One day, out of nowhere and for an unknown reason, something—or someone—appears over the right shoulder of one man, shadowing his every step and literally breathing down his neck. Desperate for answers, he turns to his psychic ex-girlfriend, who offers him only a cryptic warning: The ghost is here for a reason. And soon, you’ll have to make a choice. What choice? And what price will he have to pay?
Laura Shell has been published in Maudlin House, Citron Review, and many others. Her anthology of paranormal stories titled The Canine Collection was released this year. If she isn't writing, reading, or submitting short fiction, she's slinging snarky jabs at her husband of 35 years. You can find out more about her at https://laurashellhorror.wordpress.com.
You can read "A Haunting" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.
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Instead of moving on after death, a few ghosts decide to remain at Tellurian Industries to keep an eye on things. When they discover an employee stealing from the company, the spectral staff must figure out how to make his crime known—with all the limitations that come with being dead.
For most of her adult life, Kelly Zimmer labored in the stifling corporate atmosphere of commercial real estate, finding escape in mysteries, thrillers, and horror novels. She took a break from her number-intensive work life through biking, hiking, kayaking, and writing. She is inspired by the natural side of Florida, which she explores with her husband and dog, Lydia.
You can read "The Department of Spectral Affairs" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.
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Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash
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Manglende episoder?
At a reading of her latest story, a an anxious author of horror stories may have to face the fears of her past.
Mave Goren is an author, radio host and musician from the hinterlands of Brooklyn. A lifelong writer of the weird and fantastical, her work has appeared in Ode to Dionysus and the queer indie award horror anthology Trans Rites. She is a prospective MFA student in St Joseph’s University in Brooklyn. You can find her on Instagram as yon_wizardmeistress
You can read "My Haunted Childhood" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.
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Two men step into the unknown to call a demon for a favor. One follows the prescribed ritual. The other? Well, he’s a little distracted, so he gets what he asked for maybe he got more than he bargained for.
Nenad Pavlovic was born in 1983. in a mid-sized city in Eastern Europe. He majored in English language and literature and eventually moved to the north of Norway, where he still resides, working as a teacher and scribbling away every Friday night with a pint of ale at his side. His short fiction (mostly fantasy, sci-fi and horror, with a few exception) was featured in many magazines and short story collections published throughout the Balkans, and a few of them even managed to get published abroad (Jersey Devil Press, Piker Press, Schlock!, Lovecraftiana, Kaidankai, Dark Horses, Underside Stories...). His first novel, Hokus Lokvud, won the Mali Nemo Best Novel Award in 2013, and his latest novel, Salvation on Peril Island, published under a pen-name Nash Knight, is currently available on Amazon.
You can read "Mr. Silver, Mr. Quicksilver" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.
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Reapers: silent collectors and unseen guides of the dead. Their past is forgotten, their future uncertain, but they know one thing, ghosts can’t be trusted. Then one reaper meets a ghost who might unravel everything.
MN Wiggins is an internationally published author, surgeon, voice actor, and humorist from the American South. His recently released novel, Physician’s Guide to Homicide, completes the Arkansas Traveler trilogy, featuring Wiggins's most well-known character, Dr. Melvin Napier.
Dr. Wiggins’s short stories have been featured in The Hooghly Review, Black Petals, Medicine and Meaning, and read on the podcasts Creepy and Frightening Tales. He has forthcoming stories in The Horror Zine, Symphonies of Imagination, Close to the Bone, Flunk magazine, AcademFic, Thirteen, and The Night’s End podcast. Dr. Wiggins’s complete works may be found at www.MNWiggins.com
You can read "Coins For the Reaper" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.
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A teen hanging out at the school football field challenges the unseen. What happens next? Well… let’s just say it gives new meaning to the term ‘end zone.’
Daniel Gene Barlekamp is the author of fiction and poetry for young readers and adults. His middle-grade ghost story “The Curse of the Cat Man” appears in the anthology The Haunted States of America (Godwin Books/Macmillan, 2024), and his poetry has been translated into Mandarin by Poetry Hall. Originally from New Jersey, Daniel now lives with his wife and son in Massachusetts, where he works in immigration law by day and attends law school by night. Find his full bio in the episode description and at the Kaidankai website.
Find him at dgbarlekamp.com and on Twitter @dgbarlekamp.
You can read "Deadeye" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.
Website: kaidankaistories.com
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Photo by Lucas Andrade on Unsplash
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Today's story is about hidden islands, cursed treasure, and the age-old price of greed. But, is it just another sailor's yarn spun for coins, or does a dark truth lurk in its shadows?
Liam A Spinage is a former philosophy student, former archaeology educator, and former police clerk who spends most of his spare time on the beach gazing up at the sky and across the sea while his imagination runs riot. Occasionally, this imagination has been known to spill out onto paper. You can find his full bio in the episode description.
https://liamaspinage.com/ https://www.facebook.com/liamaspinage https://www.instagram.com/liam_a_spinage/ https://www.amazon.co.uk/~/e/B083VVHV41
You can read "Tell No Tales" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.
Here's a nice summary of Howard Pyle's impact on our modern image of pirates.
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Image by Howard Pyle titled Who Shall Be Captain?
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A group of treasure hunters toast their success as they head towards China with plundered Egyptian relics. Will they reach their destination and the promise of riches beyond imagination or will a mysterious stranger thwart their success?
Tim Law is a writer of fantasy, horror, and oftentimes both. He loves to discover how a story will unfold, especially his own which he never ever plots. He is aloving husband, father of three, and fur-father of four. Family is everything to him. He resides in a small town in Southern Australia where he gets to be in charge of the local library. Tim jumps from idea to idea, never knowing what will enthrall him next. You can find his stories, poetry, and art in various anthologies, and online.
You can read "A Train Trip From Cairo" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.
Other stories on the Kaidankai podcast by Tim Law:
A True Friend
Grandpa's Boy
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A couple driving through an intense storm sees a man on the road. What begins as a decision to help a stranger ends up changing their lives.
Arpad Nagy is a proud Hungarian Canadian. After sustaining work injuries and being relegated to desk work, he dove into writing and has been doing so full-time since 2021. HIs passion is fiction writing, and his niche is romantic fiction, although I branch out into as many genres as I can. I also write personal essays, memoirs, pop culture, and anecdotal stories about being a father, husband, and former careers as a chef, oil man, and civil construction. I am an editor for four publications, three for nonfiction and one for short fiction at Medium, where I have nearly 400 published pieces.
You can read "The Ghosts of Blackrock River" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.
Other stories on the Kaidankai podcast by Arpad Nagy:
Through the Shadow Glass
Josephine's Candle
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A homeless girl haunts the catacombs to escape the brutal cold. But the catacombs hold more than forgotten bones and lost souls. When she encounters a mortician and his assistant, she’s enlisted to help them prepare the bodies…before it’s too late.
Katy England has been writing for longer than she likes to admit. A journalist and communications expert by day, modder and fiction writer by night. She spends much of her time in the great expanse of the Maine woods with her husband, triplets, and select fish. Her greatest accomplishments, to date, is that her children like her stories and that the crows come to her yard when she calls them.
You can read "Rest for the Wicked" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.
Other stories on the Kaidankai podcast by Katy England:
"The Long Night"
Dream Without Mercy
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As a precurser to A Christmas Carol, this story has similar themes, but it is a bit darker than Dickens' more famous story and is funnier. Perfect to really get into the Christmas Spirit.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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A woman is coping with grief, or rather not coping so well with it. But some strong lessons come from an unlikely source.
Caroline Taylor is an award-winning novelist and short-story writer who grew up in the mountain west and traveled widely, including a brief stint in the Foreign Service. A former editor of Humanities magazine, she is the author of nine mysteries, one short-story collection, and a nonfiction book. All of them are available on her website at www.carolinestories.com. Two of her novels won the Firebird Book award, and a third was a finalist for the Freddie Award. She is a member of Mystery Writers of America and Sisters in Crime. Visit her at https://facebook.com./CarolineTaylorAuthor/.
You can read "Benches" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.
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The island nunnery is a safe space. But is it safe for everyone? And who pays the price for that safety?
Nathan Perrin is an Anabaptist pastor in Chicagoland. He holds an MA in Quaker Studies, and is a doctoral student studying Christian Community Development at Northern Seminary. His doctorate work centers on creating a writing program for nonprofits and churches to use to help under-resourced communities process trauma. He is the author of the forthcoming novella Memories of Green Rivers, which will be released by Running Wild Press in 2025. His work has been published in the Dillydoun Review, Bangalore Review, Collateral Journal, Esoterica Magazine, etc. He is also a screenwriter for an unannounced indie comedy series. For more information, visit www.nathanperrinwriter.com
You can read "The Nunnery" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.
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When a woman begins to vanish in society’s eyes, what can she do to be appreciated?
Raluca Balasa holds an MFA in Creative Writing: Fiction from the University of Nevada, Reno. Her short work has appeared in venues such as Andromeda Spaceways Magazine, Aurealis, and Grimdark Magazine, as well as on Apex Magazine’s blog. Raluca works as an English professor in the Toronto area. Her debut science fiction novel, Blood State, was released in 2020 from Renaissance Press. She can be found at https://ralucabalasa.wixsite.com/website
Twitter: @rabalasa
You can read "Vanishing Act" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.
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Awesome photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash!
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What would life be like if your loved one really did come back as a ghost to be with you? One man finds out.
Chad Gayle’s speculative fiction has appeared in and at StarShipSofa, Andromeda Spaceways Magazine, and Inner Worlds. In addition to teaching English in Texas and North Carolina, Chad has worked as a computer programmer, a graphic designer, and a freelance photographer. Proud father to two humans and three felines, he’s also an avid roller skater who can be found on fair weather days skating gleefully through the streets of New York, the city he calls home.
Learn more about Chad’s publications and photography at https://chadgayle.com/.
You can read "A Certain Kind of Love" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.
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Awesome photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash!
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A firefighter who falls head over heels in love with his baby daughter. Some would call it obsession. But in times of crisis, who will be the hero?
JB Polk is Polish by birth, a citizen of the world by choice. Since 2020, more than 100 of her stories, flash fiction and non-fiction, have been accepted for publication. In 1996, her story short-listed for the Irish Independent/Hennessy Awards, Ireland, and she recently won the International Human Rights Arts Movement literary contest.
You can read "Sweet Magnolia" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.
Website: kaidankaistories.com
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A sweet little boy takes after his grandfather. How is anything but sweet.
Tim Law has loved to write from a very young age, but has only recently discovered the joy of being published. He is happily married to a wonderful girl, a proud father of three humans, and a reluctant father figure to four cats. He writes fantasy, science fiction, general, detective, humour, and a lot of weird stuff that doesn’t seem to fit anywhere. He encourages everyone to give writing a go. Some of his stranger stories can be found here on the Kaidankai, but if you want to read more try his blog.
You can read "Grandpa's Boy" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.
Other stories by Tim Law on the Kaidankai Podcast:
The Darkness Beyond the Farm Back Gate
My Friend Shane
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How far will one woman go to get more followers on social media?
Harold Hoss is a film producer best known for "The Unheard" and "Creep Box." When he isn't reading, writing, or watching horror movies he enjoys hiking with his dog Margot. Twitter: https://twitter.com/HorrorHoss
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hblakehoss/
Website with link to a short film on Alter: https://haroldhosshorror.wordpress.com/
You can read "Follow Me" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.
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Today's story is a perfect example of how ghost stories reveal our humanity. There's obsession and revenge, love and generosity, fear and forgiveness.
Linda Gould is the host of the Kaidankai podcast. She lived in Japan for 26 years and was inspired by the culture, people, and folklore to write ghost stories with Japan as a backdrop.
You can read "It's Your Turn" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.
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Today's story is a perfect example of how ghost stories reveal our humanity. There's obsession and revenge, love and generosity, fear and forgiveness.
Denise Longrie’s work has appeared in Spank the Carp, Bright Flash Literary Review, and Danse Macabre. She has self-published a nonfiction guide to pre-1900 speculative fiction. She is (…still) working by the flickering light of a Jacob’s ladder on a sequel treating twentieth-century pulp science fiction. In a previous life, she worked as a pharmacy technician.
You can read "The Ironworker" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.
Website: kaidankaistories.com
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