Latest exercise science as it relates to the tactical athlete. Interviews with experts in the field of training tactical athletes. We bridge the gap between the science conducted at the operational level and operator kicking in doors, the firefighter climbing ladders, the law enforcement officer keeping us safe, and the EMT keeping us alive. A podcast for sheepdogs by sheepdogs.
Ciclismo Serio es un podcast donde, semanalmente, hablaremos de todos aquellos conceptos que tienen que ver con el ciclismo. Realizaremos entrevistas a ciclistas profesionales y aficionados, pruebas de material, reviews de componentes y hablaremos sobre marchas, carreras y rutas.
Nuestra visión sobre el ciclismo es general, tratando las modalidades que más nos gustan: Ciclismo de carretera, Mountain Bike - MTB o Cyclocross - CX. Si te apasiona el mundo de las dos ruedas y el ciclismo en todos sus conceptos, ¡Te esperamos! -
Entrena hoy es la compañía perfecta para las personas que practican deporte a cualquier nivel. Eres novato o aún no te animas a entrar al mundo del ejercicio y la vida saludable? te invitamos a ser parte delTeam ehoy!
Visita para más info. Episodios en video del podcast en HD en: Youtube/ehoytv
Gracias por escucharnos y recuerda que hoy es el tiempo de entrenar! -
Bienvenidos a Fittarados al aparato, tu podcast preferido sobre fitness para dummies. Aquí trataremos noticias de actualidad, artículos, entrevistas con figuras relevantes del sector y cualquier novedad sobre nutrición, entrenamiento, y salud global desde una perspectiva diferente, para que aprendas y te entretengas a la vez.
Podcast de Ejercicio físico y Salud en el que te enseñaré a entrenar de forma eficaz para que consigas rápido tus resultados. Aprenderás a hacer correctamente los ejercicios para que no te lesiones y te daré las mejores recomendaciones de Actividad Física y Nutrición para que puedas llevar una alimentación más saludable. Si quieres mejorar tu físico y tu salud, no te lo puedes perder. Soy Javier Giménez, Graduado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte y CEO de un Centro de Entrenamiento Personal en Madrid Capital, Healthy Fitness. Llevo más de 9 años ayudando a las personas a mejorar su salud.
This podcast is all about Exercise Science and Nutrition applied to natural bodybuilding, performance and overall health.You will have the opportunity to listen to interviews with the most relevant and intelectual professionals in the fitness industry, as well as some of the best science based information brought by me.If you're a spanish speaking fellow, go and check my spanish Chasing Aesthetics podcast and don't miss out on the latest topics about fitness.You can reach me on instagram @andersthetic, as well as my website .
Each week Coach D and Coach B-Fun share their 20+ years of endurance coaching, training and racing experience through less than serious conversations and interviews with other time crunched athletes, coaches, and experts within the endurance community. If you are a cyclist, triathlete, runner, or do-it-all athlete, this is made for you! We can't guarantee political correctness, but we can guarantee you will pull some great nuggets of information to help improve your own performance.
We'll be talking: Cycling, Running, Triathlon, Duathlon, Cross Country, Aquabike, SwimRun, Mountain Biking, Cyclocross, Gravel Grinders, and any other sports we have the pleasure of working with. -
Lee Taft Performance Podcast is the official podcast of Lee Taft Athletic Consulting. Each episode is dedicated to providing the best strength & conditioning information from the world's top coaches to anyone who appreciates the importance of continuing education.
The podcasts are brought to you each week by one of the World's Leading Multi-Directional Speed Experts Lee Taft, simply known to many as, “The Speed Guy”.
You can count on each podcast delivering high-quality content from experts that have met Lee's Seal of Approval as their information goes above and beyond the industry standard.
For more information and resources, visit & -
Top Podcast for helping you move from STUCK and OVERWHELMED to MOTIVATED and CONFIDENT in living a healthy lifestyle. Are you struggling to find motivation to stick with your workout routine? Do you want to eat healthier but you’re done trying yet another diet? Are you stuck on even where to start when it comes to getting in shape, eating right, and feeling confident in your body?
I know exactly how you feel. Hi guys, I’m Emily Coffman. I was a Division I Athlete and honestly I was really burnt out of that lifestyle. I knew there had to be a way to be healthy without devoting my life to it. So, I wanted to create a plan for you where we can create a lifestyle that works with you and for you. If you are ready to find your healthy lifestyle for good, this is the place for you. Welcome to Live Your Personal Best.
This podcast has been created for informational and entertainment purposes only. This should not be taken as medical advice. or reach out at -
Desde 2007 cubrimos lo mejor de las carreras de montaña, mountain running y deportes alpinos. Del Guadarrama a Pirineos, Picos Europa y más allá...Alpes, Patagonia, Andes y más. ¿Te vienes?
Conviértete en un seguidor de este podcast: -
Sábados de 11 a 12h
#Padelona es tu programa de pádel en Barcelona.Enric Bayón dirige y presenta todos los sábados este espacio en Radio Marca Barcelona donde se repasa la actualidad del pádel amateur y profesional.Nuestro programa es un sitio distinto, una hora donde charlar con los mejores y entretener a nuestros oyentes.