
  • To watch the full talk go to https://youtube.com/live/u4V84jrAGL4?feature=share

    Transcript of the clip:

    Helmut: Today we're gonna talk about one of my favorite subjects. We weave into the web of life of the planet according to what we carry.

    And I think that's one of the big secrets of the ancient teachings that is so not understood in our culture and what it can do, how it can change lives and the world. And we're going to have k start out on that and go from there. All right. Thanks again for joining us, and have fun.

    Kay: Okay. What we carry as the modern culture, the majority of the people on the planet, what are we carrying in order to make the cloud that I talked about before, this bubble, this ugly, huge, utterly sky high, beyond the sky, deep into the earth, swallowing the entire planet bubble of yuck, yucky, yucky, yucky energy and thoughts. It's all thought forms, and they're made by the people, the human race. They're made by us, and they've been being made for centuries and centuries and centuries. It is a natural thing for humans to make thought forms as we think and feel and live.

    But what, what is the quality of those thought forms? What do the thought forms contain?

    There are a huge amount of energy and information, energy that holds information, and that's what we're carrying. And we're constantly creating more, creating more and more and more of it.

    What does it look like? What are, what's inside those thoughts that people are just generally habitually thinking? The thoughts they're addicted to? Quite literally, I mean, that word very literally addicted to them. And people are addicted to this, this really, really giant, yucky thought form.

    If you could see it, if you could psychically see it, it would look like bubbling gray, black, horrible, ugly colors and flashes of energies and smell that would knock you dead. You could just really smell it.

    What makes something like that? I've actually, I saw that the spirits took me on a little adventure. I went on a vision quest out in the middle of the desert in Oregon. I mean, way out in the middle of the desert. Nothing.

    Nothing's out there. And I was on the top of this little bit of a mountain peak, and there was this little shelf, and I could. It's big enough to have a vision quest. I could lay down there and not fall off the cliff.

    And so I went up there to have a vision quest and talk to the spirits and find out whatever they wanted to tell me about or warn me about or teach me about or anything and everything. And I had a lot of questions. And this one time, going there, they scared me. Of course, they did that on purpose, because I had too much fear. I had way, way, way, way too much fear all the time.

    That's a big component of that nasty bubble thought form, fear. Fear, anger, all the negative emotions you could think of. It's all in there. And I got so scared. I was leaving my body.

    I was just floating out and was like, I can't do this anymore. I just can't live being this afraid. I'm going to leave. I'm just going to go die. And they said, no, it's not your time to die.

    You can't go. I'm asking them, what is this mess that I'm looking at? This. It looks like the world's worst weather I've ever seen. It's just horrible and ugly and thick.

    Really, really thick. And. And where's the tunnel? I want the light. Give me the tunnel.

    There's no, no, there's no tunnel for you today. This, this what you're looking at, what you're swimming in. I was literally swimming in it. That's all I could see. I couldn't even see them.

    I could just kind of hear, feel their voices.

    And they said, that's what you make. That's your cloud. That's what, that's what you're making right now. All your fear, all you. The victimization, that hatred, the suspicions and anger, a lot of repressed anger.

    And. But they went on listing all these negative emotions is that's coming out of you. You're making that cloud. You can't get out of it because you're making it, and you're replenishing it, like, with every breath, you're replenishing it.

    And as they're saying that, I'm kind of relating it back to what some of the hedicas, my teachers said about what we carry, this is things we carry and how much that is, how big that is, how it contributes to the whole world. And I had that thought, okay, I'm in this little space, and I can see this yuck here.

    How big is it? How far. How big is this cloud? And my personal cloud was pretty darn big. And it joined all the rest of the clouds of all the other humans on the earth that were just going through all this nightmare.

    When they're making this stuff, they're carrying it. They have it in their body, they have it like weights on their shoulders. They're dragging it along and making it and making it and taking it in and spewing it out. That's what they're carrying. And the truth of it, it really, really, really hit me like a ton of bricks.

    Just the shock of the truth of that.

    I had heard them say different kinds of phrases about what we carry, what we make, what we're living with, what we're addicted to. They kept saying, addicted to, addicted to. And you're addicted to this crap and this unbelievably crappy way of living because you can't see through it. You can't feel through it. You don't feel your happiness.

    You don't feel much of anything. You don't feel passion for living. You don't feel the unconditional love. You don't feel or see the beauty. You can't.

    You can't see through it.

    You can't perceive in any way, shape, or form through the cloud.

    When I realized that, oh, my God, I'm making this, I am literally responsible, 100% responsible for this amount of mess around me that's oozing with the rest of the mess.

    I was so blown away at how much energy that takes to make that and constantly keep making it. This giant bubble is like a beast. It has its own kind of consciousness.

    Not like ours, but it has its own kind of consciousness. And we're feeding the beast.

    There's an old indian story about this young boy. He's out with grandpa, and grandpa's supposed to be teaching him and the ways of being a man and a member of the tribe and all his responsibilities and all that stuff. And the boy says, grandpa, how can I be a good person?

    What do I have to do? What makes a good person?

    What is it that I can do? Because I really want to do that. I want to be a good person.

    The grandpa says, well, we have two wolves that are around us all the time, wanting our attention, trying to get our attention. And one wolf is the good wolf. He's beautiful, he's kind, he's generous. He helps everybody. He helps you, he helps everybody else.

    He has very pleasant, loving thoughts. And when he sees, you know, other people or things, he's always, he finds it beautiful and makes him happy. And he wants to greet everything and help everybody and share with everybody. And that's the good wolf. The other wolf is the bad wolf.

    And that's the one that is suspicious and hates and is really angry and is super fearful and want you to do bad things, nasty things, not be kind to people and to hurt yourself, hurt others. That's the bad wolf. And the kids is, oh, my God, what do I do? How do I stop the bad guy? And what's the trick?

    What's the truth? And grandpa says it's all a matter of who you feed. Which wolf are you going to feed, which wolf are you going to pay attention to, which wolf are going to live with? Which one are you feeding?

    And that describes this giant monster beast thought form that we created and we're carrying around, and we just keep contributing to it because that's what we are carrying. We're addicted to it. And we have to learn how to not be addicted to it, how to step out of it. Just step out of it. Because as soon as you step out of it, there's the real world and there's love, and there's beauty, and there's all the happiness, and there's the happy people and a happy family and a happy self for you.

    All you have to do is step out of it.

    Not carry it anymore, not be it anymore. Give up the addiction.

    A lot of modern people don't think they're addicted to anything. Ha ha ha. That's, that's silly, because they are so addicted to everything that this nasty bubble has to offer. All the modern conveniences and the medias and the tv and the commercials and the consumerism and the corruption. They don't like to think of themselves as corrupt, but they really are.

    They have been corrupted on many levels.

    And then when I first really understood that and saw that that night, I could really see just how addicted I was to all that stuff, that modern way of life and living and what was involved with it. Everything's involved with that cloud, with that bubble. The government, the institutions, our money, our food, our growing, of our food, of all our garbage that we don't know what to do with, it still haunts us.

    And it just hit home like a ton of bricks. That's our people need to really take a good, honest, honest look at that ton of bricks and nasty thought form that they're responsible for.

    Ka Ta See is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    Get full access to Ka Ta See at katasee.substack.com/subscribe
  • Kay Cordell Whitaker, the creator of the Red Door, Lora Keddie, and Laura Philpot will be teaching different aspects of the Red Door and how to use it, and on day five, they will hold a question-and-answer session.

    Watch the video to find out more, and then join us for the Free 5-Day Ka Ta See Red Door Mini Course.

    By the end of these five days, you will have a better understanding of how powerful, easy, and multi-purposeful the Red Door Instrument, aka The Bowl, is and why every home and every person benefits from owning a Red Door Instrument.

    To register, go to https://www.kataseereddoor.com/minicourseregistration

    We hope to see you there!


    Get full access to Ka Ta See at katasee.substack.com/subscribe
  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Ka Ta See Healing Talk Ep. 105

    The question for Kay was, “Why is gratitude such a powerful way to manifest, and how the spirits instructed us to use that for the Weaving Ceremonies to create a new world?”

    Kay’s answer was quite beautiful. At one point, she said gratitude is such a powerful way to manifest because it is how the universe communicates.

    We hope you enjoy the show!

    You can join us for future podcasts live, comment, and ask questions at https://www.youtube.com/@kaycordellwhitaker. When you subscribe to our YouTube channel and click the notification bell, you will be notified when we go live.

    Happy travels!

    Song to Song,

    Helmut www.katasee.com

    Our next big upcoming event is open for registration:The Annual Ka Ta See Weaving Ceremony Gathering 2023

    For more details and to join, go to: www.katasee.world/weavings

    Get full access to Ka Ta See at katasee.substack.com/subscribe
  • (Our podcast, “Ka Ta See Healing Talks,” is on all major podcast venues.)

    In this Healing Talk, Lora, Laura, and I talk with Kay about the Hetakas, how they were, why they were so alluring to her, and why she always wanted what they had.

    How they knew and embodied so many things that modern world people don’t have, things that are essential for human life that modern people haven’t had or experienced for a very, very long time, if ever.

    Their solidness, happiness, incredible knowledge, good health, and spiritual gifts that they had.

    And we asked Kay to put that in contrast with what the people of the modern world have or, rather, what they are missing.

    Kay apprenticed with Domano and Chea Hetaka, two Peruvian Ka Ta See Shaman Elders, for over 13 years. She shares the teachings they gave to her in her books The Reluctant Shaman and Sacred Link.

    We hope you enjoy listening to this wonderful conversation filled with ancient teachings about living your life free from cultural programming.

    Song to Song,



    Join Future Healing Talks Live!

    You can join future Healing Talks live, comment, and ask questions on our Youtube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@aworldinbalance.

    Got Questions?

    If you have questions you would like us to consider discussing in future Healing Talks, you can go to https://www.katasee.world/questions and send them to us.

    Ka Ta See Healing and Study Opportunities

    To learn more about Ka Ta See, our healing work with clients, and the Ka Ta See Study Programs, go to

    https://www.katasee.com or https://www.lorakeddie.com


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  • In this episode, Lora, Laura, and I talk with Kay about forgiveness. The question we are discussing is why forgiveness is so important on an awakening and healing path.

    Ka Ta See Healing Talks - Untangling the confusions of modern life and finding clarity with the help of the ancient Peruvian Shamanic Teachings of Ka Ta See and the pre-flood Egyptian Mystery Teachings, with Kay Cordell Whitaker and Lora Keddie, Laura Philpot, and Helmut Whitaker.

    Kay is the author of The Reluctant Shaman and Sacred Link.

    Listen Live!

    At our Youtube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@aworldinbalance/streams.

    If you subscribe to our YouTube channel and click the notification bell, you will receive a notification about our next live Healing Talk.

    Or you can join us live by joining our Healing Talks Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/kataseehealingtalks.

    We are using a new system that allows us to see comments posted during a live stream on any of our channels so that you can send us questions or comments, and we will see them during the broadcast.

    Got Questions?

    If you have questions that you would like for us to talk about in future Healing Talks, you can go to https://www.katasee.world/questions and send them to us.

    Song to Song,

    Helmut www.katasee.com

    We teach you how to catch!

    "Is that what your tradition is going to teach me? To pursue this unknown?"

    "One can pursue forever and never catch," Chea said, imitating running with two fingers going round and round in front of her. "We teach you how to catch.”

    - Kay Whitaker and Chea Hetaka - The Reluctant Shaman

    To learn about Ka Ta See, the private work that we offer, and the Ka Ta See Study Programs available, go to

    https://www.katasee.com, or https://www.lorakeddie.com


    Get full access to Ka Ta See at katasee.substack.com/subscribe
  • Untangling the confusions of modern life and finding clarity with the help of the ancient Peruvian Shamanic Teachings of Ka Ta See and the pre-flood Egyptian Mystery Teachings, with Kay Cordell Whitaker and Lora Keddie, Laura Philpot, and Helmut Whitaker.

    Kay is the author of The Reluctant Shaman and Sacred Link.

    In this talk, we discuss two questions from Laura.

    Questions 1. Why is self-exploration so important for the process of awakening?

    Question 2. What do you think are the most common hang-ups/stumbling blocks your students are finding challenging in this transformation process?

    It was a delightfully lively talk with beautiful teachings!

    If you have questions that you would like for us to talk about in future Healing Talks, you can go to https://www.katasee.world/questions and send them to us.

    To listen to our Healing Talks live, join our Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/kataseehealingtalks where we stream live.


    Song to Song,



    To learn more about Ka Ta See, the private work we offer, and the study programs available, go to https://www.katasee.com, or https://www.lorakeddie.com.

    .We teach you how to catch!

    "Is that what your tradition is going to teach me? To pursue this unknown?"

    "One can pursue forever and never catch," Chea said, imitating running with two fingers going round and round in front of her. "We teach you how to catch.”

    - Kay Whitaker and Chea Hetaka - The Reluctant Shaman

    Get full access to Ka Ta See at katasee.substack.com/subscribe
  • I published the video of this talk a few days ago and wanted to share it as a podcast as well. So, here it is.


    “We have those four major directions that most people, most cultures deal with. Not all cultures deal with above and below, especially the above, because the above has to do with pure nonlinear. It has to do with the Akasha, the element of Akasha. And that was extremely secret. In Buddhist and Hindu teaching, Egyptian teachings, pretty much all over the planet.

    They teach about the other elements, but you had to get really high up, high-level teachings to learn about the element of Akasha, and Akasha is where the blueprint is housed.

    And that's the blueprint for everything.

    When something is becoming manifest into this world, it first is a spark of thought, of idea, of picture, inspiration. Some cultures call it a seed.

    And that is coming from other dimensions into our 3d time-space dimension, and it attracts matter, and the first degree of matter that it attracts is Akasha with the blueprint. And that's the blueprint of what that's going to be. And then it attracts the other elements one at a time and they kind of fill in the blueprint. And when the earth element is absorbed, becomes part of that blueprint and the picture, it becomes fully physical.

    That is how everything that is physical in our 3d time-space comes into being, those are the steps, and we are utilizing those steps every minute that we're alive.

    We're, as a lot of people often say, we are creating our own selves, our body, we're creating our own reality. We're creating, together, the physical reality, the world around us. We're manifesting it.

    And we do this with our thought and emotion and our spirit, the feeling quality of our spirit.

    When we're asleep and we're in our blind beliefs and we're in our masks, the masks are running the show, they're at the driver's seat, got their hands on the wheel, guiding everything that we do, controlling, dictating everything that we do, think, say, feel, we are manifesting things that have to do with those beliefs, we're bringing them into physical reality. We're bringing those kind of events, into physical reality.

    If we're living in great fear, then we bring more fear into reality. We bring things to be afraid of into physical reality.

    If we're angry, same thing, we just bring more anger into this world and we're creating the likelihood of having events in our lives and having things and people in our lives that are just like what we're experiencing inside ourselves, all that fear, all the anger, all the depression, all the powerlessness, all that garbage, we attract that to us. It already exists here in 3d time space, it's already being part of other people. We attract those people to us.

    Like attracts, like.

    So if we're learning how to wake up and unplug and get rid of, just let go, let it dissolve into subspace that it originally came from, all of those beliefs, all the thoughts, all the different energies, all the anger and the fears, all of it, letting it go getting out of the box, waking up.

    Learning about our Song. Learning who we are and experiencing, purposefully, choosing to experience our own Song, our own beingness with all of its love, mountains and mountains and super cosmic tsunamis worth of love and beauty.

    That's bringing with it all kinds of stuff. Beauty, connectedness, coherence on and on.

    When we are feeling that and experiencing that and living that we are able to perceive it all around us. It's in everything. It's in the air, it's in the space, the field it's in all the plants, it's in all the animals, it's in all the rocks and the dirt, and the water, and air, planet itself. And the sun, and even the moon and everything.

    Full of the aliveness full of consciousness, full of love, full of beauty, full of connectedness, everything sharing one to the other, all this love and beauty and knowledge and all the daily gossip, what's happening today in your neighborhood. From all the different stars and the galaxies and the space, the field, all the spirits, all connected, all sharing, all loving, beauty.

    The universe loves beauty, loves love, and wants more, more of it. All kinds. A lot of diversity, the universe loves diversity.

    When we are experiencing those things and living that, being it inside us, feeling it, seeing it living it, we attract more. Like attracts like. And the new whatever's, molecules or whatever, that is coming from subspace into 3d time-space and becoming physical, it's becoming that. It's becoming the base of what life is here.

    Our universe started with love. It's all created out of love. Love and beauty.

    So what we draw into this universe as creation, because we are piece of creator, it will be of those qualities.

    And that's a world that we want to build inside ourselves, as ourselves, the world, a new world for here on Earth, for humans.

    People have been talking about this new world for many, many, many, many millennia, hundreds of thousands of years. On this world, this planet and others. That knowledge has been passed down, this is possible, and this is the time.”

    - Kay Cordell Whitaker, the author of The Reluctant Shaman and Sacred Link.

    The annual Ka Ta See Weaving Ceremony Gathering is only a few months away. You can learn more about this gathering at https://www.katasee.world/weavings.

    Kay has received the Weaving teachings from the spirits to facilitate the transition into our new world that we are in the middle of. And every year since, a group of beautiful people with big loving, and caring hearts has been gathering for the International Ka Ta See Weaving Ceremony Gathering (the Weavings) to help build that new world.

    If you are interested and drawn to this kind of work, we would happily have you join us.

    Love and Song,


    Get full access to Ka Ta See at katasee.substack.com/subscribe
  • In this talk, Kay shares about how ancient people from around the world, including the pre-flood Egyptians and the Peruvian Ka Ta See people, the Hetakas, have for thousands of years talked about how we will find ourselves in these times. The backward-turning wheel, our backward ways of living are finally falling apart, and this world is ending. Some say it has already ended. And we are moving into a new one. What that new world will look like is up to us.

    The questions for this talk to Kay are, what are today's events about, and what is our place in them? And how can we have the greatest influence on a positive change for the world and humanity?

    Enjoy this beautiful talk by Kay Cordell Whitaker, the author of The Reluctant Shaman - https://amzn.to/3SA5i58, and Sacred Link - https://amzn.to/3SxtaGJ.

    In a few short months, this year’s Ka Ta See Weaving Ceremony Gathering will take place again. In this talk and others coming up, we will share more about that gathering. You can learn more about the Ka Ta See Weavings at https://www.katasee.world/weavings.

    Our elders came to the Western world to, as they say, share a knowledge we have since dangerously lost. The ancients say that we live in a time of changing worlds and that we need this knowledge to make the transition into the new world an easeful one.

    To facilitate the transition, Kay has received the Weaving teachings from the spirits. And every year since, a group of beautiful people with big loving, and caring hearts has been gathering for the International Ka Ta See Weaving Ceremony Gathering (the Weavings) to build a new world.

    To learn more about the Weavings at https://www.katasee.world/weavings.

    We will also continue to share more about the Weavings on our substack under the Weavings heading at, https://katasee.substack.com/t/weaving. When you subscribe to our substack blog, you will be notified of new posts about the Weavings.

    The Ka Ta See Weavings are a beautiful, powerful four-day event filled with ceremonies, learning, healing, and personal growth. We come together with the intention of making a fundamental change, a huge baseline alteration to the blueprint of the web of life on this planet, following the guidance of the spirit’s instructions for weaving in order to help create the new world. It’s a unique experience in an atmosphere of love and beauty and a sense of community and purpose.

    If you are interested and drawn to this kind of work, we would happily have you join us.

    Go to the Weavings at https://www.katasee.world/weavings to learn more.

    Happy travels, in love and beauty!

    Song to Song,


    PS: If you are curious about the perspective these ancient teachings would offer about any questions you are working out or any problems you are dealing with, let us know by going to http://www.katasee.world/quetsions. We will pick up some of the questions for discussion during future healing talks.

    Get full access to Ka Ta See at katasee.substack.com/subscribe
  • (We published the video of this talk yesterday and wanted to provide the same talk in our podcast. So, here it is.)

    But What Can I Do To Change It?

    “Don’t live for them. Live for you.” He answered and leaned over. “Take back what is yours. A person’s Song can never get cut away from them. They tricked you into turning away from it. To blind yourselves. Make yourselves numb. But you do not have to be. You can fight. Only this war is inside you.”

    Among the exquisite beauty of Kay’s writing is her ability to touch the truth of your heart, the truth few aim to touch anymore, and make your heart resonate and experience new possibilities for living and loving.

    We can only grasp as much of what we are being offered as the place we are at on our growth journey allows us to. The further we are on that journey, the more of what is being offered will make sense, and the more profoundly it will affect our beings and lives.

    The passage with Domano’s answer to Kay’s question about what she can do to change things is from Chapter 5 of Kay’s book Sacred Link, called “Touch The Clay, Touch The Altar.” Sacred Link is all about reawakening the senses because our senses are the secret doorway to awakening to the fullness of our being.

    In this passage, Kay talks about how, after an intense day of training going late into the night, where Domano and Chea guided her to experience a deep understanding of the profoundly dysfunctional ways people in our modern culture are programmed to live, so much so that she cried herself to sleep.

    During her conversations the following day with Domano, her adopted Peruvian grandfather and teacher, Kay said: “Oh yeah. The overwhelming amount of control that has been executed upon us through the centuries by manipulating our senses, particularly the sense of touch, was now really sinking in.”

    And then she asked: “But what can I do to change it?”

    To which Domano responded:

    “Don’t live for them. Live for you.” He answered and leaned over. “Take back what is yours. A person’s Song can never get cut away from them. They tricked you into turning away from it. To blind yourselves. Make yourselves numb. But you do not have to be. You can fight. Only this war is inside you.

    “The battle here is to find yourself and the path you stand on. It’s knowing your own Song and feeling this life inside you and all things; living a life that gives as much as it takes from all the relatives and meet them, know them, share love with them, learn the wonders of the world from them; to meeting with your own species in harmony and giving; being able to respect yourself among the generations. This is dancing the web. This is wanowa ka ta see. It is a choice to walk this beauty or to give up and walk as one of the living dead.”

    - Sacred Link, Chapter 4 Touch The Clay, Touch The Altar. (Amazon link, https://amzn.to/3SA5i58).

    In this talk, Kay goes through Domino’s answer point by point and reveals just how far-reaching his answer truly was.


    Song to Song,


    PS: Last chance to join Kay’s new Reclaiming Your Health Course, which starts tomorrow, Saturday, May 13. To learn more and join, go to https://www.katasee.world/ReclaimingYourHealthCourse.

    Get full access to Ka Ta See at katasee.substack.com/subscribe
  • “It's everybody's story personally, every single person, it's their story and the whole human race, the whole human consciousness. It's the story of human consciousness.”

    Inevitably we always circle back around to sharing the story of frog medicine again because of the depth of healing, awakening, and knowing love and beauty it offers.

    I feel this is one of the most profound talks with Kay because she talks about the magic of life, the magic of human life, and how we can live when we shed our cultural programming and become and live the truth of who we are.

    Don’t listen to this while doing other things; I guarantee you will miss so much of the teachings this story offers. Make special time, listen with more than your mind, listen with your whole being, and listen to it more than once.

    Ka Ta See is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support our work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    If you ever wondered why we say that we either wake up or perish? Well, look at the world, and you will see your answer.

    The teachings of frog medicine are all about what it means to change inside, to wake up and live awake, and in so doing shift all of humanity toward awakening and change the world.

    If we genuinely want to see a different world, living like the frog will create it quicker than you can imagine. If you are curious to gain a deeper understanding of what that looks like, listen to Kay talk about frog medicine and what it means to learn to live like the frog does.

    “It’s the story of human consciousness.”

    On the surface it looks like another nice medicine story, but what it really is is the story about what we are capable of, the story of our true nature, the story about how we are meant to and can live as humans living from our heart, from our truth, from love and innocence. From our Song. It is a story about living in health, living awake, and about the world we can create if we learn how to do both. It’s the story of human consciousness.

    At one point, Kay says, “if you don’t sing it, the magic doesn’t happen.” Meaning if we don’t learn to sing our Song like the frog does if we don’t live our Song, we won’t create the magic we want to see in the world.

    The story starts with Kay talking about how living this way is at the heart of conscious living, and shortly after she shares that these teachings are at the heart of all the sacred knowledge.

    “It’s the first step, it’s the middle steps, it’s the last step.

    “The frog, the frog medicine, this, this way of living inside yourself, this way of being from deep inside yourself, from the core, from the core of your heart, the core of your Song, truth of who you are. To be it. Not think of it as some kind of separate thing, a separate thing that you need to pursue or capture, attain, that’s, that doesn't work. It's something, it's the carrot sitting in front of you waggling around that you can never catch if you treat it that way.

    “Your Song, you're beingness, the aliveness, the entity, the consciousness that is you, that's who you actually are. And your body is part of that. Your mind is part of that. Your personality in this lifetime is part of that, part of your Song.

    “So as we learn to wake up in the way of these old, these ancient, ancient, ancient traditions that essentially originated from the stars from the star people, they're the ones who, who gave, gave us this kind of knowledge in the first place. And it's been carried down on this planet for so many, many, many millennia, long before humans were here, earth humans here on earth the way we are right now, homosapian sapiens long before that. It's just been passed down and shared and passed down and shared and kept very, very, very sacred because this is at the heart of all the sacred knowledge.

    “This is the core piece. It's the first step. It's the middle steps. It's the last step, learning how to be you, learning who you really are, what you really are. Because the truth of these things is nothing, absolutely nothing like what our culture has told us for so many, many, many years.”

    Enjoy the beautiful story about frog medicine and all the healing it offers!

    We also published a video with close caption; if you prefer to watch that, go to https://www.katasee.world/frog.

    If you want to learn to live this way, the best way to start is Kay’s book, “The Reluctant Shaman, A Woman’s First Encounters With The Unseen Spirits Of The Earth” - https://amzn.to/3SA5i58

    Some books teach, and some books have moments of touching your soul, and there are books created to awaken your spirit to love and beauty. The Reluctant Shaman is all that, but Kay wrote it most especially to guide you to know the truth of your Song and live it. If you allow it, it can give you a true sense of the beauty and expanse of your soul, your Song.

    You can explore more about Ka Ta See and our work and contact us at www.katasee.com and www.lorakeddie.com.

    Love and Song,


    Get full access to Ka Ta See at katasee.substack.com/subscribe
  • Yesterday I shared a story about what extreme mountain climbing and studying ancient teachings have in common. In the process, I shared a bit about the Ka Ta See Spiral Path.

    You can read the post here:

    Today I am sharing a talk by Kay about the Spiral Path, which goes into more depth and detail about what it is and why one would want to walk it.

    At one point, Kay talks about how you can listen to this story and hear it just on a surface-level understanding, but what it really means is that this is what will save the human race. And it is what is going to bring a lot of health and life back to the Earth. She also says it is the most fantastic journey a human can experience.

    And last, she talks about how time is not what we've been led to believe. And we do have parallel timelines. We can create whatever we want for our timeline.

    I hope you enjoy listening!

    I have included the full transcript below if reading is more your thing.

    And, as I said yesterday, it would be lovely to meet you on this path one day.


    Love and Song,



    Walking The Spiral Path - Transcript from Kay’s talk.

    This is what is going to save the human race.

    The going from South to North and then West to East is describing the first tasks of starting this journey of Ka Ta See, of waking up. And we start in the South with our Song. You have to have your Song first or everything else is really difficult and often doesn't make any sense and very hard to stick to because you don't have any reason to stick to trying to learn any of it. So, Song first.

    So we have the Song Ceremony.

    Then we go to the North for the next major ceremony. That's Life Energy, Dance of the Earth Fire Serpent.

    The Direction Ceremony, that's the beginning part of the Earth Fire Serpent initiation, it's part of the initiation. And it's teaching you about this experiential learning and feeling the differences that come, in a non-linear way. You're feeling non-linear things when you're feeling the sensations of the different directions.

    But in the North, it's all about Life Energy and opening up the life energy channel.

    Then we go to the West. The West is about death, and what death is.

    We have many different kinds of deaths, many different kinds of birth and rebirth.

    And with these teachings, we're talking about the death of our beliefs, our blind beliefs, the death of masks. The death of who we thought we were, our old identity, and what we thought we were.

    And so we're exploring that.

    Then we go to the East and that is sunrise, and illumination, and rebirth, and awakening.

    When we've done the first three, we have the chance to see, to feel, to experience and learn from the nonlinear, to go through the veil. It's the doorway, it's that veil that opens up in the East and allows us to perceive everything non-linear that we have been blind to before.

    And when we talk about our long life journey, we are going in this spiral. We're going from whatever direction we managed to start with first in our own psychological growth and our getting rid of our different beliefs and masks and things that are hindering us and keeping us in the box.

    We have our Song, we're traveling around the clock, clockwise, with our Song, as our torchlight. Domano used to call it the Torchlight, the guide, that we have something to hold on to, we have something, about our true selves that we have learned and experienced. And so that's our anchor. It's what allows us to be able to go through the other directions and around and around and around the spiral and stay with it, stay coherent, not go crazy, not give up and get to the center.

    The next place that we will end up at, the South is where we're kind of starting, the next place is the West. And we will see lots of mask and blind belief activity coming up. A lot of bungee cord mask action coming up into our face, giving us that opportunity to see it, realize what it is. It's not real, it's our pretend self, our pretend world. It's all the masky stuff, the culturalization, and it needs to die. All that stuff needs to just not be anymore. And that frees us to go further down the spiral and we'll end up in the North and this is more to do with life and aliveness, and life energy and our connectedness.

    And then into the East, this is more waking up another step, a bigger, brighter step of understanding illumination.

    And because we are Earth humans and we; we are the crazy folks that we are, instead of going on a really steady, steady march from one clockwise to the next that's in line, and the next that's in line, we jump around and some times we even jump backwards, especially in the beginning. We'll get all the way to, you know, really cool stuff, real cool experiences and understanding, and then, here comes the bungee cord of the masks and the blind beliefs, and we slipp off into old, old habit, old thinking, old feeling, old fears, old angers, old behaviors, we bungeecorded it back into old way of being.

    And that means wherever we were we've now bungeed back to the West and we got to go through some West, got to go through some mask evaluations and being honest with ourselves. We can't get out of the west until we're really honest with ourselves about all these blind beliefs and these the behaviors that they have created. We've created out of our insistence on being dogmatically devoted to these blind beliefs about ourselves, about others, about the world, about everything. And we need to learn as much as we can when we're in the West.

    When we have sunk into the pit, into the mask pit. We need to understand that we have our Song, we have the torchlight we have the Song and that becomes like a ladder, and you could climb right out of that pit. You could fly out of it if you want. We have that capability.

    We just have to realize that all of that is not real. It's make-believe, and we just have to choose not to believe in it and not be willing to stay there and get back to our Song, turn our attention purposefully to our Song, so we feel it.

    That's why we would go put on a recording of a Song Ceremony and do the Song Ceremony. Gratitude Ceremonies often help a lot too. Forgiveness Ceremony helps a lot. But the Song Ceremony really hones in to you experiencing you. That's what it's all about, learning who and what you really are, because the who and the what that we really are, is completely different than anything that we used to hold in our ideas and our beliefs, in what the culture has said is real and who we are, what we are, and what we should be, and have to be. It is anchored, shackled by fears and anger.

    We can believe in those things and stay there as long as we want.

    All of us, all of us have come into this lifetime as a physical human being with one of the goals, one of our purpose in life items on our purpose in life list is to go to sleep. Spiritually, psychologically, go to sleep, learn the culture, be inculturated, be blinded. All of us. So that when the time came for us, we would learn that there was something else and that this stuff wasn't real, and that we were living in a little cardboard box with no windows and no doors. We have a TV screen, we got the headset on and the masks are feeding us lies through the screen, through the headset. And we think that's reality. We think that's what's real and all there is.

    But when we start to question and start to realize there's something else, something else here, and I'm trapped in a little box and I'm blinded, and I got to get out, got to get out.

    Because if you're here [in the Ka Ta See studies], one of the items you have on your purpose in life list is to do everything you can to wake up out of that cultural box, truly spiritually, psychologically, wake up and be totally free.

    And then you start working at it.

    But when we have these adventures diving back into the West it's so that we can learn what is holding us back. What is it that has built our box?

    And we want to get out, we want to start tearing the box apart, throwing it away and seeing what's on the outside of that box. Cause there's reality out there. Reality about yourself, about others, about the whole world, about the universe.

    We've known it before in other lifetimes, other experiences, we've been totally awake. Every time we die, we're totally awake.

    So we chose that so that we could really, really learn it, understand it, and then learn how to wake up, learn what it takes to wake up, learn the experience of it and record that in the total human consciousness so that it's available for every human being now and all generations after. So it makes it easier and easier for all the generations to come to wake up, to be awake, and stay awake, and maybe never go to sleep at all. Be born here on Earth as a human and never go to sleep. Have an entire lifetime here, awake with all that could bring, all the possibilities that that could have with it. Which are astounding. Our capabilities are endless, they're mind blowing. What we have in us, in our, as some would say in our DNA, our whole perfect blueprint possibilities are just astounding.

    All the fun stuff that people call fantasy and make believe and fairytales, like teleportation, and certainly telepathy, telekinesis, all kinds of stuff, all that stuff. It's real. And we have the capacity to learn how to do it, but we have to be awake to do it. We don't have the ability to learn or do these things unless we're awake. And the more awake we get, the more we learn about these things, the more we're able to do these things.

    And that's the goal. That's the goal of waking up.

    The more awake you get, the more love you perceive and feel, and experience everywhere around you coming to you, coming into you, going from you to other.

    The more beauty you are able to perceive and understand and experience. The more knowledge you're able to access. The more knowledge you're able to understand, cause it's there, it's all there. It's all around us.

    But we will have the capacity to understand it and be able to utilize it in a good way, win-win-win way.

    There's always more to learn and to experience. We get our learning, our konwingness from experience.

    As we go around that spiral, we have this opportunity to learn so many different things and we're jumping around the spiral a lot.

    We have moments in ceremony usually, or just one of those, those moments of awakeness, where we popped into the center of the spiral. We're right at the foot of that tree. And we are experiencing and understanding things without any hindrance of any of the cultural lies or dictates or the fears or the angers or the masks or the beliefs, none of it, doesn't exist in the center of the spiral. And we have a moment of experiencing it.

    And then we hop back to whatever spot on the spiral we're at.

    But eventually we are making our way round, round, round, round round, to the center.

    And we have those four major directions that most people, most cultures deal with. Not all cultures deal with above and below, especially the above, because the above has to do with pure nonlinear. It has to do with the Akasha, the element of Akasha. And that was extremely secret. In Buddhist and Hindu teaching, Egyptian teachings, pretty much all over the planet.

    They teach about the other elements, but you had to get really high up, high level teachings to learn about the element of Akasha, and Akasha is where the blueprint is housed.

    And that's the blueprint for everything.

    When something is becoming manifest into this world, it first is a spark of thought, of idea, of picture, inspiration. Some cultures call it a seed.

    And that is coming from other dimensions into our 3d time-space dimension. And it attracts matter, and the first degree of matter that it attracts is Akasha with the blueprint. And that's the blueprint of what that's going to be. And then it attracts the other elements one at a time and they kind of fill in the blueprint. And when the earth element is absorbed, becomes part of that blueprint and the picture, it becomes fully physical.

    That is how everything that is physical in our 3d time-space comes into being, those are the steps, and we are utilizing those steps every minute that we're alive.

    We're, as a lot of people often say we are creating our own selves, our body, we're creating our own reality. We're creating together, the physical reality, the world around us. We're manifesting it.

    And we do this with our thought and emotion and our spirit, the feeling quality of our spirit.

    When we're asleep and we're in our blind beliefs and we're in our masks, the masks are running the show, they're at the driver's seat, got their hands on the wheel, guiding everything that we do, controlling, dictating everything that we do, think, say, feel, we are manifesting things that have to do with those beliefs, we're bringing them into physical reality. We're bringing those kind of events, into physical reality.

    If we're living in great fear, then we bring more fear into reality. We bring things to be afraid of into physical reality. If we're angry, same thing, we just bring more anger into this world and we're creating the likelihood of having events in our lives and having things and people in our lives that are just like what we're experiencing inside ourselves, all that fear, all the anger, all the depression, all the powerlessness, all that garbage, we attract that to us. It already exists here in 3d time space, it's already being part of other people. We attract those people to us.

    Like attracts, like.

    So if we're learning how to wake up and unplug and get rid of, just let go, let it dissolve into subspace that it originally came from, all of those beliefs, all the thoughts, all the different energies, all the anger and the fears, all of it, letting it go getting out of the box, waking up. Learning about our Song. Learning who we are and experiencing, purposefully, choosing to experience our own Song, our own beingness with all of its love, mountains and mountains and super cosmic tsunamis worth of love and beauty.

    That's bringing with it all kinds of stuff. Beauty, connectedness, coherence on and on.

    When we are feeling that and experiencing that and living that we are able to perceive it all around us. It's in everything. It's in the air, it's in the space, the field it's in all the plants, it's in all the animals, it's in all the rocks and the dirt, and the water, and air, planet itself. And the sun, and even the moon and everything. Full of the aliveness full of consciousness, full of love, full of beauty, full of connectedness, everything sharing one to the other, all this love and beauty and knowledge and all the daily gossip, what's happening today in your neighborhood. From all the different stars and the galaxies and the space, the field, all the spirits, all connected, all sharing, all loving, beauty.

    The universe loves beauty, loves love, and wants more, more of it. All kinds. A lot of diversity, the universe loves diversity.

    When we are experiencing those things and living that, being it inside us, feeling it, seeing it living it, we attract more. Like attracts like. And the new whatever's, molecules or whatever, that is coming from subspace into 3d time-space and becoming physical, it's becoming that. It's becoming the base of what life is here.

    Our universe started with love. It's all created out of love. Love and beauty.

    So what we draw into this universe as creation, because we are piece of creator, it will be of those qualities.

    And that's a world that we want to build inside ourselves, as ourselves, the world, a new world for here on Earth, for humans.

    People have been talking about this new world for many, many, many, many millennia, hundreds of thousands of years. On this world, this planet and others. That knowledge has been passed down, this is possible, and this is the time.

    And we could choose. We always have choice, even when we're asleep and we think we don't have any choice, we have choice. We can choose to get out of it.

    In the beginning, sometimes it's a struggle, it's hard to tell the difference. That's why we do the Song Ceremony. That's why everything starts in the spiral in the South with the Song Ceremony. Learn who you are and what you are. The most important step, biggest step. And that will take you on the road to completely waking up. Following your Song. Feeling it, experiencing it. And we learn from experiencing.

    The more you can experience your Song, the more you'll learn about who you are, who others are, what the world is, who all the rest of everything is and how it all ties together and connects together what your place is there.

    It's the most fantastic journey that a human can experience.

    And we came here to feel the asleep side, to experience it, understand it, feel and experience, go through the waking up and be able to be awake and give that gift to others.

    So that's what the spiral journey is. That's what it's about. That's what it means.

    Takes persistence and love and honoring of self and other, the love of self and other, the love of beauty. The love of love.

    Thank you. This is food for my soul. Thank you.

    You are so very, very welcome. Thank you for the question, because you know, it sounds like a nice little story, and if you'd wanted to take the story of the directions and and spiral at surface value, two dimensionally, it's very simple and yeah, it just doesn't really mean a whole lot at that level. Oh, well, just another story.

    But, what it really means, this is, this is what is going to save the human race.

    This is what is going to bring a lot of health and life back to the Earth.

    Just like the gratitude ceremony this morning, picturing, picturing and loving and being so grateful for this incredible beauty of huge numbers of different animals, and huge diversity of different animals and different trees, different plants and different soil groups and ecologies and perfect pure water and air.

    And it's, it's all here. It's here already. It exists already and feeling it, you have to feel it as though it's already here.

    We're feeling the world of the center of the spiral, and it does already exist.

    Time is not what we've been led to believe. And we do have parallel timelines. We can create whatever we want for our timeline.

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  • What Is Journeying?

    Lora asked two questions during our public Mentorship that she was asked by somebody curious about the teachings, “What is journeying, and why would I need to know how to do that?”

    This episode is Kay’s answer.

    Kay, in her unique, beautiful way of expressing things without leaving anything out that the spirits feel people need to hear to have a greater chance of grasping what she is sharing, touches on so many things to answer those two questions.

    She starts by talking about “Ikta,” an acronym we coined that stands for “I know that already.” An affliction affecting many people, and when you have a case of Ikta, you’re learning, healing, and growing are on hold.

    Then she talks about journeying and why you want to learn how to do that, and she uses “The Journey To The Crystal Cave” as an example. The Crystal Cave Journey offers profound healing experiences that are only available in that cave to shift your being and your way of being in and experiencing the world quite dramatically and beautifully.

    It’s also a journey that Kay is guiding her students live in her upcoming course.

    Then she talks about the difference between journeying and visualizations and that the latter, while valid for its own reasons, is not journeying. And in the process, she talks about signatures and the importance of learning what they are.

    It’s just over 22 minutes full of beautiful wisdom nuggets.

    Enjoy listening.

    You can learn more and contact us at www.katasee.com and www.lorakeddie.com.

    Wishing you a happy weekend full of love and beauty!

    Love and Song,


    Ka Ta See is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    Get full access to Ka Ta See at katasee.substack.com/subscribe
  • As both the head and subheadline say, this is part 2 of our public Mentorship.

    If you haven’t watched or listened to part 1, it’d be a good idea to do that. It will help you better understand what is being shared in part 2.

    Here is the link:

    Opening this Mentorship session to everyone was such a special experience. Our friend Lora said it so beautifully when she shared afterward.

    Here is what she shared:

    “You talk the way I understand.”

    “I’m still enjoying all the beautiful energy still swirling from yesterday’s public Live Mentorship with Kay. The magic, for lack of a better word, still feels like it’s with me. I feel the potential of all that was shared and expressed.

    “One sentence I keep hearing was spoken by someone not currently in the studies. They said, “You talk the way I understand.” YES! Those words took me back to my very first day and every day after that of my first Level One Apprenticeship Course Studies. I felt and remembered that feeling myself when it was said.

    “Those days with Kay I sat in one of our empty bedrooms with my phone on speaker. We didn’t have Zoom yet. When Kay spoke the lost feeling I had for years while searching for truth and answers, dissolved. I could feel at the core of my being I was finally hearing the truth. Pieces were falling into place, dots were connecting…answers, I was getting answers. Call by call I was coming out of the dark I had been in for so many years.

    “Kay spoke the way I understood.


    “I’m thrilled we have Zoom now. If we had Zoom back almost nine years ago, the others online would have seen me crying, rocking, and fist bounding the sky that… one “this” was real… and two, I wasn’t crazy. OMGoodness… and there were others.

    “It’s not like I hadn’t tried other things. I study from a few popular and famous spiritual teachers some of you have heard about. After completing their courses I was still left lost. My fears of being crazy definitely hadn’t disappeared.

    “In many of the studies and practices, I felt I was just creating a new lie. I definitely wasn't getting the "truth rattle" as I like to refer to it. I kept asking “the universe” please send me a teacher in physical form. With an emphasis on PHYSICAL form.

    “I could make this post longer by sharing the details of how I found Kay’s book, The Reluctant Shaman, registered for her class, chickened out, and found her class again a couple of years later, but I’ll stop and just say, “wow”. Yesterday was such a gift.

    “These practices aren’t for everyone, but they are for everyone. Everyone who wants and is willing to do the work can have this beauty, connection, and aliveness. Kay lead me out of my dark time, to a life I’m thrilled to live every day, with so much incredible REAL magic.

    “So much gratitude to all of you who joined yesterday. Thank you for making the day so special.”

    - Lora Keddie

    You can learn more about Lora and her work with Ka Ta See, and get in touch with her @ www.lorakeddie.com.

    You can learn more about Ka Ta See and contact me @ www.katasee.com.

    To learn more about one of our big wonderful courses coming up, that Lora mentions in her sharing, go to Healing Arts Apprenticeship One.

    Thank you for your interest in these ancient Peruvian Shamanic Teachings! And in our work!

    Song to Song,


    Get full access to Ka Ta See at katasee.substack.com/subscribe
  • To listen to or watch part 2, go to

    We have a monthly Mentorship Session, which our students love. We decided to open this month’s session to the public, and it was a beautiful experience.

    If you want to taste what being part of our Mentorship is like, listen or watch.


    Song to Song,


    Get full access to Ka Ta See at katasee.substack.com/subscribe
  • A large part of waking up is learning to fully grasp the beauty of life and live in celebration of it.

    Mentorship is what we are talking about in this episode. Specifically the Ka Ta See Mentorship.

    And to get first-hand experience of what our Mentorship is all about, we invite you to join this month’s Mentorship session for free. To join the free Mentorship session, sign up for our free events list at https://www.katasee.world/live.

    This talk is about what our Mentorship offers to people’s lives.

    For me, not being able to be part of the Ka Ta See Mentorship is akin to trying to put a 2000-piece puzzle together without knowing what it will look like. Only this is the puzzle of your life, and some people’s lives have like two million pieces or more.

    A large part of waking up is learning to fully grasp the beauty of life and live in celebration of it.

    If you are longing for healing and a peaceful, balanced life having people like Kay to guide you is like having a blueprint of sorts to guide you toward what’s really possible when creating health and creating peace and beauty in your life.

    She offers her remarkable deep understanding of the ancient teachings that students can then apply to put the puzzle pieces of their life together.

    This is what is being offered with the Ka Ta See Mentorship. And that’s what we are talking about.

    We hope you can join us this Saturday for the live Mentorship Session!

    Enjoy watching or listening to the recordings.

    Song to Song,

    Helmut www.katasee.com

    Kay is the author of the Reluctant Shaman and Sacred Link.

    Here are the links to check out the books on Amazon:

    TRS - https://amzn.to/3SA5i58

    SL - https://amzn.to/3SxtaGJ

    Get full access to Ka Ta See at katasee.substack.com/subscribe
  • This is an excerpt from our Healing Talk about how we can get to living in love, to living in Song.

    You can watch the recording of the full talk at https://www.katasee.world/callofyoursong or in our library at https://wwww.katasee.world/library.

    In this excerpt, Kay talks about how to get out of the box we are living in.


    Song to Song,


    Visit https://www.katasee.com for more about these ancient Peruvian Teachings.

    Get full access to Ka Ta See at katasee.substack.com/subscribe
  • The third in the series of talks about Life Energy!

    Everything that’s happening in our world today is an invitation for us to awaken. It’s never been about a bug, or global weather going off the rails, or which lives matter, it is humanity's awakening journey.

    Whether we do or we don’t get our collective heads of our collective asses and hear the call to awaken will determine our future more than anything else ever will.

    In this episode, we talk about how life energy and having a powerful initiation of life energy plays a hugely important part on that journey.

    You can catch our live streams in the Healing Talks Group. Joining the Healing Talks Group is free, and here is the link where you can request to join, https://www.facebook.com/groups/kataseehealingtalks.

    As you know, you can also always join the Ka Ta See Library at https://www.katasee.world/library, where many of our Healing Talks' recordings are posted.

    Song to Song,


    Get full access to Ka Ta See at katasee.substack.com/subscribe
  • The second in the series of talks about Life Energy!

    To join these talks live, go to https://www.katasee.world/live.

    The two remaining talks in the series are:

    3. The importance of Life Energy on an awakening journey.

    4. The importance of Life Energy in doing healing work, including self-healing work.

    We are sharing more about Life Energy because we offer another Ka Ta See Life Energy Course with The Dance Of The Earth Fire Serpent Initiation guided live by Kay.

    If you want to learn more about or join us for that course and the ceremony, go to https://www.katasee.world/earthfireserpentlive.


    Song to Song,


    Get full access to Ka Ta See at katasee.substack.com/subscribe
  • That’s the subject of the first in a series of four Healing Talks with Kay about Life Energy.

    To join these talks live, go to https://www.katasee.world/live.

    The other talks in the series are:

    2. Life Energy and the field of Aliveness.

    3. The importance of Life Energy on an awakening journey.

    4. The importance of Life Energy in doing healing work, including self-healing work.

    We are sharing more about Life Energy because we offer another Ka Ta See Life Energy Course with The Dance Of The Earth Fire Serpent Initiation guided live by Kay.

    If you want to learn more about or join us for that course and the ceremony, go to https://www.katasee.world/earthfireserpentlive.


    Song to Song,


    Get full access to Ka Ta See at katasee.substack.com/subscribe
  • If you've been with us or have followed us for a bit, you undoubtedly realize that many of our talks are about healing and awakening. Some of them more so than others.

    Destiny's Call To Awaken is one of those "more so," much more so!

    Here is a part of that talk that, as Meredith says at the end about herself, could quickly get your blood pumping about what's possible for you, what's possible for all of us.

    If you feel that healing and awakening, and possibly helping to heal and awaken the rest of humanity, is part of your life's journey, don't miss watching this clip.

    This story conveys profoundly what these teachings are and the journey of healing and awakening that they offer.

    Love, always!


    PS: For the full talk go to https://katasee.world/library

    Get full access to Ka Ta See at katasee.substack.com/subscribe