
  • Full playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiWrxSBgXI98_3Cf4wYbpZMkpwTzO45AN



    Spiritual Check-Up Video Series - Video 23

    Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

    Date: August 21st, 2020

    Youtube: https://youtube.com/islamicentre

    Podcasts: https://anchor.fm/islamicentre

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/IslamiCentre.org

    Website: https://islamicentre.org




  • - Summarizing the event of Mubahala and it's importance

    - Observing the example of propogation through logic and rational arguments, in the Prophets discussions with the Christians of Najran

    - This debunks the propoganda that Islam is based on force, violence, and coersion

    - Mubahala shows the distinct position of the Ahlul Bayt in Islam in regards to the Ummah

    - Discussing the in-depth meanings behind the Prophet choosing to bring only his family to Mubahala; no more people, and no less

    - The symbolic meaning behind even the walking order of the Prophet and his family

    - The fact that the Prophet himself uses the Ahlul Bayt as his partners in dua for Mubahala, is a direct and clear proof to those who have an issue with Muslims including the Prophet and Ahlul Bayt as wasila in dua



    Eid-e-Mubahila 1441

    Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

    Date: August 14th, 2020

    Youtube: https://youtube.com/islamicentre

    Podcasts: https://anchor.fm/islamicentre

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/IslamiCentre.org

    Website: https://islamicentre.org




  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • - A brief look at the Prophet's life would dispel stereotypes of Islam spreading by the sword and violence

    - An overview of the battles he was involved in, and how they were caused by external forces, never initiated

    - Records of his correspondences to surrounding rulers calling them to Islam through diplomatic means

    - Narrating events and debate that took place with the Christians of Najran as a result of one of these letters

    - After a deadlocked debate, a Mubahala (malediction) was agreed upon

    - Narrating what happened at this event

    - Discussing Islamic history and the expansion of the Muslim empire, separating it from the expansion of the Muslim faith

    - The event of Mubahala highlights the importance of the Ahlul Bayt, as they were the only ones the Prophet brought with him



    Friday Message

    Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

    Date: August 14th, 2020

    Youtube: https://youtube.com/islamicentre

    Podcasts: https://anchor.fm/islamicentre

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/IslamiCentre.org

    Website: https://islamicentre.org




  • Eid Ghadir Special Program - 1441

    - Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

    - Sheikh Jaffer H Jaffer

    - Maulana Syed Saghir Hussain Shah

    - Sheikh Azhar Nasser

    Date: August 9th, 2020

    MP3: https://s3.amazonaws.com/JCC/Wiladat/Eid al-Ghadir1441_Aug-8-20.mp3

    Youtube: https://youtube.com/islamicentre

    Podcasts: https://anchor.fm/islamicentre

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/IslamiCentre.org

    Website: https://islamicentre.org

  • - Acknowledging the tragic explosion in Beirut, Lebanon, and the countless killed, injured, and displaced

    - Reviewing initial news which mentions gross mismanagement that led to the accident at the port

    - Linking this to the common theme of mismanagement and corruption across many Muslim nations, and the severe impacts it has

    - The need for all people to circle back to the teachings of the Prophet, and his example of leadership

    - Following the footsteps of his successor, Ali, and his exemplary leadership for the people

    - The importance of the day of Ghadir

    - The event that took place with the Prophet and Ali, and the different ways its interpreted

    - Discussing the context of this event, and how only one explanation makes sense given the time, place, and events that took place

    - Narrating a poem by a companion of the Prophet, regarding Ghadir



    Friday Message

    Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

    Date: August 7th, 2020

    Youtube: https://youtube.com/islamicentre

    Podcasts: https://anchor.fm/islamicentre

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/IslamiCentre.org

    Website: https://islamicentre.org




  • - This eid of sacrifice is the eid related to the life of Prophet Ibrāhīm and his son Ismā‘īl; and it is linked to the annual ḥajj ceremony. So let us look at the main message of hajj and eidul adhaa

    - Islam is a world religion. Yes, it started in Arabia through an Arab prophet but its message, from day one, has been universal, for all people

    - The Prophet sent emissaries to invite the neighbouring nations towards Islam: from Minor Asia and Persia, to Yemen and Ethiopia

    - The Qur’ãn clearly says in 49:13 that there is no preference in Islam for race, color or language

    - This concept of equality of believers in the eyes of Allāh was not left by the Prophet at the level of theory only. 

    - This is physically re-enforced in daily jamã‘at prayer where there are no reserved seats. It is re-enforced more broadly in weekly Friday congregations

    - However, the most visible and powerful manifestation of this equality is in hajj where people gather from all over the world

    - A narration of the Prophet in the last khutba after the hajj

    - May Allãh give us the courage to continue spreading this message in our words and interaction with others.

    - A haji is expected to come back from hajj with a colour-blind view towards other Muslims.

    - Iḥrãm: it is not actually a dress of any nation in the world – this physically removes all distinctions from pilgrims.

    - Read what Malcom X says in his autobiography about his transformation in hajj from an anti-white person to a color-blind Muslim

    - It was relevant at that time and it is also relevant during our time not only in the Western societies 

    – Especially in the USA and how police treat the Afro-Americans, but also among the Muslim and Shi‘a communities. 

    - The young generation must take the bull by the horns and remove the colonial mentality of treating others as inferior, even if it means going against the older generations.

    - The first priority in preparing the community for the zuhūr of the Imam al-Mahdi (aj) is to get rid of this jāhiliyyah mentality of racism by putting someone down just because of his ethnicity

    - You are a Shi‘a Muslim first before you are an Iraqi or Irani or Afghani or Punjabi or Muhajir or Indian or Gujarati or Kathchi or Canadian or American. 



    Eid ul Adha 1441

    Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

    Date: July 31st, 2020

    Youtube: https://youtube.com/islamicentre

    Podcasts: https://anchor.fm/islamicentre

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/IslamiCentre.org

    Website: https://islamicentre.org




  • - Contemplating upon the phrase 'Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty', and the true meaning behind it

    - What is the concept of beauty according to Islam?

    - How does it apply to the universe, earth, and skies?

    - Most importantly,how does it apply to us, humankind?

    - 12 attributes of beauty within a positive character

    - How to find beauty within our hearts

    - The 'litmus test' of whether we have a good heart or not

    Full playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiWrxSBgXI98_3Cf4wYbpZMkpwTzO45AN



    Spiritual Check-Up Video Series - Video 22

    Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

    Date: July 24th, 2020

    Youtube: https://youtube.com/islamicentre

    Podcasts: https://anchor.fm/islamicentre

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/IslamiCentre.org

    Website: https://islamicentre.org




  • - Two Imams are popularly known as the 'two truthful ones', referring to the 5th and 6th Imams

    - Discussing the Shi'a preference of seeking only the most authentic and direct links to the Prophet

    - While others go through companions, we find connections through the Ahlul Bayt

    - They inherited oral narrations, as well as written documents from their ancestors

    - One documentwith Imam Muhammad al-Baqir was the "Kitab 'Ali", which he had shown to some of his companions

    - Narrating from Zurarah bin A'yun, who was shown this volume, and the interactions he had with the 5th and 6th Imams regarding it

    - Discussing how these kinds of documents reached the 5th Imam through generations



    Shahadat of 5th Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.)

    Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

    Date: July 28th, 2020

    Youtube: https://youtube.com/islamicentre

    Podcasts: https://anchor.fm/islamicentre

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/IslamiCentre.org

    Website: https://islamicentre.org




  • - What exactly does it mean to 'be Muslim'?

    - How do we define Islam?

    - The differences between a Muslim and a Mu'min

    - Narrating specific sayings of the Prophet on this matter

    - 5 qualities of a true Muslim

    - The foundation of everything, in the words of the Prophet



    Friday Message

    Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

    Date: July 17th, 2020

    Youtube: https://youtube.com/islamicentre

    Podcasts: https://anchor.fm/islamicentre

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/IslamiCentre.org

    Website: https://islamicentre.org




  • - Visiting sayings and examples from the life of the 8th Imam

    - They all touch upon diversity among God's creations, and how they're a reflection of God's power and glory, not a negative attribute to cause conflict

    - Examples and stories of the Imam's compassionate and just treatment of others, especially those who are wrongly looked down upon in society

    - Reflecting on the important message of treating others fairly and with kindness, especially minorities

    - The state of non-Muslim minorities under Muslim rulers

    - The opposite scenario today, and the current state of minorities in many Muslim-ruled nations

    - Canada Day celebrations, and looking at the meaning behind the creation of Canada

    - The original inhabitants of this land, the Aboriginal people, and how they were also a persecuted minority under a newly formed nation

    - A call for us to reflect on this and many other injustices, and to strive to follow the example of the 8th Imam



    Friday Message

    Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

    Date: July 3rd, 2020

    Youtube: https://youtube.com/islamicentre

    Podcasts: https://anchor.fm/islamicentre

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/IslamiCentre.org

    Website: https://islamicentre.org




  • - After Imam Ali and Imam Jafar as-Sadiq, the 8th Imam Ali Ridha had the most scholarly interactions, especially through travels

    - His qualities were visible to people the more they interacted with him, especially through his scholarly debates and question/answers

    - One of his hadith which talk about the signs of a wise person, and how the intellect is not complete without 10 specific qualities

    - What is intellect?

    - The two categories of aql, how they're defined, and what their qualities are

    - Going through the 10 qualities required for intellect, and looking at them in-depth



    Wiladat of the 8th Imam Ali ar-Ridha (a.s.)

    Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

    Date: July 3rd, 2020

    Youtube: https://youtube.com/islamicentre

    Podcasts: https://anchor.fm/islamicentre

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/IslamiCentre.org

    Website: https://islamicentre.org




  • Closed Captioning available

    - Gradual reopenings of places of worship at this stage of the COVID-19 pandemic

    - This raises the question of congregational prayers (Jamat salat)

    - Can we pray together during physical distancing restrictions?

    - Are jamat distance rulings exempt during this time?

    - What is the essence of ibadat?

    - Why can't we pray more or less rakats when we would like to, or pray full when travelling if we are able and willing?

    - Relating the story of the interaction between God and Iblis, when Adam was created

    - Another relevant story of the Prophet, when he was travelling and demonstrated specific rulings for specific situations

    - The need to expand our perspective and realize why certain rulings exist

    - A call to remember what is most important, and to listen carefully to the instructions of mosque volunteers when centres do gradually re-open

    Full playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiWrxSBgXI98_3Cf4wYbpZMkpwTzO45AN



    Spiritual Check-Up Video Series - Video 21

    Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

    Date: July 10th, 2020

    Youtube: https://youtube.com/islamicentre

    Podcasts: https://anchor.fm/islamicentre

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/IslamiCentre.org

    Website: https://islamicentre.org




  • - What is Islam's view on historical monuments of the past?

    - Two viewpoints on these sites, depending on their attributes

    - The Qur'ans statements regarding monuments, and their purpose from an individuals perspective

    - Touching upon the example of Prophet Musa, the Pharaoh of the time, and his (Fir'awns) lasting lesson as per the promise of Allah

    - Explaining the lessons we can learn from nations of the past, and to try to avoid making the same mistakes

    - Monuments and statues today, which we see being taken down in America due to their slavery history or unjust past

    - Looking at alternative actions aside from destroying or breaking down these statues

    - What should be done for schools, stadiums, military bases, academic institutions, or regions which are named after controversial historical figures

    Full playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiWrxSBgXI98_3Cf4wYbpZMkpwTzO45AN



    Spiritual Check-Up Video Series - Video 20

    Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

    Date: June 26th, 2020

    Youtube: https://youtube.com/islamicentre

    Podcasts: https://anchor.fm/islamicentre

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/IslamiCentre.org

    Website: https://islamicentre.org




  • - The 6th Imam's role in promoting the commemmoration of Imam Husayn and his sacrifice in Karbala

    - Discussing the origins of the aza of Hussain, and how it came about

    - The 3 levels that Imam as-Sadiq implemented to cement this tradition

    - Narrating various sayings and events related to this topic



    Thursday Night Majlis

    Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

    Date: June 18th, 2020

    Youtube: https://youtube.com/islamicentre

    Podcasts: https://anchor.fm/islamicentre

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/IslamiCentre.org

    Website: https://islamicentre.org




  • - The differentiation between humans is a point to be celebrated, not suppressed

    - It is a considered a sign of God's glory and power

    - Problems only begin when race, language, or ethnicity are used to consider one group superior over another

    - Discussing the true criteria against which we should measure people

    - Highlighted the issue of false superiority in the story of Adam's creation

    - Can multiculturalism lead to racism?

    - Does feeling pride for your culture or group mean you are racist?

    - The criteria of unjust favoritism according to the 4th Imam

    - Double standards of racism in todays society and in our communities

    - The importance of combatting false pride, and old prejudices

    - A dua from the 4th Imam to fight internal arrogance and false pride

    Full playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiWrxSBgXI98_3Cf4wYbpZMkpwTzO45AN



    Spiritual Check-Up Video Series - Video 19.5

    Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

    Date: June 19th, 2020

    Youtube: https://youtube.com/islamicentre

    Podcasts: https://anchor.fm/islamicentre

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/IslamiCentre.org

    Website: https://islamicentre.org




  • - The preference of both God and mankind to have variety in many aspects of life

    - Demonstrated through various verses of the Qur'an, and how many objects and beings were created differently

    - Similarly, differences in human beings when it comes to color, race, language, attributes, etc

    - The importance of celebrating and protecting these differences, not trying to suppress them

    - A reminder to never consider one group superior over another, especially due to false standards of color, wealth, status, religion, language, etc

    - Narrating a relevant story of Salman, some companions, and the Prophet

    Full playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiWrxSBgXI98_3Cf4wYbpZMkpwTzO45AN



    Spiritual Check-Up Video Series - Video 19

    Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

    Date: June 12th, 2020

    Youtube: https://youtube.com/islamicentre

    Podcasts: https://anchor.fm/islamicentre

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/IslamiCentre.org

    Website: https://islamicentre.org




  • - Touching upon recent events in USA, and the killing of George Floyd at the hands of a white police officer

    - The strong reactions of various communities and individuals against the consistent police brutality over many years

    - Measuring the true worth of a nation according to Islam, relating to its treatment of citizens

    - Quoting Imam Ali in his epistle to Malik Ashtar

    - Islam's view and action on racism

    - The Prophets example during his time, and his struggle to fight existing prejudices

    - The story of Bilal, a black ex-slave

    - Islam and modern society today, and where it has come

    - Touching upon Malcolm X's observations of Islam and it's ideology of equality

    - The Ahlul Bayt's action and propogation of racial harmony

    - What the Shi'a community needs to do to continue this work



    Thursday Night Majlis

    Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

    Date: June 4th, 2020

    Youtube: https://youtube.com/islamicentre

    Podcasts: https://anchor.fm/islamicentre

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/IslamiCentre.org

    Website: https://islamicentre.org




  • Closed Captions available.

    - Physical distancing has prevented families and friends from meeting each other, despite wanting to do so

    - This especially impacts the elderly

    - A couple examples of news stories where this precaution was evident

    - Personal examples of Eid day and how it was spent differently compared to usual life, with family

    - This is a reminder of some passages of the Qur'an, narrating what will happen on Judgement day, and how each person will be alone in their own situation

    - A narration of Imam Ali, explaining what will happen on a persons last day on this Earth

    Full playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiWrxSBgXI98_3Cf4wYbpZMkpwTzO45AN



    Spiritual Check-Up Video Series - Video 18

    Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

    Date: June 5th, 2020

    Youtube: https://youtube.com/islamicentre

    Podcasts: https://anchor.fm/islamicentre

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/IslamiCentre.org

    Website: https://islamicentre.org




  • - Remarking upon the unique nature of this Ramadhan and Eid, with virtual programs due to COVID-19

    - The ingenuity and wisdom of mankind bestowed upon us by Allah, allowing us to create the means and technology to adapt and overcome challenges such as communication

    - Touching upon various verses related to this concept

    - A reflection of where humankind has gone astray, and why we should seek God's forgiveness

    - Natural calamities such as coronavirus, compared to the larger calamities that humans have inflicted upon ourselves, especially when it comes to Muslims killing Muslims

    - The silver lining of how disasters bring out the best in people, and how selflessly individuals and groups take care of others

    - A special thanks to volunteers who run programs online, provide iftar for people who need support, and much more

    - A related Qur'anic verse talking about efforts done with sincerity, and how Allah will not let them go unnoticed in His eyes

    - The change in the home environment due to Coronavirus isolation, and the patience required when staying with family for long extended periods of time



    Eid-ul-Fitr 1441

    Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

    Date: May 24th, 2020

    Youtube: https://youtube.com/islamicentre

    Podcasts: https://anchor.fm/islamicentre

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/IslamiCentre.org

    Website: https://islamicentre.org




  • - Now that Ramadhan is over, how do we carry the spiritual development throughout the rest of the year?

    - 3 aspects that we can work on to enhance our level of Taqwa on an ongoing basis

    - The effectiveness of fasting as a tool to strengthen our willpower and taqwa

    - Recommended fasts for every month of the year, as well as specific days throughout the calendar where it is recommended to fast

    - Maintaining social awareness to help others, not only with basic needs, but mental health, relationships, etc

    - Keeping the connection with the Qur'an in our forefront of our minds

    - A related statement by Imam Ali in his will regarding the importance of following the Qur'an in our lives

    - Discussing how Allah talks directly to us in the Qur'an in various ways

    Full playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiWrxSBgXI98_3Cf4wYbpZMkpwTzO45AN



    Spiritual Check-Up Video Series - Video 17

    Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

    Date: May 29th, 2020

    Youtube: https://youtube.com/islamicentre

    Podcasts: https://anchor.fm/islamicentre

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/IslamiCentre.org

    Website: https://islamicentre.org


