
  • Listen to episode 909 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Success is No Accident | Motivational Podcasts. Edited and adapted from How to Get On in the World by Major A.R. Calhoun.

    Motivational Podcast Excerpt: Michelangelo was one day explaining to a visitor at his studio what he had been doing to a statue since a previous visit. "I have retouched this part—polished that—softened this feature—brought out that muscle— given some expression to this lip, and more energy to that limb."

    "But those are trifles," said the visitor.

    "It may be so," replied Michelangelo, "but recollect that trifles make perfection, and perfection is no trifle."


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  • Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, an exclusive series for the patrons of the Inspirational Living podcast. This episode is edited and adapted from Power Through Repose by Annie Payson Call, published in 1900.

    Podcast Excerpt: It is with life as it is with art. What we do must be done with love, or it will have no force. Without the living spark of love, we may have the appearance (but never the spirit) of useful work or quiet contentment. Stagnation is not peace, and there can be no life, and thus no living peace, without happy relations with those about us.


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  • Listen to episode 908 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Taking Control of Your Mind & Body | Health Podcasts. Edited and adapted from Youth and Opportunity by Thomas Tapper.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Most people are very content with the world they live in. Even the poor are often happy because what they have and what they think are equal. But the moment a person realizes that being poor limits them in many ways, they are no longer happy. They want other things; they wish to live on a better street; to know people who are doing well. In other words, they want to be (quote) "better off," as the saying goes.....


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  • Listen to episode 907 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Be the Master of Your Circumstances. Edited and adapted from The Freedom of Life by Annie Payson Call.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: IT is not the circumstances of life that trouble or weigh upon us. It is the way we take them. If a person is playing a difficult game of chess, the more intricate the moves, the more thoughtfully they look over their own and their opponent's pieces, and the more fully they are aroused to make the right move toward a checkmate.

    If, when the game became difficult, the player stopped to be depressed and disheartened, their opponent would probably always checkmate them. However, in most cases, the more difficult the game, the more....


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  • Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, an exclusive series for the patrons of the Inspirational Living podcast. This episode is edited and adapted from The Shining Gateway by James Allen, published in 1915.

    Podcast Excerpt: Every dog can bark and fight, and every foolish person can rail and abuse with hard words, and give way to fits of bad temper. These things are easy and natural to us, and require no effort and no strength. But the wise person puts away all such follies, and trains themselves in self-control — trains themselves to act unerringly from fixed principles, and not from the fleeting impulses of an unstable nature.


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  • Listen to episode 906 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Patience & Perseverance are Your Keys to Success. Edited and adapted from How to Get On in the World by Major A.R. Calhoun.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The soldier who begins the battle in doubt is half beaten in advance. The entrepreneur who loses heart after one failure is a fool to have even started. There is a great deal in good preparation, but there is a great deal more in heroic perseverance. The person who declines to make a start until everything they think they need is ready at hand is very apt to fail.

    The greatest things have been achieved by ...


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  • Listen to episode 905 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Getting Rid of Your Fear of Failure | Success Talks. Edited and adapted from Personal Power by Keith J. Thomas.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Life is a big thing, and your mind is a big thing. There ought to be nothing mean or small in your thoughts. Your imagination is bounded only by the measureless space of the universe. After all, you can comprehend the heavens stretching away to the uttermost bounds of the horizon, can’t you? You should, therefore, not confine your thoughts to the measure of small streets.


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  • Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, an exclusive series for the patrons of the Inspirational Living podcast. The Will to be Well by Charles Brodie Patterson, published in 1901.

    Podcast Excerpt: Day by day we are writing the record of life's journey. Day by day our minds are becoming filled with the pictures of life that are hourly occurring. Thoughts enter the mind and then seem to fade. But do they pass away? By no means. We have a great storehouse wherein all incidents (both great and small) are stored. They all go to ...


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  • Listen to episode 904 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Power of Focusing Your Attention. Edited and adapted from Stepping-Stones to Success by Horace D. Hitchcock, published in 1916.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The achievement of focusing the mind on one thing at a time involves not only the energy in striving to do that one thing, but also the ability to put aside other things to make a clear channel for the desired end.

    The power to focus attention has been the inseparable adjunct to all achievements in business, politics, art, literature, and science. Through this power, women and men of very ordinary ability have risen from poverty to great affluence.


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  • Listen to episode 903 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Getting Started On Your Road to Success. Edited and adapted from Ready Money by George H. Knox.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Are you disheartened? Are you afraid to make a start for fear that you will fail, and your subsequent condition be worse than your first? Such feelings are common to all successful women and men, for they have all had their misgivings at times.

    But every person has success within themselves, and to start is to win half the battle. A start toward usefulness is a start that no one has ever yet made in vain. Every person and every genius in all history started before they could actually do the thing. We learn by doing, and we learn in no other way.


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  • Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, an exclusive series for the patrons of the Inspirational Living podcast. Listen to the full series (ad free) by becoming a patron at: https://livinghour.org/patron

    Today's episode was edited and adapted from A New Philosophy of Life by John Herman Randall, published in 1911.

    Inspirational Podcast Transcript: The great seers, the great poets, the great prophets in every age, have simply been those more deeply conscious of their oneness with God, who have learned how to open their lives more fully to the incoming of the Divine Spirit than the average woman and man.....


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  • Listen to episode 902 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Mastering the Game of Life. Edited and adapted from C’mon Up by Franklin Fillmore Farrington.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Some people have called life a voyage, where we steer for a certain port. Some say it is a climb from the valleys of labor to some great mountain peak of rest. Others call it a journey down a sunlit road that now and then has a shadow. I do not disagree with any of this, but I call life a game. It is a wonderful game. And we all want to win, and we all may win.


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  • Listen to episode 901 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Benefits of Forgiveness | Inspiring Podcasts. Edited and adapted from Character Sketches for Boys and Girls by Henry Davenport Northrop.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Today, I would like to talk about forgiveness. There are people who say they have forgiven, but they have not forgotten. This really means that their forgiveness is incomplete; something is wanting in it; it is defective; it is not free and generous; it is lame and weak. In so far as an injury is not forgotten and entirely overlooked, it is not forgiven, and there is still resentment in your breast.

    Now, you are not required to forget the injury and blot it out entirely from your memory. You may recall it to mind, just as you do....


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  • Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks. Edited and adapted from The Call of the Upper Road by Kathrine Ross Logan, published in 1924.

    Inspirational Podcast Transcript: No road is forced upon you. You travel whatever road you are on because you willed to do so. Your will is yourself in action. Your will is your soul exercising self direction. Your will, your own free will, makes you responsible for whatever you choose, and holds you accountable all through life for that which you choose to do.

    Your will is a wonderful divine gift. You will yourself to be whatever you are. By exercising your will aright, you can accomplish great things, overcome great difficulties within and without. “All that life needs for life,” says Tennyson, “is possible to will.”


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  • Listen to episode 900 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Overcoming Hard Times | Inspirational Podcasts. Edited and adapted from Ready Money by George H. Knox.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Don't be overcautious. The person who never risks anything will never have anything. If you are working for someone, do more for them than they expect. That is the only way you can give satisfaction.

    Don't be shrewd. Don't try to look out for number one, and make little sharp deals. You may win in every one of them. You may get all the concessions you ask for, but in getting them you take on a handicap that is hard to overcome.


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  • Listen to episode 899 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Failure is Always the First Step. Edited and adapted from Ready Money by George H. Knox.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: It’s been said that most business owners fail. Even if this were true, it doesn't mean that they fail absolutely. It simply means that they failed to make a success of the business in which they started, and are now trying something else. A person should never consider themselves a failure so long as there is an opportunity or life to make one.

    When failing in any profession, the worst thing you can say is....


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  • Listen to episode 898 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Build a Happy Life. Edited and adapted from Life Lessons by Joseph Frank Thompson.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Let us make the most of our one chance, and not spoil it by any folly or cruelty. How pleasant it will be, as we draw near the goal, if we can look back and realize that though the way was very steep and rough for us in some places, and though it traversed at times a landscape that was all devoid of loveliness, yet, as we passed along, we scattered the seeds of tender words, and helpful deeds, that even now have grown into a carpet of greenery to soften the path for others, and a border of blossoms to cheer them with its beauty.


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  • Listen to episode 897 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Important Thoughts to Contemplate. Edited and adapted from Morning Thoughts for Every Day in the Year by JR Miller.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Remember that we are all both sowers and fields. Our words, our acts, our influence, as we touch other lives, become the seeds. This is true not only of the good things that our lives scatter, but also the bad. Each life of ours is a little patch of ground on which other sowers are forever dropping seeds. Every person we talk with, every friendship we cherish, every book we read, sows seeds which will grow and become the harvest of life.


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  • Listen to episode 896 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Character & Happiness | Self-Development Podcasts. Edited and adapted from Character and Happiness by Alvin Edwin Magary.

    Motivational Podcast Excerpt: If you and I are not changing ourselves constantly, we are not fulfilling the character of our potential. It is a persistent and destructive heresy to say that our characters are fixed by influences outside ourselves. The weak person excuses themselves by saying that this or that unfortunate characteristic comes naturally to them. But it is all the more a discredit to them, that being conscious of some particular natural tendency to bad conduct, they have not gained a victory over their primitive self.


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  • Listen to episode 895 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Recovering Your Happiness & Joy. Edited and adapted from The Joy that No Man Taketh from You by Lilian Whiting.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: It is true that many troubles are inevitable. They are a component part of life. Death is the universal human experience. Illness is largely so (in slight or serious degree). Misfortunes are, practically, universal, in some form or other. There can be no woman or man who is so great, or so good, or so distinguished, or so rich, or so fortunately placed in this world, who is not liable to almost any kind of misfortune.

    And yet.....


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