
  • Thank you for listening to Life By Design For Chiropractors | The Voice of Reason in Chiropractic!

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  • Thank you for listening to Life By Design For Chiropractors | The Voice of Reason in Chiropractic!

    Need help growing a Retention Based Practice™?

    >> Schedule a Practice Discovery Call with Jamie

    >> Join our "Freemium" Facebook Group The Retention Based Practice™

    Episode 148:

    Every week more and more Chiropractors are asking me how to create freedom from "needing" to expand their practices?

    While going online isn't for everyone, there are aspects about an online business that can serve you in your brick and mortar and ...

    For some, it's exactly the leap you need to take!

    On today's episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors, I'm joined by my colleague Dr. Robert Delgado.

    Robert has created his own successful online business and coached others to do the same.

    What We Covered:

    The elephant in the room! How is it possible to build a 6-figure business in just 90 days? What's your passion? How can you mold your excitement into an online business that's profitable? Robert's woo-woo story that's so crazy, it can't not be true. You really need to hear it to believe it. The 3-step blueprint that must be in place before significant success can follow.

    Looking for more information from our guest?

    >> Click Here

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Many years back, I'd thought about writing a book.

    I had plenty of ideas, what I considered enough motivation and the desire to get 'er done.

    That was until I found out the "actual" time and energy it was going to take.

    Years later, I consulted with a firm who it appeared would be my saving grace and the book would finally become a reality...

    Until I saw the 30-50K price tag.


    Although I could see possible value on a global scale, the benefit to a local practicing Doc just didn't measure up.

    Recently, I was sent a book to review by an old classmate from CMCC, Dr. Scott Vatcher.

    Scott's book had made as a Best Seller in 7 Amazon categories!

    My interest was piqued again.

    How did he do it?

    Could he help me?

    It only made sense to bring him on to the podcast and find out for myself and our listeners.

    What we covered:

    Why would a Chiropractor write a book? How much time and energy will it take from start to finish? Once the book is complete, then what? How can we leverage it for our advantage? What is Authority Marketing and how does is benefit a local, small business owner, like a Chiropractor?
  • Life By Design For Chiropractors is back! It'll be worth the wait. On today's episode we relaunch with a new segment called "Convos with Chiros". I sit down, virtually, with Laurence Tham from Drive Your Practice. Laurence and I were each others first...

    First Chiropractic adjustment that is.

    And we've had a friendship ever since that time.

    Both Laurence and I have made plenty of "leaps" in our lifetime and we discuss the mechanics, the nuances and upsides of taking chances in practice and life.

    What we covered:

    How the power of experience translates into copywriting and audience building. When failure is fantastic and how to do well! Most people only see the leap and miss the steps leading up to the big jump. What goes on behind the scenes, what considerations go into tough choices and where can you get started if it's all new to you.
  • Candy, vitamin or painkiller?

    Which one of these best describes your practice?

    In my experience most Chiropractors are positioning themselves as a "vitamin"...

    Good for you, but nothing urgent or overly important.

    You can live with it, you can live without it, but you probably won't remember much about the experience either way.

    I'm not suggesting that's conscious or even what you think about your service.

    But it is what your market and some of your patients think.

    In order to become the go to resource for spinal, neurological or functional health in your community, your potential prospects must believe that you have the "painkiller".

    And I don't mean that literally.

    I mean you must become the solution to a pressing, urgent problem they desperately want to solve.

    How do you accomplish that in a 3rd Paradigm Chiropractic model?

    That's the topic for today's episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors.

    What I Covered

    What does it mean to be "candy"? Why most docs are comfortable positioning themselves as a "vitamin" and how it's massively hurting your practice. What it means to become a "painkiller" and how to start the process without compromising your practice values. The exact language we use in our most successful marketing funnel to position our service as important and urgent.
  • How would you like to send a simple email, less than 15 words, to your list of subscribers, and have 7 replies back for new patient appointments?

    No spinal screenings.

    No arm twisting.

    Just replies like these:

    "Yes please"

    "My number is 519-X51-XX12"

    "It's for my son, he's 12 years old"

    Was this a one trick pony?


    Every month this email yields 2-9 new patient requests.

    I'll even give you the basics of the email I sent!

    It's been 6 weeks since we've had space.

    Four openings have been made available for a Case Review with one of our Corrective Chiropractors + possible Bio-Structural Assessment.

    Would you like one?

    On today's episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors I explain why nurturing your leads is a simple, yet boring and lengthy process, that's 100% worth the effort...

    And then some!

    What I Covered

    The easy way to nurture your leads and make big gains years later. How you need to think about your leads today in order to prepare them for action when they are ready. Be sure your content, even your ads, follows this very simple rule and it will serve you well for the future.
  • When I started my practice, I was 1000% convinced I would never lose a patient.

    Call me naive, many have before...

    I assumed if I simply taught them "what I knew, they would do what I do."

    Every other Chiropractor had it wrong.

    I had it right.

    Until it happened to me.

    Which, by the way, took approximately 5 days into my practice life.

    On today's episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors, Kreso and I take another break from Training Camp to discuss our once utopian views of practice and how we now handle the reality without letting it minimize our impact or happiness.

    What we covered

    Ready for a reality check? Take a look at all of your inactive files? What the heck happened to those people? The mantra I repeat to help me let go of the need to control what people choose and to make it about me. What systems should you have in place to help manage the experience of patients discontinuing? Yes, don't just leave it to chance! How prequalification not only protects you, but also protects the patient. A general communication framework that you can use in practice when someone requests to discontinue their care.
  • Struggling with your marketing?

    Crickets when you post a video to social?

    No one is visiting your website?

    You've created the world's greatest lead magnet...

    And not a single person has opted in?

    It must be your market.

    Really, it's the only logical solution.

    Similar to your patient who has "tried" everything and even followed your advice to a T.

    Yes, sure they did :)

    When you have a marketing problem, the single most productive approach is to assume YOU, not your market, is the problem.

    Even if you aren't the only issue, it's still the fastest, most controllable way to right the ship and get headed in the direction you'd like.

    On today's episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors, Kreso and I get back together for a live discussion about markets.

    What we covered

    What is a "market"? Could your market be a part of the problem? What's the best market for Chiropractors? The difference between a demographic and a psycho-graphic. Real world examples of what's working in my practice, why it's been so incredible and how you can start doing it too. Pitfalls from years of mistakes and a simple, yet significant, change in thinking that turned everything around.
  • When a patient says no to our recommendations, we assume it's always something we said or didn't say, something we did or didn't do.

    That is the case sometimes, but far too often much of the information we could add to aid the decision making process gets overlooked.

    There's an entire hierarchy of needs at work inside the patient's mind and most often completely unknown to the patient themselves.

    If we know and understand what the patient needs, we can tailor our information, environment and efforts to ensure these "beliefs" are covered during our interactions.

    The end result...

    More yeses.

    Happier patients.

    Better outcomes.

    On today's episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors I share "The 5 Things Patients Must Believe Before Saying Yes."

    What I Covered

    Why these beliefs are so important to setting the stage for a yes. Belief One - Do they know they have a problem. Belief Two - Are they seeking a solution. Belief Three - Is help possible? Belief Four - Can we help? Belief Five - Can they do it? Bonus: The one situation where all 5 beliefs are addressed and the answer is still no.
  • Hard bone on a soft nerve?

    Foot on the water hose?

    How do you communicate chiropractic in the 21st century?

    There have been, and still are, some incredible minds in Chiropractic.

    Kent, Gentempo, Chestnut, Minardi, Murphy, Haavik and many more I'm certainly missing.

    These pioneers have moved us away from the bone on nerve model to a new contemporary view of the spine, the nervous system and subluxation.

    As powerful as science is, understanding the science and making it consumable for your market and your patients is a totally different story.

    On today's episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors I share a concept I've been developing in my own practice that I believe will be of tremendous value to those Chiropractors listening in.

    What I Covered

    Different "levels" of knowledge should be applied at different points in the onboarding process. What are the unique points and what quality of content should be delivered at each? The computer analogy is not new but as it has been typically communicated, it positions your objective incorrectly. A new way to adapt the computer analogy of the nervous system and how a Chiropractor plays a central role in improving the operation. How to use and explain the analytics you gather from your objective testing.
  • Who wouldn't love a steady stream of new patients coming directly from your existing wonderful and engaged practice members?

    While new patients are the lifeblood of your practice, referred new patients are the cream of the crop.

    How are you generating more referrals?





    These are all top level attributes that need to be in place and cultivated.

    But how easy are you making the referral process?

    For both the patient and for their referral?

    On today's episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors I review a new, successful, referral process we've launched in our gym and practice.

    What I Covered

    How practices typically manage referrals and why it's antiquated in most cases. A process I stumbled into and now, with proper development, is gaining glowing reviews (and referrals) from our patient base. Action steps you can take immediately to set up your own in house referral system.
  • It was the best of times.

    It was the worst of times.

    It was the age of wisdom.

    It was the...

    You probably get the idea.

    In "Chiro" world, the preached purpose is to see as many people as possible and create a subluxation free world.

    That means doing whatever it takes to see more people and "serve" more people.

    It's a statement that's been screamed from the stage and now social media, since the dawn of Chiropractic times.


    Is an ever growing practice really the only practice worth its salt?

    Could it even be in opposition to a fantastic life for the Chiropractor themselves?

    Over the past few years a pattern has emerged among clients, docs we've consulted with and I've even experienced in my own practice.

    There are two practices a subluxation centred doc should consider.

    On today's episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors, I discuss them both.

    What I Covered

    What are the two types? What are the pros and cons of each? The "limbo" most docs are in and why it's the worst place to be. How to start making a decision and what to expect with each direction.
  • I love Reggie Gold.

    If you don't know who this person is, and that's becoming more and more possible, you need to expose yourself as much Reggie content as possible.

    The one caveat, and I may rub some chiropractors the wrong way with this statement, is to be wary of his business model.

    It's a bust and honestly, terrible.

    That said, Reggie was a fantastic communicator.

    His clarity regarding The Third Paradigm of Chiropractic and how to help the public understand is second to none.

    One of the recordings that stuck with me and continues to influence our Day One - Two process are his "3 Questions".

    The "3 Questions" seem simple, but when you deconstruct them, they're actually quite genius.

    On today's episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors, I break down Reggie's "3 Questions".

    What I Covered:

    What is Third Paradigm Chiropractic? What's the context of the "3 Questions?" How the "obvious" answer to question one sets the stage and why it's important. The look you'll get after question two and what the answer will tell you about the patient's current understanding. Question Three is almost too bold to ask but it's valuable to understand the sentiment.
  • Have you ever caught yourself making this statement?

    "It's always something!"

    Typically it comes at a time of stress or overwhelm, a time when you're ready to throw your hands up in the air and give in.

    The sentiment is, of course, a negative one.

    An endless loop of challenges, uncertainty and the lack of confidence you can overcome them.

    "It's always something!"

    You're right, it is always something.

    Once you accept that as truth, everything else that follows will change.

    On today's episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors I share a new perspective and subsequent action plan.

    What I Covered

    Where to begin if you find this statement to be a recurring one. What type of problems are worth your time, effort and energy? The direct benefit of ever expanding problems. How to modify your daily narrative and turn it into a strength instead of a distracting weakness.
  • I don't know many people who enjoy being rejected.

    Me included!

    In my experience, that fear of rejection is even more pronounced in Chiropractors.

    Unfortunately, that was likely a bad career choice for many as Chiropractic is rejected on the regular.

    What if there was a way to not only minimize the fear and feelings associated with rejection and completely turn the tables but in most cases, make it non existent all together.

    On today's episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors, I share one of my favourite headspace hacks.


    What I Covered

    Why you feel rejected in the first place. The long term impact of rejection, not just on your practice, but on your life. How to start turning the tables and set a barrier YOU control, not the patient. The future of your practice when built on this one headspace hack.
  • One way to stack the deck in favour of the highest quality sleep experience is to craft the perfect restoration routine.

    A routine is a series of actions done repeatedly.

    Not all routines are helpful, or move you towards a predetermined goal, they’re simply routines due to repetition.

    You’ll see routines, even rituals, a more intentional form of routine, among many high achievers across a variety of professions.

    What makes routines so impactful is the ability to automate them and require little to no willpower.

    This makes consistency easier and as such, the opportunity for a maximum return even more likely.

    On today's episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors I shared my Perfect Restoration Routine in hope it would spark you to do the same!

    What I Covered:

    A 4 step process to creating a routine. This can be applied to anything, not just sleep! How to best prepare your body to maximize sleep quality and set the stage for productivity. What are the nutrient needs involved to enhance restorative sleep? The two additions I made to my sleep hygiene in the past 6 months that have been making a surprising and positive impact.
  • Does everything matter?

    As far as my practice goes, I once believed that it did.

    That was until Mike stepped in to save me from myself once again.

    That belief was causing burnout, stress and frustration.

    It was an impossible standard to achieve and keep up.


    I knew something about the concept was true.

    Turns out it was a simple but profound fix.

    It was the addition of one single word.

    Everything that matters, matters.

    On today's episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors we unpackage this can of worms.

    What I Covered:

    What exactly happened when everything across my entire life "mattered?" What changed with the addition of one word? Examples of things that could matter to your practice and if they do, what to do about them. Why this mantra should light a fire you!
  • Standard fare among Chiropractic Coaches is the spousal invite.

    Do you invite the spouse?

    Do you make it mandatory?

    What if they decline?

    What if they agree, but show up alone?

    In my world four ears are much better than two and having a spouse or someone involved in the prospective patient's health care decision making at the consultation and the review of results is always better than not having them.


    Where do I draw the line?

    On today's episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors I clipped out a portion of a solid training...

    10 Day One - Two Conversion Secrets That Generated Over 20 Million.

    Specifically, the portion covering the spousal invite.

    Here's What I Covered:

    Do we make the spousal invite mandatory. Why or why not? The actual, authentic purpose of a spousal invite... HINT: The #1 reason is not to create more new patients. I share my exact script my team uses while scheduling every new patient in our practice. Day one or two spousal attendance. Which is more important and why? Script #2. How to invite the spouse after the examination.
  • It's not just your practice.

    It's everything!

    If you take stock from every time...

    You've failed.

    You feel scared.

    You think it's "too hard".

    You assume your market is so different, unique and abnormal "it" just won't work.

    What is at least ONE commonality among those situations?

    You've reached a wall.

    You've hit your capacity.

    Your capabilities are tapped.

    Without the ability or the work ethic to push through, you never bridge the gap.

    You're stuck and you stay stuck.

    On today's episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors I discuss the nature of growth and what it takes to make a transition from one stage to another.

    What I Covered:

    A better appreciation for why you're falling short and why you shouldn't worry... just do this instead. As per normal, a new perspective can trigger new actions and new growth. Try this one on. Where to begin and how to take this principle outside your practice for unexpected benefits.
  • It's been a wild year!

    I have a simple question...

    Did you learn anything? Anything that can be used to grow, to develop yourself or your business into a better version of what it was when the world took a tumble?

    I did.

    Today's episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors is about the 11 things I learned during a global pandemic.

    What I Covered

    This too shall pass. Get busy living or getting busy dying. Family is meant to be together. The best time to plant a tree was 25 years ago, the next best time is today. Don't sweat the small stuff. Pursuing what you love is a worthy pursuit. Time is, by far, the greatest resource. Eating, sleeping and exercising make me happy. Life is what you make of it. You're worth it :) Marketing is the lifeblood of your business