Explains how the JesusWalk: Beginning the Journey discipling program for one-on-one mentoring works. Describes the role of the pastor with the mentor. Describes the series' trans-denominational approach that doesn't tread on precious denominational doctrines. Explains how the series might be used in classes or small groups.
Designed to help mentors for new believers understand their role and responsibilities. Discusses qualifications of mentors. Explains that you don't have to know everything -- your pastor will support you. Describes a typical one-hour and 15 minute mentoring session, where you should meet, what you need to bring. Underscores the importance of Bible memorization and the importance of your mentoring ministry.
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Describes discipleship simply as following Jesus as his obedient servants. Jesus demands priority. Explains the idea of Lord and servants, of King and subjects, and of being a friend of God.
Discusses the inspiration and authority of Scripture, and introduces the Bible not as a law book, but a love book. Gives 5 reasons why we should read the Bible and the role of the Spirit to illuminate the Word. Discusses parts of the New Testament, Bible translations, and study Bibles. Recommends a daily Bible reading program and Scripture memory.
Generosity flows from love, but giving and serving. Ways of serving include helping the poor, seeking justice for all, and generosity towards God's work. Introduces the ideas of tithing, percentage giving, stewardship, spiritual gifts, and care for one another.
Discusses the nature of worship, and the difference between external worship and external motions. Examines styles of worship services and ways of offering worship -- praise, singing, thanksgiving, confession, prayers, tithes and offerings, offering thanksgiving before meals, and the conduct of our lives. Emphasizes seeking to receive from God during worship.
Explains the idea of a witness as someone who tells what he has seen and experienced personally. Outlines the Great Commission. Then helps the new believer map out the people in his or her life among: friends, family, work or school associates, neighborhood or store personnel, and recreation, clubs, and teams. Suggests ways to reach out to them. Explains and easy to prepare your own testimony, and contrasts your testimony and the gospel itself. Offers cautions and emphasizes the centrality of love.
Explains that "spirit" comes from the word for "breath" or "wind." Explains how the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, gives new spiritual life to us when we believe, fills us and lives in us, and helps us resist temptation. Explains the fruit of the Spirit, and the gifts of the Spirit. Explains that through the Spirit, nothing is impossible. Introduces the idea of walking in the Spirit.
Elements of the Good News or Gospel include: (1) God loves us. (2) Jesus is God in the flesh. (3) Jesus atoned for our sins on the cross, commemorated by the Lord's Supper. (4) Jesus was raised from the dead. (5) Jesus lives in us by his Spirit.
Discusses basic concepts of love. God is love. God is the first lover (1 John 4:19). God loves us in spite of ourselves, even while we are sinners. Outlines the two greatest commandments: (1) love God, and (2) love our neighbor. Even when we suffer persecution, we are to love our enemies. Love causes us to forgive those who sin against us. Love is a sign of strength, not weakness. Explains the Golden Rule. Concludes with 1 Corinthians 13, the "love chapter."
Love can't operate in a vacuum. Explains the Christian community in four ways: (1) We are part of a family. (2) We are part of a body. (3) We are part of a flock. (4) We are part of the church. Explains the values of larger gatherings, small groups, and pairs. Gives tips on finding a church and the benefits of being part of a church. Explains that "church-hopping" stems from selfishness, lack of realism and unfaithfulness.
Discusses what sin is, the sinful human nature, our adversary the devil, and the Holy Spirit's power to help us resist temptation. outlines strategies to stop sinning: (1) trust in God, (2) be humble, (3) resist, (4) flee, (5) embrace truth, (6) pray, and (7) love God and embrace his love for you. Discusses repentance, confession of sin and God's forgiveness, based on 1 John 1:9.
Reads the passage on the call of Jesus' disciples. Explains concepts of Christian, believer, disciple, and Christ-follower. Suggests reading the Bible daily. Explains basics like the Old and New Testaments, translations, chapters and verses, beginning to pray using the ACTS acronym -- adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. Recommends setting aside a "Quite Time."
Explains what has happened when you accepted Christ. Shares Jesus' Parable of the Lost Sheep, about Jesus seeking you. Sees "rescued" as a more helpful term than "saved," that has become a cliche. Explains that you are loved, forgiven, and accepted by God. Explains the concepts of grace and mercy. Discusses baptism in a non-denominational sense.
Explains what is contained in terms of beliefs, values, and spiritual disciplines. Then discusses how best to use these lessons with a new believer in a one-on-one mentoring situation.