
  • After ten years and over a thousand conversations with HR leaders, Adam Weber is sharing five insights you can apply to your work right now.

    Before we get there, we need to address the challenge HR leaders face today. Despite reduced budgets and flat staff sizes, HR's role is more important than ever. Yet only 50% of executive teams view HR as the strategic partner they are. It’s no wonder 98% of HR leaders are dealing with burnout.

    But the good news is it doesn’t have to be this way. Stay tuned for future episodes where you’ll learn how to unlock your HR career, become a more strategic leader, and do the work of your dreams.

    If this episode sparks a story, inspiration, or idea, let Adam know on LinkedIn!


    For the entire interview, subscribe to HR Superstars on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube, Or tune in on our website. Original podcast track produced by Entheo.

    Want to connect with thousands of other strategic HR leaders like you? Join the HR Superstars Community!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for HR Superstars in your favorite podcast player.

    Hear Adam’s thoughts on elevating your HR career by following him on LinkedIn.

    Click here to download 15Five’s HR Outcomes Playbook!

    For more on maximizing employee performance, engagement, and retention, click here.

  • “As soon as the first bullet flew, the plan was out the window, and we started reacting,” General Schwarzkopf said about the Gulf War.

    The same is true for workforce planning. We put plans in place, but then reality strikes. We need both clear plans and adaptability to adjust on the fly while keeping our strategic vision in place.

    In this episode, Christopher Bjorling and Bill Banham, co-hosts of the People and Performance podcast, discuss mastering strategic workforce planning. They explain company culture's role in employee performance, how to balance short-term goals with long-term success, and how AI is shaping the future of HR.


    For the entire interview, subscribe to HR Superstars on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube, Or tune in on our website. Original podcast track produced by Entheo.

    Want to connect with thousands of other strategic HR leaders like you? Join the HR Superstars Community!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for HR Superstars in your favorite podcast player.

    Hear Adam’s thoughts on elevating your HR career by following him on LinkedIn.

    Click here to download 15Five’s Manager Enablement Playbook!

    For more on maximizing employee performance, engagement, and retention, click here.

    Christopher’s Bjorling’s LinkedIn - click here!

    Bill Banham’s LinkedIn - click here!

    Here is the link to register for the launch event!

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  • What would make your competitor’s highly valued and performing employees want to leave and work for you?

    It’s not enough to announce that you’re hiring or have a great work culture. You must also differentiate yourself in a way that appeals to top talent.

    In this episode, Jonathan Reynolds, CEO of Titus Talent Strategies, discusses strategies to improve your talent acquisition process, especially for executive roles. He emphasizes “value proposition” as the key to hiring someone who can adapt and drive your company’s values and vision forward.

    You’ll learn more about the importance of role clarity and how it leads to better productivity. Listen to Jonathan’s narratives as he explores the deeper layers of a candidate’s motivation, the possible red flags, and the necessity of a growth mindset in potential hires.


    For the entire interview, subscribe to HR Superstars on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube, Or tune in on our website. Original podcast track produced by Entheo.

    Listen to Jonathan’s podcast Talent Talks to learn more about talent acquisition strategies and workplace culture success.

    Want to connect with thousands of other strategic HR leaders like you? Join the HR Superstars Community!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for HR Superstars in your favorite podcast player.

    Hear Adam’s thoughts on elevating your HR career by following him on LinkedIn.

    Click here to download 15Five’s Performance Review Playbook!

    For more on maximizing employee performance, engagement, and retention, click here.

    Jonathan Reynold’s LinkedIn - click here!

    Here is the link to register for the launch event!

  • What if your work schedule was defined by trust and productivity, not the time you spend at your desk? Imagine how this could affect your search for true job satisfaction.

    We invited Strategic Talent Executive Cali Ressler to discuss the concept of a results-only work environment and the current distrust and misconception surrounding job crafting.

    Cali shares insights on the post-pandemic workforce, highlighting the importance of adapting to employees’ changing needs and the challenges that HR leaders face.

    But she also touches upon her personal HR journey, calling it unexpected, fulfilling, and unending. Here, Cali opens up about her mental health journey and the significance of self-care.

    This episode serves as a reminder that everyone has hidden struggles, regardless of their external successes.


    For the entire interview, subscribe to HR Superstars on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube, Or tune in on our website. Original podcast track produced by Entheo.

    Want to connect with thousands of other strategic HR leaders like you? Join the HR Superstars Community!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for HR Superstars in your favorite podcast player.

    Hear Adam’s thoughts on elevating your HR career by following him on LinkedIn.

    Click here to download 15Five’s Employee Engagement Playbook!

    Click here to buy Cali’s book, “Why Work Sucks and How to Fix It”

    For more on maximizing employee performance, engagement, and retention, click here.

    Cali Ressler's LinkedIn - click here!

  • Tomorrow’s HR leaders are challenged to create workspaces that balance efficiency with trusting team relationships.

    In this episode, Kimberly Carroll, Managing Principal at IA, shares insightful strategies for modernizing HR processes, compelling leaders to embrace delegation and focus on impactful change. She openly discusses why HR’s processes often fall short and how the struggle to do it all can lead to burnout.

    With a background in education and a passion for fostering organizational growth, Kimberly highlights the critical need to map out current and future states of HR processes while ensuring flexibility and clear communication for successful change management.


    For the entire interview, subscribe to HR Superstars on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube, Or tune in on our website. Original podcast track produced by Entheo.

    Want to connect with thousands of other strategic HR leaders like you? Join the HR Superstars Community!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for HR Superstars in your favorite podcast player.

    Hear Adam’s thoughts on elevating your HR career by following him on LinkedIn.

    Click here to download 15Five’s HR Outcomes Playbook!

    For more on maximizing employee performance, engagement, and retention, click here.

    Kimberly Carroll's LinkedIn - click here!

  • Amidst a backdrop of burnout, layoffs, and loneliness, belonging at work has never been more important.

    In this episode, keynote speaker Smiley Poswolsky unpacks the power of belonging in the workplace. He shares how the current loneliness epidemic and his experience at Camp Grounded, an adult summer camp focused on digital detox and authentic connection, solidified his passion for fostering belonging.

    Smiley explains how to create cultures of belonging and why it’s so important in the era of AI. He shares how to overcome common barriers to belonging and leaves us with easy ways to build opportunities for authentic connection into everyday rhythms at work.


    For the entire interview, subscribe to HR Superstars on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube, Or tune in on our website. Original podcast track produced by Entheo.

    Want to connect with thousands of other strategic HR leaders like you? Join the HR Superstars Community!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for HR Superstars in your favorite podcast player.*

    Hear Adam’s thoughts on elevating your HR career by following him on LinkedIn.

    Click here to download 15Five’s Performance Review Playbook!

    For more on maximizing employee performance, engagement, and retention, click here.

    Smiley Poswolsky's LinkedIn - click here!

  • Does your company culture make every employee feel seen, heard, and appreciated?

    Or is it deep-rooted in behaviors that cause someone to feel like a number?

    In this episode, Watchen Nyanue Hampton, Founder and CEO of I Choose The Ladder, shares her unique perspectives on the need for more human-centric approaches in the workplace. She calls upon HR leaders to view employees as full individuals, highlighting that behaviors and actions should align with the company’s core values.

    Watchen also relays her opinions about outsourcing employee surveys and exit interviews. She notes that outsourcing creates a sense of safety for employees to be candid with feedback.

    During the conversation, Watchen taps into practical methods to counter generational clashes arising from differing workplace expectations. You’re sure to take away strategies for creating more relatable and less mechanical work environments.


    For the entire interview, subscribe to HR Superstars on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube, Or tune in on our website. Original podcast track produced by Entheo.

    Want to connect with thousands of other strategic HR leaders like you? Join the HR Superstars Community!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for HR Superstars in your favorite podcast player.

    Hear Adam’s thoughts on elevating your HR career by following him on LinkedIn.

    Click here to download 15Five’s HR Outcomes Playbook!

    For more on maximizing employee performance, engagement, and retention, click here.

    Watchen Hampton's LinkedIn - click here!

  • Are we witnessing a transforming landscape in the world of HR work?

    The answer is a resounding “yes.”

    In this episode, Ravin Jesuthasan, Global Leader for Transformation Services at Mercer, delves into the imperative shift from traditional HR practices to a future where HR functions as a steward of work.

    The discussion explores generative AI’s impact on work, the evolving HR service delivery model, and the need for upskilling and reskilling in the face of rapidly changing demand for skills.

    Ravin also highlights practical approaches to bringing business leaders on board with these changes, illustrating HR’s essential role in meeting the workforce’s evolving needs.


    For the entire interview, subscribe to HR Superstars on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube, Or tune in on our website. Original podcast track produced by Entheo.

    Want to connect with thousands of other strategic HR leaders like you? Join the HR Superstars Community!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for HR Superstars in your favorite podcast player.

    Hear Adam’s thoughts on elevating your HR career by following him on LinkedIn.

    Click here to download 15Five’s HR Outcomes Playbook!

    For more on maximizing employee performance, engagement, and retention, click here.

  • What’s your approach to maintaining simplicity in performance management while ensuring it’s thorough enough to capture the company's objectives?

    This episode features insights from the Talent Strategy Group’s President, Marc Effron, as he sheds light on the power of simplifying processes and HR’s critical role in fostering a goal-centric culture that thrives on clarity and focus.

    Marc details two critical steps that help drive employee performance: setting “stretchy” goals and building influencing skills. He also stresses the need for HR leaders to become “business junkies” who deeply understand the business to drive meaningful impact in an organization.

    The conversation dives further into the science of human performance and academic research to inform HR processes, maintaining the idea that performance management is strategy implementation.


    For the entire interview, subscribe to HR Superstars on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube, Or tune in on our website. Original podcast track produced by Entheo.

    Want to connect with thousands of other strategic HR leaders like you? Join the HR Superstars Community!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for HR Superstars in your favorite podcast player.

    Hear Adam’s thoughts on elevating your HR career by following him on LinkedIn.

    Click here to download 15Five’s Performance Review Playbook!

  • How would your HR journey change if you knew that “up” wasn’t the only direction for your career?

    It’s certainly OK to work toward promotions, but don’t forget to explore the other moves in mobile career development.

    This concept of “career leverage” holds value today as much as it did forty years ago.

    As one of the most recognized thought-leaders in HR, Dr. Beverly Kaye shares her deep wisdom, practical insights, and timeless truths developed over six decades of experience in career advancement and employee engagement.

    You’ll learn how Bev’s philosophy challenges traditional career paths and offers new ways for individuals to find satisfaction within their careers beyond the typical managerial trajectory.

    The conversation expands on groundbreaking yet practical strategies to empower two sets of relationships: HR leaders to managers and managers to their employees.


    For the entire interview, subscribe to HR Superstars on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube, Or tune in on our website. Original podcast track produced by Entheo.

    Want to connect with thousands of other strategic HR leaders like you? Join the HR Superstars Community!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for HR Superstars in your favorite podcast player.

    Hear Adam’s thoughts on elevating your HR career by following him on LinkedIn.

    Click here to download 15Five’s Manager Enablement Playbook!

  • We’re getting spicy in this episode – literally!

    Hollie Castro, CPO at Miro, Amy Campbell, CPO at Overhaul, and host Adam Weber dig into HR hot takes over hot wings in front of a live audience in Austin, Texas. Hot topics include the value of employee engagement surveys, who HR should report to, and knowledge decay from L&D efforts.

    Amy and Hollie also share their unfiltered insights on how to thrive as people leaders, from setting priorities to managing stress. Amy discusses fighting comparison and learning to say no, while Hollie reflects on her personal growth journey and the value of vulnerability.


    For the entire interview, subscribe to HR Superstars on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube, Or tune in on our website. Original podcast track produced by Entheo.

    Want to connect with thousands of other strategic HR leaders like you? Join the HR Superstars Community!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for HR Superstars in your favorite podcast player.

    Hear Adam’s thoughts on elevating your HR career by following him on LinkedIn.

    Click here to download 15Five’s HR Outcomes Playbook!

  • Can fusing Gen Z’s tech skills with older generations’ expertise create smarter HR practices and push business creativity forward?

    In this episode, Donald Knight, Chief People Officer at Greenhouse Software, shares his remarkable insights about Gen Z’s impacts on the workforce, DEI’s evolution, and fulfillment in maximizing your time and dedicating your service.

    Donald discusses his rich experiences and personal journey through HR, revealing that he doesn’t believe in a work-life balance. Instead, he uses a “work-life blender” strategy to facilitate personal growth and amplify talent development within his team.

    You’ll also learn why Donald calls on DEI professionals to shift their focus toward results and adopt a data-centered approach.


    For the entire interview, subscribe to HR Superstars on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube, Or tune in on our website. Original podcast track produced by Entheo.

    Want to connect with thousands of other strategic HR leaders like you? Join the HR Superstars Community!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for HR Superstars in your favorite podcast player.

    Hear Adam’s thoughts on elevating your HR career by following him on LinkedIn.

    Click here to download 15Five’s HR Outcomes Playbook!

  • The modern workplace is evolving to embrace the personal within the professional sphere.

    Think of it as “bringing your whole self to work.”

    In this episode, Katya Laviolette, CPO at 1Password, candidly discusses integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion practices within remote environments. She celebrates the blended approach of profit, people, and culture as a means for both individual and company-wide prosperity.

    Katya offers her insights on conflict management, the necessity of intentional communication, and the valuable impact that occasional in-person meetings can have on the work culture—including conflict resolution.

    The conversation also details the tricky topic of managing performance and behavior, advocating for simplicity and clarity in conveying company values.


    For the entire interview, subscribe to HR Superstars on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube, Or tune in on our website. Original podcast track produced by Entheo.

    Want to connect with thousands of other strategic HR leaders like you? Join the HR Superstars Community!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for HR Superstars in your favorite podcast player.

    Hear Adam’s thoughts on elevating your HR career by following him on LinkedIn.

    Click here to download 15Five’s Performance Review Playbook!

  • Continued changes within HR mean additional opportunities for growth and reimagination.

    But how can you take your own experiences, both in and out of HR, and apply what you’ve learned to benefit others?

    In this episode, Rebecca Weaver, founder and CEO of HRuprise, discusses HR’s transformative journey, challenging us to rethink how we work and lead.

    She proposes creating a specialized HR role that combines managerial duties with proactive employee involvement. This compelling vision of a restructured HR can guide organizations through modern-day challenges.

    Rebecca also shares her personal tales of resilience through her health crisis and the creation of HRuprise against the backdrop of #MeToo and the pandemic. Her story reveals the untold strength found in post-traumatic growth—a concept that sows seeds of change for contemporary leadership.


    For the entire interview, subscribe to HR Superstars on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube, Or tune in on our website. Original podcast track produced by Entheo.

    Want to connect with thousands of other strategic HR leaders like you? Join the HR Superstars Community!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for HR Superstars in your favorite podcast player.

    Hear Adam’s thoughts on elevating your HR career by following him on LinkedIn.

    Click here to download 15Five’s Manager Enablement Playbook!

  • What do you think about the meaning of HR work at its core? How do HR leaders bring humanity back to work cultures and meet changing workforce needs?

    The future of HR sees a call to action for leaders and organizations to redefine their work cultures. In this episode, Anessa Fike, Founder of Fike & Co. and author of “The Revolution of Work,” challenges the traditional work structure framework and advocates for a more humane approach to productivity—one that honors diverse life demands.

    Anessa highlights the realities of an ever-changing workforce and the imperative for choice and adaptability in work arrangements.

    But the conversation is more than just a dialogue about work structure. From psychological safety to a culture celebrating vulnerability, the revolution of work should promote places of balance, respect, and emotional intelligence.

    For the entire interview, subscribe to HR Superstars on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube, Or tune in on our website. Original podcast track produced by Entheo.

    Want to connect with thousands of other strategic HR leaders like you? Join the HR Superstars Community!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for HR Superstars in your favorite podcast player.*

    Hear Adam’s thoughts on elevating your HR career by following him on LinkedIn.

    Click here to download 15Five’s HR Outcomes Playbook!

  • In HR, cultivating a marathon mindset isn’t just a choice; it’s a necessity.

    It’s about pacing yourself for the long run, emphasizing strategic growth and intentional planning with each stride, and not just speeding through daily tasks.

    In this episode, we dive deep with Marissa Morrison, the VP of People at ZipRecruiter, as she discusses her impressive career and personal journey of balance, self-awareness, and intentional living.

    Throughout the conversation, the central theme revolves around understanding and acting upon your personal and professional aspirations.

    Marissa poses two powerful questions for self-reflection: “What do I want?” and “How do I want to show up?” Genuine answers to these questions will lead to finding activities that recharge your batteries while being conscious of those that drain you.


    For the entire interview, subscribe to HR Superstars on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube, Or tune in on our website. Original podcast track produced by Entheo.

    Want to connect with thousands of other strategic HR leaders like you? Join the HR Superstars Community!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for HR Superstars in your favorite podcast player.

    Hear Adam’s thoughts on elevating your HR career by following him on LinkedIn.

    Click here to download 15Five’s Manager Enablement Playbook!

    Join the HR Superstars Summit on Feb 22nd at 12 ET. This free, virtual event is packed full of actionable insights by strategic HR professionals. Register here!

  • How might your HR strategies improve if you know how to approach burnout and regrounding when feeling off-center?

    In this episode, Jim Marsden, Executive Coach at Reboot, discusses the personalized nature of addressing workplace burnout and feeling overwhelmed. His instrumental guidance is ideal for anyone looking to become an executive.

    Learn more about recognizing internal conflicts that contribute to burnout and the value of aligning with your personal needs and values. You’ll also find practical advice for seeking perspective and navigating stress, proposing ways to support others and yourself when dealing with challenges.

    The discussion explores the symbolic path to self-awareness—the street-of-life concept. In your journey, you either feel overwhelmed and isolated (on the left side of the street) or grounded and connected (on the right side of the street).

    This conversation promises to shed light on the often-overlooked emotional battles many of us face in the HR journey.

    For the entire interview, subscribe to HR Superstars on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube, Or tune in on our website. Original podcast track produced by Entheo.

    Want to connect with thousands of other strategic HR leaders like you? Join the HR Superstars Community!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for HR Superstars in your favorite podcast player.*

    Hear Adam’s thoughts on elevating your HR career by following him on LinkedIn.

    Click here to download 15Five’s HR Outcomes Playbook!

  • How do HR leaders constructively and positively navigate conflict while maintaining a thriving work culture?

    In this episode, we explore the innovative strategies Sarah McTate, Director of People and Culture at TurboTenant, employs. She discusses tips and practical examples on fostering manager effectiveness, implementing a mental fitness program, and tackling conflict resolution within a small business.

    Among several highlights in the conversation is the concept of “Commander’s Intent,” aligning the entire team with the top-level goal and instilling a culture of growth and thriving. Also, learn more about #BeBetter—a concept Sarah and her team at TurboTenant use to promote personal development.

    For the entire interview, subscribe to HR Superstars on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube, Or tune in on our website. Original podcast track produced by Entheo.

    Want to connect with thousands of other strategic HR leaders like you? Join the HR Superstars Community!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for HR Superstars in your favorite podcast player.*

    Hear Adam’s thoughts on elevating your HR career by following him on LinkedIn.

    Find out more about self-saboteurs and Positive Intelligence’s mental fitness program here!

    Click here to download 15Five's Manager Enablement Playbook!

  • Strategies never fail—people do.

    As an authority on the relationship between strategy and human behavior, David Ducheyne engages in a powerful conversation about the negative behaviors that undermine collaboration and strategic progress within companies.

    David is the founder of Otolith out of Belgium, and we invited him to discuss what makes a meaningful strategy resonate deeper and last longer with employees. His insights resonate with anyone invested in nurturing a workplace culture primed for innovation and strategic triumph.

    In this episode, David reflects on how tolerating, hiring, and stimulating bad behaviors lead to failures in reinforcing strategies. He also addresses the emotional nuances of customer-oriented strategy detachment and the power of feedback to spark innovation.

    For the entire interview, subscribe to HR Superstars on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Stitcher. Or tune in on our website. Original podcast track produced by Entheo.

    Want to connect with thousands of other strategic HR leaders like you? Join the HR Superstars Community!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for HR Superstars in your favorite podcast player.*

    Hear Adam’s thoughts on elevating your HR career by following him on LinkedIn.

    Click here to download 15Five’s Employee Engagement Playbook!

  • Your skills at the start of your career may not be the same when you exit. How can HR leaders help their workforce adapt to the shortening lifespan of skills?

    Meg Bear, who is a luminary in the HR space, recently concluded her impactful tenure as the President of SAP Success Factors. Meg’s career pause for rest and exploration underlines the importance of stepping back to propel forward.

    In this episode, Meg reflects on the accelerated pace at which skills are becoming obsolete and the imperative for HR to emerge as culture-change agents. The conversation unfolds a glimpse into two critical strategies for HR leaders in 2024: fostering curiosity, particularly with AI, and ruthless prioritization.

    Meg also shares her heartfelt commitment to embracing vulnerability and the unknown in the leadership journey. She provokes thought on the transformation of HR titles and roles, reminding us that it’s not just a title shift— it’s an organizational mindset shift.

    For the entire interview, subscribe to HR Superstars on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Stitcher. Or tune in on our website. Original podcast track produced by Entheo.

    Want to connect with thousands of other strategic HR leaders like you? Join the HR Superstars Community!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for HR Superstars in your favorite podcast player.*

    Hear Adam’s thoughts on elevating your HR career by following him on LinkedIn.

    Click here for 15Five’s Performance Review Playbook!