
  • In this episode, I had the joy of interviewing Kealah "Coach Kiki" Parkinson. Coach Kiki is a master at her craft of emotionally intelligent communications coaching. We talked about conquering one's fear, as Kealah went from being painfully shy to becoming a public speaker! We discussed developing your key mantra and your BMT Index, both trademarks held by Kealah. She defined what a communication coach is and what they do. We talked about the fight-or-flight response and how that affects communication. Kealah shared her favorite tools for processing feelings and distinguished between processing and managing feelings. The BMT Index stands for body, moods, and thoughts. Coach Kiki is also working on her pilot program called, "The Four Corners of Feelings" and she's looking for some people willing to go through her beta program to co-create with her what this program will look like. She knows how important emotions are in communications, both in one's personal and professional life. You can follow her on Substack at We Build Better Humans | Coach Kiki Kealah Parkinson | Substack, or visit her website to sign up for the Four Corners of Feelings pilot program, take her coaching eligibility quiz, or contact her about her expertise or services.

  • In this episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Alison Schmidt, PhD, BCC. Among other things, Alison is the CEO of unconvention™, and a graduate of the Academy of Choice's Board Certified Coaching program. I recently became aware of Alison's rebrand to unconvention and wanted to have her on the show to talk about it. Alison most definitely has some interesting unconvention qualities. In this episode, we discuss how she decided on her rebranding, what unconvention means to her, her use of "un" words in coaching, my personal unwords, her podcast "unconversations," and how she works with her clients to help them discover what is unique about themselves, often the very things they have gotten criticized for in the past. Once discovered, a person learns to lean into those qualities and lives a life filled with passion, purpose, and authenticity. To contact her for more information or for coaching yourself, check out her website at unconventionllc.com [email protected].

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  • In this episode, I continue the conversation with Dr. Charles Dent about how mental health interventions can be tailored to resonate more deeply with Black men, considering the intersection of masculinity, cultural identity, and mental well-being. We discuss how to advocate for great access to culturally competent mental health services for Black men and what steps people can take to break down the barriers to seeking help. You can reach Dr. Dent through his website, Max Out Coaching for more information.

  • In this 2-part episode, I have the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Charles Dent, an educator, counselor, coach, and pastor. Charles utilizes Choice Theory and Reality Therapy in his work and has penned several books: When a Woman Gives Up Her Heart, 42 Days: Becoming a Powerful Person of Patience, How to Overcome the Predator of Your Faith, Date Rape at 11 AM Sunday, and 42 Habits of Successful Parents. Charles is a Black man living in the south committed to creating bridges between faith-based communities and mental health clinics to better serve the African American population who has been disenfranchised by the medical system. We discuss the unique mental health challenges Black men face and how systemic issues and economic disparities contribute to these challenge, how mental health professionals can better understand and address the culture stima surrounding mental health particularly among Black men and how the community, family, and faith can strengthen their support systems. You can reach Dr. Dent through his website, Max Out Coaching. Tune in next week for part 2.

  • In this episode, I was delighted to speak with Kate Varness, a Clarity Coach who helps women find their path through life's transitions. She does this with an astrological tool called Human Design. Learning your Human Design assists you to understand yourself better and figure out the best ways to respond during transitions based on your specific traits and strengths. It was fascinating to me, especially when Kate delved into an example of some work she did with a consultant who was struggling with overwhelm. Kate offers our listeners a free video called How to Find Your Way In. It's a 2-part method to identify where you are and where you're going. You'll also learn why it's so important to intentionally shift during life transitions, and how to prepare for your next adventure with confidence and support. You can reach Kate for more information at [email protected].

  • In this episode, I get to chat with Nichole Meade about her creation, Mindful Self-Intelligence. Nichole created her concepts from a variety of disciplines, including quantum physics, Shamanism, Buddhism, science, and mathematics, of all things. Nichole describes herself as a rainbow unicorn in a ones-and-zeroes world, which makes her a breath of fresh air for me. Listen in to discover Mindful Self-Intelligence and how to solve for the f(me) or the function of me. Nichole also shares her thoughts about discovering oneself so people can be the best and most aligned version of themselves for themselves, but also, for "all the things." She discusses finding ways that work for her that start as a way, become a transitional the way, on the way to simply being her way. This is not your regular conversion. If you want to take a dive into a converstion you probably won't have in your everyday life, have a listen. Should you want to reach out to Nichole to continue the conversation, the best way to do that is on LinkedIn.

  • In this episode, I have the pleasure of talking with Dr. Kiley Callaway about his work with couples in his congregation. As a pastor with a degree in pastoral counseling, Kiley is a certified Mental Freedom practitioner who uses that and Choice Theory psychology with those who come to him for help. He shares how he does that, along with some successes his clients have achieved. We also talk about how both Choice Theory and Mental Freedom, while not associated with any religion, can be supported by biblical scriptures. Kiley's counseling license allows him to work across all states so if you are interested in pastoral counseling that is underpinned by Choice Theory and Mental Freedom, you can contact him through his website, Christian Counselor | Be Transformed Christian Counseling | Gering (betransformedcounseling.org).

  • In this episode, Kim talks about the challenge experienced by couples when one person is upset about something the other person does. They miscategorize the problem as the other person's instead of their own. The problem lies with the person who is most upset by it. If you own the problem, then it's your responsibility to fix it. This puts you in the driver's seat. Otherwise, you are powerless to fix it while waiting for your partner to change. Additionally, Kim discusses not staying in relationships where you are not receiving even the bare minimum you want. More of Kim's views on couples can be found in her book, Secrets of Happy Couples.

  •  In this episode, I was fortunate to be able to interview a colleague and fellow coach, Elizabeth Overstreet. Elizabeth functions primarily as a coach for couples. We had a great conversation talking about attachment styles and how they affect relationships, the evolution of relationships, and why we often resist healthy relationships. Listen to the end to hear two "secrets" Elizabeth shares that can enhance relationships. If you'd like to reach out to her, you will find her at her website: https://elizabethoverstreet.com. You can also read her book, Love Can Be Messy But You Don't Have to Be. 

  •  In this episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Kelvin Troy Johnson, founder of Love Coach Atlanta and author of Secrets of the Mind of a Man. Given that much of my audience is female, I thought you might be interested in the information Kelvin shares. I noticed him on TicToc and liked what he was saying so I was honored when he was brave enough to say "yes" to being interviewed by a total stranger. The conversation was entirely fun and enjoyable for me. I found we agree on many things and just say it differently. What I particularly loved is that he isn't that dating coach out there trying to help men scam women into dating without commitment. Kelvin is the coach who works with women to understand what men want and how you can know, and benefit from, that yourself. Men are simple; men are visual. What they say is usually what they mean and they are attracted with their eyes first, and then their brain. Listento the end to hear the compettling offer he made for our audience members. Then, if you want to learn more from Kelvin, you can look him up at By Kelvin | Love Coach Atlanta, follow him on TicToc or order his book here. 

  • In this episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Priyanka Venkataraman, who gave up a thriving OBGYN practice to be the best mom she could be for her son. She is not looking back! When Priyanka's wonderful nanny had to leave after 1.5 years, she realized something had to give and she knew she wanted to be there for her family. She spent a year working on herself with her own parenting coach before becoming a parenting coach herself. She specializes in working with busy, professional moms like herself who might be looking for some answers about navigating this things called parenting that no one is ever prepared for. You can find her at Wayfinding Moms, where she offers an initial 30-minute free session, to discover what she can offer you. 

  •  In this episode, I have the pleasure of speaking a second time to the author of The Golden Ticket, Irena Smith. Irena was on the show last month to talk about her new book and I wanted her to return to talk about parenting, particularly parenting neurodiverse kids; she has three of them! We talk about the importance of realizing that going to an Ivy League School isn't what's best for everyone and isn't the "Golden Ticket" many parents have come to believe it is. She implores parents to think about the stress added to a child's life by their parents' unwaveringly high expectations for their child's academic achievements. There are other ways to have a great life other than attending a top-20 school. Irena also shares a major life change she made since the last time I interviewed her that has allowed her to live more authentically in alignment with her values. She is a serious writer, maintaining not one, but two, Substacks. You can check them out here: Personal Statements and The Golden Ticket (is not what you think). You can also have the opportunity to hear her speak about navigating the college entrance process with your child at her virtual August presentation through the Library Speakers Consortium. You will find the information you need, as well as being able to register, here.

  • In this episode, I had the opportunity and pleasure to interview two guests from last season, Amy Reid and Heather Harrison. Heather and Amy are a modern-day, queer couple attempting to navigate the nuances of life with four kids in a blended family, with other co-parents, thriving careers in college teaching, side hustles in coaching, and a burgeoning real estate investment portfolio. In this episode, we talk about how they navigate their high-paced life, while also discussing the beautiful gift of surrogacy they gave to a very good friend, that then, gave back to them, formed a community and added to the love that's in the world. 

  • In this episode, I was fortunate to interview Silva Badalian about Conscious Parenting, a parenting method developed by Dr. Shefali Tsabary and practiced and taught by Silva, a is a therapist and parenting coach I discovered on LinkedIn. I loved some of the nuggets Silva dropped: "parenting with connection before correction" and the difference between stone and sand boundaries in parenting. She has some great questions for parents, also, such as "Would you treat your best friend the way you treat your child?" and "Has your parenting been working to get the results you want?" Pure gold! Listen in and should you wish to contact Silva for more information, you cam visit her website at Counseling | Glendale, CA | My Inner Healing Therapy, email her at [email protected] or phone her at 818-748-9977. 

  • In this episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Jeannette Markle, a former prosecutor turned parenting coach, among other things. Jeannette talked with me about her vast experience with a Canadian organization called the Association of Parent Support Groups in Ontario (APSGO), of which she is currently the president. Jeannette first encountered APSGO as a desperate parent looking for some sort of solution to "fix" her child who was displaying some scary, problematic behaviors as a 13 year old. After trying the traditional routes, Jeannette found what she was looking for and more with APSGO. She got the help she needed to repair the relationship with her daughter and she actually found herself. That was more than two decades ago and now she is the president of that organization and serves as a parent coach there. If you are struggling with difficult behaviors with your child, you may also find just what you need at APSGO via Zoom. Check them out at https://apsgo.ca.

  • In this episode, I have the distinct pleasure of interviewing Melanie Smith for the second time. Melanie has a book, Unfinished Business, that takes trauma--the big, the small and everything in between--and helps the reader do the work so they can first, figure out who they are and then second, become intentional about building the life they want to live. Listen for Melanie's mic drop statement starting at marker 29:48. It holds an important message for everyone. To work with Melanie, visit her website, https://workwithmelaniesmith.com. You can also connect with her on social media. You'll find her on Facebook as Melanie Smith and on Instagram, she's melaniesmithoffical. Melanie generously offers listeners her Unfinished Business worksheets, which you can get by clicking here.

  • In this episode, I had the great pleasure of interviewing Ben Eberhart, a man I met when he took Choice Theory training during the early stages of his recovery. Ben has moved on from the job he had when I met him to create a beautiful life for himself. He is a well-known local professional musician and family man. Ben is married with two young daughters at home and has found a career he truly loves as the Community Outreach for Arkview Recovery Center, a program he can really get behind. Join me to hear about this great place that helps people overcome their addiction and hear some of the wisdom Ben has accumulated over the years and how he credits AA, showing up, doing the work and Choice Theory as instrumental in his recovery. If you are struggling with an addiction or are a professional in the field who would like to check out Arkview, call 717-500-1111.

  • In this episode, we delve into the crucial topic of supporting counselors and therapists in processing the challenging traumas they encounter while aiding clients. Individuals grappling with mental health issues, incarceration, or substance use disorders often carry significant trauma burdens. As professionals, we can't ignore the impact of absorbing our clients' experiences, potentially leading to vicarious trauma and its symptoms affecting us. It's imperative to prioritize our well-being by seeking support from supervisors, mentors, coaches, support groups, trusted friends or our own counselor. By having an effective debriefing strategy in place, we can safeguard against internalizing hopelessness and maintain our capacity to serve with empathy and resilience.

  • In this episode, I have the pleasure of interviewing my friend, colleague and frequent guest of this podcast, Sylvester Baugh, about the men's group he has created. Following his life-saving kidney transplant, he says he felt called to create a safe space for men to be able to share and heal, and thus the Inside Out Job Community was born. Currently, he runs two groups--one that is in person with a group of unhoused individuals in the Chicago suburbs and the other that is virtual with ment from around the globe, who come together monthly to hear Sylvester's topic of the month and discuss the meaning for them. These groups are open to any male interested in joining but we discuss how a female's presence in the group would be detrimental to the purpose of creating a safe safe and helping men focus on internally looking at how they can improve themselves without adding the distraction of women in the group. By popular request, Sylvester is considering expanding what he offers by increasing the frequency and even adding a new group. If you are interested in either joining or learning more about this group, he can be reached at. [email protected]

  • In this episode, I get to interview a trailblazer in the sport of girls wrestling, my granddaughter, Saige Olver. According to the National Wrestling Hall of Fame, in 1990, there were 112 girls who participated in high school wrestling. Since then, the sport has grown exponentially. Last season, '22-'23, there were 49,127 girls wrestling in the sport. The '23-'24 season was the first sanctioned season for girls in the state of Pennsylvania where today's guest, my granddaughter Saige Olver, lives. She was not only on that team this year, but she was the team member that went the farthest in competition by winning district competition, winning regional competition, and earning 3rd place in the state competition. In this episode, we talk about what it means to her to wrestle, how she comes by it naturally, and what her ambitious goals are for the future.