
  • We kick off the discussion by addressing a common issue faced by many MSP owners: the lack of growth. Brian and I agree that often, the first step to resolving this issue is self-reflection. Brian highlights the importance of looking in the mirror and recognising that the current state of your business is a direct result of your actions and decisions. This concept might be tough to accept, but it’s a crucial step towards meaningful change.

    One of the main obstacles MSP owners face, is imposter syndrome. Brian points out that many MSP owners start as techies and suddenly find themselves running a business without the necessary experience or confidence. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and uncertainty. Brian emphasises the importance of overcoming these feelings by seeking outside help and surrounding yourself with experts who can provide the guidance needed to grow the business.

    A recurring theme in our conversation is the need for a business operating system. Brian shares how implementing a structured system in his MSP brought clarity and freedom. By having a clear framework for annual and quarterly planning, running meetings, and setting priorities, MSP owners can reduce chaos and focus on what truly matters. This structure is vital for building a scalable business and ensuring that every team member is aligned with the company’s goals.

    Prioritisation is another key topic we discuss. With so many aspects to manage in an MSP, from sales and marketing to client management and team building, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Brian advises breaking down large plans into smaller, manageable tasks. By focusing on a few key objectives each quarter, MSP owners can make significant progress without getting bogged down by trying to do too much at once.

    The value of peer groups and coaching also comes up in our discussion. Brian shares his personal experience of joining a peer group, which he describes as a game changer. Being part of a community of MSP owners who are facing similar challenges provides not only support but also accountability. This sense of camaraderie and shared learning can be instrumental in driving your MSP forward. Additionally, Brian talks about the transformative impact of having a coach. A coach can offer personalised guidance, help you identify blind spots, and keep you focused on your goals. Brian himself continues to work with a coach to this day, highlighting the ongoing value of this support.

    We also touch on the importance of personal development in business growth. Brian and I agree that to grow your MSP, you need to grow as a leader. This involves asking yourself deep questions about your skills, your comfort zones, and the areas where you need to improve. By focusing on personal development, you can become the leader your business needs to thrive.

    If you want to keep the conversation going with Brian Hoppe, feel free to connect with him through his LinkedIn HERE

    You can also visit his website by clicking HERE

    Connect on LinkedIn HERE with Ian and also with Stuart by clicking this LINK

    And when you’re ready to take the next step in growing your MSP, come and take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. In just three minutes, you’ll get a 360-degree scan of your MSP and identify the one or two tactics that could help you find more time, engage & align your people and generate more leads.


    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 400 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!  

  • Fiona has spent over 25 years in the IT industry, with 16 of those years dedicated to running a successful sales training company. Two years ago, she took a step back from the industry, driven by personal milestones and a desire for change. Her son leaving for university provided her with a quiet house and a moment to reflect on her life and career. She realised that she was bored and needed to find a new passion. This led her to immerse herself in the world of entrepreneurship, working extensively with female entrepreneurs outside the MSP industry. This break rejuvenated her and equipped her with fresh perspectives and strategies that she now brings back to the MSP community.

    During our conversation, Fiona and I discussed the importance of getting back into the flow of your business. Flow, as Fiona describes, is about doing what you love and what energises you. It’s crucial for MSP owners to identify their strengths and passions to stay motivated and productive. Fiona emphasises the need to align your business with your personal values and strengths. She suggests using tools like the Gallup StrengthsFinder and the VIA Character Strengths Test to understand what puts you in your flow. For Fiona, speaking and engaging with people is her flow, whereas technical tasks and social media posts are not.

    We also talked about the importance of giving yourself permission to pivot and course-correct in your business. If you find yourself stuck or unfulfilled, it’s essential to reassess and make changes that align with your passions and lifestyle goals. Fiona shared that even if it means stepping back from certain roles or delegating tasks, it’s vital to ensure you’re doing what you enjoy. This not only brings back your energy but also positively impacts your business’s success.

    Mindset plays a significant role in an MSP owner's journey. Fiona highlights the need to overcome limiting beliefs that can hold you back. These beliefs often stem from past experiences and can manifest as thoughts like “I’m not worthy” or “I’m not enough.” Recognising and reprogramming these beliefs is crucial. Fiona suggests that awareness is the first step – identifying when these beliefs come up, especially during stressful or challenging times. By shifting your mindset to focus on possibilities and potential, you can break through these barriers and unlock new levels of growth and success.

    Fear is another major factor that can block success. Fiona advises MSP owners to not let fear drive their business decisions. Instead, they should focus on what they desire and align themselves with that vision. This shift in energy and mindset can significantly impact the business’s trajectory. She encourages owners to ask themselves, “What if it works?” and to stay hungry and passionate about their goals.

    Throughout the episode, Fiona shared her personal experiences of stepping out of her comfort zone and the benefits it brought to her life and business. She reminded us that it’s essential to enjoy the journey, not just the destination. By focusing on personal growth and aligning your business with your passions, you can create a fulfilling and successful MSP.

    You can connect with Fiona Challis through her LinkedIn profile HERE

    Connect on LinkedIn HERE with Ian and also with Stuart by clicking this LINK

    And when you’re ready to take the next step in growing your MSP, come and take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. In just three minutes, you’ll get a 360-degree scan of your MSP and identify the one or two tactics that could help you find more time, engage & align your people and generate more leads.


    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 400 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!  

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  • We kicked off the conversation by exploring how the MSP sector is currently valued at a staggering $548 billion, with an annual growth rate of 12%. This growth is particularly significant given the challenging global economic environment. Jay emphasised that the demand for managed services continues to rise, with 82% of businesses now outsourcing some or all of their IT needs. This shift marks a dramatic increase from a decade ago when only 30% of companies outsourced IT services.

    One of the key drivers behind this surge in demand is cybersecurity. Jay pointed out that even the largest banks and government institutions have admitted that they cannot manage cybersecurity alone. This has led to a growing reliance on MSPs, making cybersecurity a fundamental component of their service offerings. As the threat landscape becomes more complex, the need for specialised managed security services is paramount.

    Jay also highlighted the significant generational shift in the MSP market. Millennials, who are now the majority buyers of technology services, have different expectations and buying behaviours compared to previous generations. They prefer digital-first or digital-only interactions and are more comfortable with subscription and consumption-based models. This demographic change requires a shift in how MSPs approach their clients, focusing more on seamless integration and user-friendly solutions.

    The conversation then turned to the impact of AI on the MSP sector. Jay noted that AI is not a standalone product but a feature that enhances various aspects of technology services. He provided a fascinating perspective on how AI is evolving at an unprecedented pace, with each iteration becoming exponentially more powerful. This rapid advancement means that AI is becoming an integral part of many software solutions that MSPs use and manage.

    However, Jay cautioned MSPs against rushing to get certified in AI technologies prematurely. He suggested that while AI holds tremendous potential, its immediate application for MSPs will be more about internal optimisation rather than client-facing services. MSPs can leverage AI to improve their marketing, sales, customer support, and operational efficiency. He believes the true managed services opportunities related to AI, particularly at the edge where most data reside, are still a couple of years away.

    We also discussed the evolving nature of vendor relationships in the MSP space. Jay shared a candid view on the role of private equity in scaling MSP tools and platforms. As MSPs grow, they often find themselves transitioning from family-run businesses to larger, more corporate entities. This shift can lead to changes in how MSPs interact with their vendors, moving from personal relationships to more structured, professional engagements. Jay advised MSPs to remain flexible and open to adapting their toolsets as the industry evolves.

    A significant takeaway from our discussion was the importance of building robust ecosystems and partnerships. Jay encouraged MSPs to engage with various stakeholders, including digital agencies, accountants, and other tech service providers, to create a comprehensive support network. By doing so, MSPs can tap into new business opportunities and enhance their service offerings.

    Feel free to connect with Jay McBain through his LinkedIn HERE

    Connect on LinkedIn HERE with Ian and also with Stuart by clicking this LINK

    And when you’re ready to take the next step in growing your MSP, come and take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. In just three minutes, you’ll get a 360-degree scan of your MSP and identify the one or two tactics that could help you find more time, engage & align your people and generate more leads.


    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 400 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!  

  • Julie Hutchison joins us to simplify the concept of selling for those who find it intimidating. We start by addressing a common misconception: the belief that technical expertise and selling are mutually exclusive. Julie emphasises that selling isn’t about having the gift of the gab or being inherently extroverted. Instead, it’s about understanding the needs of your clients and offering solutions that add value to their businesses. This mindset shift is crucial for MSPs who typically feel uncomfortable with sales conversations.

    One of the key takeaways from our discussion is the importance of being "interested" rather than "interesting." Julie explains that the crux of selling lies in understanding your client's pain points and addressing them effectively. Rather than overwhelming clients with technical details, focus on asking the right questions to uncover their needs. This approach not only builds rapport but also positions you as a problem solver rather than a salesperson.

    Julie Hutchison shares tips for practising these skills. She suggests starting with role-playing exercises within your team to build confidence. By simulating sales scenarios, you can refine your questioning techniques and become more comfortable with the sales process. Additionally, she recommends engaging with a friendly client to test your new approach. Framing it as a way to improve your service can make clients more receptive and supportive, turning the exercise into a mutually beneficial experience.

    Another significant point Julie highlights is the need to address the client's pain. She advises not to shy away from digging deeper into the client's issues to understand the full impact on their business. This method not only clarifies the value of your solution but also helps the client see the urgency and importance of addressing their problem. By identifying and emphasising the gap between their current situation and their desired outcome, you make your service an invaluable asset.

    We also discuss the concept of self-worth in selling. Many MSPs struggle with pricing and undervalue their services because they lack confidence. Julie Hutchison stresses the importance of recognising the value you bring to the table. She encourages MSPs to challenge their limiting beliefs and adopt a value-based approach to their services. This involves understanding the cost of the client's problem and positioning your solution as a worthwhile investment.

    One practical tip Julie offers is to compile a list of open-ended questions that can help uncover client needs. These questions should focus on understanding the client's current situation, the challenges they face, and the impact of these challenges on their business. By practising these questions, you can develop a natural and effective way of steering conversations towards identifying solutions.

    Throughout the episode, Julie Hutchison reiterates the importance of practice. Selling is a skill that can be developed with consistent effort. She advises setting aside time regularly to practice with colleagues or even clients. This not only hones your skills but also builds your confidence, making sales conversations feel more natural and less daunting.

    By shifting your mindset, focusing on client needs, and practising regularly, you can transform your approach to sales. Remember, it’s not about being a stereotypical salesperson; it’s about being a trusted advisor who provides valuable solutions.

    And to help you learn more about selling and getting more from your existing clients, listen to this episode with Stuart Warwick.

    Connect on LinkedIn HERE with Ian and also with Stuart by clicking this LINK

    And when you’re ready to take the next step in growing your MSP, come and take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. In just three minutes, you’ll get a 360-degree scan of your MSP and identify the one or two tactics that could help you find more time, engage & align your people and generate more leads.


    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 400 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!

  • Mark Stevens' story begins in the quaint town of Melton Mowbray, known for its pork pies and Stilton cheese, but today, it's also becoming known for Mark1 IT Solutions. Mark's journey is a testament to the challenges and triumphs faced by many in the MSP sector. Joining us on the podcast, Mark openly shares the hurdles he encountered when transitioning from a traditional break-fix IT support mentality to a managed services provider (MSP) model, a shift that required significant changes in both mindset and operations.

    During our discussion, Mark Stevens candidly discusses how his business, which he had been leading for about seven years, had only recently begun to identify as an MSP. This shift came with its own set of challenges, particularly as the business approached the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic initially brought a surge in demand for Mark1 IT Solutions' services as businesses scrambled to set up remote work capabilities. However, the reliance on project-based income soon proved unstable, leading Mark to seek external guidance and support.

    What makes Mark Stevens' story so impactful is his openness about the personal and professional growth necessary to navigate his business through turbulent times. He shares that a major turning point came when he engaged with various communities and resources, such as CompTIA and Tech Tribe, and eventually our MSP growth hub. This engagement not only broadened his perspective but also embedded him deeper into the MSP community, facilitating a collaborative and supportive environment that was crucial for his development.

    Mark's journey is filled with learning experiences, from understanding the importance of monthly recurring revenue to embracing the MSP model fully. He explains how adopting new operational frameworks and focusing on self-development, including insights gained from reading "The Chimp Paradox," helped him reshape his approach to business management. This reshaping was not just about business strategies but also about personal growth, tackling challenges like ego and imposter syndrome that many business owners face.

    A significant part of our conversation highlights the value of reaching out for help and how this has been instrumental in Mark Stevens' success. He emphasises the importance of getting out of your own way, a phrase that resonated with him deeply and one that he credits for much of his recent business achievements. This concept of self-awareness and stepping back to allow professional support to guide his decisions has led to substantial improvements in both the operational efficiency and profitability of Mark1 IT Solutions.

    Today, Mark1 IT Solutions is not only surviving but thriving, with plans to expand the team further and reach new heights in terms of revenue and service quality. Mark Stevens attributes much of this success to the support structures and networks he has embraced, underscoring the importance of community and expert guidance in the MSP industry.

    For any MSPs out there feeling stuck or unsure of the next steps, Mark Stevens' story is a powerful reminder of the strength found in vulnerability and the success that comes from seeking help. His journey is a clear illustration of how transformative it can be to get out of your own way and allow structured, expert guidance to lead the way in scaling your business.

    Connect on LinkedIn HERE with Ian and also with Stuart by clicking this LINK

    And when you’re ready to take the next step in growing your MSP, come and take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. In just three minutes, you’ll get a 360-degree scan of your MSP and identify the one or two tactics that could help you find more time, engage & align your people and generate more leads.


    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 400 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!  

  • Stuart discusses how often, in MSPs, conflict arises not because of big strategic disagreements but because of the minutiae—the small details that can become significant stumbling blocks. He emphasises the importance of rising above the 'weeds' of these details to gain a clearer, broader perspective of the business goals. This approach, he explains, helps in realigning team members by focusing on the overarching destination rather than the specific routes or modes of transport, be they Porsches, BMWs, or trucks!

    One of the key takeaways from our discussion is the importance of defining what success looks like for both the business and individual roles within it. Stuart pressesemphasises on the significanceimportance of clear communication and setting agreed-upon targets to prevent the cycle of misalignment and frustration that can occur when team members are not on the same page. He also touches on the emotional aspect of these disagreements, pointing out that underlying many conflicts is a fundamental lack of trust or fear of relinquishing control.

    Moreover, Stuart also provides practical strategies for MSP leaders to implement when disagreements arise. He suggests 'chunking up' the conversation to a higher level where the focus is more on what unites rather than divides the team. This method involves stepping back to reassess the primary business objectives and ensuring that all discussions are anchored to these goals.

    Trust, Stuart reiterates, is the bedrock of any successful partnership. He challenges MSP leaders to introspect consider whether the lack of trust is a personal reluctance to delegate or a broader issue within the team dynamics. In cases where trust is lacking, he advises a proactive approach—engaging in open dialoguesconversations about responsibilities, expected outcomes, and the paths to achieving them. This not only clarifies roles but also reinforces the shared commitment to the business’s success.

    In addition to alignment and trust, Stuart stresses the importance of adaptability within the MSP industry. The ability to pivot and embrace new strategies when traditional ones fail is crucial for growth and sustainability. By integrating the vehicle tree concept, MSP leaders can more easily navigate through the complexities of business management, ensuring that every level of the organisation is aligned with the strategic vision.

    Our conversation with Stuart once again proves invaluable, offering MSP business owners practical advice and strategies to tackle some of the most challenging aspects of leadership and team management. This episode is a must-listen for anyone involved in an MSP looking to enhance their operational harmony and drive their business towards greater profitability and success.

    Connect on LinkedIn HERE with Ian and also with Stuart by clicking this LINK

    And when you’re ready to take the next step in growing your MSP, come and take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. In just three minutes, you’ll get a 360-degree scan of your MSP and identify the one or two tactics that could help you find more time, engage & align your people and generate more leads.


    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 400 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!  

  • Our conversation kicked off with Rachel sharing highlights from her recent talk at CompTIA, stressing the importance of self-care in the busy world of IT and business. Rachel emphasized that looking after yourself isn't just about avoiding illness—it's about improving your quality of life. Rachel Williams believes a holistic approach to wellness, focusing on improving overall health and extending the health span alongside the lifespan.

    Rachel shared her personal journey towards wellness, an inspiring story that highlighted her shift from approaching burnout to becoming fitter than she’s ever been. This personal journey gave birth to her business, Zest Lifestyle, where she uses her extensive knowledge and experience to help individuals and teams foster environments that prioritize health and happiness.

    A large portion of our discussion was dedicated to understanding what 'good health' truly looks like. According to Rachel Williams, good health is not merely the absence of illness but a vibrant state of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. She introduced listeners to the five pillars of self-care that are central to her practice: sleep, diet, movement, mental well-being, and rest. Each element is crucial in its own right but works together to create a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

    Sleep came up as the cornerstone of good health. Rachel pointed out that many overlook its importance, but it is during sleep that our bodies undergo repair and rejuvenation. She linked inadequate sleep to a plethora of health issues, from reduced cognitive function to impaired metabolism, stressing the importance of quality sleep as a non-negotiable pillar of health.

    On diet, Rachel Williams was keen to debunk the myths surrounding restrictive diets, which often lead to unsustainable health choices. Instead, she champions the 80/20 rule—eating healthily 80% of the time and allowing for indulgences in moderation. This approach not only makes the diet sustainable but also enjoyable, which is crucial for long-term maintenance.

    Movement, another pillar of self-care, goes beyond traditional exercise. Rachel encourages finding joy in physical activity, whether it’s walking, dancing, yoga, or more structured gym workouts. The key is consistency and enjoyment, which significantly enhances the likelihood of maintaining an active lifestyle.

    Mental well-being, often overshadowed in discussions around physical health, was highlighted as vital. Stress management, mindfulness, and emotional health are all aspects that Rachel touches upon frequently, underscoring their importance on our overall health. Tools like meditation apps and mindful practices are ways Rachel suggests maintaining positive mental health.

    Lastly, the concept of rest, distinct from sleep, was discussed. Rachel Williams explains that rest involves activities that recharge and rejuvenate the spirit, which can vary from passive activities like reading to active ones like hiking or exploring.

    Throughout the episode, Rachel Williams reiterated the importance of self-care, not just for personal health but as a strategy to enhance productivity and satisfaction in both personal and professional realms. Her insights not only provide effective strategies for self-care but also equipped our listeners with practical steps to take control of their health and well-being.

    We wrapped up the episode with Rachel sharing how to get in touch with her for those interested in learning more about self-care or implementing her principles into their lives or workplaces. For more insights and daily health tips, Rachel can be reached through her website, Zest Lifestyle, and her social media platforms.

    Remember, taking responsibility for your health starts with you, and it's never too late to start looking after yourself.

    Connect with Rachel through her LinkedIn HERE if you fancy daily tips from her.

    You can also reach out to Rachel by visiting her website HERE or by emailing her at [email protected]

    Connect on LinkedIn HERE with Ian and also with Stuart by clicking this LINK

    And when you’re ready to take the next step in growing your MSP, come and take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. In just three minutes, you’ll get a 360-degree scan of your MSP and identify the one or two tactics that could help you find more time, engage & align your people and generate more leads.


    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 400 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!  

  • Understanding what you want from your business isn't just about setting financial targets; it’s about aligning your personal dreams with your professional goals to create a fulfilling and sustainable business model. Stuart stresses the importance of personal vision in business. He discusses how easily MSP owners can become overwhelmed by daily operations, losing sight of their original motivations and goals.

    Stuart points out that many MSP owners start their journey with clear intentions but often get sidetracked as the business grows. He emphasises the significance of defining 'what winning looks like' for your business. This not only involves setting tangible goals but also understanding the kind of life you want to lead. Stuart repeatedly mentions that knowing what you don’t want can often be a more accessible starting point to clarify what you actually do want. This reverse engineering of outcomes can significantly help MSP owners cut through the fog that surrounds their strategic planning processes.

    Throughout our conversation, Stuart reinforces the idea that business owners should periodically step back and assess their journey. This reflective practice helps to appreciate past achievements and realign current activities with long-term objectives. He shares practical tips on how MSPs can manage their growth effectively without becoming consumed by it. According to Stuart, building a successful MSP isn’t just about financial gain but about creating a business that allows owners the freedom and flexibility to enjoy their lives while still achieving professional success.

    One of the key pieces of advice Stuart offers is the concept of starting with the end in mind. This Stephen Covey principle is about envisioning where you want your business to be, and then meticulously planning out the steps to get there. Whether it’s hiring the right people, implementing the correct systems, or simply deciding to work fewer hours to have more time with family, each decision should contribute towards that ultimate picture of success.

    Moreover, Stuart highlights the importance of community and support systems in this journey. He encourages MSP owners to find their tribe – a supportive community that shares similar goals and challenges. Engaging with this community not only provides moral and emotional support but also fosters an environment of accountability, which is crucial for consistent progress.

    In terms of practical steps, Stuart suggests that MSP owners should take a proactive approach to problem-solving within their businesses. Identifying what you do not want in your daily operations can help clarify what changes need to be made to avoid those outcomes. For instance, if an MSP owner doesn’t want to be overwhelmed by technical tasks, then it might be time to hire additional technical staff or invest in training for current employees to distribute the workload more evenly.

    As we wrap up this thought provoking episode, I reflect on the numerous actionable insights Stuart has shared with us today. His advice is grounded in the reality of running a business, yet aspirational enough to push MSP owners to think big and act boldly. Remember, defining success in your business is a personal journey that goes beyond the conventional metrics of business growth. It’s about creating a business that not only survives but thrives while aligning with your personal life goals.

    Connect on LinkedIn HERE with Ian and also with Stuart by clicking this LINK

    And when you’re ready to take the next step in growing your MSP, come and take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. In just three minutes, you’ll get a 360-degree scan of your MSP and identify the one or two tactics that could help you find more time, engage & align your people and generate more leads.


    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 400 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!  

  • In our latest IT Experts Podcast episode, we explore the intricate dynamics of partnership in the MSP world through the lens of Joe Burns’ compelling journey. Joe, a seasoned entrepreneur who has not only scaled but also successfully exited from an MSP, shares his experience into what happens when business partners discover their goals and ambitions are no longer aligned.

    Joe Burns co-founded an MSP with a shared vision for success, driven by the enthusiasm that characterizes many startup ventures. However, as the business grew, it became clear that Joe and his business partner's visions for the future were vastly different. This realisation wasn't immediate; it crept up over years as the business scaled. Signs of misalignment began to surface, particularly during strategic planning sessions where their different growth ambitions were starkly highlighted. Despite efforts to realign, including engaging with a growth coach and attempting to bridge the gap in their ambitions, the divide only widened.

    The pivotal moment came when it was undeniable that their differing expectations for the future of the business were too significantly to continue effectively as partners. Working together became uncomfortable and decision making was difficult. Joe's business partner expressed a desire to exit the business, which prompted a series of discussions about the future. Rather than viewing this as a setback, Joe saw an opportunity to assess the true market value of their business and either buy out his partner or sell the business entirely. This led to the decision to sell the MSP, a move that would allow both partners to pursue their individual visions without compromise.

    Joe candidly shares the mistakes made during the selling process, chief among them being the failure to court multiple buyers. The initial excitement of having an interested buyer led to a 'monotony' situation – a market condition with only one buyer – which ultimately could have jeopardised achieving the best possible sale price for the business. This experience taught Joe the importance of fostering competitive interest when selling a business to avoid undervaluing it.

    Drawing from his experience, Joe offers invaluable advice for MSP business owners, particularly those navigating the complexities of a partnership:

    Personal Goals Alignment: Ensure there's clarity on personal goals and ambitions from the outset. Regularly revisiting these goals and ensuring they align with the business’s direction is crucial for sustained partnership harmony.

    Prepare Your Business for Sale: Regardless of immediate intentions to sell, structuring your business as if you're preparing it for sale can increase its resilience, value, and attractiveness to potential buyers. This includes making the business operationally independent of the owners.

    Embrace Niching: Focusing on specific sectors or problems can significantly enhance an MSP's market position, making it easier to market and sell solutions. Understanding and addressing the unique needs of a focused client segment can lead to more business and success.

    Community Engagement: The MSP community offers a wealth of support and knowledge sharing. Engaging with this community can provide valuable insights and strategies for growth, as well as support through the challenges unique to the MSP industry.

    Joe Burns’ journey illustrates the importance of alignment, strategic foresight, and the invaluable lessons learned through the process of exiting an MSP. For MSP business owners, whether currently in a partnership or contemplating one, this episode offers critical insights into ensuring that your business not only aligns with your personal ambitions but is also strategically positioned for MSP success.

    You can connect with Joe Burns on his LinkedIn HERE

    If you are in the same place, as Joe Burns did, listen to THIS episode where I asked Stuart how to get aligned with your business partner.

    Connect on LinkedIn HERE with Ian and also with Stuart by clicking this LINK

    And when you’re ready to take the next step in growing your MSP, come and take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. In just three minutes, you’ll get a 360-degree scan of your MSP and identify the one or two tactics that could help you find more time, engage & align your people and generate more leads.


    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 400 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!  

  • Our chat delved into the nitty-gritty of email security, an area that Ben is particularly passionate about. He explained that despite the abundance of emails, ensuring they reach their destination is becoming increasingly complex due to evolving security measures. This brings us to deliverability and the question: Why is it so hard to get email through these days? Ben pointed out that the landscape of email communication has tchanged significantly, especially with the rise of stringent protocols to combat spam and phishing attempts. This evolution, while necessary, has made it challenging for legitimate emails to navigate through increasing security checks successfully.

    The impact of getting it wrong is potentially huge. Ben stressed that failing to understand these complexities can lead to emails being lost in the ether, marked as spam, or not delivered at all, severely affecting business communications and marketing efforts....leading to a loss of customer engagement, and ultimately lost revenue. This is where the conversation turned to the basic settings that people often overlook. Ben highlighted the importance of configuring SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records correctly. These settings are crucial for authenticating your emails and signalling to email providers that your messages are legitimate and should be delivered as intended.

    To help overcome these challenges, Ben shared some tools that are crucial for anyone looking to improve their email deliverability. He highlighted DMARC monitoring tools as essential for keeping an eye on your email's performance and identifying potential issues. Another gem Ben shared is GlockApps, a tool that simulates email sends to different providers and reports on where your email ends up – in the inbox, spam folder, or somewhere else entirely. These tools are critical for diagnosing deliverability issues and ensuring that your emails reach their intended audience.

    Throughout our conversation, Ben emphasized the importance of not just sending emails, but making sure they are delivered. In today's digital age, where email continues to be a vital communication tool, understanding and implementing the right security measures and settings can make a world of difference. Whether you're in IT, marketing, or running a business, this episode is packed with practical advice and expert insights on navigating the complex world of email deliverability.

    For those looking for further information about email deliverability, Ben offers a free email delivery report through Quinset Consulting. This report can provide you with a starting point for understanding how well your emails are performing and what steps you can take to improve. Ben's expertise and practical advice from our discussion offer a roadmap for anyone looking to ensure their emails are not only sent but are delivered successfully every time.

    You can connect with Ben Fielding through his LinkedIn HERE

    Or visit their website HERE

    Connect on LinkedIn HERE with Ian and also with Stuart by clicking HERE

    And when you’re ready to take the next step in growing your MSP, come and take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. In just three minutes, you’ll get a 360-degree scan of your MSP and identify the one or two tactics that could help you find more time, engage & align your people and generate more leads.


    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 400 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!

  • The crux of today's discussion revolves around the challenge many MSPs face: the constant barrage of communications from clients. This issue not only disrupts the workflow of MSPs but also poses a significant barrier to their growth and scalability. The question arises from an accountability call where clients shared their transformative experiences after implementing strategies to 'train' their clients to adhere to more streamlined communication processes. This revelation sparked a broader conversation on the necessity of redefining client interactions to foster a business environment where MSPs work for their business rather than being incessantly tied down by it.

    Stuart and I discussed the inherent contradiction MSPs face: the balance between being exceptionally service-oriented and setting boundaries to manage client expectations effectively. This balance is pivotal, especially for MSPs aiming to transition from being a lifestyle business to building a scalable enterprise. The key to this transition lies in managing client interactions and expectations more strategically.

    One of the most poignant insights from our discussion was the realization that often, the clients who demand the most attention are not necessarily the most profitable. This observation underscores the importance of evaluating client relationships based on their value and profitability to the MSP. Stuart shared invaluable tips on how MSPs could navigate this challenge by first identifying the most time-consuming clients and then implementing a systematic approach to redirect their queries to appropriate channels, thereby reducing direct interruptions.

    Stuart's advice centred on the importance of data analysis to understand the patterns of client interactions. Keeping a log of client communications can reveal insightful patterns, helping MSPs identify which clients require a recalibration of their service expectations. Following this analysis, Stuart emphasised the need for clear communication and setting up robust systems to manage client inquiries. This includes configuring out-of-office messages and automated ticketing systems to ensure that client requests are addressed promptly without needing the MSP's direct involvement.

    Moreover, Stuart highlighted the role of personal time management in mitigating client disruptions. By defining specific times for client interactions, MSPs can significantly improve their productivity and focus on strategic tasks. This approach not only benefits the MSP but also enhances the service quality provided to clients.

    As we wrapped up, the key takeaway was the empowerment of MSPs to redefine their client interactions. By implementing strategic changes and setting clear expectations, MSPs can transition from being constantly available to focusing on growth and scalability. This shift not only enhances operational efficiency but also leads to a more profitable and satisfying business model.

    At the end of the day, the goal is to build a business that efficiently serves its clients while also allowing the MSP the freedom to focus on strategic growth and personal well-being.

    Connect with Ian HERE on LinkedIn and also Stuart by clicking this LINK

    If you’re ready to take the next step in supercharging your MSP, take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. This tool is designed to help you understand where your MSP stands and what steps you can take to scale profitably and effectively. This will provide you with insights and guidance tailored to your specific needs.

    OR to join our amazing Facebook Group of over 400 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon! 

  • Stuart Faulkner's story is a great example that demonstrates that if you understand what you’re really good at and play to your strengths, you can really start to get your business working for you. As the leader of ilicomm Technology Solutions, a growing MSP based in the West Midlands, Stuart found himself at a crossroads. Despite the company's outward success, Stuart felt that the business, and by extension himself, had hit a plateau. It was this realisation that prompted Stuart to seek external guidance, a decision that marked the beginning of a remarkable transformation for both his business and personal life.

    Our conversation explores the key factors that led Stuart to redefine his role within ilicomm. One significant turning point was his use of the Genius Model, a framework designed to help individuals identify their strengths and areas of passion. Initially sceptical, Stuart's willingness to embrace this model provided clarity about his role and how best to contribute to his company's growth. By focusing on what he loved and excelled at, and delegating or eliminating tasks that did not align with his strengths, Stuart was able to break free from the constraints that had previously held him back.

    The implementation of the Genius Model was just the beginning. Recognising the gaps within the operational aspects of ilicomm led to a strategic expansion of the leadership team. This included the introduction of a Chief Operations Officer and other carefully selected A-players, individuals who are not only skilled but also the right fit for the company's culture and objectives.

    Our discussion highlights the profound impact of these changes on both the personal and professional lives of those involved. Stuart and his business partner, Jason, have experienced not just a huge growth in turnover but a significant improvement in their work-life balance. The introduction of a 50-day holiday policy reflects their belief in the importance of rest and rejuvenation for sustained performance and creativity.

    "Getting a Genius Out of a Bottle - Success Stories with Stuart Faulkner" is more than just a narrative of business success; it's a blueprint for personal fulfilment and organisational excellence. Stuart's journey underscores the importance of self-reflection, the courage to seek help, and the wisdom to build a team that complements your strengths. For fellow MSPs navigating similar challenges, Stuart's story is a reminder that with the right approach, it's possible to transform both your business and your personal life.

    In closing, I encourage all MSP leaders feeling stuck or uncertain about their next steps to consider the insights shared in this episode. Whether it's harnessing your genius, refining your team, or simply finding balance, the journey towards a thriving business and a fulfilling life is well within reach. Stuart Faulkner's success is a genuine example of what's possible when you dare to reimagine your role and reshape your business around your unique strengths.

    Connect with me on LinkedIn and see what I'm up to by clicking HERE

    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 300 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE

    Again, if you’re ready to take the next step in supercharging your MSP, take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. This will provide you with insights and guidance tailored to your specific needs.

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!  

  • Throughout our conversation, Stuart offers -useful tips and sheds light on why, in our opinion, MSPs might not require a salesperson to achieve substantial growth. This viewpoint, while potentially controversial, is grounded in extensive experience and observations within the MSP industry. Stuart argues that for MSPs with a revenue of under ÂŁ2 million, investing in a salesperson may not be the most efficient or effective strategy to generate new leads and foster business growth. Instead, focusing on marketing strategies, client relationship building, account management, and refining service packages could yield better returns without the need for a dedicated sales role.

    Stuart highlights something that many MSPs overlook: the importance of understanding your audience and aligning your services to their needs. This approach not only positions your MSP as a problem-solver but also as a partner that understands the unique challenges and opportunities within the sectors you serve. The compound effect of onboarding just one or two ideal clients each year, assuming your service packages are well-designed and profit margins are healthy, can be game-changing for your MSP.

    We also talked about how MSPs have a natural advantage in the realm of technology-driven marketing platforms. Given that MSPs inherently understand technology, the real challenge lies in mastering the marketing principles that allow for effective use of this technology. By identifying your target audience and crafting messages that resonate with their needs, MSPs can leverage digital marketing, content creation, and social media to build a robust lead generation engine without the traditional salesperson.

    We also considerthe metrics that matter when evaluating the success of your marketing and business development efforts. Stuart stresses that the ultimate measure of success is not the number of likes or hits but the number of quality leads expressing genuine interest in your services. This focus on quality over quantity and the strategic nurturing of leads can position your MSP for sustainable growth.

    To sum up, this episode challenges the conventional belief that a salesperson is essential for MSP growth. By utilising targeted marketing, understanding the needs of your audience, and focusing on building strong client relationships, MSPs can achieve remarkable growth without the traditional sales role. It's a thought-provoking discussion that encourages MSPs to reconsider their growth strategies and invest in areas that will truly drive their business forward.

    Connect with Ian HERE on LinkedIn and also Stuart by clicking this LINK

    If you’re ready to take the next step in supercharging your MSP, take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. This tool is designed to help you understand where your MSP stands and what steps you can take to scale profitably and effectively. This will provide you with insights and guidance tailored to your specific needs.

    OR to join our amazing Facebook Group of over 400 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon! 

  • Having cash in the bank, a steady stream of clients, and a growing team might seem like indicators of success, but as we explore with Stuart, success in the MSP world is much more subjective than it first appears. Our conversation unpicks the complexities of defining and measuring success in a sector where survival can often overshadow strategic growth.

    When starting your MSP, the initial focus is usually on getting the business off the ground rather than defining what success looks like. This survival instinct, while crucial, can later obscure the true potential of an MSP to evolve into a successful, sustainable business. Stuart explains that to transition from merely surviving to thriving, MSP owners need to take a step back and consider their long-term goals. What does a successful MSP look like for them? Is it about scaling up, achieving financial freedom, or perhaps maintaining a comfortable lifestyle while providing top-notch services?

    A successful MSP, Stuart argues, is not just about the size but the stability and sustainability of the business. It's about building an asset that not only provides immediate financial rewards but also long-term value. This could mean different things to different owners, whether that's achieving a specific profit margin, securing time for personal pursuits, or ensuring the business can operate efficiently without their constant involvement.

    Drawing on his experience, Stuart shares several tips for MSP owners to measure and achieve success in their businesses. He advises focusing on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as cash flow, profitability (including gross and net profit margins), new business acquisition, and the growth and retention of existing clients. These metrics, Stuart notes, are fundamental to understanding the health and potential of an MSP, guiding owners toward strategic decisions that align with their definitions of success.

    One standout piece of advice from Stuart is the application of the Profit First methodology. This approach, which prioritises profit allocation to ensure the financial health of the business and its owners, is a powerful tool for MSPs striving to become successful. By adopting such financial practices, MSP owners can gain clarity on their operations, invest in growth confidently, and, ultimately, achieve the freedom and profit they desire.

    Throughout our discussion, it becomes clear that a successful MSP is not solely judged by external metrics like size or revenue but by its alignment with the owner's personal and professional aspirations. Stuart highlights the importance of understanding what you want from your business and setting clear, achievable goals that will get you there.

    It’s important for MSP business owners to reflect on what success means to them and how they can apply Stuart's insights to their MSP business. Whether it's improving financial management, clarifying business objectives, or enhancing operational efficiency, the path to a successful MSP is subjective and deeply personal.

    Connect with Ian HERE on LinkedIn and also Stuart by clicking this LINK

    If you’re ready to take the next step in supercharging your MSP, take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. This will provide you with insights and guidance tailored to your specific needs.

    OR to join our amazing Facebook Group of over 400 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon! 

  • Stuart kicks off the discussion by highlighting the enormity of this challenge, especially for MSPs with multiple directors or partners. He emphasises that alignment isn't just about being on the same team; it's about sharing a vision, strategy, and direction. With various dynamics at play, from differing skill sets to diverse personalities, finding common ground becomes paramount.

    As Stuart delve deeper on the matter, he sheds light on the common scenarios encountered in MSP partnerships. Often, there's a techie partner and a business-savvy one, leading to clashes in priorities and approaches. However, he stresses the importance of complementary skills and clear delineation of roles, whether it's between partners or within a husband-wife team.

    One of the key takeaways from Stuart's insights is the necessity for a shared vision and growth plan. Without a clear roadmap, partners risk pulling in different directions, stunting the growth of their MSP. Stuart underlines the significance of defining success measures, whether it's revenue targets, client acquisition goals, or product penetration rates.

    But it's not just about having a plan; it's about regular communication and accountability. Stuart advocates for a rhythm of review, where partners meet regularly to assess progress, tackle challenges, and recalibrate strategies. This structured approach ensures that partners stay aligned and focused on achieving their shared objectives.

    In addition to communication, Stuart stresses the importance of holding each other accountable. Partners mustn't shy away from addressing issues or avoiding uncomfortable conversations. By confronting challenges head-on, they can overcome obstacles and propel their MSP towards success.

    Wrapping up, Stuart gives us a straightforward advice: get on the same page.

    For MSP partners struggling to find alignment, Stuart suggests seeking external help if needed. Ultimately, by aligning their visions, goals, and actions, partners can unlock the full potential of their MSP and navigate towards greater heights of success.

    Alignment isn't just a one-time task; it's an ongoing journey that requires communication, collaboration, and commitment.

    Connect with me on LinkedIn and see what I'm up to by clicking HERE

    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 300 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE

    Again, if you’re ready to take the next step in supercharging your MSP, take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. This will provide you with insights and guidance tailored to your specific needs.

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon! 

  • As Stuart and I have learned firsthand, being an MSP business owner can feel like a constant struggle to find time for strategic growth, client relationships, and even just a moment to breathe. That's why we're here to share some invaluable insights and strategies to help you shift from being a bottleneck to a delegating dynamo, allowing you to build a business that works for you, not the other way around.

    In just two weeks, we've got a game-changing online masterclass coming your way, where we'll be unveiling our secret weapon: the Create More Time formula. Now, normally, this gem is exclusive to members of the MSP Growth Hub, but for this special event, we're opening the doors to everyone. Trust me, you won't want to miss it.

    During the masterclass, we'll dive deep into five key steps, including conducting a time audit, mastering the art of delegation, and cultivating accountability and routines that set you up for success. We'll even tackle the age-old challenge of managing client interruptions, because let's face it, we've all been there.

    So, mark your calendars for Thursday, the 14th of March at 4:00 PM UK time, and get ready to reclaim your time and sanity. This isn't just another webinar – it's an interactive session where you can bring your burning questions and connect with fellow MSPs who are on the same journey as you.

    And hey, if this episode resonates with you (which I'm sure it will), don't keep it to yourself. Share the love with your colleagues who could benefit from a little less overwhelm and a lot more productivity. After all, we're in this together.

    Remember: you're not just a slave to your inbox or a servant to your schedule – you have the power to take back control of your time and your business. So go out there and make it happen. Have a fantastic weekend, and I'll catch you on the flip side.

    Connect with me on LinkedIn and see what I'm up to by clicking HERE

    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 300 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE

    Again, if you’re ready to take the next step in supercharging your MSP, take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. This will provide you with insights and guidance tailored to your specific needs.

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!  

  • One key takeaway from our conversation with Keith is the importance of taking a proactive approach to security rather than simply relying on reactive measures. Keith emphasises the need for regular checking and monitoring, stressing that security should be someone's whole responsibility within the MSP team. By implementing thorough ticket triage and actively protecting against potential threats, MSPs can instil confidence in their clients and demonstrate their commitment to safeguarding their systems.

    Change control emerges as a fundamental aspect of maintaining security within an MSP environment, according to Keith. Understanding what changes are being made and ensuring they align with regulatory compliance is crucial for mitigating risks and avoiding potential litigation. By establishing robust change control procedures, MSPs can minimise the likelihood of security breaches and protect both their own business and their clients'.

    Moreover, Keith highlights the importance of access control in securing MSP environments. With MSPs being lucrative targets for cyberattacks due to the potential access they hold to multiple clients' systems, it's essential to tighten access controls and implement multi-factor authentication measures. By prioritising access control, MSPs can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorised access and mitigate the impact of potential security breaches.

    During our discussion, Keith also stresses the significance of regular audits and assessments to ensure that internal processes are functioning effectively. By conducting random audits and scrutinising key metrics such as admin account activity and patching success rates, MSPs can identify potential vulnerabilities and address them proactively. This proactive approach not only enhances security but also instils confidence in clients by demonstrating a commitment to ongoing improvement and vigilance.

    Furthermore, Keith advocates for a risk-based approach to client communication and service delivery. By engaging in conversations about clients' business objectives and critical processes, MSPs can tailor their services to meet specific needs and priorities. By aligning service offerings with clients' recovery time objectives (RTO) and recovery point objectives (RPO), MSPs can provide targeted solutions that address clients' most pressing concerns and minimise downtime in the event of a security incident.

    In summary, this episode underscores the importance of proactive security measures and risk-based approaches in the MSP space. By prioritising regular monitoring, robust change control, access management, and client communication, MSPs can enhance their security posture, mitigate risks, and deliver value-added services that meet clients' evolving needs and expectations.

    Connect with Keith Hayes on LinkedIn by clicking HERE

    Connect with me on LinkedIn and see what I'm up to by clicking HERE

    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 300 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE

    Again, if you’re ready to take the next step in supercharging your MSP, take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. This will provide you with insights and guidance tailored to your specific needs.

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!  

  • First up, let's talk about the importance of knowing your numbers. I can't stress this enough - understanding your finances inside out is absolutely crucial if you want to achieve long-term success in this game. It's not just about glancing at your bank balance now and then; it's about diving deep into your P&L, getting to grips with your cash flow, and knowing exactly where every penny is coming from and going to. Remember, your bank balance alone does not reflect the true health of your business. By getting a solid grasp on your numbers, you'll be better equipped to make informed decisions, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately, boost that MSP profitability.

    Next, let's talk about client analysis. Your clients are the lifeblood of your business, but not all clients are created equal. It's time to take a long hard look at your client base and identify which ones are really driving profitability and which ones might be holding you back. Are there any clients who are consistently draining your resources without providing a decent return? It might be time to have that tough conversation and either renegotiate terms or part ways altogether. By focusing your efforts on the clients that truly value your services and contribute to your bottom line, you'll be well on your way to maximising your MSP profitability.

    And finally, let's not forget the importance of regular client reviews and feedback. Communication is key in any business relationship, and your clients are no exception. Take the time to check in with them regularly, gather feedback on your services, and identify any areas for improvement. Not only will this help you to strengthen your existing client relationships, but it will also provide valuable insights that can inform your future business decisions. After all, happy clients are more likely to stick around and continue contributing to your MSP profitability in the long run.

    So, there you have it, folks - three killer tips for maximizing your MSP profitability. Remember, profitability isn't just about making money; it's about building a sustainable business that works for you. And by following these simple yet effective strategies, you'll be well on your way to achieving just that.

    Connect with me on LinkedIn and see what I'm up to by clicking HERE

    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 300 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE

    Again, if you’re ready to take the next step in supercharging your MSP, take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. This will provide you with insights and guidance tailored to your specific needs.

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!

  • One of the key takeaways from our conversation is the importance of prioritizing self-care, particularly in the realms of sleep, nutrition, and exercise. Claire emphasizes the significance of refuelling and recharging our bodies to maintain peak performance, especially in high-stress environments like the MSP industry. By focusing on sleep quality and adopting small lifestyle changes, such as time chunking and delegating tasks effectively, we can enhance our productivity and overall well-being.

    We discuss the detrimental effects of procrastination and perfectionism, which often lead to paralysis and hinder growth in business. Claire encourages MSP owners to dare to delegate and trust their teams, recognizing that withholding tasks deprives others of the opportunity to contribute and stifles business expansion. Through clear communication, understanding team strengths, and setting realistic expectations, we can foster a culture of trust and collaboration within our organizations.

    Furthermore, Claire highlights the power of co-working sessions and time tracking tools in boosting productivity and accountability. These practices, whether conducted virtually or in-person, provide a supportive environment for MSP professionals to stay focused and motivated while tackling their tasks. By implementing these techniques, individuals can gain valuable insights into their work habits, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately achieve greater efficiency and satisfaction in their roles.

    In addition to practical strategies, Claire emphasizes the importance of mindset shifts in overcoming overwhelm. By adopting a proactive approach to managing tasks, breaking them down into smaller, manageable chunks, and celebrating incremental progress, individuals can cultivate a sense of empowerment and control over their workload. Through self-reflection and regular check-ins, MSP owners can identify areas of improvement, set realistic goals, and create a roadmap for success in their personal and professional lives.

    As we wrap up our conversation, Claire leaves us with a powerful reminder to take a step back, assess our priorities, and seek support when needed. By acknowledging our limitations and embracing a growth mindset, we can navigate the challenges of overwhelm with resilience and grace.

    To connect with Claire and learn more about her work in supporting MSP business owners, you can find her on LinkedIn at Claire Jenks or simply click HERE. You can also visit her website at clairejenks.co.uk. And if you're interested in exploring co-working opportunities with Claire, be sure to check out clairejenks.co.uk/coworking-msp for more information.

    Connect with me on LinkedIn and see what I'm up to by clicking HERE

    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 300 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE

    Remember, you don't have to tackle overwhelm alone. Together, we can take control of our time, elevate our productivity, thrive, and scale your MSP business with confidence.

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!

  • Whether it's the struggle to find quality candidates or the uncertainty of what roles to fill, recruitment can indeed be a daunting task. But in this discussion with Jane Matthews, we explored the transformative power of a cultural fit in your MSP and how it can make a significant difference in your employee engagement and team-building efforts.

    We started our conversation by addressing the state of recruitment in the post-COVID world. Jane highlighted that we've transitioned from an employee-driven market to an employer-driven market and are now settling into a hybrid model. However, she emphasized the importance of accommodating different generations in the workforce, understanding their unique needs and expectations, especially in a hybrid working environment.

    One key takeaway from our discussion was the significance of defining and maintaining a strong company culture. Culture goes beyond just a set of values; it encompasses how your team behaves, communicates, and approaches problem-solving. Jane made a compelling point that values should align with not only the business owner's beliefs but also with the expectations of clients and the team. Culture isn't just something you create; it should also evolve naturally within your organization.

    Janecoined the term "behaviour stack" to help MSPs distinguish between technical skills (tech stack) and behavioural traits. By focusing on the behaviour stack, you can identify what traits make your best team members stand out. Do they excel in communication, teamwork, or going the extra mile? By pinpointing these behavioural traits, you can ensure that new recruits fit seamlessly into your team's culture.

    Creating a positive culture involves more than just declaring an open-door policy. It requires consistent effort, engagement, and genuine interest in your team's well-being. Jane emphasized that business owners should actively seek feedback, ask about personal lives, and show that they have time for their team members. It's all about building trust and creating a comfortable environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

    We also explored the concept of nurturing and growing talent from within your organization. Jane pointed out that many employees leave their jobs because they feel stuck or don't see opportunities for growth. Regular one-to-one meetings between managers and team members can help identify their strengths and interests, ultimately leading to a more engaged and motivated workforce.

    In conclusion, Jane shared three essential tips for MSPs looking to strengthen their recruitment and team-building efforts in 2024:

    Understand Your Team's Behaviour Stack: Take the time to identify the behavioural traits that make your best team members stand out. This will help you find candidates who are not only skilled but also culturally aligned with your organization.

    Embrace Consistent One-to-One Meetings: Regular one-to-one meetings with your team members are crucial for building trust, understanding their needs, and uncovering opportunities for growth and development.

    Play to Your Team's Superpowers: Recognize and leverage the unique strengths and talents of your team members. Encourage them to pursue personal development and align their superpowers with your business goals.

    Remember, building the right team with the right cultural fit can be a game-changer for your MSP. It's all about fostering a positive, engaging work environment that empowers your team to excel and drive your business forward.

    To connect with Jane Matthews and continue the conversation, reach out to her through LinkedIn by clicking HERE or you can reach out to her via email at [email protected]k

    Check out Wildcat Careers through their website HERE

    Connect with me on LinkedIn and see what I'm up to by clicking HERE

    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 300 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!