
  • In this episode, I'll be talking about clinical flow and what it means for your practice. I believe that every clinician should improve their capacity to operate in a flow state. In my view, the ability to operate in a place of clinical flow, maybe the most important aspect of developing as a clinician. And in this podcast, I'll explain why.

    Like this episode and want to learn more about how to become your best clinical self? Visit my website and sign up for my free newsletter.

    Outcome Measures 2.0: I'm building a web-based tool (called Clinio360) that will help physical therapists get below the surface of what makes their patients tick, click here to Join the Journey!

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  • In this episode, I'll be talking about exercise adherence and how it can be such a powerful lever to helping patients get better results. First, I'll go over the exercise spiral of despair and two traps, we as clinicians, can fall into. Then I will share the surprising solution that I've come to realize and what exactly we can do about it to help our patients achieve greater recovery.

    Like this episode and want to learn more about how to become your best clinical self? Visit our website and sign up for our newsletter.

    Outcome Measures 2.0: I'm building a web-based tool (called Clinio360) that will help physical therapists get below the surface of what makes their patients tick, click here to Join the Journey!

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  • Outcome Measures 2.0: I'm building a web-based tool (called Clinio360) that will help physical therapists get below the surface of what makes their patients tick, click here to Join the Journey!

    As physiotherapist’s getting stuck is a regular part of our clinical experience. It’s part of the job.

    We’re problem-solving and troubleshooting with every patient we see. The problems we’re solving are complex and change regularly. Whether it’s establishing a diagnosis, or troubleshooting a patient that isn’t progressing, we need to figure out how to help get the best possible outcomes for patients. It can be frustrating and tiring and we need a way to gain clarity in our thinking.

    In this episode, I'm going to be talking about a unique way to help you get unstuck with your clinical reasoning. First start by listening to this episode, afterwards head to my blog so you can see a few clinical examples of how I problem solve and create clearer thinking pathways.

    Like this episode and want to learn more about how to become your best clinical self? Visit our website and sign up for our newsletter.

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  • In this episode, I am honoured to welcome Faust Ruggiero onto the show. Faust has been a practicing psychologist for over 40 years and is the author of The Fix Yourself Handbook & The Fix Your Anxiety Handbook. Faust teaches us to break the cycle of anxiety and dispel feelings of inadequacy, so that we are equipped with the tools necessary to effect lasting change in our practices and in our lives. If you want to learn more about Faust's work click here.

    Outcome Measures 2.0: I'm building a web-based tool (called Clinio360) that will help physical therapists get below the surface of what makes their patients tick, click here to Join the Journey!

    Like this episode and want to learn more about how to become your best clinical self? Visit our website and sign up for our newsletter.

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  • In this episode, I'll be talking about hard patient archetypes. I want to help you get unstuck with this type of patient and help you reframe your approach to treatment. First, I will go over common pitfalls that impact our ability to engage fully with our patients. Then I will paint a path forward so we can begin to approach treatment with increased clarity and structure. I have organized treatments into three themes or buckets that will help you get results no matter what patient archetype you are dealing with.

    Outcome Measures 2.0: I'm building a web-based tool (called Clinio360) that will help physical therapists get below the surface of what makes their patients tick, click here to Join the Journey!

    Like this episode and want to learn more about how to become your best clinical self? Visit our website and sign up for our newsletter.

    Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/360clinician

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  • In this episode, I'll be talking about clinical presence. But what is it and why does it matter? I'll answer those questions and go over the 5 enemies of clinical presence that stand in our way. Afterwards, I'll leave you with 5 strategies to overcome them so you can improve your patient relationships, communicate more effectively, and ultimately experience less stress in your clinical day.

    Outcome Measures 2.0: I'm building a web-based tool (called Clinio360) that will help physical therapists get below the surface of what makes their patients tick, click here to Join the Journey!

    As promised in the episode, here are a couple of links that will help you learn more and implement these changes:

    Malet et al. Clinical Perspectives on the Notion of PresencePodcast Episode 58: The #1 Key to Improving Clinical Performance

    Like this episode and want to learn more about how to become your best clinical self? Visit our website and sign up for our newsletter.

    Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/360clinician

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    Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/360clinician

    Follow me on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewkoppejan/

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  • In this episode, I'll be talking about the hidden ways that we can sabotage our clinical growth. I'll take you through 4 psychological defenses that can actually keep us stuck in our clinical practice. At the end, I'll leave you with 5 strategies that will help you overcome these traps of the ego and ultimately help you move into growth, as a person and as a clinician.

    Outcome Measures 2.0: I'm building a web-based tool (called Clinio360) that will help physical therapists get below the surface of what makes their patients tick, click here to Join the Journey!

    As promised in the episode, here are a couple of links that will help you learn more and implement these changes:

    Wilson & Gilbert Psychological Immune SystemUnderstanding My Ego Traps Worksheet

    Like this episode and want to learn more about how to become your best clinical self? Visit our website and sign up for our newsletter

    Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/360clinician

    Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/360clinician/

    Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/360clinician

    Follow me on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewkoppejan/

    Mentioned in this episode:



  • There's a lot that can through us off our game during a clinical day and it's critical to stay agile so we can problem solve effectively and get amazing outcomes for our patients.

    In this episode, I'll be talking about how we can get pulled away from a clinical flow state and the importance of navigating the inner self. I highlight some surprisingly easy ways you can stay flexible regardless of what gets thrown your way.

    Outcome Measures 2.0: I'm building a web-based tool (called Clinio360) that will help physical therapists get below the surface of what makes their patients tick, click here to Join the Journey!

    I also promised some more information on the 10 Cognitive Distortions which are interesting to read about to see if you identify with any.

    Mentioned in this episode:



  • Therapeutic exercise is a staple of a physiotherapist’s toolbox. And a mistake we’re all guilty of is falling into the trap of giving our patients too many exercises which can easily overwhelm and sabotage their recovery process.

    Why is it so easy to make this mistake? In this episode, I'll be talking about two mistakes that we can make when it comes to exercise prescription with our patients and the surprising solution.

    Outcome Measures 2.0: I'm building a web-based tool (called Clinio360) that will help physical therapists get below the surface of what makes their patients tick, click here to Join the Journey!

    Mentioned in this episode:



  • In this episode, I'll be talking about the real value that we offer our patients, plus a walkthrough to antidotes to clinical reasoning overwhelm.

    I walk through the dark side of social media as it relates to our clinical growth and talk about an important factor to protect so we can stay curious, creative and collaborative in our clinical practice. I share an important way to reframe how you view yourself and the value you bring to your patients, which will free you from the weight of feeling overwhelmed. Finally, I walk through two practical ways to improve your clinical reasoning.

    Outcome Measures 2.0: I'm building a web-based tool (called Clinio360) that will help physical therapists get below the surface of what makes their patients tick, click here to Join the Journey!

    Mentioned in this episode:



  • In this episode, I’ll be talking about how to thrive in the face of uncertainty and share three strategies to avoid overwhelm in your clinical practice.

    Discomfort, self-doubt, and overwhelm are normal emotions that physiotherapists face every day. I share the common strategies that don't work to deal with overwhelm. I walk through the 3 Overwhelm Accelerators that move us from distress to overwhelm and ultimately burnout. And finally, I walk through 3 strategies to help movement clinicians overcome overwhelm in their clinical practice.

    Outcome Measures 2.0: I'm building a web-based tool (called Clinio360) that will help physical therapists get below the surface of what makes their patients tick, click here to Join the Journey!

    Mentioned in this episode:



  • It's easy to think that more information will lead to better clinical performance. Unfortunately, there is only so much information that we can process at once and only so much that we can focus on. In this episode, I share the #1 key to better clinical performance, and 3 simple ways to can start improving your performance today.

    Outcome Measures 2.0: I'm building a web-based tool (called Clinio360) that will help physical therapists get below the surface of what makes their patients tick, click here to Join the Journey!

    Mentioned in this episode:



  • Welcome to the Unleash Your Best Clinical Self Podcast. This podcast is focused on helping you move from frustration to flow in your clinical practice. In each episode, I'll share strategies, approaches and my latest thinking on how to improve your clinical performance and keep loving what you do.

    In this episode, I’ll be talking about the common problem of dropping patient motivation after their pain or symptoms have decreased and how to keep your patients motivated to achieve their goals. I provide 3 simple steps to help you keep patients motivated and engaged.

    Outcome Measures 2.0: I'm building a web-based tool (called Clinio360) that will help physical therapists get below the surface of what makes their patients tick, click here to Join the Journey!

    Before I dive in I want to let you know that I have a newsletter diving into topics relating to improving clinical performance. Head over to 360clinician.com to sign-up.

    Mentioned in this episode:



  • Hosts Andrew and Maxi continue the discussion about the challenges and unexpected benefits of working with patients in a telehealth environment. Following up to Episode 54 - Developing Therapeutic Relationships within the Telehealth Context, they dive into more detail around the specifics and practicalities of creating patient safety while conducting virtual sessions.

    Maxi breaks down the definitions of Implicit Safety and Explicit Safety, and how activating the sympathetic nervous system impacts the patient's engagement and physiology. Together they discuss the role of receptivity, the difference of listening to understand rather than listening to offer a solution, and how deepening the therapeutic relationship will develop naturally when you are open and curious, rather than expect a strict formula or linear process.

    “Listening to a story isn’t about providing a solution. It’s about getting to know that person holistically.” – Maxi

    They reflect on the added importance of paying more attention to our non-verbal behaviour with body positioning and gestures, to convey safe communication and build the level of engagement.

    Some of the key topics discussed include:

    How moving from a 3-D to a 2-D environment impacts a patient’s sense of safety. Negotiating a collaborative space of working together online, and the challenge of managing the distractions of their home environment, requiring the need to adapt and re-establish focus, engagement and patient safety. Suspending our desire for the outcome that we want, and being open and curious to listening to the patient’s story and having an open attitude.The need for creativity and improvisation.
    “I think the idea of experimentation is so powerful because that implies a collaboration. It’s an open way that holds the outcome more loosely and keeps us from judging, because we’re saying ‘let’s try this together’, and 'we don’t know if it’s going to work.’” – Andrew

    Outcome Measures 2.0: I'm building a web-based tool (called Clinio360) that will help physical therapists get below the surface of what makes their patients tick, click here to Join the Journey!

    Mentioned in this episode:



  • This episode of the ignitephysio podcast with hosts Andrew and Maxi shares the recording of their Virtual Coffee Webinar for the College of Physical Therapists of BC. 

    The topic of the Webinar was the role of therapeutic relationships within the context of telehealth/telerehab, with a great conversation that covered a lot of ground, and their answers to poll questions from attendees that discusses where clinicians are at with telerehab.

    Their conversation explored beliefs and perspectives on achieving positive clinical interactions with telehealth, examining what causes transformation for the patient, and the opportunities for the clinician and patient within this new clinical environment. 

    Our perceptions don’t necessarily equal the patient’s perceptions. Let’s hold our perceptions and beliefs about telehealth with more of an open hand. – Andrew

    Some of the key topics discussed in the Webinar include:

    How the pandemic is forcing rehab professionals to consider how to be of service in a different way, and the need for being nimble. Why telerehab provides opportunity for interacting with the patients differently, with more communication and active listening, collaboration, and feedback.The opportunity for clinicians to fine-tune new skills besides hands-on treatment.The benefits for the patient of being in their home environment during sessions.The challenges of treatment adaptation.Communicating the value of virtual sessions, prepping the patient and setting up the environment, and being creative with trying new things.

    Outcome Measures 2.0: I'm building a web-based tool (called Clinio360) that will help physical therapists get below the surface of what makes their patients tick, click here to Join the Journey!

    Mentioned in this episode:



  • Outcome Measures 2.0: I'm building a web-based tool (called Clinio360) that will help physical therapists get below the surface of what makes their patients tick, click here to Join the Journey!

    Join hosts Andrew and Maxi on this episode of the ignitephysio podcast, as they unpack the topic of compassion, along with the importance of mindfulness and self-regulation in clinical practice.

    Following up on the previous episode with guest Glenda Lane, Understanding the Cause of Burnout, they continue the discussion of ways to regulate ourselves in order to avoid burnout. They dive deeper into understanding the state of compassion, and reflect on ways that clinicians can navigate compassionate client interactions while also looking at the importance of self-regulation to manage one's own energy.

    With inspiration drawn from the book, Attending Medicine, Mindfulness, and Humanity by Dr. Ronald Epstein, Andrew shares key passages about compassion in a clinical setting. Together, they discuss the varying definitions of compassion from several different authors and research findings, and how empathy and sympathetic regulation with our client’s distress can impact us.

    Mindfulness is observing, understanding and regulating my own emotional reactions so I can reliably sustain presence in the face of a patient’s distress and my own. -Dr. Ronald Epstein, Attending Medicine, Mindfulness, and Humanity

    With self-awareness and mindfulness being the key to self-regulation, Andrew and Maxi discuss how we can shift from one state into another, rather than disengage and withdraw for self-protection.

    Some of the key topics discussed include:

    The critical skill of self-regulating so we’re not carrying the distress of others.How the sticky residue carrying others' distress affects our interactions with people in and out of work, which can cause a negative feedback loop.How to effectively transition our state between the clinic and personal life with a quick meditation at the end of your work day.

    Mentioned in this episode:



  • Outcome Measures 2.0: I'm building a web-based tool (called Clinio360) that will help physical therapists get below the surface of what makes their patients tick, click here to Join the Journey!

    Andrew and Maxi welcome guest Glenda Lane to the ignitephysio podcast. As a fellow physiotherapist in Edmonton, Glenda shares her journey of recovering from burnout. Their discussion shines a different light on the topic of burnout and offers a shift of perspective and tools for managing self-care in the helping profession.

    As a physiotherapist for 28 years, Glenda reflects on her early years in practice and her behaviour patterns that led to burnout, inspiring her to take additional training as an Intuitive Energy Coach 8 years ago to help other healthcare professionals avoid it. You’ll hear how she now practices physical therapy work in a completely different way, and coaches other physical therapists to change how they work as well.

    Giving is not okay at the cost of your own wellbeing. ~ Glenda Lane

    Some of the key topics discussed include:

    Glenda’s description of the stages of her burnout, and the behaviours she had since youth that were causing it.Why being out of touch with her body, habitual beliefs, and living with chronic stress resulted in a dysregulated nervous system, and why giving herself full permission to truly rest was needed to regulate it again.How engaging in self-care activities won’t matter if your internal beliefs are still driving the behaviours that create burnout.Why taking on responsibility for others' well-being depleted her energy and led to burnout.Understanding the deeper causes of pain, such as headaches and back-pain caused by stress and anxiety. How she has changed how she works with patients.

    Guest Bio:

    Glenda Lane is a physiotherapist and life coach. She has been practicing for 28 years and about 8 years ago she began doing life coaching to help others including therapists overcome burnout. She helps people shift from living in stress and survival mode to thriving and living in flow with life. Glenda teaches simple but powerful energy tools and practices, empowering people to create how they desire to feel and live. 

    Mentioned in this episode:



  • Outcome Measures 2.0: I'm building a web-based tool (called Clinio360) that will help physical therapists get below the surface of what makes their patients tick, click here to Join the Journey!

    Andrew and Maxi kick off 2020 with a discussion about goal-setting, and the process behind achieving the desired outcome.

    With the New Year and decade offering the inspiration to set goals, many of us visualize the end result without enough consideration of the daily practice of small steps of working toward it.

    Reflecting on the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear as inspiration, Andrew discusses the process of achieving goals, and the need to focus on the systems in place to achieve those goals.

    Maxi provides the example of her process of psychotherapy training with several years of course work, toward her goal of passing the competency test, and her realization that it wasn’t about passing a test, but about how she was present in every moment of the process. 

    With plenty of examples, they discuss ways to let go of focusing exclusively on the end goal, and to instead also focus on your practices and principles, while panning in and out between the two perspectives to stay on track.

    Some of the key topics discussed include:

    The importance of being clear on your principles that support and guide your practices, and basing decisions in alignment with your principles.The focus on your practices and what you need to enable them.Remaining present in your daily practice, systems, and process that take you closer to your goal.How small actions add up, and using failure to pivot and learn.Why it’s important to pan in and out to focus both on your systems and practice, and on the end goal, to maintain focus on the smaller and larger picture.

    Mentioned in this episode:



  • Outcome Measures 2.0: I'm building a web-based tool (called Clinio360) that will help physical therapists get below the surface of what makes their patients tick, click here to Join the Journey!

    Andrew and Maxi discuss how physiotherapists can provide a deeper transformation for patients by using reframing and healing words.

    With three of Andrew’s recent cases as examples, they explore how Andrew’s approach, inquiry, mutual exploration, and reframing helped his patients become more present and aware in their body, allowing for deeper healing and function.

    By reframing the role of movement, and inviting them to be aware of their beliefs about “exercise” and “struggle” as necessary for recovery, Andrew shares how his approach opened the door to provide the space for patients to tell their story, and become more empowered in their own recovery.

    Some of the key topics discussed include:

    How healing words and reframing provide a deeper awareness for the patient.How movement can be used as an invitation for the patient to change their relationship to pain.How transitioning from movement with struggle, to softening into movement resulted in a significant shift in perspective.

    Mentioned in this episode:

