
  • In part 2 of the discussion about Pastor Dan's recent message called, "Worthy of Respect" Adrienne probes the role of pride in relational breakdowns. Dan unpacks pride and its spectrum ranging from vanity to fear.

  • In this inspiring episode, we delve into the significance of youthful leadership within the church community. Starting with a reflection on key biblical passages from 1 Timothy and Hebrews, we explore Paul's admonition to young Timothy and the call for endurance in faith.

    The episode highlights the pivotal role young people play in revivals and spiritual awakenings throughout history, from the Welsh Revival to the recent Asbury Revival. The message emphasizes the importance of respecting and embracing the contributions of the young while also valuing the wisdom and experience of older generations.

    Through the parable of Martin, we examine the challenges of adapting to change and the potential for growth when different generations come together in mutual respect and understanding. Join us as we encourage a collaborative and dynamic faith community, driven by the energy and vision of young leaders.

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  • Adrienne Pastor Dan explore ideas for ALL generations, with a special focus on our youth and young adults. It's a call to embrace your spiritual gifts and step up as leaders in our church family!

    How young people can be examples of faith in actionPowerful stories of youth-led revivalsThe challenges of intergenerational understandingHow we can embrace change and find unity as a church

    This is a podcast you won't want to miss! Invite your friends and family to join us as we discover how we can ALL work together to build a stronger, more vibrant church and community.

  • Let's talk about Pentecost and the profound transformation it represents in the journey of every Christian. Pentecost, nesting seamlessly in the Jewish religious ceremonies, marked the birth of the church and the commencement of an era represented by the Spirit of God. The immense grace of Pentecost gave birth to a paradigm shift, the birth of the church era, wherein the presence of Christ found expression through the Church – His body.

    We discuss how the Holy Spirit's indwelling resonates as a token of Christ's presence on earth. This episode encourages listeners to understand that they, as part of the Church – the Body of Christ, are the representatives of Christ on earth. The responsibility of portraying Christ fluently to the world rests on the believer's shoulder. Our actions either glorify His name or bring disrespect to it.

    In this discourse, we highlight the significance of repentance and humility for the Christian. We explore how the act of true repentance spins us in a new direction leading to a divine transformation and an awakened consciousness of God's presence. The message of this episode rings clear – allow the Holy Spirit to guide your actions and acknowledge your role as Christ’s representative.

    This episode also explores the Holy Spirit's gifts, highlighting wisdom, knowledge, and understanding as frequent blessings. The miraculous power of the Holy Spirit transforms lives and capacitates Christians for extraordinary tasks. Lastly, we conclude with a prayer for divine intervention, asking God to etch His word into our hearts.

  • In this enlightening episode, we delve into the role of mothers and women in shaping our faith and societal values as seen from a biblical perspective. Anchored in the opening verses of 2 Timothy 1, the episode unfolds the Apostle Paul's appreciation of Timothy's mother and grandmother, highlighting their paramount role in nurturing his faith journey. The discussion further extends to explore the inherent and eternal aspects of motherhood and womanhood, regardless of the rapidly transforming social norms and expectations.

    Regarded as a profound reminder of the undervalued contribution of women, this episode prompts us to consider the often-overlooked legacy entrusted by mothers. The appreciation for the role of women in child-rearing, nurturing, teaching, and building resilient societies is brought forth eloquently. As we reflect upon mothers and the roles they play, we are called to acknowledge their vital contributions and involve them wholly in the communal faith journey.

    The listener is also challenged to think about the fluid dynamics within parenting, the intersection of motherhood and fatherhood, and their uniquely different but equally important roles, especially within the faith community. Beyond just a reflection for Mother's Day, it is an affirmation of women's strength, dedication and unwavering devotion, urging us not to take their efforts for granted but to celebrate their invaluable position within families and society.

    As we continue to navigate the complex maze of family life within our continuously changing world, this episode calls us not only to value the God-given roles of men and women but also to honor the unique ways each person contributes to the broader tapestry of life.

  • In this profound episode of the Echo Podcast, Pastor Dan Sinkhorn and Adrienne Tarullo of Shiloh Church delve into the concept of generational sins from biblical exegesis to personal experiences. By exploring verses from Old Testament, they shed light on how our formative experiences shape our perception of sin and faith.

    The subject of generational habits, the fear of questioning traditions, and the possibility of disrupting them for a healthier life story is discussed. We tell the tale of cutting ham tradition by Zig Ziglar as a vivid example of unconscious family habits and how to liberate oneself if they are leading down a harmful path.

    The conversation deepens as we engage you with Anthropological roots of fear and comfort zones, taking you through the grafting process as a metaphor for transformation and evolution. Also discussed are concepts of 'normal' that are socially imposed and how to embrace your unique path.

    This episode is a wholesome guide that acknowledges past wounds, encourages resilience, and reinstates the power of choice in reshaping responses to life's tribulations. The episode also underscores the significant role of faith and community support in the recovery journey. A shift in perspective can significantly impact how we perceive and deal with life's challenges, leading to profound personal growth.

    Join us in this spiritual exploration to break the cycle of harmful family traits, inspire courage, and instigate change for a meaningful future. This episode is filled with profound insights, real-life experiences, and forward-looking transformations. It serves as a guide to personal growth and healing.

  • Join us as we take a deep dive into the Bible's view of cause and effect principles and their influence on subsequent generations. This episode examines the depth of our connection with God and the lasting effects it has on our lineage. Consequences of straying from righteous worship are discussed, as told explicitly by God in these biblical passages.

    We critically examine the 'sins of the fathers' principle and its implications, shedding light on cultural and genetic elements that persist through families, shaping entire communities. With King David as an illustrative example, we explore the dichotomy of his relationship with God and his personal failings, highlighting key lessons of surrendering to flawed human instincts.

    Our reflective study serves as an eye-opening reminder of the spiritual fallout brought about by poor spiritual leadership and decision-making. We invite you to embark on a spiritual journey with us to harness the transformative power of a righteous relationship with God, which influences both our lives and those of our descendants.

    We delve into the New Covenant and its promise of personal spiritual evolution through a connection to God. The Holy Spirit works within us, enabling us to break generational sins and patterns. We emphasize the necessity of commitment and patience in this transformative journey, which like grafting into a healthy tree, can be painful yet rewarding.

    Ultimately, we must strive to build a legacy that reflects the glory of God, echoing with love and faith for future generations. We advocate for parents to nurture their children's faith and elders to guide upcoming generations, thus, aiding them in a righteous path, fostering a strong community of faith around them.

    Let us break these chains and usher in a new era of righteousness, reinforced with love and faith.

  • Welcome to our domain of biblical parenting, where we actively explore how families can serve God with purpose and raise spiritually resilient children. As part of the Shiloh family, our mission extends beyond parents to extended families and church community members and seeks to provide support and wisdom for those navigating the complex journey of child-rearing. Our main focus is the practical application of core biblical narratives in shaping a family’s spiritual framework.

    In this episode, we expand on Apostle Paul's advice to Titus, opining on discerning sound doctrine for effective parenting. By citing biblical teachings, we stress the need for parents to showcase substantial character traits and virtuous actions, planting seeds of well-established morals in their children. This consequently fosters an environment of growth and maturity that is rooted in Christ’s love.

    The discussion advances to consider the crucial role of parents in modeling integrity — the dilemma of ‘practice what you preach’. By acknowledging and addressing the complexities of parenting, we strive to showcase the impact of this concept on the development of a child.

    This episode also ventures into the critical role the church community and elders play in providing godly models for young parents. The ensuing narrative finally circles back to reveal how Paul's teachings and our pursuit to imitate Christ can direct our path as parents.

    In essence, this episode scrutinizes the imperative need for aligning our heart, mind, and soul for substantial parenting. We emphasize how parental figures set a precedent for children’s view of life, guiding children to either mirror or reject these practices.

    Finally, the episode concludes with an enthusiastic appeal to parents to persist in their journey of divine-led parenting, despite its challenges, and to rejoice in the ultimate rewards of character development and spiritual growth in their children.

  • In this sermon, we enter a profound exploration of the 'Cardboard Jesus', a metaphor delineating the often superficial understanding of Jesus Christ in modern religious practice. Using humor and thought-provoking insights, this discussion challenges the prevailing perceptions and dives into the multi-faceted reality of Jesus Christ. We confront the narrative of a one-dimensional Jesus, as depicted in images and rituals, urging believers to dig deeper into the essence of Christ's existence.

    Featuring engrossing discussions on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, on the difference between reverence of deceased icons and the living Jesus, and on the global impact of Christ's death and resurrection, this sermon offers a refreshing look at Christian theology. Going beyond a mere ritualistic approach, importance is given to a constant, meaningful connection with Christ. The sermon is an ideal listen for those seeking to deepen their understanding of faith and spirituality.

    'The Unquenchable Fire of Christianity: A Powerful Analysis of Its Longevity', offered in this episode, provides an interesting insight into the enduring strength and vitality of Christianity. Capturing the historical obstacles and the power of the resurrection message, it illuminates why Christianity persists as a major religion despite centuries of persecution and criticism. This dialogue is as much a tribute to the early Christians and their unwavering faith as it is a compelling analysis of the divine force driving Christianity's survival.

    Strongly advocating for an authentic immersion in Christian teachings, the episode encourages listeners to question whether their relationship with Christ is genuinely transformative or merely confined to preaching. Emphasizing the model of 'Doubting Thomas', the sermon ends with a call to experience Christianity as a living testament of an enduring deity and His timeless teachings.

  • Join us for this enlightening exploration into Colossians chapter 5 (not 15!) led by our Pastor, where we contemplate the powerful meaning and symbolism of the cross. As we delve deeply into the significance of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, we come to understand the profound concept of debt cancellation, and how it parallels our need for forgiveness and reconciliation with one another and with God.

    In a moving narrative, we relate to the Easter celebration and its deeper significance of sanctification and redemption. This episode challenges us to meet at the foot of the cross, the great equalizer, and accept Jesus's divine plan to conquer sin and death. Through this journey we understand that we are all equal before the cross, and therefore, it serves as an invitation for us to reconcile with one another.

    Our Pastor encourages us to release our burdens, forgive, and cancel the debts we hold against others. This call for forgiveness is a key part of the Easter message—given that Jesus forgave us unconditionally and canceled our heavenly debts, shouldn't we do the same for those around us? Using the example of fasting during Lent, we are urged to surrender our grudges and resentment along with our physical sacrifices.

    Additionally, we reflect on the essence of God's covenant with us, established through Jesus at the cross, which calls for one simple yet profound command: to love one another. With a captivating interpretation of Paul’s message in Colossians, we comprehend the importance of Jesus's sacrifice and His infinite love for each one of us.

    Ultimately, this Easter celebration is a call for inner peace, for forgiveness, and for a loving commitment to one another, just as Jesus has shown us through His death and resurrection. It’s a vibrant reminder that at the core of Christianity is love, and to truly embody the spirit of Easter, we must forgive and cancel the debts of those around us, paving the way for a blissful resurrection of our own.

    Through prayer, music, scripture reading, and a powerful Easter message, this episode captures the essence of Jesus's transformative love and forgiveness—a theme that resonates throughout the Christian faith and encourages us to reflect, forgive, and love unconditionally.

  • In this profound episode, we guide listeners through the climactic events taking place around Jesus' journey from the Mount of Olives to the temple, painting a vivid picture of the paradoxical nature of Palm Sunday. The excitement of the awaiting crowd, their subsequent disappointment, and their inability to envision exactly how the prophecied Messiah would deliver their salvation, all signal missed understanding and anticipate the coming somber events. This exploration invokes a call for churchgoers to appreciate and understand these interconnected events - Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter - as a continuous, impactful narrative.

    Peter's Journey: Denial, Resurrection, Transformation

    Dive into a captivating exploration of Peter the Apostle's faith journey in this episode. By meticulously examining passages from the Gospels, we unravel Peter's struggles and misconceptions about God's redemptive plan, culminating in his infamous denial of Jesus. The subsequent shock of the resurrected Christ presentation serves as a transformative moment in Peter's life. We suggest that faith, despite uncertainties and sporadic disobedience, remains an enduring venture towards learning, growth, and unwavering allegiance to Christ's divine plan. Join us as we deconstruct Peter's journey and draw parallel to our spiritual growth.

    Revelatory Encounter: A Resurrected Christ and a Transformed Peter

    In this enlightening episode, we delve into the impactful moment when Peter, one of Jesus' closest disciples, experiences the shocking revelation of seeing his resurrected Lord. This disbelief-shattering encounter, coupled with Peter's ultimate realization of his misplaced brashness, underscores the transformative power of such profound experiences. We scrutinize the pivotal scene of Peter professing his love to Jesus, shifting our focus to Jesus's redeeming responses rather than Peter's assertions. This examination concludes with a reflection on our spiritual path, emphasizing the importance of humility and daily connection with the divine.

  • This Palm Sunday message was divided into three parts with Pastor Dan offering brief commentaries for Passion readings from the Gospel of Luke. Each segment was divided by an act of worship, including offerings and Holy Communion.

    In the scripture reading and homily we embark on a deeply insightful journey as we explore Jesus Christ's path into Jerusalem, a crucial moment in biblical history. This journey unpacks what is beyond the Palm Sunday celebration, as we take an in-depth look at Jesus’s divine mission and the ultimate sacrifice he made for humanity. We trace His journey from Mount of Olives, to the temple, and how this intricate narrative unfolds, often challenging preconceived notions and enhancing spiritual comprehension.

    The narrative continues with the divulging moments leading to the Last Supper. It provides profound understanding of Jesus’s self-sacrifice and the immense implications of His final journey into Jerusalem. We delve into the words of wisdom exchanged during the Last Supper—marking a significant shift from the old covenant to a new one. The rituals of sharing bread and wine, symbolising His body and His blood are introduced, thereby illuminating on the core elements of Christian faith as practised today.

    Further, we dissect the dramatic moment of the betrayal hint dropped by Jesus, causing introspection and suspicion among His disciples. This moment starkly projects an honest assessment of their own potentials for treachery and encompasses a critical lesson for believers in acceptance of Jesus's continuous offer of redemption.

    Progressing into the tense ambiance of the Garden of Gethsemane, we witness Jesus’s desperation, solitude, and the spiritual warfare playing central roles in our spiritual redemption. We also journey through Judas's betrayal and Peter's denial of Jesus, honing in on the strategic implications on Peter's character and his recurring attempts to save Christ.

    Lastly, we invite contemplation on the interpretation of Peter's actions and faith. The episode concludes by encouraging listeners to engage in self-examination and truth-seeking in the lead up to Easter. Join us for a comprehensive exploration of the new covenant, the importance of the Lord's Table, the character of Peter, and our individual journeys of faith and redemption.

  • In the climactic episode of our 'Insurgence' series, we start by delving into the book of John Chapter 16, meticulously studying verses 25 to 27. The discussion illuminates the profound framework that Jesus set for our faith, emphasizing the transformative power of a direct dialogue with God, owing to our faith in Christ. Reminding believers that Christianity transcends rituals and behaviors, the core message reiterates the essence of surrendering self to Christ and receiving His Spirit as the true marker of Christian identity.

    Over the course of this series, we fervently explored the insightful book 'Insurgence: Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom', extracting profound wisdom it encompasses. The author inherently echoes God's prophetic voice, resonating with our spiritual journey. This series inspires introspection and motivates believers to welcome God's Spirit more fully, experiencing a joy beyond words that comes from complete surrender to Christ.

    The stimulating dialogue further extrapolates on the essence of being Christ's embodiment and living out His spirit within us. A compelling metaphor of Christians as radical 'insurgents', challenging societal norms and conventions, is drawn. This perspective urges believers to express their faith audaciously.

    Emphasizing on the transformative power of biblical adherence, Pastor Dan fosters a shift in believers' consciousness, inspiring them to create a tremor of positive influence. Pearls and oysters serve as metaphors for the grace and extraordinary love radiated by Christians who dare to be societal irritants.

    The series concludes with a call towards realigning to apostolic traditions; embracing the principles established by those deeply transformed by Christ. Stressing the necessity of constant renewal, believers are encouraged to view change as a promise of spiritual growth.

    The session culminates with a prayer, seeking wisdom for the discernment of God's teachings to lead a life glorifying His Holy name.

  • Adrienne and Pastor Dan discuss his recent sermon message about the practical expressions of the Insurgency for Christ's Kingdom through local churches.

  • In this profound message, Pastor Dan dives deep into the roles of the Church and our individual responsibilities as Christians in manifesting the kingdom of God. Drawing upon spiritual insights from Frank Viola's book ‘Insurgence: Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom', he presents an illuminating exposition of the Book of Colossians, emphasizing the centrality of personal sanctification, steadfast agape for Jesus, and living by His internal abiding presence.

    This episode powerfully advocates for a peaceful, yet transformative revolution within the Church, grounded on tenets of love, unity, and countering godlessness. Pastor Dan underlines the high calling of Christians to serve as the corporal embodiment of Christ - engaging actively in deeds of love, fairness, and compassion, much like early Christians.

    According to his interpretation, the Church is not merely an informational epicenter but a living demonstration of God's kingdom, adding a holy dimension to worldly pursuits. The core essence of this sermon is encapsulated in a significant principle - to live out our love for Jesus and by His indwelling life, consistently emulating His mission and conveying God’s image and authority to the world.

    Based also on some key concepts from Frank Viola's 'From Eternity to Here', he suggests that the fundamental objective of the Church is to spread the intense life and love within the Trinitarian family, symbolizing the Three-in-One unity of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

    This sermon culminates in a call to action, challenging listeners to overhaul their understanding of the Church’s mission, inspiring them to act as catalysts for change that is anchored in love for Jesus, replacing legalistic practices with personal sanctification. This message calls upon everyone to become part of an 'insurgence', underpinned by love and powered by the Holy Spirit, that can transform the faith landscape, providing a fresh interpretation of what it means be the body of Christ.

  • Here's another insightful conversation between Adrienne and Pastor Dan about last weekend's worship and learning. They discuss going the extra mile and what Jesus meant to accomplish under the new covenant manifesto, which led to a discussion of God's Levitical manifesto for the chosen people heading toward the Promised Land. There's a lively side chat about snakes on a pole and the pandemic, too.

  • Be inspired as we delve deeper into the powerful messages hidden within the scriptures and explore Christ's call in Matthew chapter 5 for believers to go the 'extra mile'. We examine Jesus's teachings on service, generosity, and the cultivation of a second-mile mentality. This sermon highlights the importance of doing more than is expected as an act of honoring God while confounding those harboring ill will towards us.

    Through a thoughtful examination of Psalm 34, we offer an insightful understanding of why we should engage in good deeds and exceed expectations. It isn't just about fulfilling obligations of faith, it is an expression of our eternal gratitude, and a testimony to God's limitless generosity. Furthermore, we discuss the need for Christians to present a radically different lifestyle, representing Christ in ways that puzzle others into asking soul-searching questions.

    We reiterate the urgent call to discipleship by connecting the concepts in Psalm 34 with Matthew 28. Our faith shouldn't be a secret kept hidden and our love for Christ shouldn't be muted. This sermon urges listeners to rise to the role of disciples with deep-seated conviction, unashamed love, and unrestrained expression of faith. It challenges the hesitation to share the magnitude of God's transformative power with the world, encouraging believers to inspire others to 'taste and see' the goodness of the Lord.

    Our call to action resonates on two fronts. First, to commit to financial giving in support of the church’s various outreach missions. Second, to pledge discipleship, inviting others to experience and comprehend the life-altering impact of embracing the Gospel of Christ. The sermon ends with a heartfelt prayer, seeking God's blessings and guidance as we go an extra mile to ensure the light of His love illuminates the darkest corners of the world.

  • Adrienne and Pastor Dan discuss points from his recent message urging insurgents to be a non-violent resistance movement. Using gifts of the Holy Spirit, Christi Believers undermined the world's corruption with grace, love, joy, self control.

  • In this transformative sermon drawn on biblical teachings, we delve into the profound wisdom of Jesus' 'sermon on the mount'. Emphasizing the teachings "Blessed are the meek; blessed are the merciful", the discourse unravels a refreshing interpretation of the gospel of the kingdom based on Frank Viola's work 'The Insurgents'.

    Beyond a mere religious narrative, this discussion vividly challenges the contemporary paradigms. The gospel of the kingdom transcends the flesh, inviting us to be citizens of a world that exists here and now, yet offers a promised reality yet to unfold. Explore this fascinating dichotomy, grasping the enigmatic coexistence of reality and promise.

    Focusing on the intriguing concept of being covert emissaries of the kingdom, we muse about the responsibility bestowed upon us to spread the kingdom message. Drawing a parallel to the courageous resistance movements during World War II, the sermon unfolds the concept of Christian insurgence against evil.

    Envisaging a future where Christians act as guerrillas against the looming darkness, the sermon urges us to uphold the values and virtues gifted by the Holy Spirit. Immerse yourself in this reflective discourse on faith, unity, and love- essential tools in the ongoing struggle against spiritual and worldly oppression.

    Provoking a monumental thought: what if it's time for the church to evolve into an assertive insurgency? Drawing parallels with the French resistance movements against the Nazis of the 1930s and 40s, the sermon emphasizes the necessity of resisting forces that seek to undermine faith in God and halt the kingdom's progress.

    Culminating with the message of united stand and shared devotion to Christ, this timely sermon provides practical strategies for resisting evil and expanding Christ's kingdom. Discover the transformative power of graceful encounters, gentle conviction, self-control, and spiritual discernment within the context of resistance and learn about the undeniable role of small groups, Bible studies, and regular gatherings in sculpting effective combat strategies against spiritual evil.