It's the last episode of the year! Mason and Bre have a conversation about the vision for House to Home, updates on their personal life, and announce some big things that will be coming in 2022. Listen to see what House to Home will be launching next!

  • David’s Notes:

    2:33 - Howard Dayton’s scripture index for verses on money. https://encour.nl/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/2350-verses-on-money.pdf 3:24 - What is Biblically Responsible investing? Download from my website @ www.theother90.com 5:17 - APA studies on stress from money https://www.apa.org/topics/stress/money “Stress in America” studies by the APA consistently showcase the fact that the majority of Americans rank money as a significant source of stress in their life. 6:17 - Money stress top reason for divorce https://money.renolon.com/divorce-and-money-statistics/ 10:06 Retirement is made up https://catalogimages.wiley.com/images/db/pdf/9781118705124.excerpt.pdf 11:58 - Retirement in the Bible Numbers 8:22-26 (not 28… I was close) https://biblehub.com/esv/numbers/8.htm 12:32 - Seeking of self is not Biblical - James 3:16-17 https://biblehub.com/esv/james/3.htm 15:40 - “The New Retirementality” by Mitch Anthony https://www.amazon.com/New-Retirementality-Planning-Living-Dreams/dp/1119611482/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=The+New+Retirementality&qid=1638598158&sr=8-2 15:53 - Boomerang Retirees https://www.rand.org/pubs/working_papers/WR196-2.html https://www.retireguide.com/guides/working-after-retirement/#:~:text=A%202017%20survey%20from%20RAND,the%20right%20opportunity%20presented%20itself 18:12 - Proverbs 13:22 - A wise man leaves an inheritance https://biblehub.com/esv/proverbs/13.htm A thought provoking excerpt from Randy Alcorn on leaving an inheritance: https://www.epm.org/resources/2017/Mar/10/leave-inheritance-children/ 20:37 - You can be content now Phil 4:11-13 https://biblehub.com/esv/philippians/4.htm#:~:text=11Not%20that%20I,who%20strengthens%20me. 21:35 - Paul on meat sacrificed to idols 1 Corinthians 10 https://biblehub.com/esv/1_corinthians/10.htm 22:03 - Consumership vs Ownership https://www.inspireinvesting.com/post/inspired-investing-an-introduction-to-biblically-responsible-investing 22:52 - Ownership confers responsibility https://www.inspireinvesting.com/post/inspired-investing-an-introduction-to-biblically-responsible-investing 26:09 - Owning Stock vs Used Car - Entitled to profits and vested in the success/continuation https://www.biblicalleadership.com/blogs/how-important-are-the-companies-involved-in-biblically-responsible-investing/ 27:41 - 1 Corinthians 10:31 https://biblehub.com/esv/1_corinthians/10.htm#:~:text=31So%2C%20whether%20you%20eat%20or%20drink%2C%20or%20whatever%20you%20do%2C%20do%20all%20to%20the%20glory%20of%20God.%2032Give%20no%20offense%20to%20Jews%20or%20to%20Greeks%20or%20to%20the%20church%20of%20God%2C%2033just%20as%20I%20try%20to%20please%20everyone%20in%20everything%20I%20do%2C%20not%20seeking%20my%20own%20advantage%2C%20but%20that%20of%20many%2C%20that%20they%20may%20be%20saved 29:51 - Matthew 6:21 https://biblehub.com/esv/matthew/6.htm#:~:text=21For%20where%20your%20treasure%20is%2C%20there%20your%20heart%20will%20be%20also “The Treasure Principle” by Randy Alcorn https://store.epm.org/the-treasure-principle-revised 33:35 - How much should we give? What’s the right amount? “God and Money” by Gregory Baumer and John Cortines A helpful walk through a better question to ask about giving. https://www.amazon.com/God-Money-Discovered-Business-Paperback/dp/1628624736/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=god+and+money&qid=1638630278&sr=8-1 34:04 - Psalm 24:1 https://biblehub.com/esv/psalms/24.htm 34:23 - God gives us the ability to even earn wealth Deuteronomy 8:17-18 https://biblehub.com/esv/deuteronomy/8.htm#:~:text=17Beware%20lest%20you%20say%20in%20your%20heart%2C%20%E2%80%98My%20power%20and%20the%20might%20of%20my%20hand%20have%20gotten%20me%20this%20wealth.%E2%80%99%2018You%20shall%20remember%20the%20LORD%20your%20God%2C%20for%20it%20is%20he%20who%20gives%20you%20power%20to%20get%20wealth%2C%20that%20he%20may%20confirm%20his%20covenant%20that%20he%20swore%20to%20your%20fathers%2C%20as%20it%20is%20this%20day 35:35 - Estimated giving in OT (hint… it was more than 10%) Levitical Tithe Leviticus 27:30-32 https://biblehub.com/leviticus/27.htm#:~:text=Instruction%20on%20Tithes,on%20Mount%20Sinai Numbers 18:21, 24 https://biblehub.com/numbers/18.htm#:~:text=21Behold%2C%20I%20have,among%20the%20Israelites.%E2%80%9D Annual Festival Giving Deuteronomy 14:22-27 https://biblehub.com/deuteronomy/14.htm#:~:text=22You%20must%20be,of%20your%20hands Tri-Annual Giving to the Poor Deuteronomy 14:28-29 https://biblehub.com/deuteronomy/14.htm#:~:text=22You%20must%20be,of%20your%20hands 36:28 - Is Tithing OT? 36:39 - Abraham tithing to Melchizedek Genesis 14:20 https://biblehub.com/esv/genesis/14.htm#:~:text=20and%20blessed%20be,tenth%20of%20everything 36:44 - Jacob promised a tithe to the Lord Genesis 28:22 https://biblehub.com/esv/genesis/28.htm#:~:text=22and%20this%20stone%2C%20which%20I%20have%20set%20up%20for%20a%20pillar%2C%20shall%20be%20God%E2%80%99s%20house.%20And%20of%20all%20that%20you%20give%20me%20I%20will%20give%20a%20full%20tenth%20to%20you.%E2%80%9D 38:57 - Christian Giving statistics https://pushpay.com/blog/church-giving-statistics/ 40:00 - Money is dangerous 1 Timothy 6:6-10 https://biblehub.com/esv/1_timothy/6.htm#:~:text=6But%20godliness%20with,with%20many%20pangs 41:51 God raised standards and came to fulfill the law Matthew 5:17-30 https://biblehub.com/esv/matthew/5.htm#:~:text=17%E2%80%9CDo%20not,go%20into%20hell 42:30 - Cheerful Giving vs Compulsive Giving 2 Corinthians 9:7 https://biblehub.com/esv/2_corinthians/9.htm#:~:text=7Each%20one%20must%20give%20as%20he%20has%20decided%20in%20his%20heart%2C%20not%20reluctantly%20or%20under%20compulsion%2C%20for%20God%20loves%20a%20cheerful%20giver 44:52 - People “crash diet” with their budgets 46:07 - Count the cost of your financial and charitable life goals Luke 14:28 https://biblehub.com/esv/luke/14.htm#:~:text=28For%20which%20of%20you%2C%20desiring%20to%20build%20a%20tower%2C%20does%20not%20first%20sit%20down%20and%20count%20the%20cost%2C%20whether%20he%20has%20enough%20to%20complete%20it%3F 47:05 - Life is vapor. We still need to plan, but be prepared to hold it loosely. We’re not looking for precision in our speculation, but a trajectory we want to move in. James 4:13-17 https://biblehub.com/esv/james/4.htm#:~:text=13Come%20now%2C%20you,it%20is%20sin 48:11 - Reverse Budgeting… Prioritized spending that removes the need to “calorie count” every dollar … essentially funding priorities up front Reverse Budgeting It’s not exactly how I’d define everything, but this article fleshes it out a little more: https://joywallet.com/article/reverse-budgeting/ 50:09 - The Parable of Talents Matthew 25:14-30 https://biblehub.com/esv/matthew/25.htm#:~:text=The%20Parable%20of%20the%20Talents,weeping%20and%20gnashing%20of%20teeth.%E2%80%99 50:28 - Seeking Wise Counsel Proverbs 19:20 https://biblehub.com/esv/proverbs/19.htm Proverbs 20:5 https://biblehub.com/esv/proverbs/20.htm Proverbs 12:15 https://biblehub.com/esv/proverbs/12.htm Proverbs 15:22 https://biblehub.com/esv/proverbs/15.htm Proverbs 16:16 https://biblehub.com/esv/proverbs/16.htm Ecclesiastes 4:13 https://biblehub.com/esv/ecclesiastes/4.htm#:~:text=13Better%20was%20a%20poor%20and%20wise%20youth%20than%20an%20old%20and%20foolish%20king%20who%20no%20longer%20knew%20how%20to%20take%20advice 51:35 - A Christian financial planner is different than a Christian who happens to be a financial planner 55:00 - Storing up treasures in heaven Matthew 6:19-21 https://biblehub.com/esv/matthew/6.htm#:~:text=19%E2%80%9CDo%20not,will%20be%20also 56:33 - The principle of building on rock and not sand… it applies to all areas of our life, including finances. Matthew 7:24-27 https://biblehub.com/esv/matthew/7.htm#:~:text=24%E2%80%9CEveryone%20then,fall%20of%20it.%E2%80%9D 58:33 - Diversification is Biblical Ecclesiastes 11:2 https://biblehub.com/esv/ecclesiastes/11.htm We don’t know what will happen in the future, which is precisely why we diversify: James 4:13-17 https://biblehub.com/esv/james/4.htm#:~:text=13Come%20now%2C%20you,it%20is%20sin 59:01 - How to contact David - [email protected] www.theother90.com 1:00:04 - What’s in your portfolio? Request an Impact Report by emailing David at [email protected] This is if you want to see an apples-to-apples comparison of your portfolio and a comparable Biblically responsible portfolio (that screens out companies profiting from pornography, abortion, and other things that are antithetical to the Christian faith.) 1:00:38 - See what’s in your portfolio @ www.inspireinsight.com Type in your tickers and see what the companies you’re invested in are doing to make a profit (or are donating their profits towards supporting) 1:01:08 - The Other 90 Financial’s 3 Founding Principles If you take away anything, let it be these 3 foundational things: God owns it all We’re stewards/managers Money is a tool Colossians 3:23-24 - Worship god with your finances by doing it for the Lord. It’s really that simple! https://biblehub.com/esv/colossians/3.htm#:~:text=23Whatever%20you%20do%2C%20work%20heartily%2C%20as%20for%20the%20Lord%20and%20not%20for%20men%2C%2024knowing%20that%20from%20the%20Lord%20you%20will%20receive%20the%20inheritance%20as%20your%20reward.%20You%20are%20serving%20the%20Lord%20Christ Founder & Financial Planner Phone: (812) 307-5456 Proud member of Inspire Advisors. Investment Advisory Services are offered through Inspire Advisors, LLC, a Registered Investment Adviser with the SEC. inspireadvisors.com Investment Advisory Services are offered through Inspire Advisors, LLC, a Registered Investment Adviser with the SEC. The Other 90 Financial and Inspire Advisors, LLC are affiliated entities. Inspire Advisors, LLC and its affiliates do not provide tax, legal, or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal, or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal, and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.


  • Finishing our series on hospitality, Lisa Radke joins us to talk about the differences in hospitality from home to home, how Japan shaped her view of hospitality, and how you don't have to be the best cook in order to open your home to others. This is an interview you won't want to miss!