
  • When it comes to managing Cost of Goods Sold, it’s critical to have a strategy for tracking and reducing expenditures – which is why our Veterinary Care Logistics community always has lots of questions on the topic! It’s also why we’re all about COGS on this episode of Inventory Nation when Host Nicole Clausen shares her step-by-step approach to securing your clinic’s all-important bottom line. We’re looking at how to define your clinic’s operational profile and understand the best practices necessary to put your team on solid ground. It’s after that, says Nicole, that inventory managers can really start to dig deep and pinpoint why costs might be high, where adjustments to spending versus revenue can be made and how to bring your overall equation into perfect balance. Managing COGS isn’t just about trying to spend less! The Holy Grail of COGS combines both reducing expenditures and generating revenue for your entire veterinary clinic’s long-term bottom-line health. Get the overview of what factors determine your practice’s individual profile and which key performance indicators to track. Not for nothing, Nicole has been dubbed “the COGS Queen” by her admirers. Tune into this breakdown and you’ll know why – and be inspired to keep coming back for more!

    Don’t forget that June 5th is Inventory Manager Appreciation Day! Celebrate that person who keeps things humming along at your veterinary practice – even if it means celebrating yourself!

    Would you like to learn more about Inventory 911 Toolkit, our blueprint for helping inventory managers optimize knowledge, strategy and confidence? Click here!

    You can also join our virtual neighborhood for inventory managers and other veterinary professionals for free by visiting this link.


    Veterinary Care Logistics serves veterinarians and their teams who are frustrated that their current inventory system is not functioning correctly and are facing out of control inventory costs and improperly stocked hospitals. VCL helps veterinarians through inventory analysis, comprehensive step-by-step action plans, and thorough team member training. My clients experience great success and rave about my work because I roll up my sleeves and get dirty working with your hospital to improve your inventory as if it was my own hospital.


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  • How did our host, Nicole Clausen, come to be a thought leader for veterinary practices nationwide? On this episode of The Inventory Nation Podcast she shares with us her origin story and lessons learned on her professional journey from logistical overwhelm to veterinary clinic management mastery. We are learning about the “aha” moments and highly successful systems Nicole developed through trial and error, along with roadblocks we can all expect to encounter along the way. You’ll hear about Nicole’s Top 5 Inventory Gamechangers – practices that she initiated after hard-won lightbulb moments as an inventory management newbie. Don’t miss out on predictable speed bumps and things to remember as you take on this highly challenging – but equally rewarding – role. And remember: Your inventory management systems won’t be perfect right out of the gate. But you WILL reduce chaos and improve quality of life for everyone across your veterinary practice. So be kind to yourself, keep the faith and take notes from Nicole – someone who has been there and is ready to show you the way!

    Also: Big news! Our Inventory System Deep Dive now offers six hours of RACE-approved continuing education (plus earn a Certificate of Veterinary Inventory Fundamentals) and our Certified Veterinary Inventory Professional Program includes 34 hours of RACE-CE.


    “In those first days and weeks (in inventory management) I really struggled because I was brand new to the practice and 
 was truly coming into a blank slate where I had no idea what was going on.” (Nicole)“My brain works best when I have a full picture and I know all the information. I don’t really do well when I have to guess and hope for the best.” (Nicole)“Setting up re-order points was the first project that I tackled and it was the thing that moved the needle the most for me 
 even if I did have to make some iterations.” (Nicole)“The biggest benefit of setting up your inventory systems is just the level of clarity, confidence and predictability where we often have this low-level hum of chaos and uncertainty.” (Nicole)“As inventory managers we’re never going to be 100% perfect because there’s so many things out of our control. Supply issues. Back orders. We can try to anticipate, but we can’t predict everything.” (Nicole)“Remember that the reason we put all this time into setting up inventory systems is so that it’s easier, so that we spend less time and save money!” (Nicole)


    Veterinary Care Logistics serves veterinarians and their teams who are frustrated that their current inventory system is not functioning correctly and are facing out of control inventory costs and improperly stocked hospitals. VCL helps veterinarians through inventory analysis, comprehensive step-by-step action plans, and thorough team member training. My clients experience great success and rave about my work because I roll up my sleeves and get dirty working with your hospital to improve your inventory as if it was my own hospital.


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  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • What is it about “back to school” season? It just feels like a great time to start fresh! And if you’re a veterinary inventory manager, that probably means taking control of unnecessary guesswork – and stress! Nicole Clausen, host of The Inventory Nation Podcast, gets us started with a strategy for reliably managing reorder points. You’ll learn about tried-and-true methods for keeping your inventory operation running smoothly, with some help from things like reorder tags, bins, or shelf labels. Find out about simple – but game-changing – ways to establish best practices and preserve your peace of mind. Much of it comes down to what works best for your team’s culture and with the flow of your daily veterinary procedures. If you’re looking for a terrific step-by-step approach, consider trying Nicole’s Reorder Tag Magic. It’s an online course that walks you through how to implement various options, secure your team’s buy-in and ensure your system’s long-term success. (The course is only $9 and includes all kinds of videos, templates, and other amazing resources!) Managing the goods our practices consume and dispense is a never-ending job, but there are ways to ease that burden. Small measures make for big reasons to celebrate the support inventory managers provide their practice team and patients every single day!

    Are you up to date on everything Veterinary Care Logistics has to offer? Click here to learn about our 1:1 consulting and strategic services, online education, and certification options, and to keep up with Nicole’s upcoming programs!

    You can also join the Inventory Strategy Network – our free virtual neighborhood for inventory managers and other veterinary professionals – by visiting this link.

    Do you have any feedback or stories to share about what works (and doesn’t) in your practice? Nicole loves hearing from you, so please reach out to her @Instagram or via this email.


    “My only training as an inventory manager was: When you shake a bottle and it feels low, you order more. And I remember sitting there in the pharmacy and thinking, ‘But what does that actually mean?’ ” (Nicole)“Figuring out ways to know when we’re low (on medications or supplies) and how to order easily and quickly can be so, so helpful.” (Nicole)“We can’t run in-house lab work if we don’t have the proper equipment or supplies for that. So if we leave it up to our team to tell us when things are low, we’re playing somewhat of a dangerous game.” (Nicole)“Think about what your order flags look like now 
 not only for your most commonly used items but for those items where we might use them only every one or two months but that are super-critical to our practices.” (Nicole)“One of the things about inventory is that there’s never an endpoint ... It never stops. We always have to replenish. We’re always trying to make improvements and adjustments.” (Nicole)


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    There it is: The dreaded “payment due in full at time of service” sign at your front desk. For many pet owners it can make the difference between seeking treatment and walking away. Sad, uncomfortable conversations about the financial bottom line are a huge cause of burnout for care providers, but it doesn’t have to be that way! Our special guest on this episode of Inventory Nation is sharing a systematic approach to tailoring a clear, flexible financial strategy that fits your particular practice’s values and resources.

    Aimee St. Arnaud, practice owner and founder of Open Door Veterinary Collective, walks Host Nicole Clausen through a new way of tackling the realities of pet care costs and collaborating to create a win-win financially and emotionally. Her team offers both consultation and courses to help practices put in place practical tools to soften the biggest barrier to care. Clients and practices alike can benefit from Open Door’s step-by-step guidance around things like pay-over-time options that put the care pets need within the reach of clients on a budget.

    You’ll come away inspired to explore new online payment platforms, train team members to have frank (but supportive) conversations and put in place a plan that takes into consideration all the variables and modulates spectrum of care and pricing accordingly. It’s exciting stuff that can be transformational for practices struggling to find the balance between profitability and compassionate care in an inflationary world!

    Curious to know more about what the Open Door Veterinary Collective is all about? You can find out about all their resources and partnerships at this link.

    You can also join the Inventory Strategy Network – our free virtual neighborhood for inventory managers and other veterinary professionals – by visiting this link.


    “Telling clients that you can’t help them because they have no money is one of the leading causes of burnout in the vet profession.” (Aimee)“As many times as you have (the money conversation) it’s still heartbreaking. How can we build a bridge to make sure not only that patients are cared for but our teams feel cared for as well?” (Nicole)“Giving (clients) a wealth of options and resources to truly make it a collaboration feels very exciting to me because it’s not just a one-way conversation anymore.” (Nicole)“It takes less time to go over these plans with people and present this then it does to deal with when they can’t afford the care and they give a negative one-star review.” (Aimee)“As more practices try to do (pay-over-time) and it becomes the norm, it’s really going to help break this barrier to care.” (Aimee)


    Veterinary Care Logistics serves veterinarians and their teams who are frustrated that their current inventory system is not functioning correctly and are facing out of control inventory costs and improperly stocked hospitals. VCL helps veterinarians through inventory analysis, comprehensive step-by-step action plans, and thorough team member training. My clients experience great success and rave about my work because I roll up my sleeves and get dirty working with your hospital to improve your inventory as if it was my own hospital.


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  • On this jam-packed episode of Inventory Nation our Host Nicole Clausen is reminding us why we do what we do and how to answer that all-important question: Am I doing a good job? You’ll learn why it’s important to establish a baseline and how to put in place objective measures to assess the health and functionality of our inventory management systems. We don’t want to wear rose-colored glasses, for sure, but inventory managers also tend to be super-hard on themselves, which doesn’t help anyone! The goal is to acknowledge our impacts, celebrate the victories and put in place processes (like reorder tags or practice system software) that keep our practices running smoothly and profitably. Efficient inventory management pays real financial, practical and even emotional dividends for vets, technicians, support staff and – most of all – our patients! And if you’ve ever felt like you don’t quite know where you fit into your practice or the job seems thankless and overwhelming, we’ve got you! Nicole is sharing on this episode some wonderful affirmations that speak directly to inventory managers – the very specific challenges we face as well as the many reasons we have to recognize a job well done!

    Don’t miss our upcoming FREE July 18th webinar. It’s all about how to keep your practice management system accurate, including Nicole’s processes and tips to maximize your software and therefore your valuable time! To register, just click this link.

    You might also want to check out Vet Care Logistics’ new Reorder Tag Magic course. It’s your step-by-step guide to the process and lifetime access costs just $9. Learn more here.

    Finally, stay tuned for our upcoming multi-part series focused on all things COGS – Cost of Goods. You won’t want to miss it!

    Would you like to learn more about our Inventory 911 Toolkit, a step-by-step blueprint to help inventory managers optimize knowledge, strategy and confidence? Click here!


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  • Here’s a scenario you may have experienced (and stressed over): Your DVMs seem to want ALL the options on the shelves and right NOW! On this episode of Inventory Nation our host, Nicole Clausen, shares a systematic framework to help you navigate what’s already in stock, massage the flow of products and create ordering procedures to accommodate (but not over-provide for) the demands of your practice. For many care providers, an understandable (but unnecessary and unhelpful) scarcity mindset can overwhelm good planning. That’s where our job as analytical, well-informed inventory managers comes into play. We are able to explain the implications of carrying unpaid goods over long periods of time, the risks of expirations and tying up money that could better be used elsewhere. You’ll learn about steps to take and processes to put in place that will provide guardrails (and boundaries!) when you’re feeling pressured to make decisions that aren’t documented, data-backed or fully informed by the kinds of financial realities they don’t teach in vet school! If you’d like to learn more, Nicole offers an entire module to help inventory managers keep that delicate balance – between satisfying what the team wants with what the practice truly needs and can manage effectively – to the good of all, patients included!

    It’s not too late to nominate yourself or someone you want to honor for Inventory Manager of the Year 2023! Just visit this link to find out lots more about how to submit your candidate (self-nominations welcome!) for well-deserved recognition as well as great gifts courtesy of our sponsors, Epicur Pharma and VetCove, and unlimited access to all of Nicole’s classes!

    And stay tuned for Nicole’s upcoming July webinars, including content focused on keeping your inventory management system accurate and how to lower your COGs.

    Would you like to learn more about Inventory 911 Toolkit, our step-by-step blueprint to help inventory managers optimize knowledge, strategy, and confidence? Click here!

    You can also join the Inventory Strategy Network – our free virtual neighborhood for inventory managers and other veterinary professionals – by visiting this link.


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  • We’ve all experienced it – those unpredictable surges in demand that come out of nowhere and throw us totally off our game. On this episode of Inventory Nation, Host Nicole Clausen walks us through this unsettling scenario. More importantly, she’s giving us a methodical approach to figuring out why these spikes happen and how (with a little planning) we can stay ahead of the curve. Given how hard we work to keep our systems running smoothly and everything readily available for our teams – whenever and in whatever quantity they need – it can be very frustrating when a totally unforeseen, seemingly random run occurs. Suddenly a certain medication or critical supply has been completely depleted. The cupboard is bare. Talk about a stressful situation – one we all want to avoid! You’ll learn on this episode about three key questions to ask when navigating those big spikes and how to get buy-in from your team to help keep things on track. With just a little bit of detective work, some good communication and a flexible plan, your practice can adapt quickly and ride out the inevitable fluctuations in demand that can stress even the most organized and on-top-of-it inventory management systems. And remember: Grace is an important component of even the most “perfect” of office protocols and procedures. You can’t plan for everything, but you can at least learn some great strategies to help anticipate and manage through the storm!

    It’s here! Inventory Manager Appreciation Day is on June 7th, so take a moment to celebrate you and all you do for the community! Please also visit this link to find out lots more about nominations (including self-nominations, which are encouraged) for our Inventory Manager of the Year Award. There will be not only well-deserved recognition but also great gifts courtesy our sponsors, Epicur Pharma and VetCove, and unlimited access to all of Nicole’s classes!

    Have a funny story about a random demand surge that caught you off guard? Please share your experiences and top tips with Vet Care Logistics @Instagram, @Facebook or via our email.

    Would you like to learn more about Inventory 911 Toolkit, our step-by-step blueprint to help inventory managers optimize knowledge, strategy and confidence? Click here!

    You can also join the Inventory Strategy Network – our free virtual neighborhood for inventory managers and other veterinary professionals – by visiting this link.


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  • Do you have an inventory management hero? Or maybe you’re the unsung hero? This episode of Inventory Nation introduces something brand new from Vet Care Logistics: Inventory Manager Appreciation Day, which this year takes place on June 7th and will also mark the opening of nominations for Inventory Manager of the Year! So stay tuned for accolades as well as exciting gifts for our honorees! Host Nicole Clausen is also giving us the run-down on her Top Tips for keeping your inventory systems running smoothly (and accurately). You’ll learn about simple, but powerful ways in which to work more effectively with your team to enable, monitor, assess and backstop data related to ordering, tracking and sharing. The savings to your practice can be significant and it’s great for team morale since – to paraphrase the bestselling self-help author Brene Brown – clear is kind!

    Hope these 11 strategies for bundling, recording and selling inventory inspire you to up your data accuracy game and if you put any of Nicole’s tips into practice, please let us know! We’re always tweaking systems and community feedback is a big part of evolving the methodology!

    Don’t forget to visit Vet Care Logistics at this link for more information about upcoming events, like our new June 7th Inventory Manager Appreciation Day and award nominations!

    Would you like to learn more about Inventory 911 Toolkit, our step-by-step blueprint to help inventory managers optimize knowledge, strategy and confidence? Click here!

    You can also join the Inventory Strategy Network – our free virtual neighborhood for inventory managers and other veterinary professionals – by visiting this link.


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  • Overwhelmed? Confused? Sometimes even waking up at night with inventory anxiety? Nicole Clausen, host of the Inventory Nation Podcast, well remembers having exactly those feelings when she was just starting out – and wishing she had a comprehensive resource.

    That’s why she has created a new inventory ecosystem methodology – the program she wishes she’d had access to back in the day! This episode introduces the Inventory System Deep Dive, a lifetime playbook for you and your inventory. Engaging and fun, it’s a three-phased online program with evergreen resources, a community of support and all the tools you’ll need to bring real, sustainable order to your practice’s inventory.

    You’ll learn about how to set up software support, create management systems and put in place all the necessary guardrails to ensure smooth sailing through all kinds of inevitable growth, change and unexpected hurdles. The veterinary profession has been waiting for exactly this kind of foundational 101 course – and Nicole has set it up in a way that’s user-friendly, self-paced, affordable and accessible whenever you need it for as long as you need it.

    Most gratifying of all? You’ll come away with newfound confidence and the glow of camaraderie available to everyone who joins the unique network that is Veterinary Care Logistics.

    Ready to start sleeping like a baby? Click here to join the Inventory System Deep Dive, Nicole’s latest exclusive offering for the inventory management community. Enrollment is open with a special $200 discount available until registration closes at midnight on April 28th.

    You can also join the Inventory Strategy Network – our free virtual neighborhood for inventory managers and other veterinary professionals – by visiting this link.


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  • Time flies! On this special episode of Inventory Nation, Host Nicole Clausen is celebrating six years of serving her favorite people – us! When she started Veterinary Care Logistics in 2017, it was out of a strong desire to help the many inventory managers who feel overwhelmed or beaten down by their job descriptions. Having once been there herself, Nicole knows well the behaviors and assumptions that have been normalized when it comes to inventory managers and what their jobs entail. And she also knows how we can push back, creating systems and processes that benefit us and our entire practice! You’ll learn on this episode about nine of the biggest myths Nicole has encountered over her years of working with a huge variety of clients across the U.S. and beyond. She’s giving us permission to question business as usual and practical tips designed to set our practices up with protocols that work. If you’re feeling confused, lost, devalued or burdened by unrealistic expectations (your own as well as those imposed by others) then this episode will serve as an important reminder that you’re not alone. Far from it – and stay tuned! Because things can (and will) get better. You can join a community of inventory managers who feel mastery on the job and peace of mind – even on their days off!

    Ready to get optimized? Don’t miss Nicole’s latest FREE workshop, available here! This three-day class (April 18-20) will teach you how to effortlessly craft an inventory action plan, including helpful insights into how to consolidate orders and navigate everything from new vendors to shipping costs. We’ll be teaming up, winning prizes and having lots of fun!

    Would you like to learn more about Inventory 911 Toolkit, our step-by-step blueprint to help inventory managers optimize knowledge, strategy and confidence? Click here!

    You can also join the Inventory Strategy Network – our free virtual neighborhood for inventory managers and other veterinary professionals – by visiting this link.


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  • Change is never easy and – especially in a fast-paced clinic environment where so many variables pop up every single day – it can even be destabilizing. That’s why Host Nicole Clausen is devoting this episode of The Inventory Nation Podcast to Five Simple Steps to reduce the fear factor when it comes to adopting new systems or processes.

    She walks us through practical approaches that will smooth transitions and promote buy-in from team members all along the way. So grab a notepad and hear how you can take the guesswork out of implementing change with some basic strategies (like clear communications, training and positive reinforcement). It’s all about setting your practice up for seamless, successful adoption over the long haul.

    And you might even find your team getting excited because – when executed properly – new SOPs, methods and platforms improve everyone’s quality of life! “As people who are leading, changing and growing our practices, we have the opportunity to do better than what we had or were given in the past,” says Nicole. And how cool is that?

    Ready to build confidence and fast-track change at your clinic? Join Nicole for her free three-day workshop series from April 18th-20th, My Roadmap for Effortlessly Crafting an Inventory Action Plan. Grab your complimentary seat now at this link!

    You can also join our virtual neighborhood for inventory managers and other veterinary professionals for free by visiting this link.


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  • An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Penny-wise and pound-foolish. Either of these adages apply perfectly to the topic at hand on this episode of Inventory Nation. Dr. Lauren Forsythe – a controlled substances expert and Pharmacy Service Head at the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital – highlights for Host Nicole Clausen how risk mitigation can prevent costly regulatory compliance issues before they start. Their conversation focuses on why it’s important to establish dispensary protocols as well as concrete strategies to get the job done at your particular practice. You’ll learn about common mistakes and how to get around the reflexively fearful response many of us have when it comes to taking on the management of controlled substances.

    Ready to fall in love with your inventory? Check out Nicole’s new (and totally free) mini-course at this link. And stay tuned for more fun mini-courses and events upcoming this spring!

    Would you like to learn more about Inventory 911 Toolkit, our step-by-step blueprint to help inventory managers optimize knowledge, strategy and confidence? Click here!

    You can also join our virtual neighborhood for inventory managers and other veterinary professionals for free by visiting this link. Or follow what we’re up to @Instagram.


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  • Help! Have you ever gone from feeling in total command of your inventory to 
 what?? The wheels suddenly seem to have come off the bus, thanks to an unexpected rush or a crush of back orders. Don’t worry! Host Nicole Clausen has your back and is devoting this episode of The Inventory Nation Podcast to managing through – practically and emotionally – when things start to fall apart. And, by the way, inventory snafus happen to everyone – so no beating yourself up! You’ll come away from this show with three Top Tips for getting through the bumps, plus bonus ideas sure to make you feel less alone. The biggest takeaway? Don’t be afraid of vulnerability (with thanks to BrenĂ© Brown)! Creating inventory systems can be a thankless job fraught with inevitable mistakes, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t doing a fantastic job. This episode provides you tools to perform a reality check when it feels like the rock is rolling back down the hill! In addition to mindset coaching, Nicole is sharing other ideas for self-care that will help you navigate on even the toughest days. Taking on the task of managing operations and supplies for your practice is huge. You are, in the words of Theodore Roosevelt, “daring greatly.” So stand proud and try some of these strategies for keeping yourself together in the face of whatever challenge. Finally, remember: Things always change and the inroads you’re making are no doubt appreciated even more than you realize!

    Ready to fall in love with your inventory? Check out Nicole’s new (and totally free) mini-course at this link. And stay tuned for more fun mini-courses and events upcoming this spring!

    Would you like to learn more about Inventory 911 Toolkit, our step-by-step blueprint to help inventory managers optimize knowledge, strategy and confidence? Click here!

    You can also join our virtual neighborhood for inventory managers and other veterinary professionals for free by visiting this link. Or follow what we’re up to @Instagram.


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  • Ever wondered how to showcase the value you bring as an inventory manager? Or wanted to truly shine during a salary negotiation or on your latest resume? Host Nicole Clausen devotes this episode of The Inventory Nation Podcast to giving you strategies to demonstrate – in very concrete ways – the huge benefits this work bring to to veterinary practices. And there’s nothing squishy about it since metrics are of course at the heart of great inventory management! You’ll learn how to quantify clearly for clinic owners (or perhaps prospective employers in other industries) the impacts you make in reducing expenses, saving time and boosting efficiencies throughout the operation. To put it another way: If you’re saving a $1.5 million practice just 2% annually on cost of goods, that represents a savings of $30,000. Add in all the other reductions in waste, inefficiency and over-stocking and a skilled inventory manager’s impacts to the business’s bottom line are easily in the tens of thousands of dollars. In fact, what you’re running is a business within a business! So, Nicole reminds us, never doubt the valuable role you’re playing and skill set you bring! Whether you’re negotiating a raise or looking to move into an entirely different line of work, the ROI you represent is demonstrable and real!

    In the mood for love? Nicole has just released a new five-day minicourse – Falling in Love with Your Inventory – that you can find for free at this link.

    Would you like to learn more about Inventory 911 Toolkit, our step-by-step blueprint to help inventory managers optimize knowledge, strategy and confidence? Click here!

    You can also join the Inventory Strategy Network – our free virtual neighborhood for inventory managers and other veterinary professionals – by visiting this link.


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    Passion is at the heart of every great romance and it’s no different went it comes to Host Nicole Clausen’s ongoing affair with all things inventory management! This episode of The Inventory Nation Podcast offers you a front-row seat on what it feels like to Fall In Love With Your Inventory! Returning with her first podcast of 2023 (and since the loss of her beloved Tank), Nicole jumps right into the nuts and bolts of putting systems in place – not just in order to get a handle on things like ordering, pricing and performance indicators but also to make life more pleasant and manageable for everyone on your team. Even on the best of days our practices can be swamped by all kinds of variables, so why not put in place SOPs that are about more than show? Nicole is spelling out the components of a healthy inventory ecosystem and how they all work together to ease everyday operational flow. You’ll also hear about Emma and the real-world results she reaped after taking control of her multi-practice inventory management system. With a little help from Nicole and her toolkit, Emma discovered how to make her multiple vet practices hum – and in the process of doing so also uncovered the fact that this kind of work – spreadsheets and all – is actually in her zone of genius! Maybe it’s in yours, too?

    Ready to Fall In Love With Your Inventory? Click here to find out all about Nicole’s upcoming free five-day mini-course, a proven process for taking back control of your inventory – without adding a million things to your to-do list!

    And if you would like to learn more about Inventory 911 Toolkit, the systematic roadmap developed by Veterinary Care Logistics to help inventory managers optimize knowledge, strategy and confidence, click here!

    You can also join our virtual neighborhood for inventory managers and other veterinary professionals for free by visiting this link.


    Website for Cornerstone Veterinary Software.Veterinary Care Logistics: @InstagramVeterinary Care Logistics: Certified Veterinary Inventory Professional ProgramVeterinary Care Logistics: Consulting Services


    Veterinary Care Logistics serves veterinarians and their teams who are frustrated that their current inventory system is not functioning correctly and are facing out of control inventory costs and improperly stocked hospitals. VCL helps veterinarians through inventory analysis, comprehensive step-by-step action plans, and thorough team member training. My clients experience great success and rave about my work because I roll up my sleeves and get dirty working with your hospital to improve your inventory as if it was my own hospital.


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  • Rock star inventory managers are made – not born! That’s the message from Host Nicole Clausen, who on this episode of The Inventory Nation Podcast shares the personal story of her vision for an independent vet consulting business and how she made it happen. All the transformational tools and strategies she offers clinics around the country didn’t materialize overnight. As Nicole describes (starting with Part I of this two-part series), her journey included figuring out her niche, claiming and flying her own flag proudly, trial, error and lots of good humor.

    Follow along (and send Nicole a DM) on Instagram: www.instagram.com/veterinarycarelogistics

    Join the FREE Veterinary Inventory Strategy Network: www.veterinaryisn.com

    Learn more about practice management system software training sessions or remote consulting: www.vetlogic.co/consulting


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  • On this episode of Inventory Nation we’re invited to join Host Nicole Clausen for an intimate look at her journey from a childhood passion for marine biology and furry animals to the happy accident that brought her into the world of veterinary medicine. It’s a community she has loved for all kinds of reasons right from the start, but it was her introduction to the “puzzle” that is inventory management that brought together all the things at which Nicole excels: Building relationships, figuring out systems, providing support and sharing a wealth of strategies for making your practice’s inventory a thing of beauty!

    For show notes, podcast information, and more, check out: www.vetlogic.co/podcast


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  • We all know controlled substances are to be handled with care, but Host Nicole Clausen’s guest on this episode of Inventory Nation drives home just how critical it is to mitigate risk – before a breach of compliance occurs! Jack Teitelman, a 26-year veteran of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), has seen first-hand the fall-out for veterinary registrants who fail to put adequate systems in place and it’s not pretty. Your program doesn’t have to be perfect, but it must demonstrate seriousness of intent and consistency.

    Feeling fully compliant and ready to face the DEA? If not, you might want to take a short risk assessment quiz to determine whether a discovery call is in order! You can find the link here.

    Would you like to learn more about Inventory 911 Toolkit, our step-by-step blueprint to help inventory managers optimize knowledge, strategy and confidence? Click here!

    You can also join our virtual neighborhood for inventory managers and other veterinary professionals for free by visiting this link.


    Veterinary Care Logistics serves veterinarians and their teams who are frustrated that their current inventory system is not functioning correctly and are facing out of control inventory costs and improperly stocked hospitals. VCL helps veterinarians through inventory analysis, comprehensive step-by-step action plans, and thorough team member training. My clients experience great success and rave about my work because I roll up my sleeves and get dirty working with your hospital to improve your inventory as if it was my own hospital.


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  • On this episode of The Inventory Nation Podcast we’re learning about how to take a strategic look at everything on our ledgers, from COGs to employee expenses to the shortfalls too many practices experience as a result of underpricing common procedures like basic exams. Host Nicole Clausen asks Lindsey to share thoughts on how practices can keep competitive with online pharmacies and which reports and other data to generate, follow and track – not once in a blue moon but on a regular basis!

    For show notes, podcast information, and more, check out: www.vetlogic.co/podcast


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  • On this episode of The Inventory Nation Podcast we hear first-hand from Host Nicole Clausen’s very happy guest how she established a practice that feels liberating, nourishing and reflective of her values. Dr. Eve Harrison runs a Los Angeles-based Concierge Vet practice that enables her to give the highest level of care to the clients who are the best fit at a wage that feels like fair compensation. She shares her journey from burnout and frustration to self-empowerment through boundaries and envisioning abundance.

    Learn more about House Call Vet Academy, an online course that teaches how to get a mobile vet practice up and running without falling into the many pitfalls Eve has experienced. Dr. Eve Harrison's website. Book a free discovery call with Eve by clicking here.


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