Root beer, libraries, fresh notebooks, the blue sky--the world is full of things to love.
And yet, somehow, despite being surrounded by wonders, we get too busy to notice. We get caught in anxiety. We get stuck in the vitriol of the internet. But ... there is an antidote to all of this. All we have to do is pay attention to the blessings arounds us.
That's what "I Heart This" is for. We believe that appreciation is one the highest callings of a human being. Our mission is to remind you that the world is full of miracles. Think of us as a series of audio thank you notes to the universe. In every episode we celebrate another reason for living. We uncover forgotten and often surprising reasons to notice the blessings around us--weaving in history, art, philosophy, and science. Join us for a regular dose of joy.
There’s enough outrage in the world; let’s talk about what we love!