
  • Happy Family Life: Christian Parenting Tips and Bible Insights!

    Proverbs 10 continued...

    Practically, what does it take to have a happy life and a happy family?

    1) It takes righteousness v2-3; 6-7; 11; 16;19-21; 24-25; 28; 30-32

    Righteousness in our treasures v.2 Righteousness in our dealing with people v. 11-12 Righteousness in our work v. 16 Righteousness in our words v. 19-22 How do you incorporate righteousness in your life? What is right? What does the Bible say? What would be the right response? What would be the right step to take? What would be the right way to handle this?
  • We're really excited to dive into Proverbs 10!

    The US Constitution says that everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    life is a right liberty is a right happiness is not, it is the pursuit of it and that is a right

    It seems that Solomon is writing about how to pursue happiness.

    vs 1 Having a wise son brings gladness and avoids heaviness

    Get ready for an exciting series!

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Join Dave and Bethlie as they close this 3 part series on Teaching Your Children To Embrace Wisdom out of Proverbs 8 and 9.

    Proverbs 8:32

    What is the value of wisdom?

    (Find point 1-3 in Episode 212)

    4. It brings blessings to our lives Proverbs 8:32-36

    5. Reminds us that God and wisdom are ETERNALLY connected (vs. 22-31)

    You don't have one without the other Folly damages and destroys Wisdom builds and strengthens and lasts

    Proverbs 9

    Wisdom is better than folly

    Wisdom takes time

    (vs. 1) She has builded her house Dads and moms must recognize this It takes a lot of time to train our children for success in life It takes a lot of time to prepare our children for success in life

    Wisdom takes investment

    (vs. 4) Come live with me Learn from me Watch me and follow my lead (vs. 5) Come eat at my table
    Receive waht I offer you Let's talk and linger Wisdom takes decisions Forsake foolishness and live Go in the way of understanding (vs. 9) Wisdom takes learning (vs. 10) Wisdom takes God

    Wisdom takes decisions

    Forsake foolishness and live Go in the way of understanding

    Wisdom takes learning (vs. 9)

    Wisdom takes God (vs. 10)

    Folly is a horrible way to live

    Foolish woman is simple and knows nothing (vs. 13) Foolish woman is offering an alternative way to live Two choices on the shelf - pleaweing God or pleasing self Two choices in chapter 9 - the life of wisdom or the life of folly (vs. 14-16) Notice the offer (vs. 17) Notice the absurdity (vs. 18) Noitce the result This is life or death Galations 6:7-9 Deuteronomy 28-30 I set before you life or death, blessing or cursing etc.
  • Dave and Bethlie continue in Proverbs 8 as we learn to help our children embrace wisdom.

    Proverbs 8:7-11

    Do a wisdom check Think about and choose things that are excellent Think about and choose things that are right Think about and choose things that are true

    What is the value of wisdom?

    It teaches us to hate evil (vs. 12-13) It is not enough to know what evil is We must learn to hate it... It teaches us how to lead (vs. 14-16) It teaches us how to be wealthy (vs. 18-21) Wealth is tricky in our society Examples: Musk, Bezons, Gates, Trump Social media influencers People want to make money doing nothing or just having fun Wealth is more than money It is family It is satisfaction Is is relationships It is favor
  • Dave and special guest Charity Young (Dave and Bethlie's youngest daughter) share the traditions that the Young family have shared over the years.


  • PART 1

    Proverbs 8-9

    These chapters seem to go together with one primary theme: Wisdom

    What is wisdom?

    What are the steps to wisdom?

    What is the value of wisdom?

    Proverbs 8

    What is wisdom?

    Dictionary defines it like this:

    the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise: the ability to contemplate and act productively using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight The ability to do right regardless of inward yearnings, outward pressures, or eventual outcomes Godly skill for life The right way to live our lives Seeing a situation as God does; Acting on it as God wills; Learning from it as God intended

    What are the steps to wisdom?

    v1 Wisdom and Understanding are personified

    Remember: Proverbs are words of wisdom - truths to live by They help us train our children\ They help our children make good choices and live successfully They lead individuals, homes, and nations to discover God's blessings WE HAVE TO LEARN FROM THEM Proverbs are Inspired Scripture REMEMBER THAT THEY ARE TRUE Sometimes they are pictures Think on them and learn from them... Sometimes they are literal Apply them v4 Calls to the Simple and the Fool Anyone can seek wisdom and find it. We must teach it to our children - Solomon is teaching it tho his son Wisdom itself speaks to our children Our children must also seek it themselves (see verse 17)

    We diligently teach it; wisdom itself speaks it; our children continually seek it

    A powerful 3 fold cord...this provides a wonderful foundation for our lives and our futures and our families.

  • Solomon Challenges His Son In Four Areas

    It seems that Solomon is interupting his teaching on immorality to discuss other things. Perhaps he is pointing out that we are a "package"...every area of our lives matter.

    Be a man of character v. 1-5 Be diligent and industrious v. 6-11 Be aware of what God hates v. 16-19 Arrogance Lying It is mentioned several times Destruction Of the innocent Of Unity and peace All of these are sins against others God hates when we sin against others
  • Sin Is Always Deceptive

    Proverbs 5

    v.1-2 We need wisdom and understanding adn discretion and knowledge becasue all of us can very easily be overtaken with sin and its deception v. 3 The lies that are told and believed are enormous I can handle this Nothing bad will happen to me I will be ok Sin and its pleasures are on my side v. 4-5 It is always helpful to carefully consider the ending of any matter There is a way that seems right but the end thereof are the ways of death We should take steps to protect ourselves from the deadly effects of sin v. 8 Get as far away as possible v. 15 Continually choose waht is right v. 21 Alway remember the God factor God knows God sees II Chronicles 16:9 "For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. God will see to it that we reap what we sow
  • Life and Family Lessons

    Proverbs 4

    The challenge is for the son to get wisdom v. 5ff It brings understanding It brings life It is found in the Godly instruction of parents who teach, train, and rule It helps our kids to avoid wickedness v. 14 Wickedness is a path - a well-traveled trail Wickedness is a way - a direction Wickedness is a walk - one step at a time What are some ways to impact our children with truth? Teach Talk Live Love We should expect a favorable outcome Life and health v. 22
  • Life and Family Lessons in Proverbs 3

    We should continually be focused on teaching and training truth "My son" is repeated over and over again 1:8, 10, 15 2:1 3:1, 11, 21 4:10, 20 5:1 6:1, 20 7:1 It is wise to remember that Solomon teaches in chapter one that it can be too late Wisdom, righteousness and the fear of the Lord Are god Are better Are only available for a limited time Too late is always said...especially when it cmoes to getting these We should continually be focused on seeking, finding, and living truth Trust in the Lord v. 5 Fear the Lord v. 7 Honor the Lord v. 9 Enjoy the Lord v. 4, 8, 13, 18 We should expet our homes to be blessed as a result v. 33
  • Five Ways to Make Easter Holy

    Easter is many things.

    to some it is Spring Break to some it is just along weekend to some it is just another day to have some fun with eggs and easter baskets

    To us it is a HOLY DAY

    How can we make Easter Holy?

    We Worship Do attend a Good Friday service - even if you believe He died on Wednesday or Thursday (the point is the remembrance of the event and not the time frame. Do attend Easter services - sing and worship and celebrate. We Dress-up We dress-up for many things: Weddings Funerals Dates Homecomings Job interviews Dressing-up is a way to celebrate Dressing-up is a way to make something special We Talk Use the event as a chance to slow down and visit Read the Story Remind yourself and your kdis of the reason for the celebration We Eat Feasting is a Biblical, historical, and cultural way to celebrate Jesus ate with His disciples (apostles) just prior to his death and again after His resurrection. We Serve Jesus served His apostles by preparing a meal, eating with them, and sharing a very intimate conversation and time with them. He established an ordinance He established a tradition It is a good thing when families have traditions - especially those that surround our faith. He washed their feet and taught them the importance of serving others.

    Be involved in your church by serving.

    Remember that Jesus really did die for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day.

    Have you trusted in Him to be your God and Savior?

    Have you been born again through Him?

    Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.

    For whoever will call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

    If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

    For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

    Jesus Himself borew our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness, by whose stripes you were healed.

    For Christ has once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.

    For God made Him, who knew no sin, to be sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.

    Bethlie and I wish you a happy Easter week and we hope that you too will make Easter Holy!

  • Overcoming Adultery

    Confess it

    Confront the lies

    Accept the consequences

    Accept the ramifications Accept the rebuke

    Acquire help

    Begin the painful and arduous process of rebuilding Your Purity Your Relationships Your Reputation

    It Takes To To Build proof

    Of your desire to change Of the steps you are taking to change Of the direction you are going
  • Proverbs 7:6-27

    Solomon Gives An Illustration

    A young man lacking wisdom

    He is a young man -

    Bewafre of Youthful Lusts

    Youthful Lusts Will Rob Us of God’s Best Damage our thinking and point us in a wrong direction Build a weak foundation for our future

    Flee Youthful Lusts

    Fight and fortify purity

    He was void of understanding

    Not taught Not principled Not prepared for what was about to happen to him

    He had bad company

    Among the simple - among the youths Jesus who was meeting with the older and wiser

    He had nothing to do

    Laziness and idleness are always an opportunity for failure Sodom - abundance of idleness

    He was out in the night when he should have been resting from a days work

    He chose the way to her house

    Choices matter

    A married lady who is wicked - she is the leader

    Her dress - She is dressed inappropriately verse 10 Dress does matter Our bodies belong to God and to our spouse Keep your clothes full and flowing Illustration of an advertisement for “stretchy pants/yoga pants”. The commercial said “comfortable” but showed “sexy’ and “sensual” One can dress unwisely and not be aware of it; God’s Word calls us to be aware of it and dress wisely . . . Her deportment - She is loud verse 11 Peter said a Godly lady has a “meek” and “quiet” spirit She is flirty, but not with her husband verse 13 Her place - She refuses to embrace her role and responsiblity vs 11-12 She is not being a “keeper at home” while her husband is away Her lies She professed to be religious about it She called it love - it was not; it was lust She considered it Her promises - She promises something she can’t give verse 14, 18

    A glimpse of the results of adultery

    He goes to the slaughter It kills innocence It kills virginity It kills virtue and character It kills what might have been beautiful had he waited It kills relationships What will her husband do when he finds out What will his future wife do when she finds out He is never the same This is not to say you can’t repent and do right It is to say you can’t commit adultery without it damaging you in deadly and devastating ways
  • The Importance of teaching and training (Proverbs 6 & 7)

    Proverbs 6:20-23

    We must teach and train

    Believe in it . . .

    We must buy in to the teaching of the Bible

    Believe it and receive it

    The Importance of truth (Proverbs 6:24)

    Truth will alert you to the danger

    Her words verse 24, see also 7:21 Your lust verse 25 The outcome It makes one less than what they should be verse 26 It fulfills selfish desires, not love and blessings verse 27 It burns the participate verse 28 You are going to get burned . . .

    Truth will alert you to destruction

    Adultery destroys one’s soul verse 32 Adultery leads to wounds and dishonor verse 33

    Truth must be received and embraced and applied (Proverbs 7:1-5)

    Parents must train and children must receive Win on both sides Teens - BUY IN to the truth

    Solomon gives one huge illustration (Proverbs 7:6-27)

    A young man lacking wisdom He is a young man - Beware of youthful lusts Rob us of God’s best Damage our thinking and point us in a wrong direction Build a weak foundation for our future Flee Youthful Lusts Fight and fortify purity
  • Show Notes:

    Proverbs 5:18-19

    A reminder that marriage is wonderful and all sexual satisfaction is to be found and thoroughly enjoyed in that relationship.

    Wanna have sexual relations?

    Get married and stay committed to one another all the days of your life 1 Corinthians 7

    Our generation undermines this in many ways

    By failing to teach the truth about sexuality By failing to prepare our children for marriage By promoting worldly philosophies regarding gender
  • We skip ahead this episode to chapter 4. Don't worry, Dave and Bethlie explain why at the beginning of the podcast!2

    Show Notes:

    We must be wise about anything that is influencing us to be wrong here

    Entertainment undermines Proverbs 4:23 Amuse = no think

    We don’t think when we are being entertained; we don’t reason and we aren’t lead to conscious decisions of wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and discretion.

    Indirectly we are being told what to think and feel and choose That is a dangerous issue for our culture

    We must be willing to limit our influence in favor of that which helps us to think

    Limit Social media Movies Reels Emphasize Hearing the Word of God Reading the Word of God Reading good books Talking and visiting with other Godly believers Accountability is a good thing Availability is too
  • Dave & Bethlie continue the series on Proverbs.

    This week they continue in Proverbs chapter 2 and discuss some sensitive topics regarding sexual activity before marriage and other issues regarding immorality.

    If you have little ones around, we suggest you pop those air buds in.

    Thanks for downloading and listening!

  • Dave & Bethlie continue the series on Proverbs. This week they continue in Proverbs chapter 2.

    This episode discussed the issue of imorality.

    Immorality is a broad word that includes everything from pornography to pre-marital sex to homosexuality to adultery. It is anything outside of the clear boundaries set for us by God in His Word.

    The point Solomon is making....

    He is communicating and commanding and commending truth to his son.

    We must communicate

    We must command

    We must commend

    Solomon had a goal to convince his son to choose wisdom and apply understanding. he want to convince his son to pursue the Lord so he will have wisdom, knowledge,, and understanding. He wants to help his son have God's blessings.

  • Dave & Bethlie continue the series on Proverbs. This week they continue in Proverbs chapter 2.

    This episode gives actionable steps that parents can take in providing good influences in the lives of their children.

    As teenagers they were both encouraged to read a Proverb a day. That practice has continued into their adult lives. In fact, Proverbs has become a cornerstone of their fmaily devotions and time for them to discuss, share ideas, and learn together.

    Take a look at the show notes below and follow along!

    Find ways to provide good influences

    Develop relationships that influence your kids well

    We used Chick-fil-A We used work opportunities We used great books We used good movies We used people we know

    Help your kids to find good relationships

    With family With other adults (usually in a working or training situation) With other teens of your choosing

    Do hard things when necessary

  • Dave and Bethlie continue the series on Proverbs. This is second second in a three part series on chapter 2 of Proverbs. As teenagers they were both encouraged to read a Proverb a day. That practice has continued into their adult lives. In fact, Proverbs has become a cornerstone of their fmaily devotions and time for them to discuss, share ideas, and learn together.

    Take a look at the show notes below and follow along!

    Part 2

    Protecting ourselves and our kids from evil influences/friends

    Proverbs 2:12

    The evil influence identified

    v. 12 Speaks perverse things (twisted)

    v. 13 Always is doing wrong

    v. 14 Rejoices at things that are wicked

    v. 15 Always devious and crooked

    The steps that lead to protection


    Teach truth v. 11. Truth is the protector from all evil. - MacArthur

    Teach our kids to say NO

    Teach our kids to avoid

    Teach our kids to stand

    Remove our kids from these influences

    Change schools if need be Withdraw our kids from sports Set some things in stone No overnights No alone with other teens in a car No influence that makes you uneasy No contacts without your approval Little or no social media Little or no multi-player video games