
  • Hello, it's Paula Sweet here from Your Absolute Mind, the podcast where we dig deep into all things mental health, with a particular focus on the journey towards mental wellness.

    In this episode, I take a detailed look at the language we use when we talk about mental health. I delve into the subtle but significant difference between saying "I feel anxious" and "I have anxiety". While these phrases might seem similar, they paint vastly different pictures of our mental health landscape.

    Throughout this conversation, I break down these two statements and explore how they can impact not only our personal perception of our mental health but also how others might understand us. As I guide you through this discussion, we examine how such linguistic subtleties might shape our experiences and even influence our relationship with our mental health.

    The discussion isn't limited to anxiety. I extend the conversation to include conditions like depression, ADHD, and other mental health disorders. Together, we consider how saying "I feel..." rather than "I have..." or "I am..." can serve as a reminder that our current state is changeable and not a permanent fixture of our identities.

    Finally, I invite you to reflect on the words you use when talking about your mental health and how small changes in language can help shape our reality in a more positive and empowering way.

    Join me as we explore these themes and together use language to promote a healthier conversation around mental health.

    And remember to check ouT http://absolutemind.app Our mental health app which gives you an easy way to become mentally healthy.

  • On this episode of 'Your Absolute Mind', I'm your host, Paula Sweet, and we had a chat about how having too many choices and trying to personalise everything could be messing with our mental health.

    We live in a world full of options, right? From our clothes to our coffee orders, everything is about what suits me'. This extends to our mental health too, and while it's great that we're acknowledging our personal battles, there's a downside - we start stressing about making the 'perfect' choice.

    Now, here's a thought: what if we need a bit more standardisation rather than personalisation? It sounds weird, I know. But just like a daily routine can provide some structure to our lives, maybe it could do the same for our mental health.

    Simple stuff like exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, or practising mindfulness can act as a safety net for our mental health. Looking beyond mental health, think about how successful organisations like the military or big corporations have used standardisation to thrive. They've cut down the choices to increase efficiency and reduce stress.

    It's like Apple, for example, offering a limited range of products but still being a major hit. So, coming back to mental health, maybe it's time we stop overthinking and start focusing on what we know works.

    Things like working out regularly, eating balanced meals, getting plenty of sleep, practising mindfulness, and keeping in touch with our friends and family. Now, before we wrapped up the episode, I shared what I consider the non-negotiables for mental health: sleep, meditation, staying hydrated, and moving around. These are simple but super effective.

    The goal here is not to personalise everything, but to keep it simple and consistent. After all, it's the small, everyday actions that lead to big changes. So let's chill on the personalisation a bit and focus on the basics. Remember, looking after our mental health doesn't need to be complicated or fancy. Stick to the basics, keep it simple, and stay consistent.

    Thanks for tuning into 'Your Absolute Mind', and catch you next time.

    Take care and stay strong!

    Remember, if you're ready to look after your mental health in a simple way each day, check out https://www.absolutemind.app

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  • Welcome to a transformative episode of "Your Absolute Mind." Today I wanted to challenge the notion of mental health as an uncontrollable force, shedding light on our potential influence over it.

    Our mental health isn't just a product of uncontrollable factors; our habits, activities, and lifestyle choices play a pivotal role too. With an insightful garden analogy, I hope to inspire you to take proactive steps towards nurturing your mental wellbeing.

    The episode concludes with a simple yet impactful hydration challenge that underscores the power of small, consistent actions. So, join me on this empowering journey towards mental wellness, where you aren't just a passenger, but an active participant.

    And, I'll run another small but powerful challenge each week for the next 5 weeks giving you small steps to become mentally healthy.

  • In this episode of "Your Absolute Mind," we uncover the secrets to building a healthy mind. Discover the power of simplicity and small daily steps that can make a huge difference in your mental well-being. 🏠 Establishing healthy routines is a key foundation of mental health. From bedtime routines that promote restful sleep to morning routines that set a positive tone for the day, simple practices can transform your nights and reduce anxiety.

    ⏰ Fixing your morning routine can help improve your bedtime routine. By waking up earlier and starting your day positively, you create a peaceful evening and reduce morning chaos. It's all about consistency and finding routines that work for you.

    🚶 Exercise and movement play a vital role in mental health. Engaging in just 10 to 20 minutes of physical activity each day, such as walking or dancing, can have significant positive effects on your well-being.

    💦 Staying hydrated is essential for mental clarity. Keep a water bottle handy and sip throughout the day. Proper hydration can help prevent anxious feelings triggered by dehydration.

    🧘 Mindfulness and meditation don't have to be time-consuming. Taking a few minutes each day to be present in the moment through deep breathing or guided meditation can bring about a sense of calm and clarity.

    🤝 Connection with loved ones is crucial for our well-being. Nurture your relationships through heartfelt conversations, text messages, or shared moments. These connections nourish our souls and make us feel supported.

    🍎 Nutrition plays a role in mental health. Incorporating simple, nutritious meals into your day can have a significant impact on your overall well-being.

    📱 Simplify your mental health journey with the "Your Absolute Mind" app. It provides daily meditations, mood tracking, and coping strategies from therapy, making mental health accessible and easy. Check it Out Here: http://www.absolutemind.app

  • Join me, Paula Sweet, your seasoned hypnotherapist host, as I delve into The Truth About Hypnosis on this latest episode of 'Your Absolute Mind' podcast! Are you skeptical about hypnosis, viewing it as an illusion or some kind of sorcery? Or are you curious about its scientific validity and possible benefits?

    In this episode, I reveal how hypnosis is indeed a REAL phenomenon that's part and parcel of our everyday life. Surprised? Tune in as I show you how hypnosis subtly weaves itself into our daily routines, be it during a casual commute or while engrossed in a TV show! I'll take you behind the scenes to unveil the science and reality of hypnosis, exploring its powerful potential in managing depression, enhancing the benefits of traditional therapies, alleviating pain, reversing skin disorders, and even more!

    Listen as I unpack the intriguing interplay between your conscious and subconscious mind, revealing how suggestions sneak past the 'bouncers' of your mind. Yes, that's why you're humming that tune you 'never' heard on the radio! I'll give you a backstage pass to the inner workings of the brain, comparing it to a bustling nightclub, and uncover the truth behind hypnosis!

    As your guide, I'll lead you through the mysterious world of the hypnotic trance, unveiling its potent potential in goal setting and managing PTSD. Tune in as I reveal why cutting-edge fields like VR and AR are racing to replicate what our minds, coupled with a skilled hypnotherapist, do daily.

    So, come along with me and let's dispel the fear of hypnosis together! Experience this natural state of profound relaxation and heightened learning which could be transformative for personal development. Plus, don't forget to explore hundreds of free hypnosis sessions available in my podcast backlog. It's time to unlock the untapped power of your mind! 🔓💡

    As promised, the link to the various hypnosis studies: HERE!

  • Join me, Paula Sweet, on another riveting episode of "Your Absolute Mind: Becoming Mentally Healthy." Together, we'll delve into the future, or rather, our AI-driven present, exploring how advanced technologies like GPT chatbots are reshaping the landscape of mental health care. Sounds too futuristic? Think again!

    In this episode, we'll discover how AI isn't just making our lives easier, it's also stepping up to help us navigate complex mental health issues. But before you start wondering, let me clarify - no, these chatbots aren't here to replace our therapists!

    Let's go deeper as I unfold how AI tools are augmenting traditional therapy, making mental health services more attainable than ever before. Picture this - 24/7 accessible support, non-judgmental, and immediate responses to help cope with anxiety, depression, and other challenges.

    However, there's more to the story. The potential for misuse of AI is immense and it's important we tread carefully, ensuring ethical and privacy considerations are taken into account. I'll share why it's critical for us to question, demand transparency, and make informed choices.

    So, gear up to explore this new frontier with me, standing on the precipice of the AI revolution in mental health. This exciting journey brings a future that's more accessible, intuitive, and personal to mental health care. Remember, until I'm replaced by an AI-generated avatar, it's just me, the real Paula, here in Your Absolute Mind. Stay tuned!

  • In this podcast, we're talking about the startling truth behind "little" lies and mental health.

    We all tell "little" lies from time to time, and we usually don't even realise it. But the truth is, these little lies can have serious consequences for our mental health.

    In this podcast, we're going to be discussing the effects of little lies on our mental health and how, to tell the truth when it matters most.

    So whether you're struggling with mental health or you just want to be more truthful in your relationships, this video is for you! We'll be discussing the effects of little lies on our mental health and how, to tell the truth when it matters most.

  • In this episode of "Your Absolute Mind," hosted by Paula Sweet, we delve into the often-overlooked topic of maintaining strong emotional connections with our loved ones. We break down the importance of these bonds, the consequences of neglecting them, and how to rekindle these relationships. Emotional bonds serve as our guides through life, offering comfort and understanding in difficult times. However, when these connections start to weaken, feelings of isolation and loneliness can pervade, negatively impacting mental health. To reconnect, it's crucial to acknowledge the disconnection, reach out and be vulnerable through open and honest communication. Paula Sweet highlights the importance of consistent small acts of kindness, patience, and making time for your loved ones as key steps towards rebuilding these critical bonds. Through this discussion, we're reminded that our relationships significantly enrich our lives and mental well-being.

  • In this episode of Your Absolute Mind, I, delve into the crucial concept of boundaries. These invisible lines that we draw around our personal physical and emotional spaces have become a buzzword in the world of mental health. They aren't just metaphorical demarcations but symbols of respect defining our comfort zones.

    I argue that setting boundaries significantly contributes to our mental health. Picture yourself as a country with defined borders, in control of who or what can infiltrate your territory. By doing so, we can regulate the flow of stress, demands, and expectations, thus preventing burnout and maintaining a healthier life balance.

    Furthermore, establishing boundaries enhances self-esteem and assertiveness. They empower autonomy, enabling us to make confident decisions and foster a strong sense of independence. Surprisingly, they also improve relationships by clarifying expectations, reducing misunderstandings, and promoting mutual respect.

    I offer practical advice for setting boundaries. This includes recognizing and expressing one's feelings and needs, being clear and assertive when communicating boundaries, practicing self-care, and accepting that setting boundaries is an ongoing process that requires adjustment as life circumstances change.

    I conclude the episode with an important takeaway: setting boundaries is an act of self-love and self-respect. I encourage you to slowly incorporate these strategies, beginning with small, manageable steps. The boundaries we set are crucial to our mental well-being, and as I always remind you, "Your mind is absolutely yours, and so are your boundaries."

    For more mental health support make sure you check out Your Absolute Mind in the app store and Google Play store where I've created a simple mental health app which helps you to build positive mental health habits

  • In this episode of Your Absolute Mind podcast, I highlight the crucial need to disconnect in our fast-paced world for improved mental health.

    I explore three types of disconnects: social media and news, electronics, and digital communication.

    Understand how constant exposure to information overload can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression.

    Disconnecting allows our minds to reset and refocus.

    Setting boundaries and engaging in tech-free activities significantly benefit mental health. Real-life connections provide warmth and intimacy that digital communication lacks, enhancing relationships and overall well-being.

    Implementing gradual disconnections leads to a healthier mental space and a more meaningful life. Disconnecting is about being present, mindful, and recharging in a wholesome way. Remember, it's a gentle self-care practice that promotes mental well-being.

    Join us to learn more about the power of disconnecting to help all become mentally healthy.

  • In this episode of 'Your Absolute Mind,' I walk you through a comprehensive exploration of happiness. Challenging common perceptions, I encourage you to think of happiness not just as fleeting emotions but as a choice and a deep-rooted sense of contentment.

    Since reading Mo Gawdat's book Solve for Happiness, I've considered this podcast. So much of it resonated with me that I had to produce this.

    Diving deep into psychological concepts such as the negativity bias and locus of control, I illuminate how these play a significant role in our happiness levels. I also call for a shift in mindset, urging you to minimize focus on negatives and embrace your ability to impact your own life.

    Furthermore, I unveil my newly-developed app, a daily companion designed to promote mental health, equipped with daily quotes, meditations, and a journaling tool. As we reach the final leg of the episode, I share real-world strategies that can help cultivate happiness.

    These include the Happiness Equation, embracing gratitude, understanding illusions and blind spots, managing brain cycles, and practising mindfulness.

    Be sure to subscribe to 'Your Absolute Mind' on YouTube and follow on TikTok and Instagram at 'Absolute Mind App' for regular tips to bolster your mental health journey.

    And if you're ready to. Download the app

    Your Absolute Mind on Apple App Store

    Your Absolute Mind on Google Play Store

  • In today's podcast, we're going to discuss how important sleep is for our mental health. Sleep is one of the most important components of our mental health, and can have a big impact on our overall well-being.

    We're going to discuss the different benefits of sleep, and how it can improve our mental health. We'll also cover some tips for getting a good night's sleep, and how to deal with sleep problems if they occur.

    If you're looking for tips on how to improve your mental health, then this podcast is for you! We'll discuss the importance of sleep, and how it can help improve your overall mental well-being.

    Make sure you hit subscribe to make sure you don't miss any great tips from the podcast.

    Also, if you're interested in checking out the app. It's available in Google play Store and Apple App Store. Links below:



  • Your Absolute Mind is a mental health podcast. In today's episode, I'll be talking a little about where I've been and why I'm back and what to expect in the form of our brand-new mental health app.

    The last podcast was in 2020! And, the first Podcast was published in 2014. During that time, the nature of the podcast has varied. It's changed because I've been working on ideas of how I reach and help as many people as possible. My Mission is simple: I believe we can transform the world by inspiring, educating and motivating people to become mentally healthy.

    A mentally healthy world is a world I want for my children and our future.

    This reintroduction podcast is a time for me to explain what's happened and what's going to happen moving forward.

    The end result of how I fulfil my mission is simple: It's Your Absolute Mind App. We've built a tool that you can have with you at all times in your pocket. Packed with self-help tools using all modalities of therapy from CBT, Meditation, journaling, NLP, positive psychology and much more.

    This podcast will be a place where I interview other mental health professionals, offer new science-backed studies, and show you interesting ways to improve your mental health.

    So, as I relaunch with a new tool, the App. but still, with the same mission, I hope you join me on that mission and together we can inspire and educate the world to become mentally healthy.

  • Welcome to today's episode of the Absolute Mind, Becoming Mentally Healthy podcast.

    In today's episode, i'll be doing our Sunday chill out meditation focusing on gratitude.

    Remember to check out the Facebook group - Absolute Mind, Becoming Mentally Healthy to join a community of like-minded people looking to be mentally healthy, and be sure to sign up to the Absolute Mind Method. The mental health gym in your pocket.

    Absolute Mind Becoming Mentally Healthy Group

    Become a member of the Absolute Mind Method

  • Welcome to today's episode of the Absolute Mind, Becoming Mentally Healthy podcast.

    In today's episode, i'll be talking about changing negative situations to positive

    Remember to check out the Facebook group - Absolute Mind, Becoming Mentally Healthy to join a community of like-minded people looking to be mentally healthy.

    Absolute Mind Becoming Mentally Healthy Group

    Become a member of the Absolute Mind Method

  • Welcome to today's episode of the Absolute Mind, Becoming Mentally Healthy podcast.

    In today's episode, I'll be talking about the 5 day challenge and giving you an insight into day 5

    Remember to check out the Facebook group - Absolute Mind, Becoming Mentally Healthy to join a community of like-minded people looking to be mentally healthy.

    Absolute Mind Becoming Mentally Healthy Group

    You can also access the Daily Eights here:

    Absolute Mind Daily Eights

    Join the Absolute Mind Method

  • Welcome to today's episode of the Absolute Mind, Becoming Mentally Healthy podcast.

    In today's episode, I'll be talking about the 5 day challenge and giving you an insight into day 4

    Remember to check out the Facebook group - Absolute Mind, Becoming Mentally Healthy to join a community of like-minded people looking to be mentally healthy.

    Absolute Mind Becoming Mentally Healthy Group

    You can also access the Daily Eights here:

    Absolute Mind Daily Eights

    Join the Absolute Mind Method Waiting List

  • Welcome to today's episode of the Absolute Mind, Becoming Mentally Healthy podcast.

    In today's episode, I'll be talking about the 5 day challenge and giving you an insight into day 3

    Remember to check out the Facebook group - Absolute Mind, Becoming Mentally Healthy to join a community of like-minded people looking to be mentally healthy.

    Absolute Mind Becoming Mentally Healthy Group

    You can also access the Daily Eights here:

    Absolute Mind Daily Eights

    Join the Absolute Mind Method Waiting List

  • Welcome to today's episode of the Absolute Mind, Becoming Mentally Healthy podcast.

    In today's episode, I'll be talking about the 5 day challenge and giving you an insight into day 2

    Remember to check out the Facebook group - Absolute Mind, Becoming Mentally Healthy to join a community of like-minded people looking to be mentally healthy.

    Absolute Mind Becoming Mentally Healthy Group

    You can also access the Daily Eights here:

    Absolute Mind Daily Eights

    Join the Absolute Mind Method Waiting List

  • Welcome to today's episode of the Absolute Mind, Becoming Mentally Healthy podcast.

    In today's episode, I'll be talking about the 5 day challenge and giving you an insight into day 1.

    Remember to check out the Facebook group - Absolute Mind, Becoming Mentally Healthy to join a community of like-minded people looking to be mentally healthy.

    Absolute Mind Becoming Mentally Healthy Group

    You can also access the Daily Eights here:

    Absolute Mind Daily Eights

    Join the Absolute Mind Method Waiting List