
  • There are schools of thought that believe we have unlimited scope and possibilities for making decisions. The truth is that our scope is somehow restricted, and we have less room.

    It is therefore key that we engage in innovative decision-making to optimize opportunities in our business and personal lives. We need to understand our decision-making skills as individuals and organizations. This will enable us to adjust accordingly to the constantly changing environment.

    Question: If Jesus Had Taught at Harvard Business School on these related issues: what would he have to say?

    My name is Fe OJ

    Welcome to to concluding session of Goodbye 2023 and Welcome 2024

    In this session - we will conclude our appraisal of the Year 2023 by looking at the following: #

    1. Stakeholders - Individuals or groups whom we depend on them to fulfill our goals

    2. Internal Assessment - evaluating our strengths and weaknesses and critical issues we may be facing

    3. External Assessment - assessing the impact of the external environment on our lives e.g. - Political, Technology, Socio-Cultural, etc.

    4. Organisational Structure - assessing the effectiveness of our networks of friends, families and at work

  • There are schools of thought that believe we have unlimited scope and possibilities for making decisions. The truth is that our scope is somehow restricted, and we have less room.

    It is therefore key that we engage in innovative decision-making to optimize opportunities in our business and personal lives. We need to understand our decision-making skills as individuals and organizations. This will enable us to adjust accordingly to the constantly changing environment.

    Question: If Jesus Had Taught at Harvard Business School on these related issues: what would he have to say?

    My name is Afope Ojomo

    Welcome to today’s topic of the If Jesus Taught At Harvard Business School podcast

    - Goodbye 2023 and Welcome 2024 The session will run over 2 parts.

    In the first part, Ade Ojomo, a management consultant with KUW Advisory Group will be guiding us through an appraisal of the year 2023

    The topic will be concluded in Part 2

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • There are schools of thought that believe we have unlimited scope and

    possibilities for making decisions. The truth is that our scope is somehow

    restricted, and we have less room.

    It is therefore key that we engage in innovative decision-making to optimize

    opportunities in our business and personal lives. We need to understand our

    decision-making skills as individuals and organizations. This will enable us to

    adjust accordingly to the constantly changing environment.

    Question: If Jesus Had Taught at Harvard Business School on these related

    issues: what would he have to say?

    My name is Tinuke Akinbulumo. Welcome to today’s episode of the If Jesus

    Taught At Harvard Business School podcast.

    In this Episode, we will be concluding the interview held with Ade Ojomo, a management

    consultant with KUW Advisory Group on his perspective of the year 2021 based on key

    benchmark parameters which enable us to determine how the year went for both our personal and corporate life

  • There are schools of thought that believe we have unlimited scope and

    possibilities for making decisions. The truth is that our scope is somehow

    restricted, and we have less room.

    It is therefore key that we engage in innovative decision-making to optimize

    opportunities in our business and personal lives. We need to understand our

    decision-making skills as individuals and organizations. This will enable us to

    adjust accordingly to the constantly changing environment.

    Question: If Jesus Had Taught at Harvard Business School on these related

    issues: what would he have to say?

    My name is Tinuke Akinbulumo. Welcome to today’s episode of The - If Jesus

    Taught At Harvard Business School podcast.

    In this Episode, I will be interviewing Ade Ojomo, a management consultant with KUW

    Advisory Group on his perspective of the year 2021 based on key benchmark parameters

    which enable us to determine how the year went for both our personal and corporate life

  • Decision making lies at the heart of our spiritual, personal and professional lives. Every day we make decisions. Some are small, domestic, and innocuous. Others are more important, affecting people’s lives, livelihoods, and well-being. Inevitably, we make mistakes along the way.

    The daunting reality is that enormously important decisions made by intelligent,responsible people with the best information and intentions are sometimes flawed – we will look at some of the reasons later on.

    What is strategic decision making? Strategic is associated with “having focus” and having a sense of purpose of direction and avoiding distractions - hence we are familiar with phrases like strategic analysis, strategic planning etc.

    On the other hand – decision making can be regarded as an outcome of mental process (cognitive process) leading to the selection of a course of action among several alternatives.

    Every decision making process produces a final choice. The output could be an action or an opinion of choice. Some of the key words to note which will comprise the components of tonight’s session are outcomes, mental process, selection, course of action, alternatives.

    Decision making is not an event. It is a process, one that unfolds over weeks, months or years. One that is fraught with power plays and politics and is replete with personal nuances and institutional history; one that’s rife with discussion and debate; and one that requires support at all levels of the organization when it comes to execution.

    In Part 1 of this discussion we shall be looking at the framework of the decision making framework and in Part 2 we shall explore further using Case Studies

  • Have you found the time to reflect on the following:


    The legacy you will leave behind when it is time to depart from this realm called Earth.


    Upon your departure, who is scheduled to take over the leadership role of the organisation or the family?


    Do you have a succession plan for the leadership development of the potential successors to facilitate the going concern of the organisation or the family?

    When we talk about the going concern – we are referring to the fact that the entity has neither the intention to liquidate or curtail materially the scale of its operations.

    As a result, It is therefore important that organizations have a succession management plan in place to choose the leader that will take the organization or family into the next generation.

    Myles Munro in a statement he made before he died – he stressed the importance of investment in people over infrastructure – a position echoed by the statement in Proctor and Gamble’s philosophy

    'If you leave us our money, our buildings and our brands, but take away our people, the Company will fail. But if you take away our money, our buildings and our brands, but leave us our people, we can rebuild the whole thing in a decade.'

    --Richard Deupree, P&G CEO, 1947

    A few points before we define what succession entails – no one is ever ready for leadership – it is about preparation – Moses and Jonah both resisted even though God selected them for the tasks – it took preparation – Moses in the wilderness and Jonah in the belly of the Whale to get them ready for the task ahead so we can see that being prepared is essential for companies when it comes to preparing leadership to take over for the next phase of an entity.

    This topic is of relevance nowadays when we consider the lack of role models to prepare the younger generations which will eventually lead to a lack of leaders to steer the future.

    In this episode we shall be exploring the framework required for an effective succession leadership plan

  • With the demise of Steve Jobs, the word innovation has become a word of considerable interest in the global marketplace. If we performed an audit on computer hardware and software brands that are used on every continent - personal or business; the brand Apple will be in the upper percentile of products that meet the needs and would I also say the wants of people

    Apple’s reliance on innovation as a key driver for the success it has had over the years cannot be underestimated.

    What is involved in innovation and why do organisations spend millions in Research and Development to find that “defining” product, products, service or services that guarantees them a sustainable stream of clients and income on a going concern basis.

    Rosabeth Moss Kanter in an article written in the Harvard Business Review titled “How Great Companies Think Differently” highlighted that “an intensely competitive global economy places a high premium on innovation, which depends on human imagination, motivation and collaboration.

    When we seek God’s take on the topic of innovation, what comes to mind is the masterpiece he created thousands of years ago. He had an infrastructure in place called Eden and he put the masterpiece in this garden as a key piece on the Chess Board as He starts to navigate and strategically move this key piece around the other pieces as part of his going concern for the future of Man.

    The title of todays’ podcast is The Spirit of Innovation and Ade Ojomo, a management consultant with KUW Advisory Group will be exploring the framework and components of innovation

  • There are schools of thought that believe we have unlimited scope and
    possibilities for making decisions. The truth is that our scope is somehow restricted, and we have less room.

    It is therefore key that we engage in innovative decision making to
    optimise opportunities in our business and personal lives. We need to understand our decision making skills as individuals and organisations. This will enable us to adjust accordingly to the constant changing environment.

    Question: If Jesus Had Taught at Harvard Business School on these related issues; what would he have to say?

    My name is Tinuke Akinbulumo. Welcome to Season 2 – Episode 2 of the If Jesus Taught At Harvard Business School podcast.

    •Every listener to this podcast has a stake in any of the major industries listed on the top trading exchange e.g. FTSE 100 or the S & P Dow Jones either from a strategic, operational or tactical perspective
    •Our interest in these industries is what drives us from day to day
    •The interest could range from our career aspirations, return on our equity in these companies, or the legacy we may want to leave behind in these organisations or even running our own organisations
    •We cannot ignore the importance of understanding our interest in the going concern and survivals of these organisations
    •But there comes a time on this journey as we climb to reach the mountain top of success that we encounter the following:

    4.A Lack of Motivation
    6.A Lack of Purpose
    7.Some people even feel suicidal
    8.A lack of Focus
    9.No relevance

    To facilitate the discussions for today, we shall dig deeper into 2 key words – Focus and Relevance

    What is Focus and What is Relevance?

    Ade Ojomo, a management consultant discusses today's title - Exploring Professional Relevance in the Global Market Place

  • There are schools of thought that believe we have unlimited scope and possibilities for making decisions. The truth is that our scope is somehow restricted, and we have less room.

    It is therefore key that we engage in innovative decision making to optimise opportunities in our business and personal lives. We need to understand our decision making skills as individuals and organisations. This will enable us to adjust accordingly to the constant changing environment.

    Question: If Jesus Had Taught at Harvard Business School on these related issues; what would he have to say?

    My name is Tinuke Akinbulumo. Happy New Year 2021 and Welcome to Season 2 of the If Jesus Taught At Harvard Business School podcast.

    We are in challenging times at the moment, and everyone is seeking solutions and solace. Social Media has been a major player in the dissipation of information over this period and their protective measures have not been adequate enough to stop the publication of fake news. The impact has been quite destructive over the years.

    The diverse comments on the plethora of social media outlets regarding the current COVID 19 pandemic, Brexit, US Elections, Religious views and opinions on what is right and what is wrong.
    The character and behaviour of some political and religious leaders have caused ripples in the belief systems of the populace.

    All this had led to a simple question when it comes to the roles of Christians.

    How do we fit into this global theatre of events and how relevant is our input in Society, hence the theme of today’s broadcast:

    Exploring the Spiritual Relevance of a Christian in the Global Market Place

  • Church Music Starts

    Regulators: - A Corporate Merger is a relationship between 2 companies and is not to be entered into lightly or in jest and only after much consideration.

    To the Groom: Do you Acorn PLC take National PLC to be your lawfully wedded partner, to have and to hold, in sickness and in heath, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto the entity for as long as you both exist?

    Acorn PLC answers – I DO

    To the Bride: Do you National PLC take Acorn PLC to be your lawfully wedded partner, to have and to hold, in sickness and health, to love, honor and obey, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto the entity for as long as you both shall exist?

    National PLC answers - I DO

    Regulators: If there be anyone present who may show just and lawful cause why this partnership may not be legally hold, let him speak now or forever hold his peace.

    Quite like a marriage between a husband and a wife but it forms the basis for our topic for today’s discussion.

    Marriage – a case study for the critical review of Corporate Mergers

  • Is there a difference between Power and Influence. Would you rather be powerful

    or influential? Would you rather be on the top list for influential people or the top

    list for the most powerful people?

    In the last episode we look at the dynamics of Power. In this episode we will be

    looking at the dynamics of influence and look at how influence can facilitate the


    1. Influence as the ability to shape a context

    2. Influence as the ability to change attitudes

    3. Influence as the ability to change behaviours

    4. Influence as the ability to change belief systems

    5. Influence to control or shape circumstances and events

    This episode is from the archives and is the conclusion of a 2 part session that was

    hosted by Ade Ojomo; Director KUW Consulting and co-hosted by Robert Taiwo,

    Director, Whitespace Advisory.

  • These are interesting time in the world with all the protests that are being held

    around the globe. The number one twitter hashtag has been a movement called

    hashtag ENDSARS.

    We have dug into the archives for a relevant discussion to reflect what is going on

    and found a 2 part session on the dynamics of power and influence. It was hosted

    by Ade Ojomo; Director KUW Consulting and co-hosted by Robert Taiwo,

    Director, Whitespace Advisory.

    In the first part, the following discussion points were addressed around Power:

    1. Understanding the dynamics of power

    2. Core principles relating to power dynamics

    3. Revealing your own personal power style

  • In the last episode we looked at the decision making framework and components

    that will enable an individuals or organisations to make optimum and

    quality choices; when it comes to managing the life cycle around identifying

    business opportunities

    We shall be concluding the session by discussing the frameworks and the

    components required to deliver the products and services supporting the

    business opportunity to the market.

    This framework is called The Delivery Framework

  • In today’s session we have Ade Ojomo - a management consultant in the consulting, advisory and training space, exploring the frameworks required to identify business opportunities:

    A call to maximise opportunities is seen in the Book of Ephesians Chapter 5 v 15 - 16 where we are advised to be careful on how we live; not as the unwise making the most of every opportunity as the days are evil.

    Some further statements around the importance and value of maximising opportunities are as follows:

    There are opportunities everywhere - you just have to find them and executeSuccess always comes when Preparation Meets OpportunityAR Bernard in a quote highlighted that 'application is the evidence of learning'

    Application is key as opportunities do not come in a structured format - hence the importance of creating structured frameworks to manage these opportunities from identification to implementation.

  • In today’s session we have Ade Ojomo - a management consultant in the

    consulting, advisory and training space, with a guest, Ini Attai concluding the

    discussion from the last episode on the frameworks involved in the consulting

    practice and exploring the skills be an effective consultant.

    The concluding session will look at the following discussion points:

    1. The processes involved in engagement with the client and the

    implementation of the client solution

    2. Identifying and managing follow up opportunities from the existing


    3. An overview of skills required to be an effective consultant

    4. A Real Life management consulting case study

    5. An overview of the management consulting process

    The case study that will be discussed for today’s episode will be based on a

    scenario that happened over 2000 years ago. The Babylonian Kingdom was

    looking for individuals to work as officials and consultants to the government.

    During the tenure of their appointment, a problem arose which the main client;

    King Nebuchadnezzar needed a solution provided. It was presented to the in

    house managers, but they could not provide any options on how to resolve the


  • In today’s session we have Ade Ojomo - a management consultant in the consulting, advisory and training space, discussing the frameworks involved in the consulting practice and exploring the skills be an effective consultant

    Peter Ferdinand Drucker was an Austrian-born American management consultant, educator, and author, whose writings contributed to the philosophical and practical foundations of the modern business corporation.

    With regards his role in the area of management consulting, he said:

    ”My greatest strength as a consultant is to be ignorant and ask a few questions."

    The word “consultant” can sometimes be misleading in organisations because individuals may actually be performing a manager’s role. It is therefore important that this difference is understood when it comes to the definition of roles and responsibilities in an organisation - internally or externally.

    The difference between a consultant and a manager is that a manager is someone who has direct responsibility over the action. The moment you take responsibility, you are acting as a manager.

    A Consultant on the other hand is a person in a position to have some influence over an individual, a group, or an organisation, but who has no direct power to make changes or implement programs

    Consulting involves providing a list of services to clients ranging from planning, recommending, assisting or advising regarding different subject matters. This could include the following: Personnel, Financial Analysis, Auditing, System Analysis, Market Research, Product Design, Long range planning, Organisational Effectiveness, Safety, HR and many more. The recipient of this advice is normally called a “client”.

    The case study that will be discussed for today’s episode will be based on a scenario that happened over 2000 years ago. The Babylonian Kingdom was looking for individuals to work as officials and consultants to the government. During the tenure of their appointment, a problem arose which the main client; King Nebuchadnezzar needed a solution provided. It was presented to the in-house managers, but they could not provide any options on how to resolve the problem.

  • In today’s session we have Ade Ojomo - a management consultant in the consulting, advisory and training space concluding the discussions around the frameworks governing the negotiation process

    In the last session we looked at the following concepts:

    Establish the terms of negotiation, outlining the scope and boundaries of the discussions.Define objectives that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time basedState what is non-negotiable and negotiable so that priorities, trade-offs and fall-back position can be understood and keep all parties on the samepage throughout the negotiation processUnderstand the strength, weaknesses and interests of all parties involved in the negotiation processDetermine in advance what outcomes you are expecting from the negotiation process.Aim for a Win-Win outcome in which all parties benefit from the discussionsAdopt a communication approach based on respect of all parties involved in the negotiation process.

    In todays session, we shall be looking at the following:

    The benefits of team work during the negotiation processThe implication of timing as a process driver for the negotiation process.The role information plays in presenting your case at the negotiation table.The application of power and influence in concluding the negotiation process
  • Subject to the environment we have been exposed to, we will have discussions related to different ideas, thoughts, beliefs and teachings. The outcome of these discussions could take the shape of the following:

    1. Discussions could lead to disagreements

    2. Discussions could lead to a stalemate

    3. Discussions could lead to agreements

    The differing outcomes arise as each party tries to convince the other that they have a better product or service that should be adopted.

    We can describe negotiation as a mutual discussion with the sole aim of resolving differences of opinions or disputes. It can also be defined as the settlement of the terms of an agreement or transaction.

    Negotiation is not whining as a child, being manipulative but coming to a common agreement issues.

    Hence the importance or learning the art of negotiation as we make investments in time, information and the leverage of power to influence people and not manipulate them when it comes to making decisions.

  • In the last episode, we looked at the definition of change. In addition, we looked at the drivers or causes for transformation from a personal, corporate, religious and global point of view.

    People were also identified as key factors that need to be managed as part of the change management process and managing the differing attitudes and perceptions is a critical part of the whole process. Hence why having a change management framework in place is important.

    Finally, having an effective communication strategy to highlight the impact of change to an individual and organisation is essential to ensure people are fed with the correct information that will guarantee support and less resistance to change

    In this episode we shall have a further look at the change management framework using the Wilderness Period of the Children of Israel as a case study