
  • Free 5 Pillars to an INFJ EPIC LIFE Poster: https://5pillars.wenzes.com/

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    INFJ Life Coach Lesson: As an INFJ, accepting the role of villain in someone else's story can be challenging. While it may be difficult, embracing this perception can lead to personal growth. It's okay if others think we're stupid, boring, or weird. However, what truly affects us is being seen as a bad person or treating others unfairly. It's important to acknowledge our imperfections and moments of selfishness, recognizing that they are part of being human.

    All INFJ EPIC LIFE Programs: https://programs.wenzes.com/collections

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    Website: http://www.wenzes.com/

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  • Free INFJ EPIC LIFE Formula Poster: https://infjformula.gr8.com/

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    INFJ Life Coach Lesson: Join us today as we dive into the INFJ door slam phenomenon. INFJs frequently encounter situations where they give their all, only to feel unappreciated and drained by others. This often leads to the necessity of 'door slamming' - setting firm boundaries and shutting certain individuals out. Let's not just discuss what the INFJ door slam is; instead, let's explore the idea of closing that door earlier on. Discover why INFJs are compelled to take this drastic step, as no INFJ has ever expressed joy in having to resort to door slamming.

    All INFJ EPIC LIFE Programs: https://programs.wenzes.com/collections

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    Website: http://www.wenzes.com/

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  • Free INFJ EPIC LIFE Formula Poster: https://infjformula.gr8.com/

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    INFJ Life Coach Lesson: Discover the INFJ God complex: a hidden phenomenon that affects us deeply, often in ways we don't even realize. This psychological trait can manifest as an intense desire to save or protect others, stemming from a profound sense of responsibility and empathy. However, this savior complex can also alienate those around us and create a significant disconnect from our own humanity. By constantly trying to be the hero, we may unintentionally push people away and overlook our own needs and vulnerabilities. Don't miss this crucial insight into our behavior—it could be the key to understanding and overcoming these complex dynamics.

    All INFJ EPIC LIFE Programs: https://programs.wenzes.com/collections

    Free Resources: https://wenzes.com/INFJ-Free-Resource/

    Website: http://www.wenzes.com/

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  • Free INFJ EPIC LIFE Formula Poster: https://infjformula.gr8.com/

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    INFJ Life Coach Lesson: Today we're discussing the concept of "fumbling the INFJ" - could it be the biggest regret for the other person? If you're unfamiliar with this term, it refers to losing out on the best thing that ever happened to you. INFJs often find themselves in situations where they believe others will eventually regret letting them go. Do they feel they may have lost a valuable friend or partner? Reflecting on our relationships, we often wonder if the other person truly understands what they've missed out on.

    All INFJ EPIC LIFE Programs: https://programs.wenzes.com/collections

    Free Resources: https://wenzes.com/INFJ-Free-Resource/

    Website: http://www.wenzes.com/

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    INFJ Life Coach Lesson: Explore the INFJ dark side beyond just causing pain. Discover the danger of surrendering control of your own narrative and the impact it can have on your mental and emotional well-being. Don't let others dictate your story or feed into their fantasies, as this can lead to a loss of identity and purpose. Trust your intuition to guide you towards your true desires and aspirations, ensuring that you remain true to yourself and your journey. Embrace self-awareness and self-empowerment as tools to navigate the complexities of your inner world.

    All INFJ EPIC LIFE Programs: https://programs.wenzes.com/collections

    Free Resources: https://wenzes.com/INFJ-Free-Resource/

    Website: http://www.wenzes.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wenzes_

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  • Free INFJ EPIC LIFE Formula Poster: https://infjformula.gr8.com/

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    INFJ Life Coach Lesson: Join us today as we dive into the world of INFJ Gatekeeping. Discover how INFJs protect their insights, energy, and knowledge, often keeping them hidden from others. While gatekeeping initially seems like a defense mechanism, it can ultimately hinder our fulfillment. Let's explore how breaking down these barriers is essential for personal growth and acceptance.

    All INFJ EPIC LIFE Programs: https://programs.wenzes.com/collections

    Free Resources: https://wenzes.com/INFJ-Free-Resource/

    Website: http://www.wenzes.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wenzes_

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  • Free INFJ EPIC LIFE Formula Poster: https://infjformula.gr8.com/

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    INFJ Life Coach Lesson: Discover how INFJs use romantic obsession as a form of self-regulation, often turning to intense emotional connections to manage their inner worlds. Explore the concept of limerence, a state of infatuation and preoccupation with a person, and understand its role in our lives. Learn how this coping mechanism helps us navigate uncontrollable situations, providing a sense of stability and focus.

    All INFJ EPIC LIFE Programs: https://programs.wenzes.com/collections

    Free Resources: https://wenzes.com/INFJ-Free-Resource/

    Website: http://www.wenzes.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wenzes_

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  • Free INFJ EPIC LIFE Formula Poster: https://infjformula.gr8.com/

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    INFJ Life Coach Lesson: Discover the key to mastering your INFJ personality by balancing masculine and feminine energy. Learn how tapping into both sides can transform everything. Find out why achieving this balance is crucial yet challenging for INFJs, but essential for being true to yourself.

    All INFJ EPIC LIFE Programs: https://programs.wenzes.com/collections

    Free Resources: https://wenzes.com/INFJ-Free-Resource/

    Website: http://www.wenzes.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wenzes_

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  • Free INFJ EPIC LIFE Formula Poster: https://infjformula.gr8.com/

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    INFJ Life Coach Lesson: Discover why INFJs are drawn to breadcrumbing, and how it can lead to anxious attachment. While we may recognize when we're being manipulated, as INFJs, we find enjoyment in the process. Understanding this behavior can empower us to use it as a tool for creating positive outcomes in our lives. Join us as we explore this trending topic of breadcrumbing and its impact on the INFJ personality.

    All INFJ EPIC LIFE Programs: https://programs.wenzes.com/collections

    Free Resources: https://wenzes.com/INFJ-Free-Resource/

    Website: http://www.wenzes.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wenzes_

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  • Free INFJ EPIC LIFE Formula Poster: https://infjformula.gr8.com/

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    INFJ Life Coach Lesson: Discover how the INFJ personality type can inadvertently intimidate others, and learn how to embrace this unique characteristic. INFJs are known for their deep empathy, strong intuition, and unwavering commitment to their values. While some may seek to be feared for a sense of power, INFJs simply yearn to be understood and appreciated for who they are. This desire for genuine connection often comes with a level of authenticity and intensity that can be overwhelming for others. Unfortunately, our authenticity can often trigger feelings of intimidation in those around us. This is not due to any intentional effort to intimidate but rather a reflection of our deep, introspective nature. Embrace your true self, with all its complexities, and watch as others react in unexpected ways. By understanding and harnessing the power of our unique traits, we can foster deeper, more meaningful

    All INFJ EPIC LIFE Programs: https://programs.wenzes.com/collections

    Free Resources: https://wenzes.com/INFJ-Free-Resource/

    Website: http://www.wenzes.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wenzes_

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachWenzes


  • Free INFJ EPIC LIFE Formula Poster: https://infjformula.gr8.com/

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    INFJ Life Coach Lesson: Discover how INFJs use the "Just Let Them" philosophy - a trending concept on TikTok. As INFJs, we value allowing others to make their own choices. But our biggest challenge arises when we see someone suffering and can't help them. It's incredibly tough to step back and say, "just let them," especially when it goes against our natural inclination to support and nurture others. This often leads us to neglect our own well-being in the process, as we find it difficult to let go and accept that sometimes people need to navigate their struggles on their own. Understanding and embracing this philosophy can be a significant step towards personal growth and healthier relationships.

    All INFJ EPIC LIFE Programs: https://programs.wenzes.com/collections

    Free Resources: https://wenzes.com/INFJ-Free-Resource/

    Website: http://www.wenzes.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wenzes_

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachWenzes


  • Free INFJ EPIC LIFE Formula Poster: https://infjformula.gr8.com/

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    INFJ Life Coach Lesson: Explore the five key indicators of burnout specifically for INFJs and understand how to distinguish these signs from mere laziness. It's easy to fall into the trap of self-doubt, especially when you're feeling overwhelmed, but don't let that deter you from pursuing an epic life. Drawing from personal experiences, this insight will guide you through recognizing burnout and the steps to overcome it. Discover how navigating through burnout can not only restore your energy but also boost your motivation, leading to a more fulfilled and enthusiastic approach to life and its challenges.

    All INFJ EPIC LIFE Programs: https://programs.wenzes.com/collections

    Free Resources: https://wenzes.com/INFJ-Free-Resource/

    Website: http://www.wenzes.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wenzes_

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  • Free INFJ EPIC LIFE Formula Poster: https://infjformula.gr8.com/

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    INFJ Life Coach Lesson: Explore the strategies that INFJs can employ to prevent others from treating them and those around them poorly. Gain a deeper understanding of the root causes behind such negative behaviors, and learn effective methods to liberate yourself and others from the cycle of disrespect. By adopting these strategies, you can foster a more positive and respectful atmosphere. Take proactive steps towards making a significant impact by demonstrating to others the critical value of kindness and respect in all interpersonal relationships. This guide aims to empower INFJs to lead by example, transforming their environments into places where empathy and understanding prevail.

    All INFJ EPIC LIFE Programs: https://programs.wenzes.com/collections

    Free Resources: https://wenzes.com/INFJ-Free-Resource/

    Website: http://www.wenzes.com/

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    All INFJ EPIC LIFE Programs: https://programs.wenzes.com/collections

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    INFJ Life Coach Lesson: As INFJs, we have a unique ability to see trends and possibilities that others may overlook. Whether it's in fashion, architecture, or how we view the world, we often find ourselves ahead of the curve. While this can sometimes lead to neglecting certain aspects of our lives, it is also where our superpower lies. Let's explore how we can harness this foresight to our advantage and make the most of our innate talents

    Website: http://www.wenzes.com/

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  • The INFJ EPIC LIFE BOOTCAMP has launched, Join now until May 11th:


    All INFJ EPIC LIFE Programs: https://programs.wenzes.com/collections

    Free Resources: https://wenzes.com/INFJ-Free-Resource/

    INFJ Life Coach Lesson: Discover why INFJs frequently escape reality and cherish it. Let's delve into the allure of this aspect of our personality, but also understand its toll. By acknowledging the true cost, we can better embrace and nurture our dreams. Create an oasis of solitude for yourself where endless possibilities flourish, but be mindful of potential burnout from this intense combination.

    Website: http://www.wenzes.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wenzes_

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  • The INFJ EPIC LIFE BOOTCAMP has launched, Join now until May 11th:


    All INFJ EPIC LIFE Programs: https://programs.wenzes.com/collections

    Free Resources: https://wenzes.com/INFJ-Free-Resource/

    INFJ Life Coach Lesson: Today, let's dive into the INFJ's unique ability to see others' potential clearly while often feeling underestimated in return. It's time to address this dynamic and explore how we can navigate it. How can we embrace our gift without feeling disregarded? Let's strive for a healthier approach that honors both ourselves and those around us. While we can't erase our insight into others' potential, there are ways we can shift our perspective to foster genuine connections and personal growth. Let's find a balance that allows us to acknowledge the greatness in others while valuing our own journey.

    Website: http://www.wenzes.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wenzes_

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    Get the Early Bird Code here: https://bootcampearlybird.wenzes.com/

    INFJ Life Coach Lesson: Discover how INFJs detach from toxic relationships out of self-care. When we realize a connection is unhealthy, it's time to let go. Trauma bonding can cloud our judgment and make us feel like we've lost ourselves. Despite this, we can maintain closeness with those who are moving away or have deep connections with us. But when love becomes detrimental, detachment is necessary for our well-being. Letting go is tough for INFJs, especially when we've merged our identity with another person. Find out how to navigate this difficult but important step in our life journey.

    All INFJ EPIC LIFE Programs: https://programs.wenzes.com/collections

    Free Resources: https://wenzes.com/INFJ-Free-Resource/

    Website: http://www.wenzes.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wenzes_

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    Learn more about Bootcamp: https://programs.wenzes.com/courses/epiclifebootcamp

    Free Masterclass May 4th: https://youtube.com/live/e39K2yXkcWw

    INFJ Life Coach Lesson: Discover why INFJs unintentionally push away love. As natural empaths, we excel at understanding and meeting others' needs. Yet, when it comes to receiving love ourselves, doubts arise. Let's unravel the reasons behind this pattern and learn to embrace love authentically. Join us as we explore why INFJs struggle with accepting love and how to break free from this cycle.

    All INFJ EPIC LIFE Programs: https://programs.wenzes.com/collections

    Free Resources: https://wenzes.com/INFJ-Free-Resource/

    Website: http://www.wenzes.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wenzes_

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  • Join INFJ Bootcamp Waiting List https://bootcampwaitinglist.wenzes.com/Learn more about Bootcamp: https://programs.wenzes.com/courses/epiclifebootcampFree Masterclass May 4th: https://youtube.com/live/e39K2yXkcWwINFJ Life Coach Lesson: Ever wonder why INFJs attract attention despite trying to blend in? It's a strange mix of avoiding the spotlight yet always finding ourselves in the middle of it. Here we are, avoiding conflict, yet people always want to delve deeper into our thoughts. It feels like we're constantly tested – it's exhausting and leaves us feeling misunderstood. Trying to stay under the radar somehow makes us even more intriguing. Welcome to the paradox of being an INFJ, where being quietly fascinating draws all the attention we weren't seeking.All INFJ EPIC LIFE Programs: https://programs.wenzes.com/collectionsFree Resources: https://wenzes.com/INFJ-Free-Resource/Website: http://www.wenzes.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wenzes_Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachWenzes#INFJ #INFJLIFECOACH #LIFECOACHING

  • Free 5 PILLARS INFJ EPIC LIFE Poster: https://5pillars.wenzes.com/

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    INFJ Life Coach Lesson: Plunge into our INFJ universe where we're not just surviving narcissists; we're outsmarting them in relationships! Discover the five secret moves we INFJs use to dodge toxic vibes and come out stronger, smarter, and surprisingly more zen. It's not just about weathering the storm; it's about dancing in the rain and using those obstacles as stepping stones for personal growth. Ready to turn relationship lemons into lemonade? Dive into this journey and steal some of our INFJ wizardry for your own love life. Buckle up for an enlightening ride!

    All INFJ EPIC LIFE Programs: https://programs.wenzes.com/collections

    Free Resources: https://wenzes.com/INFJ-Free-Resource/

    Website: http://www.wenzes.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wenzes_

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachWenzes