
  • On today’s episode, we venture back to the lands of the Jicarilla Apache people up in northern New Mexico and speak with a young Indigenous role model and aspiring nurse. We talk about her upbringing on the Jicarilla Apache Reservation, her love for family, powwows, all things Apache and her journey to becoming the 55th Miss Indian New Mexico. If you’re interested in learning more about the history, past winners, or the legacy of the wonderful Miss Indian New Mexico organization, please visit their website at, www.missindiannewmexicoinc.org

  • On today’s episode, I would like to share a story with you about our beloved, trickster, and fellow brother, Coyote. As we all know, Coyote is a tricky, sly, mischievous, envious, and vain creature that gets himself into situations to fulfill his simple desire of being the envy of the animal world. Often driven by vanity, greed, jealousy and hunger, brother coyote embarks on adventures, involving trickery and outright deceit to get his way. But more often than not, coyote is humbled and taught very hard lessons of choosing right over wrong, good over bad, kindness and care over selfishness and envy. I share a coyote story with you, written by me, that is an adaptation of traditional coyote stories that are told within our beloved Pueblo culture and traditions. So gather the grandkids around the Bluetooth speaker, sit back, relax, and enjoy the story of “Brother Coyote Flies to the Sun!”

    If you are interested in Coyote Stories, The Healing Power of Song, or The History and Traditions of Shinney Stick, presentations, please DM me on Instagram at lifedogrezpodcast, on Facebook at lifedogrezpodcast or via email at, [email protected]

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • On March 17th 2024, the Life of a Dog on the Rez turned 2! Over the past 2 years, I released episodes of funny, cringeworthy, and inspirational stories from our beloved Pueblo homelands and Turtle Island, with truly amazing, funny, and inspirational individuals that I have had the absolute pleasure having a conversation with. Many share their, upbringings on and off the REZ, their educational journey’s, struggles, heartaches, life work, causes and organizations that they support, with words of encouragement, wisdom, all with funny and cringeworthy moments. A few share haikus and definitions of what a Rez Dog means to them. I truly appreciate their willingness to share their stories with the world. Some of the episodes are scripted accounts of my experiences, thoughts, struggles, and realizations of my life as a Pueblo man, father, language teacher, and song stitcher, as well as the beauty of our Pueblo way of life, though, language, culture, traditions, stories and song. Today, I would like to recap the past two years of this podcast with inspirational, funny and cringeworthy snippets from each of my episodes.

  • “Welcome to the "Life of a Dog on the Rez”, Podcast a place where we share funny, cringe-worthy, and inspirational stories from our beloved Pueblo homelands. Stories that uplift the soul, provide us hope, and heal our spirits, I’m your host Michael and I am so happy that you joined me today. I'm back, your friendly neighborhood Rez Dog. First off, I want to thank all of you, my wonderful and amazing listeners for your understanding, patience, and support of this podcast. It been over two months since I released a new episode and I’m sure some of you were wondering if the Life of a Dog on the Rez was headed for the preverbal pound aka pod fade. But like any self-respecting Rez Dog, I laid in the corner, licked my wounds and rose again like the mighty rain storm, announcing my return with the clap of my thunderous boom and flashes of my powerful lightning to bring life giving moisture to all the land, just kidding, I was just busy with life as a Pueblo man and father. Being that this is the first episode of the new year, I want to extend my congratulations and blessing to all the new tribal officials across Pueblo lands. May your sacrifices, prayers and blessing continue to move the people forward in happiness, health, and prosperity. With that said, I am excited to bring you my wonderful conversation with another amazing, accomplished and inspirational individual from the Pueblo of Zuni. She will regale us with heroic and epic adventures from the dental world and saving people's smiles one tooth at a time, so sit back, relax and enjoy my conversation with Dr. LeBeaux.

    Society of American Indian Dentists (SAID)

  • On today’s episode, I speak with another inspirational Indigenous runner, mother, coach and veteran of the armed services. We journey through her life as a young child growing up on the rez, going into the military, experiencing things that changed the world, all the while holding on to her core values taught by her parents, grandparents and community. She reflects back on how running from an early age has played a pivotal role in her journey through life and the connections it has to our emergence, So sit back, relax, pour another cup of your favorite fall time beverage, and enjoy my interview with Tammy.

    Team Red White and Blue weblink

  • Today we journey outside the Pueblo realm and head to Oklahoma by way of Tualatin, Oregon. I had the pleasure of having a wonderful conversation with another funny and inspirational Indigenous runner, mother, adventurer, and all-around amazing person; Birdie. Come journey with me through her upbringing in the Pacific Northwest, growing up, as she puts it “an urban Indian”, her college athletic career, family, struggle, loss, and finally finding her purpose through running. Sit back, relax, make another spam and roasted green chili on fresh tortilla sandwich with a yellow hot on the side, for good measure and enjoy my conversation with Birdie.

    Below are links to the organizations that are dear to Birdie's heart.

    Native Women Running
    Providence Health and Services Hood to Coast Relay
    Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board

  • Thank you for joining me today and listening to part 2 of my wonderful conversation, with my sister, Shayai. In part one, we journeyed with Shayai through the Miss Indian World competition, becoming the eventual titleholder in 1997. If you haven’t listened to episode 26 “My sister” MIW, my interview with Shayai Lucero, please take a listen to get context to this episode. In this episode, we find out about Shayai’s life post Miss Indian World, the life path that has been laid out for her and the wonderful and important organizations that she supports and promotes. So sit back, relax, and enjoy my conversation with Shayai Lucero.

    Below you will find links to the organizations Shayai represents, along with her TedX Talk, and business, Earth & Sky Floral Designs.

    All Pueblo Council of Governors
    Changing Women Inititive
    American Heart Association of New Mexico
    TedX Talk ABQ
    Earth & Sky Floral Designs

  • On today's episode, I bring you part one of my conversation with my good friend and sister, the former Miss Indian World 1997, Shayai Lucero. It must be pageant month, the current Miss Indian New Mexico graced the Rez Dog studios with her story on Episode 25. For my next interview, I have lined up, the Miss United States contestant Miss Rhode Island, to share her thoughts and feelings of a perfect date. Joking aside, come share with me, Shayai’s journey, her early years growing up in the Pueblos of Acoma and Laguna, her educational path and eventual run for Miss Indian World. So sit back, relax with a bowl of pumpkin spiced atole, pumpkin spiced oven bread and pumpkin spiced dried deer meat and enjoy my conversation with Shayai.

    To learn more about the Gathering of Nations Powwow and the Miss Indian World Competition, please click on the link below.

    The intro and outro music in this episode is the Gathering of Nations grand entry song, composed by Arlee Neskahi of the White Eagle Singers, sung by the Rio Grande Singers and invited drums from across Turtle Island.

  • On today’s episode, I am honored and blessed to bring you my wonderful conversation with the 2022-23 Miss Indian New Mexico, Alysia Coriz. This interview was a long time coming, ever since I became a supporter of her cause and the advocacy work she does, bringing awareness and understanding of our beautiful pueblo way of life. Alysia shares her story about her upbringing, family, friends, school bullies and her eventual journey as Miss Indian New Mexico. Sit back, relax, boil up pot of Indian tea, grab a hand full of piñons and join me on this wonderful journey with Miss Indian New Mexico, Alysia Coriz.

    If you are interested in finding out more about the programs and organizations Alysia supports, please click on the links below.

    Coalition to STOP Violence Against Native Women
    Miss Indian New Mexico Inc.
    Pueblo Action Alliance
    Indigenous Youth Council
    Kewa TRUTH Youth Council

  • On today’s episode, I mix up my line up and bring you my conversation with a fellow Pueblo singer, shoemaker, language keeper, Dungeness crab loving brother, and all round nice guy from the Pueblo of Laguna in New Mexico. Phillip and I have know one another for quite sometime now, we share many of the same mutual family and friends. Phillip is a fan of Life of the Dog on the Rez, who has provided intro and outro music for a previous episode, contributed to the Rez Dog Haiku's on eposide 18, “Grandpa tell us a story”, and wanted to share his story of growing up on the REZ, his journey as a Pueblo man, dad, partner and keeper of the language, culture and traditions of his people. Enjoy my conversation with Phillip.

    If your interested in purchasing some Pueblo style moccasin from Phillip, please click on the link below for more information.

  • On today’s episode, I am super excited to bring you my first official interview request. One day, as I was minding my own business, I got a DM from a fan who gave the show a score of 10 war cries. Side note; the war cry scale is based on a 1 to 10 rating. 1 representing, a noble but mousy war cry and 10 representing, a war cry heard after a Northern Cree intertribal. The fan told me she had a cousin who is a hiphop artist, from the Pueblo of Okay Owenghe, a great inspiration to her people and has the best Rez stories. Well, I didn’t need any more convincing, I got her contact info, did the interview, and today, I am blessed and honored to bring you, my conversation with G Precious. I'll let G fill you in on her upbringing, educational journey, passions, and love for music. Sit back, relax, order up Uber Eats, aka your cousin selling Indian tacos and Piccadillies out her kitchen window and will deliver for free if you help her bake bread for the next Pueblo feast. Enjoy my conversation with G Precious.

    Today's intro and outro music comes off the Eclectic CD, by G Precious. With unmatched lyrics, and deep connections to her people, G spins her beautiful Tewa language with modern hiphop.
    Please visit her website, https://www.therealgprecious.com/
    for a complete listing of all her amazing, rez rocking music.
    You can also find her on most music platforms.

  • On today’s episode, I bring you my conversation with a self-confessed superfan of the show. Amore started listening to the show at the beginning of the year, after hearing it mentioned on KUNM 89.9 FM, The Singing Wire radio program. She has helped me with some editing, scripting and even did a guest reading of the Rezdog haikus on episode 18, “Grandpa, tell us a story”. Recently she was promoted to President of the Life of a Dog n the Rez Podcast Fan Club, just like Yolanda Saldivar. In our conversations and episode pitches, I asked her if she would be interested in recording an episode and she told me, “But, I have nothing interesting to say!” Well, that was even more motivation for me to get her on the show, and guess what, she had plenty to say. We all have a story, come share it with us. Sit back, relax, split open a couple of Coronado hotdog wieners, give them a quick sear, place on a tortilla, add your favorite condiment, top with a handful of "Indian lettuce" (potato chips) and enjoy my interview with Amoré.

  • I am excited to bring you my conversation with Daphne Coriz from Kewa. (Santo Domingo Pueblo) Join Daphne on her journey of growing up on the reservation, her traditional upbringing, life's struggles, redemption and eventual creation of an amazing Indigenous owned business, but I will let her fill you in on all the details, so sit back, relax, get the "Rezzy" charcuterie tray ready; Spam slices, commodity cheese wedges, oven bread, Slim Jims, and prunes, because that’s the only fruit you have in the house and enjoy my interview with this amazing Pueblo Baddie!

    For more information about Dye, Dye My Darling Hair Studio, please visit Daphne's Instagram page and website.

    Instagram: dyedyemydarling_abq

    Website: www.dyedyemydarlingabq.com

  • On today’s episode, I am excited to bring you my interview with another amazing, inspirational and funny Indigenous Pueblo woman. We talk about her years growing up on the reservation, her educational journey, career path, CrossFit and finally her amazing SFX content creation, but I’ll let her fill you in on all her amazingness. So sit back, relax, serve yourself another bowl of garbanzo and enjoy my interview with Briana.

    If you would like to see Briana's SFX content creations, please follow her on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok.

    If you are interested in finding out more about CrossFit Rio Rancho, please visit their website at:

  • Today, I bring you my interview with a young, beautiful, talented, and self-confessed "Little Monster" from the Jicarilla Apache Nation. I've known Nicole ever since she was a baby and watched her grow into a strong, confident and independent Indigenous woman. She shares with us her journey of growing up on the reservation in Dulce, New Mexico, going to the Santa Fe Indian School, being selected valedictorian, receiving a Gates Millennium Scholarship, attending Stanford, becoming an accomplished potter, and being the biggest "Little Monster" out there. Sit back, relax, grab a handful of choke cherries, pour another cup of Tiswin, turn it up, and enjoy my interview with Nicola. If you are interested in viewing Nicola's Jicarilla Apache Micaceous pottery, please follow her on Instagram at nicolav_001

  • The Life of a Dog on the Rez podcast is a place where we share funny, cringe-worthy, and inspirational stories from our beloved Pueblo homelands. Stories that uplift the soul, provide us hope, and heal our spirits, I’m your host Michael, and I'm so happy that you are all my amazing and wonderful listeners from around the world. This podcast of mine was born out of trying to find a way to heal from life events that put me in a place of questioning my worth. I always loved the spoken word, I would immerse myself into people’s stories of struggle, heartache, acceptance and eventual peace, I wanted to do the same, and eventually came up with this podcast for all to share our beautiful Indigenous way of life. Thank you for all your support in getting the "Life of a Dog on the Rez" Podcast to where it is today. Many blessings to you all. "Sho-simp, Hopah!"

  • On today’s episode, I am excited to bring you several different styles of storytelling. Since our emergence, storytelling was always used to pass on cultural knowledge, ceremony, history, language, a form of entertainment and a guide for how the people were to exist in the upper world. We start off with the re-telling of two stories from the book "Coyote Stories", authored by Christine Quintasket who wrote under the pen name, Mourning Dove (Humishuma). Christine was Okanagan from the Colville Reservation in north-central Washington. Her novel was first published in 1933 and was a collection of coyote stories, folklore and legends handed down to her by her people. Next, I will bring you an interview my cousin and brother Emmett “Scheme” Garcia, an accomplished storyteller and children’s book author. He will share with you, my wonderful listening audience, two Tamayame stories “Coyote and the Sky: How the Sun, Moon, and Stars Began", and "Sister Rabbit's Tricks". Then we jump into something that I am really excited to feature, Rez Dog Haikus! Lastly, we wrap up our storytelling episode with my favorite upcoming storyteller and podcaster, my son Louis. He will recite the story of "The Gruffalo’s Child", a follow up to his telling of "The Gruffalo", on episode 5, titled “The moral of the story is”. So sit back, get all the snacks you need, and find a comfortable spot to enjoy today's episode, “Grandpa, Tell Us A Story!” Coyote Stories, Interviews and Haikus from an Indigenous Perspective.

    To contact Emmett Garcia for purchase of his children's books or to book him for an upcoming event, please email him at [email protected]

  • I am honored and blessed to share with you a wonderful conversation I had with Janice Lucero from Isleta Pueblo. Janice is the owner and operator of Cotton Blossom Gardens, a namesake of her Tiwa name "Tah-Khee-Pauff", meaning Cotton Blossom in the Tiwa language. I came to know of Janice through our mutual friend, he told me about several ideas and projects he was working on and suggested an interview with Janice. I did a little research, and came across the Cotton Blossom Gardens website. After reading her bio, I was compelled to reach out and ask for an interview. I appreciate Janice’s honesty and willingness to share her troubles, struggles, and hardships, finally finding love, purpose and peace from the land that has connected her and her people to it, since our emergence. I find Janice’s journey inspiring and hope that some of her words, actions and outlook will inspire others to find that purpose, love and peace we all seek. Sit back, relax, and enjoy my interview with Janice Lucero.

    Cotton Blossom Gardens website:
    Email: [email protected]
    Instragam: cottonblossomgardens

  • I am honored to have a young, strong, respectful, and humble Tamayame woman, Janiece Garcia come on my show today to share her life story of growing up on and off the reservation with you. Coming from three different tribal communities, Janiece explains how that has shaped who she has become and her journey of starting up a cookie company. The title of this episode, “Don’t be afraid, you will always find your purpose”, is perfect fit for the wonderful conversation I had with Janiece her, upbringing, journey, and outlook on life. Sit back, relax and enjoy my interview with Janiece Garcia. If your interested in purchasing some delicious cookies, you can DM Janiece on Instagram @nieceyrizzo Thank you all for your support of my podcast, have great and wonderful New Year!!!

  • Today, I bring you my interview with my friend and brother Korey Herrera from the Pueblo of Cochiti, one of the 19 Pueblo tribes in the state of New Mexico. Korey and I go back a few years working with the youth from the surrounding communities. We collaborated on many projects bringing experiential learning to the students. Korey was the first person to reach out to the Life of a Dog on the Rez Podcast for an interview, but of course, life got it in the way. Eventually the stars aligned, and we had this great conversation. Korey shares his truth in a refreshingly honest way, the struggles that many of us face trying to uphold our language, culture, and traditions all at the same time trying to live in the modern world. Korey's professional life has taken many different directions over the years, and in his current situation, it has given him an outlet to speak of our beautiful and sometimes backwards way of Pueblo life. Just a warning, a few unsavory words escape our conversation, so if you have young ones listening or are sensitive to language like that, well this is your warning.

    I would like to wish everyone many blessings in the new year, also to those individuals that have been elected and appointed tribal leaders, may you serve your people with honor, dignity, and humility.

    If you would like to connect with Korey, you will find links to his social media and Spotify comedy album below. Enjoy the show!
