
  • 🔥 I help HIGH-ACHIEVING FAITH-BASED WOMEN become QUAD MOMMIES, ditch DIET CULTURE, and feel CONFIDENT AF in their skin!👇🏼 WORK with ME!


    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/connor-trott/support
  • Random

    1. Your favorite hobby?

    2. What’s your fav book?

    3. If you could have any superpower what would it be?-Time Travel/Be places instantly

    4. Are you excited for Easter? I know it’s a few months away but it’s such a special weekend?


    5. Have you thought about hosting a prayer and fasting day once a week?

    6. Would you be open to church hop to another church that will grow your spiritual faith?

    7. Have you ever had times where you reflected on and challenged your own faith?

    8. As a Christian, what are key red and green flags we should be aware of when searching for companionship?


    9. I was heartbroken last year and cheated on. Do you have any words of advice for me?


    10. How do I make friends at 25? I used to have the boys from football and rugby in college, but now as a professional how do I make new boys?

    11. Do you think you’ve had a fair opportunity? (Professionally or personally)


    12. Do you still do shows? Competitions? Or just coaching now?

    13. Do you do cheat meals? If so, what is it?

    🔥 I help HIGH-ACHIEVING FAITH-BASED WOMEN become QUAD MOMMIES, ditch DIET CULTURE, and feel CONFIDENT AF in their skin!👇🏼 WORK with ME!


    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/connor-trott/support
  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Random

    1. What is your go-to Super Bowl Snack?

    2. Introvert or extrovert?

    3. Do you speak another language?

    4. What is your ethnicity?

    5. When can we see another live with Tori or Mom? I really liked those episodes featuring the ladies!

    6. Would you rather get an unpick able wedgie every time you worked out OR workout forever without being able to listen to music?

    7. Have you ever been skydiving?

    8. If you could go back in time, what would you study in college for and why?


    9. What is your favorite memory from attending church as a kid?

    10. Top 3 Bible verses?

    11. Would you recommend reading the Old Testament or New Testament first?

    12. What are ways you’ve strengthened your relationship with God?

    13. When dating do you look for someone who you can teach your faith to, who’s at the same level, or someone who can teach you?


    14. Are you excited for Valentine’s Day?

    15. What or where would your first ideal date be? Go into detail.

    16. How do you deal with self-doubt over ever finding a relationship?

    17. Should a man pursue first?

    18. If you were to get a gf, how would you maintain faithfulness to her? Do you think you would be tempted by other women at the gym and on social media?


    19. What is one important lesson you’ve learned from your parents and grandparents as a kid?

    20. How do you deal with anger or setbacks?dresser

    🔥 I help HIGH-ACHIEVING FAITH-BASED WOMEN become QUAD MOMMIES, ditch DIET CULTURE, and feel CONFIDENT AF in their skin!👇🏼 WORK with ME!


    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/connor-trott/support
  • 🔥 I help HIGH-ACHIEVING FAITH-BASED WOMEN become QUAD MOMMIES, ditch DIET CULTURE, and feel CONFIDENT AF in their skin!👇🏼 WORK with ME!


    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/connor-trott/support
  • Random
    1. How tall are you?
    2. Your worst habit?
    3. The worst trouble you got into as a kid?
    4. Blondes or Brunnettes?
    5. Best way to make you laugh?
    6. Connor, I know you are a dog lover like me! What is your favorite breed of dog?
    7. Do you have anything secret talents or skills? You seem like you were a drama or art kid lol!
    8. How does Christianity play a role in your position as a fitness trainer?
    9. How do you keep up with reading the Bible?
    10. Any advice on getting baptized?
    11. What are you looking for in a partner? The #1 quality besides being a Godly woman?
    12. Your recent post about lust and temptation spoke to me. How do you feel about waiting until marriage?
    13. If your future wife cooked you a meal, what would you want it to be?
    14. Would you ever date someone you met on Instagram, if so would you ask them or could they ask you?
    15. Advice on battling loneliness?
    16. What’s your biggest insecurity?
    17. Do you have or have you ever had any addictions?
    18. Would you consider being a life coach for men wanting a better life, I am interested if so.
    19. What is your weekly workout routine?
    20. Why is fitness something you’re passionate about?

    🔥 I help HIGH-ACHIEVING FAITH-BASED WOMEN become QUAD MOMMIES, ditch DIET CULTURE, and feel CONFIDENT AF in their skin!👇🏼 WORK with ME!


    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/connor-trott/support
  • Random

    1. Did you ever sing in choir?

    2. Worst class you took in college?

    3. What does the dresser you got look like?

    4. If you could be any mode of transportation what would you be and why?

    5. How often do you shave your chest hair?

    6. Crossword puzzle or puzzle puzzle?


    7. Jesus wept, when was the last time you cried?

    8. What do you feel like is the biggest lesson God has shown you this far in your journey with Him?

    9. What made you turn to God and what testimony about the work God has done in you do you have?

    10. Why do we pray so much for our spouse, yet find no one and people with no religion find their person immediately?


    11. What age do you think is the right age to get married?

    12. Would you ever consider dating someone you met on Instagram?

    13. What is your love language?

    14. So how’s picking out a date to go to the wedding with going?

    15. What’s your favorite quality in your family/friends/relationships?

    16. What are your plans on Valentine’s Day?

    17. What would you say is your type?

    18. How many kids do you want to have?


    19. How do you define masculinity?

    20. Have you ever cut some people out of your life?

    21. How would you deal with the thought of feeling judged by others just because you are a bit different?

    🔥 I help HIGH-ACHIEVING FAITH-BASED WOMEN become QUAD MOMMIES, ditch DIET CULTURE, and feel CONFIDENT AF in their skin!👇🏼 WORK with ME!


    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/connor-trott/support
  • My current workout split, calories/macros, and perspective on healthy body image when bulking.

    🔥 I help HIGH-ACHIEVING FAITH-BASED WOMEN become QUAD MOMMIES, ditch DIET CULTURE, and feel CONFIDENT AF in their skin!👇🏼 WORK with ME!


    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/connor-trott/support

    We have so much power and control over how we direct our energy and focus towards our own actions and thoughts that serve us every day.

    These literally are completely within our control.

    I personally have begun becoming more aware of my own actions and thoughts that are not intentional and not serving me in creating the person I want to become and replacing them with ones that do.

    I hope you can too!😊

    MUCH LOVE!❤️

    My Links: https://hoo.be/ConnorTrott

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connormtrott/

    TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@connormtrott?lang=en

    Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/2DqWcDae2yjZ7ThHxTLHhB

    Email: [email protected]

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/connor-trott/support
  • My current workout split, calories/macros, and perspective on healthy body image when bulking.

    🔥 I help HIGH-ACHIEVING FAITH-BASED WOMEN become QUAD MOMMIES, ditch DIET CULTURE, and feel CONFIDENT AF in their skin!👇🏼 WORK with ME!


    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/connor-trott/support
  • My current workout split, calories/macros, and perspective on healthy body image when bulking.

    🔥 I help HIGH-ACHIEVING FAITH-BASED WOMEN become QUAD MOMMIES, ditch DIET CULTURE, and feel CONFIDENT AF in their skin!👇🏼 WORK with ME!


    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/connor-trott/support
  • What were some ways that help you stay disciplined? / How do you keep yourself disciplined in faith and fitness? What’s your sign? Craziest date you’ve ever been on? How much do you charge for your coaching services? I want you to be my Personal Trainer, but I’m so shy and I don’t want to let you down. What was your favorite Christmas gift as a child? What’s your favorite book in the Bible? One thing you can’t survive without? Where do you live? Is it hard to find Christian friends? How many babies do you want? Are you excited to be a Dad one day?

    🔥 I help HIGH-ACHIEVING FAITH-BASED WOMEN become QUAD MOMMIES, ditch DIET CULTURE, and feel CONFIDENT AF in their skin!👇🏼 WORK with ME!


    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/connor-trott/support
  • Ever thought about taking sarms or steroids? Any regrets of anything you’ve done in your past since you’re closer to God now? Would you have done anything differently? If someone asked you on a date whether you have ever met them before or not, what would you say? When people look at, listen to, and when you leave what do you want them to see, hear, and remember? What is one quality you love about yourself? If you could spend the day with one person, living or non living who would it be and why? A compass has four points of direction. What are the four points of your compass? (Example, mine would be Faith, Love, Courage, and Patience) What is your why? In life what do you want more of? Dream Car What are your goals for 2024? What growth do you want to accomplish next year?

    🔥 I help HIGH-ACHIEVING FAITH-BASED WOMEN become QUAD MOMMIES, ditch DIET CULTURE, and feel CONFIDENT AF in their skin!👇🏼 WORK with ME!


    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/connor-trott/support
  • 1. Do you offer workout plans without the eating/food plans?

    2. Are you going to be on Love Island Games?

    3. What’s your night routine?

    4. How do I grow my quads?

    5. Love your style, what are your go to stores?

    6. Favorite food?

    🔥 I help HIGH-ACHIEVING FAITH-BASED WOMEN become QUAD MOMMIES, ditch DIET CULTURE, and feel CONFIDENT AF in their skin!👇🏼 WORK with ME!⁠https://connortrott.health

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/connor-trott/support
  • Welcome to another compelling episode of The Vaycay Podcast, where we embark on an inspiring journey with Connor Trott, tracing his evolution from Love Island to the fitness world.

    In this episode, our hosts delve into Connor's wellness and fitness odyssey, exploring his transition from sports and accounting to becoming an NASM certified trainer and nutrition coach. Unpacking the impact of his Love Island experience on both personal and professional realms, the discussion spans the authenticity of reality TV, the power of personal branding, and the nuances of balancing realness in the industry. Join us as we navigate Connor's mindset shift, empowerment in pursuing passion, and the strategic approach to business scaling. We also uncover valuable insights into Connor's daily wellness routines, nutritional practices, and his future aspirations in the fitness coaching arena.

    Stay tuned for an engaging conversation filled with lessons, empowerment, and a spotlight on the path to holistic wellness.

    • Discovering Connor's Fitness Journey

    [00:35] They discuss wellness and fitness, focusing on guest Connor Trott's journey to a half iron man. Connor shares a background in sports and accounting, transitioning to fitness after Love Island. The hosts explore the impact of the reality show on Connor's life and fitness career.

    • Love Island Experience and Personal Branding

    [03:40] Connor reflects on his Love Island experience, discussing initial hesitations and unexpected positive outcomes. He emphasizes the show's authenticity and compares it to audience perceptions. The conversation delves into the power of television and personal branding, highlighting both positive and negative aspects of reality TV exposure.

    • Balancing Realness in Reality TV

    [06:371 The discussion touches on the long-term impact of reality TV exposure, highlighting positive messages received and the show's availability on Netflix in 2023. The conversation explores the balance of authenticity in reality TV, considering scripted and real moments, with Connor sharing his genuine connections on the show. The hosts discuss personal experiences with reality TV opportunities.

    • Transition to Fitness Career

    [09:39| Connor's shift to an NASM certified trainer and nutrition coach is explored, from in-person to fully online coaching, emphasizing the importance of a solid business foundation. His accounting background is highlighted as a valuable asset in managing and scaling the online coaching business, empowering him to control key business aspects. The hosts discuss the concept of reverse engineering goals for business success.

    • Mindset Shift and Empowerment, Business Scaling and Self-Reflection

    [12:35] Connor reflects on the mindset shift from traditional work to pursuing passion, balancing financial motivation and life fulfillment in his fitness coaching business. The discussion delves into the impact of mindset on business success, reflecting on business scaling, the role of mentorship, and recent successes, highlighting the importance of self-reflection and clarity in goals.

    Sponsor Spotlight: Caldera Labs [18:59]

    High-performance men's skincare line

    Website: https:/calderalab.com

    Promo code: RadRyan and get 20% off

    Nutrition, and Personal Growth

    [18:59] Connor delves into daily wellness routines, supplements, and the influence of podcasts like Andy Huberman's, emphasizing the importance of sleep and experimentation with practices like mouth taping. Connor explores future goals, including growing his fitness coaching business, details the app he uses (Linus eHealth), and provides social media handles for those interested in following his journey.

    Know more about Connor Trott by following him on Instagram @connormtrott and his website https:// connortrott.health/?e=i.

    Follow VAYCAY's on Instagram @vaycay global and The Vaycay Podcast.

    Subscribe to VAYCAY's YouTube channel @VaycayWellness

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/connor-trott/support
  • 1. How old are you?

    2. Are you judgmental?

    3. Thoughts on the girl being the one to make the first move when asking out someone they like?

    4. What do you think are good conversation starters when you want to break the ice with someone you potentially like?

    5. Favorite Christmas songs?

    6. Top 3 Christmas Movies?

    7. Thoughts on goblet squats and using TRX bands for workouts?

    8. Do you notice any differences in the fitness goals or journeys of male vs. female clients?

    9. What is better Alani or Celsius?

    10. You’re always checking in on us, and November was Men’s Mental Health Month, how are you doing?

    11. Do you Only Train Women? If so, why? I would love to work/train with you?

    12. Would you date a non-Christian?

    13. Favorite Gym fit?

    14. Tips on remaining positive like you?

    15. How do you obtain self-confidence?

    16. How much longer are you growing your beard? Do you plan on trimming it?

    17. Best Running and Training shoe?

    18. How do you remain pure?

    19. Going to LA next week. Best place to eat?

    20. Would you ever drink again?

    21. What was your lowest point in life? What caused you to turn your life around?

    22. How do you remain authentic?

    23. What is your skin routine?

    🔥 I help HIGH-ACHIEVING FAITH-BASED WOMEN become QUAD MOMMIES, ditch DIET CULTURE, and feel CONFIDENT AF in their skin!👇🏼 WORK with ME!⁠https://connortrott.health

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/connor-trott/support
  • 🔥 I help HIGH-ACHIEVING WOMEN become QUAD MOMMIES, ditch DIET CULTURE, and feel CONFIDENT AF in their skin!👇🏼 WORK with ME!⁠https://connortrott.health

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/connor-trott/support
  • 🔥 I help HIGH-ACHIEVING WOMEN become QUAD MOMMIES, ditch DIET CULTURE, and feel CONFIDENT AF in their skin!👇🏼 WORK with ME!⁠https://connortrott.health

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/connor-trott/support
  • 🔥 I help HIGH-ACHIEVING WOMEN become QUAD MOMMIES, ditch DIET CULTURE, and feel CONFIDENT AF in their skin!👇🏼 WORK with ME!⁠https://connortrott.health

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/connor-trott/support
  • Friday LIVE Anonymous Q&A #27 🥳

    Highlights: Talking to Girls. Staying on Track when Traveling. Bad Fitness Advice. Becoming Your Best Self. 😏🏝️❌📈

    Watch to hear my take on the following questions: ❤️

    1. So I’m looking to start talking to girls and getting to know them and seeing where things go. Any advice or tips? 😏

    - Go do hard things, chase after God, and you’ll find people running alongside you.
    - What is natural to your character is going to be inherently attractive.
    - Nothing is more attractive than patient attentiveness and making people feel secure in your presence because people like that are so rare.

    2. How do you stay on track when traveling? 🏝️

    - Do my best-Water and macros. Everything else out the window.

    - Chipotle, Subway, Chic-Fil-A

    3. What is something you value most at this time in your life?

    - Peace of mind. Slowing things down. Time with God. - My weeks fly by.
    - Time with my family and friends.

    4. What’s the worst advice you see fitness influencers giving out? ❌

    - Staying lean year-round.

    5. What would you say to someone who is wanting to become the best version of themselves but is struggling to start? 📈

    - Compare yourself to who you were yesterday not to who someone else is today
    - Start with physical things. Body-Mind-Relationships & Work

    🔥 I help HIGH-ACHIEVING WOMEN become QUAD MOMMIES, ditch DIET CULTURE, and feel CONFIDENT AF in their skin!👇🏼 WORK with ME!⁠https://connortrott.health

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/connor-trott/support
  • Thursday LIVE: Sucking, Law of 100, & the Pareto Principle 💪🏼❤️

    Main Point: Encouragement for beginning.

    Fun fact:

    I ripped my pants this week. 5th/6th time Hair-thin hair-shampoo every other day (no conditioner), put in product when after blowdrying and hair is ~80%.

    1. 4 months ago I decided to sign up for a Half-Ironman in Long Beach, CA.

    Bayshore 70.3: Swim (1.2M), Bike (56M), Run (13.1M) I haven’t swam or rode a bike in 12 years (freshman year of HS), discouraged when beginning because I sucked hard.

    2. Law of 100 states that if you spend 100 hours a year (16.5 (15-20) minutes a day) in any discipline, you’ll be better than 95% of the world in that discipline (top 5%).

    Also 100 days to form a habit. Little over 3 months. (Jesse Itzler - IG)

    3. Pareto Principle-80/20-20% of effort produces 80% of results.

    First 20 hours to accomplish 80% of getting really good at any discipline. It’s just a matter of how fast you can allow/force yourself to get through those first 20 hours of sucking. Last 3 months-20 hours of swimming, biking, & running for my race in a month (first 20 hours of those 100, brought me 80% of my progress towards being a top 5% athlete)

    4. Takeaways:

    staying consistent will give you anything you want, get you anywhere you want to go, help you learn any skill, and create your own momentum.

    🔥 I help HIGH-ACHIEVING WOMEN become QUAD MOMMIES, ditch DIET CULTURE, and feel CONFIDENT AF in their skin!👇🏼 WORK with ME!⁠https://connortrott.health

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/connor-trott/support