The Corona Chronicles has fast forwarded to summer 2020. By midsummer’s eve things were under control and out of control.
At the beginning of June Angela Merkel – the de facto president of the European union announced that borders would be opening, and Europe would be ready for the summer season, a pandemic, nutty summer.
Week Four was symbolic week, as it marked the end of some kind of natural cycle; the 28 days of nature, moon and blood and the circles of the natural world. It was, however, apparent that a lot of folk were going a little stir crazy– or at least unfocussed–and connecting to the natural world and nature was not easy when you weren’t allowed out your house.
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Week three of the pandemic: Spring is in the air and April Fool's day is no fun anymore. Kate Pendry continues to meander through this ongoing international crisis. An extraordinary increase in the sales of sex ‘toys’ is reported in a number of German-speaking countries and in Scandinavia. Prince Charles gets Corona in week three.
Corona chronicles has come to week two of the pandemic. The world has gone online and nothing seems to be the same anymore. In this episode, Kate Pendry reflects on how the Corona crisis evolves in an ever changing situation where our lives seem to be turning upside down.
Pendry focuses the different initial reactions to the viral threat in Norway, Austria and Great Britain. She describes how differently it is possible to react to an identical threat.
The virus does not acknowledge any borders, neither does it see the difference between poor and rich.