
  • As more women enter the legal space, we are seeing a shift. Attorneys, and legal professionals, empowered to show up as themselves. Playing by their own rules. Lifting one another up. And fighting for justice - together.
    Despite under-representation, the first season of LawHer has revealed that there is no shortage of courageous women, unafraid to take up space. We have had the pleasure of talking with women who are taking the legal by storm. They own their story, show up authentically, and are cutting their own paths while reaching back to pull others forward. Today, we look back at some of the most impactful conversations of season one.
    Thank you to every woman who shared their story and helped us build this community. And a special shout out to Chris Dreyer, CEO of Rankings.io, for his unwavering support as an ally.
    If you'd like to join the conversation in upcoming seasons - reach out to us on Instagram @LawHerFm
    What's In This Episode

    Sara Williams, fierce trial advocate, on using social media to remove the barriers to entry and change the rules of who gets to succeed.

    Reb Masel implements humor on social media to create community and show young women that there is no 'right way' to be a lawyer.

    Lisa Bloom, a beacon of justice, cut a path for what is possible for women in law. Hear her thoughts on courage and how to fight when the system feels rigged.

    As the number of women in the legal industry grows, Melissa Lamore, is creating dedicated spaces that support the whole woman. She shares how personal struggle gave way to deep seeded community.

    Lauren Wood combines her passions, travel and law, to build networks of talented female attorneys. Learn about her continuing education conferences in far-flung places like Mexico.

    Genie Harrison is unapologetically herself in and out of the courtroom. She explores how grit and internal drive is the ultimate motivator.

    To close the gender gap, we first need to understand its depth. Bibi Fell offers insight and reminds us that there is always a path forward.

    Candice Klien, intent on creating the life she desired, started her firm during the pandemic. There may be no perfect time but she explains how to make circumstances work for you and integrate life with work.

    It may sound daunting, but as Allison Williams reveals, the hidden promise of firm ownership is becoming a better citizen, friend, and partner. And above all - better for yourself.

    Jennifer Gore-Cuthbert owns one of the fastest-growing firms in the nation. She explains the real motivation behind hyper-growth and encourages more women to make more money, have a bigger impact and, ultimately, shape the world.

  • Kathleen Martinez has a distinct and bold style. Her very existence forces people to examine the stereotypes of what a successful female lawyer looks like. Blond hair, all pink branding, marketing almost exclusively on TikTok, smart as a whip, and here to win. Managing Attorney at Martinez Immigration, she struck out on her own when confronted with employers who diminished her capabilities and put her in a box.
    Today, she shares the viral story of how she walked away from her sexist boss - and took the firm's clients with her when she left. We also discuss the importance of having a supportive community to encourage your dreams, and how social media is helping move the needle when it comes to transparency at firms across the nation.
    What's in This Episode?

    Who is Kathleen Martinez?

    How her direct experience with sexism shaped her firm?

    How technology leads to transparency, and ultimately, accountability.

    Why Kathleen leaned into the all pink branding.

    Why she brings women who are legal social influencers onto her team.

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  • SVP of Operations at Fireproof Performance, Jennifer Harvala, has helped accelerate the growth of firms nationwide. She began as a receptionist at the Mike Morse Law Firm. Over the past 17 years, she took every opportunity to grow and made herself indispensable. She shares how to expand your book of business, the goals that will actually move your firm forward, and how to become a more effective leader.
    What’s In This Episode

    Who is Jennifer Harvala?

    What goals should firms set to move the firm forward truly?

    How can firms hire before they hit a pain point?

    At what point do visionaries need to hire implementors?

    What is the biggest indicator that a hire will have success in the role?

  • Taking charge of your time - and career - is not about quick hacks or hustle. It's about identifying the emotional problems that hold you to unobtainable standards. And moving past them.
    Olivia Vizachero, attorney legal professional for nearly a decade, began The Less Stressed Lawyer to help attorneys prioritize well-being. So many of her colleagues were overworked, over-stressed, overwhelmed, and ready for a change. She dives deep into taking charge of your life and regaining control of your time. We uncover the emotional roadblocks that squander your time and the tools you need to put yourself first.
    What's In This Episode?

    Who is Olivia Vizachero?

    How can we make better choices to regain control of our time and, ultimately, our lives?

    Why is hustle not a solution to better time management?

    How can we stop making decisions from a place of guilt and worry?

    Why is shame, and not flaws, the opposite of perfection?

    How do we move beyond limiting beliefs?

  • Elizabeth Kane, President at CrossX, offers an end-to-end solution to dual reps - a major source of frustration and lost capital for mass tort firms. When the plaintiff volume is in the thousands or tens of thousands, the tech needs to be there to help catch a problem right away and create efficiencies. Today we discover how CrossX can help address the dual representation of clients in mass tort cases automatically while protecting firm's bottom lines.
    What's In This Episode

    Who is Elizabeth Kane?

    How did an art gallery director become the president of Cross X?

    How does CrossX blend software, SPOs, and training to save mass tort firms money?

    How does CrossX maintain client care when the number of plaintiffs are in the thousands?

    How is Elizabeth using past experiences to develop culture in her growing company?

    How does autonomy help fight imposter syndrome?

  • Suzi Hixon has excelled as a trademark attorney for over 15 years. Throughout her career, she saw a recurring problem. Female attorneys are incredible advocates for their clients but not for themselves. She built the mentor-led platform Legally Blissed to help women put themselves first. Tempering ambition with deep self-care, Suzi explains how to recognize external conditioning, set boundaries, and get off the back burner and into the fire. She also explains the importance of rest and self-care.
    What's in This Episode

    Who is Suzi Hixon?

    How can women be better advocates for themselves?

    How can women find the practice that is right for them?

    How does she integrate ambition for her work and healthful life practices?

    When trying to be more creative, why is rest so important?

    What is the productivity trap, and how might it hinder your career?

  • Megan Hargroder, owner of Conversations Digital is a master at extracting compelling narratives. The former journalist has helped multiple law firms and attorneys get clear on their brand. As we all know, confused customers don't buy. Clear narratives help win the trust and, ultimately, the contacts of more clients. She shares why the most important story is our own, why vulnerability wins more clients, and how women can construct a clear and authentic digital persona.
    Megan appeared on our companion podcast Personal Injury Mastermind. Follow the link below to find out how humanizing a law firm through empathetic communication, authority building, and a little vulnerability can connect attorneys to the communities they aim to serve.
    110. Megan Hargroder, Conversations Digital - Organic Social Media Marketing: Crafting a Brand Story that Converts
    What's In This Episode?

    Who is Megan Hargroder?

    Why does Megan insist that personal narratives are the cornerstone of branding?

    Why should law firms draw all attention to their website?

    When thinking about copy for a firm - start with the partner bios and let everything flow from there.

    Is social media just one more space women need to perform?

    How can women show up a little less polished and still be taken seriously?

    How should attorneys think about constructing digital personas?

  • Thanks to social media, the perception of who can be a lawyer is changing. Talia has created a TikTok to do just that. As an Armenian, she sees few female attorneys and even fewer judges who have the same lived experience as her. Today she shares her path and what drove her to become one of only two people to ever win the Pepperdine hat trick - winning all three moot court competitions - and how she uses social media to paint a more nuanced picture of what lawyering looks like.
    What’s In This Episode

    Who is Talia?

    When she felt like quitting, what kept her going?

    What was the experience of successfully arguing a case before the California Court of Appeal at just 25 years old?

    As a woman and Armenian, what does holding a judgeship position mean to her?

    How do social media platforms like TikTok aid in the advancement of female trial attorneys?

  • Women play a major role in the business of law firms but have few safe spaces to come together through life's highs and lows. If the people who champion and encourage you come from your professional network, why not invite them into your personal life?
    It is this crossover concept that helped founders Carson Bayer Gillespie and Melissa Lamore spark the idea for the League. A network woman in the legal field, The League, aims to support the whole woman at any stage in her career. Today, Carson discusses her current role at Legal Association Management and how she has thrown balance out the window for a different strategy: full integration. She digs into the role that vulnerability plays, why it's OKAY to not always be okay, and how women can rise together.

    Check out Melissa Lamore's recent LawHer episode:
    35. Melissa Lamore, Velawcity — Nurturing Community: Cancer Survival and The League

    What's In This Episode?

    Who is Carson Bayer Gillespie?

    How does The League support the growth and evolution of women in the legal industry?

    When thinking about work and life, how is balance different from integration?

    How can women let go of the guilt that may come from not being able to do it all?

    When work and life are integrated, what is a good way to think about decompression?

  • An HR leader and lawyer with experience at world-class organizations like McKinsey, Modern Luxury, and Yum! brands, Ashley Herd provides upskill training and tools to help employees, managers, and enterprises reach their goals. CEO of Manager Method, Ashley offers training that is accessible and engaging.
    Today she shares with us how to be a more effective leader, how to ask for feedback, and how anyone can find their voice and become a more confident speaker.
    What's in This Episode

    Who is Ashley Herd?

    Why is communication essential for successful teams?

    How is TikTok driving her business?

    How can managers move away from micromanagement into delegation?

    How can women be more confident speakers?

    What can be done to help tap into parts of our voice that may have been hidden away?

  • Shermin Lakha's firm LVLUP Legal may have a brick-and-mortar location in New York. But that is as close as she gets to a traditional firm. Most business is conducted virtually - saving time for the clients and staff. Which allows her high-volume firm to take on more clients. And her innovative practices extend into the structure of the practice itself. She has done away with the billable hour entirely.
    Flat fees for service can increases transparency and cultivate trust with your clients - especially in young businesses with limited resources. Firms also benefit from reduced overhead administrative costs. She explains how she sets fees for service, maintains boundaries, and hires great cultural fits under this model.
    What's in This Episode

    Who is Shermin Lakha?

    Why has switching to a fee-based firm accelerated her growth?

    How did she fund her firm in the early stages of development?

    What do you really need to start a practice of your own?

    How does she set boundaries without billable hours?

    Why has she not spent a dollar on advertising?

    How does she only spend two hours a week making a week's worth of social content?

  • Women are acutely aware that advancement in the legal world is not guaranteed. The solution? Become indispensable. Angela Mason, managing partner at The Cochran Firm Dothan has been with the firm for over two decades. The first female hire in her office, she has risen through the ranks by filling the gaps and being reliable. She turned to the few other women attorneys for guidance and technique in trial and found the most success by remaining true to who she is. We discuss how to stay in the field and advance your career, how to be a better trial attorney, and what motivates her to keep going.
    What's in This Episode?

    Who is Angela Mason?

    What has she learned after practicing law for 25 years?

    How does she prep for trial?

    How did she make herself indispensable to her firm early on?

    Why is curiosity essential to a long career?

    How does travel fit into her life?

  • Bresha Shepherd treats every prospective client with five-star service. As Intake Specialist at Varghese Summersett, she greets each caller with warmth, making sure they understand how her firm will care for them. Bresha's passion and empathy shine both in her client interactions and how she approaches team building. To get the best from any team, she knows that employees have to feel empowered to take leadership roles. Regardless of position. Bresha shares with us how she has created a service first intake and onboarding process, why onboarding is just as important as intake, and how to structure award winning firm culture.
    Whats in This Episode

    Who is Bresha Shepherd?

    How has her position as an intake specialist helped shape her firm?

    Why does Bresha approach intake like a world-class service provider first and a law firm second?

    What onboarding process has she found to be the most successful?

    When is the appropriate time to give a potential client a quote?

    Why was her firm named one of the best places for mothers to work?

  • Davina Frederick has spent 14 years as a lawyer and business owner and nearly 10 years as a business coach and law firm growth strategist. Her company - Wealthy Woman Lawyer - helps firm owners create over 1 Million dollars in wealth-generating business.
    For Davina, creating a thriving practice is not just about securing wealth for its own sake. Increasing earning potential goes beyond immediate financial security. It can be about maintaining your current lifestyle once retired, traveling on more than a shoestring budget, and caring for parents as they age. Often women think of making "enough." But Davina believes that wealth, prosperity, and abundance are birthrights. In this episode, she explains how the rubber of mindset meets the road of action when building an abundant law firm.
    What's In This Episode

    Who is Davina Frederick?

    Why did she sell her first practice to open a virtual firm before they were popular?

    How can the right coach improve the bottom line of practice?

    What are the differences in coaching women law firm owners versus men?

    Why do only 1.7% of women business owners make more than one million dollars in their business?

    How can firm owners scale their businesses without taking on a larger workload?

  • Passionate about complex litigation and mass torts, Jessica Givens has spent the last 6 years at the illustrious Cochran Firm. She has been awarded Top 10 Under 40 in 2022 by the National Academy of Personal Injury Attorneys. She has also received the Hugo L. Black Scholar Award and George Peach Taylor Award for Trial Advocacy.
    She explains how to maintain a sense of community - even if the firm is 42 offices strong. Why representation is critical to the advancement of women in the legal industry. And how one of the most useful and powerful tools at her disposal is one we all possess - delegation.
    What's In This Episode

    Who is Jessica Givens?

    How did the biochem student transition from an education in STEM to law?

    The Cochran firm has established itself as the country's premier victims advocate law firm. How does her role maintain that title?

    In a firm of 42 offices, how does she maintain community?

    How does a firm with such a large reach humanize its interactions with clients?

    Why do so few women end up at the managing level of multi-tier firms?

    Why is delegation such an underrated tool for advancing your career?

    What can female lawyers do to increase their visibility - beyond social media?

  • Melissa Lamore is the Senior Vice President of Communications at Velawcity, a legal advertising network. Her superpower lies in building relationships that are deep-seated and wide-reaching. For Melissa, the lines between personal and professional are blurred. When she battled breast cancer, much of her support network came from the legal industry. As a result, her rapidly expanding network naturally led to co-founding The League with Carson Bayer.
    Melissa explains how leaning into your vulnerability can help build an authentic community. And why complimentary values can be just as important as shared ones. How The League is elevating the 'whole woman' and how the simple action of journaling daily can help unlock your future.
    What's In This Episode?

    Who is Melissa Lamore?

    How did Melissa transition from event production to SVP of Brand and Communication?

    How did her experience with breast cancer make her a more effective communicator?

    Why are complementary core values just as powerful as shared values in personal and business development?

    What is the League and how does it help build women up?

    How can brand position be communicated effectively both internally and externally?

    What journaling practices can help you identify your why?

  • Stephanie Forbes has seen - and improved - the inner workings of some of the most successful firms in the nation. The COO turned consultant is on a mission to help growing firms replicate their success. Owner of Forbes Consult, Stephanie helps Personal Injury Law Firms capitalize on maximum results by teaching swift, quality case management, and elite customer service.
    Today, we discuss how systems can make firms of any size run more efficiently and reap larger margins. We cover when and how to train new hires. And she reveals how to get the maximum recovery through proper case management.
    What's in This Episode

    Who is Stephanie Forbes?

    What did she learn while working at some of the largest firms in the nation?

    How have her mentors helped make more successful firms?

    How does she get new hires with no personal injury experience up to speed in just days?

    How do her systems help make firms more profitable?

    What aspects of case management are most overlooked when trying to get the maximum recovery?

  • You can spend all the money in the world on marketing - but if your intake team is not dialed in, your marketing budget has gone to waste. Associate and intake manager at West Coast Trial Lawyers, Liana Khachatryan oversees 15 offices and intake teams across California. One of the most successful personal injury and employment firms, the team consists of over 100 staff and 20 attorneys.
    Today, we discuss finding the practice area that best suits your lifestyle, how to vet calls and accepting the cases that fit with the business model. And she explains how doing it messy and figuring it out along the way is often the best policy.
    Whats In This Episode?

    Who is Liana Khachatryan?

    How did she know that personal injury was the right fit?

    How does she manage the intake teams across 15 locations?

    Why does she assign an 'on call' attorney 24/7?

    How does she manage the raw emotions that come with being a personal injury attorney?

    How does her team replicate positive first impressions, client to client?

  • When all you have is the calling - helping people is enough. Hillary Walsh, owner of New Frontier Immigration Law, began her immigration law firm with few resources. In the early days, she pretended to be her own receptionist and would drive over three hours to avoid a twenty-dollar filing fee. Four years later her firm has grown to over 90 employees and she helps hundreds of families through the immigration process.
    Today, we discuss how she learned the ropes of immigration law while in Korea - before the remote work revolution. We go over the tools and policies she uses to maintain culture with a fully remote team. We also get into how women can align work with menstrual cycles to unlock their superpowers and be more productive in the process.
    What's in This Episode

    Who is Hillary Walsh?

    How did her experience in the foster care and juvenile system allow her to better connect with her clients?

    What did she learn from street boys in Uganda when she volunteered at an orphanage?

    How did she transition from commercial litigation to immigration law?

    How did she turn a 'no' from her organization of choice into running her own firm?

    How did she overcome a fear of spending on her firm?

    How can working on a four-week cycle that matches our menstrual cycle make us more productive?

    How does she maintain culture remotely?

  • As an immigration and personal injury attorney, Keren Barrios clients trust her firm with their lives. She loves making an impact on her community and fulfills the promise she made to herself to help change and improve the lives of others.
    Over the past decade, the managing and founding partner of Barrios & Virguez has grown her firm to over 30 staff members and has helped countless families in Georgia. Keren shares how she sees her double minority status as a woman and Latina as an advantage and how she's healing from extreme trauma. We discussed working through the mess to find yourself and growing a wildly successful firm in the process.
    Whats in This Episode?

    Who is Keren Barrios?

    How did her experience growing up in Guatemala shape her legal career?

    What is the importance of finding your "Why"?

    How did she keep going when life and law got hard?

    How does she manage and maintain the culture of the firm?

    What does her community building efforts look like from a professional and community standpoint?