FNVA Talks is a series by the Foundation for Non-violent Alternatives (FNVA) that brings public engagements with key experts, leaders and stakeholders in the Himalayan region.
This FNVA Talks with His Excellency Sikyong (President) Penpa Tsering la titled 'Charting Tibet's Future: The Resolve Tibet Act, Strategies in Exile, His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Legacy and India's Role' was a public event at the India International Centre on 21st October, 2024.
It was Chaired by Major General Ashok K. Mehta and had the former convenor of the All Party Indian Parliamentary Forum for Tibet, Dr. Sujeet Kumar addressing the gathering as well.
Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans is a podcast series where we have conversations with young Tibetans who will offer an interesting view of their lives in exile and their future aspiration for Tibet and provide them with a platform to express themselves. The podcast is also a tribute to all those brave Tibetans in Tibet who were silenced both physically and mentally by the Chinese occupiers.
In this episode, we engage with Lobsang Soepa la, he is currently studying Tibetan at the College for Higher Tibetan Studies (Sarah) at Dharamshala. Born and brought up in Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh he is now telling the story of his land through artwork and illustration several children books. He helps the Students for a Free Tibet (SFT) and continues to learn more about Tibet.
In this podcast, Lobsang Soepa shares his experiences and journey as an artist, his tryst with identity and India's soft power capability. He has been working on the famed 'Khando Drowa Sangmo' folktale which is deeply tied with Tawang and tells us how comics are a means of preserving rich folklore passed throughout generations in this day and age. He stresses that artwork and illustration are means to gather support for the Tibetan cause. He further emphasises how his stay till now at Dharamshala (many refer to it as the exile Tibetan political capital) has been profound and life-changing.
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Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans is a podcast series where we have conversations with young Tibetans who will offer an interesting view of their lives in exile and their future aspiration for Tibet and provide them with a platform to express themselves. The podcast is also a tribute to all those brave Tibetans in Tibet who were silenced both physically and mentally by the Chinese occupiers.
In this episode, we engage with Lodoe Gyatso, he is currently with the Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) in New York. Prior to this, he served as a Youth Representative at the United Nations. He is deeply involved in the Tibetan Freedom Movement and has participated in several Tibet Lobby Days in the USA.
In this podcast, Lodoe Gyatso shares his experiences and journey as a Tibetan born in India and raised in the USA. He discusses his involvement in the Tibetan Freedom Movement and explains how his experience at the UN has helped him understand how the organization works to raise awareness about Tibet's plight. He also emphasises that there is hope for Tibet, and that we must do our best in our respective fields, as this will eventually provide a larger platform to speak about Tibet.
Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans is a podcast series where we have conversations with young Tibetans who will offer an interesting view of their lives in exile and their future aspiration for Tibet and provide them with a platform to express themselves. The podcast is also a tribute to all those brave Tibetans in Tibet who were silenced both physically and mentally by the Chinese occupiers.
In this episode, we engage with Tenzin Yangzom, she is the Campaigns Coordinator at the International Tibet Network (ITN) and previously she was also the Grassroots Director at Students for a Free Tibet (SFT). She is among the youth deeply involved in the Tibetan Freedom Movement and played a pivotal role in the shutting down of Confucius Institute at Tufts University.
In the podcast, Tenzin Yangzom shares her experiences and journey with the Tibetan Freedom Movement. She explains how her family had a significant influence in her involvement with the movement with their constant support being the foundation of here. She discusses about the International Tibet Network (ITN), the story behind its genesis and the plethora of direct actions and campaigns she has been involved in. The most recent being the displaying of 'Free Tibet' banner on the bridge where Chinese president Xi Jinping motorcade had to pass through. She shares her engagement with Tibetans who had visited Tibet recently and concludes by telling us that the world's perspective on China is changing.
Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans is a podcast series where we have conversations with young Tibetans who will offer an interesting view of their lives in exile and their future aspiration for Tibet and provide them with a platform to express themselves. The podcast is also a tribute to all those brave Tibetans in Tibet who were silenced both physically and mentally by the Chinese occupiers.
In this episode, we engage with Tashi Nyima, who is a co-founder of Khadhok Arts alongside his colleagues, Tenzin Melak and Lea Taake. This Tibetan arts collective was established in 2023 with the goal of nurturing Tibetan artists and providing them with a much-needed platform to showcase their work. In addition to their recent exhibition, "Dreaming Tibet," where young Tibetan children displayed their artwork, they will host their annual exhibition titled "Unsettled," which will run from November 1st onwards in Dharamshala, India.
In the podcast, Tashi Nyima shares his experiences and journey with art in the Tibetan exile community. He explains how his family had a significant influence on his artistic development through their support, encouraging him to pursue this profession. He also discusses how exposure to various art forms led him to focus on exile Tibetan art, which strongly relates to the community's political and legal status, particularly in the context of his own freedom. He stressed on the fact how art connects Tibetans both inside and outside Tibet, with him stating that there is a very big artistic community inside Tibet. For him, art is a means to initiate much-needed debate within the community and serves as a powerful form of non-violent resistance through which one can convey their message. He hopes to raise global awareness about Tibet through his art and Khadhok Arts initiatives.
Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans is a podcast series where we have conversations with young Tibetans who will offer an interesting view of their lives in exile and their future aspiration for Tibet and provide them with a platform to express themselves. The podcast is also a tribute to all those brave Tibetans in Tibet who were silenced both physically and mentally by the Chinese occupiers.
In this episode, we engage with Dr. Tara Lhamo la who recently took part in the 2nd International Tibet Youth Forum (ITYF) held in Dharamshala, India. She has been a youth leader in the United Kingdom and held various designations including the Youth and Cultural Coordinator of the Tibetan Community in Britain (United Kingdom). She is also the UK Regional V-TAG (Voluntary Tibet Advocacy Group) Coordinator.
She shares her own experiences in Tibetan Advocacy, and how her community and her family played a big role here. Which in turn inspired her to learn more about her Tibetan Community, leading her to study in India, where she met His Holiness the Dalai Lama. She highlights the Tibetan Community in the United Kingdom and their initiatives, which include the preservation of the Tibetan culture and identity and advocacy for Tibet with the UK leadership. Furthermore, being a professional physician she stated how being brought up in a Tibetan family helps her immensely, especially in aspects like mindfulness and having empathy when treating her patients. She also explains the current political climate in the United Kingdom with Labour coming to power on how Tibetans must advocate efficiency and also the growing distrust among the British public over the Communist Party of China and its activities.
Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans is a podcast series where we have conversations with young Tibetans who will offer an interesting view of their lives in exile, and their future aspiration for Tibet providing them with a platform to express themselves. The podcast is also a tribute to all those brave Tibetans in Tibet who were silenced both physically and mentally by the Chinese occupiers.
In this Episode we engage with Nangsel Sherpa la who shares insight from her research theme of "Migration, Gender, Religion, and Tibetan Identity," which expounds on the complexities and intersectionality of the Tibetan identity through a subaltern perspective.
She shares her own experiences and the story of her own family, shedding light on a body of writing that is rarely discussed: the important role that Tibetan women played during the People's Republic of China's forced occupation of Tibet. Furthermore, coming from a mixed heritage background, she stresses how they and the larger non-mainstream Tibetans (those with a non-buddhist background for eg.) are an important part of the Tibetan freedom movement and Tibetan identity. She concludes by asserting that 'I hope we Tibetans can really have a country we can call our home someday.'
Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans is a podcast series where we have conversations with young Tibetans who will offer an interesting view of their lives in exile, and their future aspiration for Tibet providing them with a platform to express themselves. The podcast is also a tribute to all those brave Tibetans in Tibet who were silenced both physically and mentally by the Chinese occupiers.
In this Episode we engage with Tenzin Tsedub Lodoe la who is the national coordinator of V-TAG USA and co-founder of Bodja Podcast, he shares insights from the International Tibet Youth Forum 2024 and Tibet Lobby Day. Learn how advocacy in the USA by Tibetans contributed to the historic signing of the Resolve Tibet Act by US President Joe Biden.
Discover his experiences, including his current internship at Harvard's Leadership & Happiness Laboratory and his speech at His Holiness the Dalai Lama's 89th birthday in Dharamshala, India. Hear his heartfelt messages from Tibetans in occupied Tibet and his call for all Tibetans to embody the spirit of the Dalai Lama in spreading love and peace.
Charting the Course: India's Strategic Role in Tibet's Future is a collaborated event between The Foundation for Non-Violent Alternatives (FNVA) and the Future of Tibet, which is supported by Giuseppe Kaiser Stiftung. The Event was held at the India International Centre, New Delhi on 3rd November, 2023.
Panel Discussion on "Tibet in Geopolitical Vision: The Centrality of Tibet on Indo-China Relations" moderated by Tenzin Younten la (Associate Fellow at CCSST, Pinaca Technologies) with panellist Rebon Banerjee Dhar (founding trustee of FNVA) and Lobsang Gyatso Sither la (Member of the 17th Tibetan Parliament in Exile).
The discussion focused around the centrality of Tibet when it comes to the India China relations and in light of the recent high level US delegation visiting the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Government in Exile in Dharamshala, India. It brings out pertinent points that would better allow India to navigate and chart its course in securing its future in the region especially in the Himalayas.
Charting the Course: India's Strategic Role in Tibet's Future is a collaborated event between The Foundation for Non-Violent Alternatives and the Future of Tibet, which is supported by Giuseppe Kaiser Stiftung. The Event was held at the India International Centre, New Delhi on 3rd November, 2023.
His Eminence the Kundeling Tatsak Rinpoche in his speech stressed the pivotal role that India has played in preserving Tibet’s rich culture and identity since occupation. Rinpoche also shared his experience while travelling to the USA and Canada recently. Stating that the Tibetan community there remains vibrant and firm to its Tibetan Heritage. Furthermore Rinpoche applauded the Tibetan youths for their vibrant participation and expression throughout the day at the Event.
Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans is a podcast series where we have conversations with young Tibetans who will offer an interesting view of their lives in exile, and their future aspiration for Tibet providing them with a platform to express themselves. The podcast is also a tribute to all those brave Tibetans in Tibet who were silenced both physically and mentally by the Chinese occupiers.
In this Episode we engage with Tsering Kyizom la who shares with us, her inspiring journey and what led her in pursing teaching. She is a Tibetan Women based in India and through YouTube channel 'learn english with Kizom' she has been empowering and teaching a plethora of individuals English virtually and also in person, including Monks and Nuns. Besides YouTube she also uses her facebook and instagram handles in making education accessible and easy to all.
She has founded of 'Anyog Gaga', a visionary brand dedicated to empowering Tibetan children's learning through vibrant educational resources. Listen to her as she recounts her aspirations for the future and how teaching virtually has connected her with Tibetans inside Tibet.
Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans is a podcast series where we have conversations with young Tibetans who will offer an interesting view of their lives in exile, and their future aspiration for Tibet providing them with a platform to express themselves. The podcast is also a tribute to all those brave Tibetans in Tibet who were silenced both physically and mentally by the Chinese occupiers.
In this Episode ,we engage with Tenzin Pema la who fought and raised the Tibetan national flag, drew thousands of Tibetans at the Matrix Fight Night (MFN)14 in Noida, India.
She shares with us her journey from a young girl growing up in the Himalayas and how drawing inspiration from the legendary boxer Muhammad Ali she embarked on a remarkable journey into the realm of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA).
She illuminates the day-to-day challenges she encounters, underscoring the rigorous training regimen essential for achieving excellence in this sport. She articulates her aspiration to not only represent Tibetans on the international stage but also to contribute to the betterment of the Tibetan community by imparting her expertise in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) through comprehensive training programs.
Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans is a podcast series where we have conversations with young Tibetans who will offer an interesting view of their lives in exile, and their future aspiration for Tibet providing them with a platform to express themselves. The podcast is also a tribute to all those brave Tibetans in Tibet who were silenced both physically and mentally by the Chinese occupiers.
In this Episode we engage with Dr. Dickey Choedon la who shares insights from her research paper "Changing Legal Identity: Tibetans’ View on Indian Citizenship" which expounds and explores on the recent surge of Tibetans applying of Indian Citizenship and procuring Indian Passports legally.
She engages on the complex realities faced by Tibetans in exile, as they navigate geopolitical challenges and pursue better opportunities, from her personal experience and the anecdotes of individuals whom she interviewed. The growing number of Tibetans opting for Indian citizenship also raises questions about the continuity and cohesion of the Tibetan freedom movement.
Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans is a podcast series where we have conversations with young Tibetans who will offer an interesting view of their lives in exile, and their future aspiration for Tibet providing them with a platform to express themselves. The podcast is also a tribute to all those brave Tibetans in Tibet who were silenced both physically and mentally by the Chinese occupiers.
In this Episode we engage with Thupten Rinzin la who recounts his journey since joining the Central Tibetan Administration in 2014, shedding light on pathways to civil service within the Tibetan Government-in-Exile. As Coordinator of the India Tibet Coordination Office (which is based in New Delhi), he discusses initiatives to bolster support for Tibetans in India and the importance of engaging youth. Additionally, he reflects on his experience as a recipient of the Tibetan Scholarship Programme, emphasising its meaningful impact on Tibetan diasporic development.
Disclaimer: This session was recorded when Thupten Rinzin la was the Coordinator of India Tibet Coordination Office, he is not the Coordinator currently but continues to serve the Central Tibetan Administration in the Social and Resource Development Fund (SARD) based in Dharamshala.
Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans is a podcast series where we have conversations with young Tibetans who will offer an interesting view of their lives in exile, and their future aspiration for Tibet providing them with a platform to express themselves. The podcast is also a tribute to all those brave Tibetans in Tibet who were silenced both physically and mentally by the Chinese occupiers.
In this Episode we engage with Tenzin Passang la, the current India National Director of Students for a Free Tibet - India. Tenzin Passang la unfolds the origins of Students for a Free Tibet, a prominent Tibet Support Group globally, shedding light on the driving forces that led her to become an integral part of it. She passionately articulates the critical role that SFT plays in addressing the challenging circumstances faced by Tibet, a region under occupation.
She further expounds on the various initiatives orchestrated by SFT to counteract the misleading narratives propagated by Beijing concerning Tibet. The conversation provides valuable insights into the organisation's commitment to fostering awareness and advocating for the rights and freedom of the Tibetan people.
Moreover, she offers a poignant glimpse into her personal journey, recounting her time at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and the profound impact it had on her perspective. A particularly inspiring segment unfolds as she shares her triumphant battle against cancer, a testament to resilience and the unwavering support she received from her family and friends.
The Fault Lines is a series by FNVA that discuss developments occurring on our Indian frontiers. Engaging extensively with the Universities on these regions and bringing them to the fore.
The Second Episode of The Fault Lines sees Claude Arpi, Author, Tibet Expert, Advisor at FNVA and Director of the Pavilion of Tibetan Culture at Auroville addressing on the topic "The Sino-Indian Boundary - A Historical Background with emphasis on the Ladakh sector".
Claude Arpi here with us the historical background and significance of Ladakh when it comes the current India - China Boundary which was previously the India - Tibet Border. Also emphasising the role of Tibet and Tibetans in this Ladakh sector of the Indian border and brings to light recent development in the region. Further highlighting the central role that the Dalai Lama plays here in this region that is connected to current China but erstwhile independent Tibet.
This Episode is moderated by Professor Sonam Joldan from the University of Ladakh and was addressed to the University of Ladakh.
The lecture is divided into two part and each one ends with an engaging Q and A session with the students and faculties of the University of Ladakh.
The Fault Lines is a series by FNVA that discuss developments occurring on our Indian frontiers. Engaging extensively with the Universities on these regions and bringing them to the fore.
The First Episode of The Fault Lines sees Professor Srikanth Kondapalli, the Dean of the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and FNVA Trustee addressing on the topic "Western Sector of the Border in India-China Relations".
This Episode is moderated by Professor Sonam Joldan from the University of Ladakh and was addressed to the University of Ladakh on 16th May, 2023. Professor Srikanth Kondapalli gives an overall take on the Western Sector in the Indian Border and gradually dwells into detail and complexity surrounding this.
The lecture ends with an engaging Q and A session with the students and faculties of the University of Ladakh.
Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans is a podcast series where we have conversations with young Tibetans who will offer an interesting view of their lives in exile, and their future aspiration for Tibet providing them with a platform to express themselves. The podcast is also a tribute to all those brave Tibetans in Tibet who were silenced both physically and mentally by the Chinese occupiers.
In this Episode we engage with Tenzin Shinyi, a Tibetan who was born in India, studied in Tibet/China and is currently in doing her further studies in India. She shares personal anecdotes of her experience in Tibet and as a student leader in various organisations notably the Global Tibetan People's Movement for Middle Way Approach, Tibetan College Student's Conference and several others. Furthermore she highlights the situation of Tibet currently and how it is one to be looked into seriously. She shares how her audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama though made her overwhelmed and emotional it simultaneously inspired and motivated her further to do more for Tibet and the Tibetan people.
Tibet in Context is a podcast series that gears in gaining a deeper understanding of Tibet through conversations with Tibetans, China Watchers, Tibetologists, Environmentalist and Security Experts.Our guest today, Ethan Gutmann, makes a chilling hypothesis to our host Kate Saunders. What if Thermo Fisher has been involved in a process to discover if one person’s vital organs could fit into another person’s body? Our podcast brings together horrifying research on the killing of Falun Gong practitioners and Uyghurs for their organs in China. The China Tribunal in London in 2019 concluded that for decades, prisoners have been killed and their organs sold across the world including to people in Western countries and the Gulf states. In our discussion, Ethan Gutmann talks about his difficult and dangerous research talking to courageous survivors of prison camps in Xinjiang, and how he pieced together evidence of connections between disappearances from the prison camps, and hospitals and transplant centres in China. He describes how green lanes for organ transfers at airports in East Turkestan appeared at around the same time as the construction of new crematoriums in the same area
Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans is a podcast series where we have conversations with young Tibetans who will offer an interesting view of their lives in exile, and their future aspiration for Tibet providing them with a platform to express themselves. The podcast is also a tribute to all those brave Tibetans in Tibet who were silenced both physically and mentally by the Chinese occupiers.
The conversation with H.E. the 9th Kunsang Dorjie Rinpoche La sees him engaging on the themes of Buddhism, how it came to Tibet, what is it's status under the illegal Chinese Occupation, the forms of reincarnation in the Tibetan tradition of Buddhism, the major role His Holiness the Dalai Lama continues to play, Rinpoche's own initiatives and tryst with Buddhism and many more. Rinpoche la also blesses us with the Relics of Lord Buddha and narrates how it was passed on to him in Tibet, hidden from the hands of Chinese Communist forces during the destruction that occurred during the Cultural revolution.
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