I denne episoden av Lifekeys Talks setter grunnleggeren av Cutters, Kristian Hauge Solheim seg ned for et intervju med Lifekeys CEO og klinisk psykolog, Gudmundur Ebenezer. Sammen diskuterer de Kristians tidlige liv, starten av Cutters, hvordan han takler stress og hva som førte til at han forlot selskapet han grunnla.
Your preferred partner for employee mental health. Find out more at: https://lifekeyshealth.com/
In this episode of Lifekeys Talks, the founder of Cutters, Kristian Hauge Solheim sits down for an interview with Lifekeys CEO and clinical psychologist Gudmundur Ebenezer. Together the pair discuss Kristian's early life, starting Cutters, how he handles stress and what led him to leave the company he founded. -
Lifekeys Talks med Alf Gunnar Andersen, CEO og grunnlegger av Horde, et av de raskest voksende fintech-selskapene i Norge. Han og Lifekeys CEO Gudmundur Ebenezer snakker sammen om oppveksten hans, påkjenningene ved å balansere forretning og privatliv, og hva som må til for å skape et vellykket selskap.
Lifekeys Talks with Alf Gunnar Andersen, CEO and founder of Horde, one of the fastest-growing fintech companies in Norway. Together, he and Lifekeys CEO, Gudmundur Ebenezer talk about his upbringing, the stresses of balancing business and personal life, and what makes for a successful company.
Your preferred partner for employee mental health. Find out more at: https://lifekeyshealth.com/ -
Manglende episoder?
I denne episoden av Lifekeys Talks setter den anerkjente journalisten, redaktøren og grunnleggeren av PR-firmaet Geelmuyden Kiese, Hans Geelmuyden, seg ned for et intervju med administrerende direktør og klinisk psykolog i Lifekeys, Gudmundur Ebenezer.
In this episode of Lifekeys Talks, renowned journalist, editor, and founder of PR firm Geelmuyden Kiese, Hans Geelmuyden, sits down for an interview with Lifekeys CEO and clinical psychologist Gudmundur Ebenezer.
Your preferred partner for employee mental health. Find out more at Lifekeyshealth.com -
Rekordsetteren Kristin Harila er en av Norges best kjente fjellklatrere og den raskeste kvinnelige klatreren mellom fjelltoppene Mount Everest og Mount Lhotse. Kvelden før hun skal fortsette sin erobring av de 14 toppane over 8000 meters høyde satte hun sig ned med klinisk psykolog og daglig leder i Lifekeys, Guðmundur Ebenezer, for å diskutere sin karriere, liv og død blant de høyeste fjella i verda.
The record-setting Kristin Harila is Norway's best-known mountaineer and the fastest woman to climb Mt Everest and Mt Lhotse. On the eve of her latest trek to conquer the world's 14 mountains over 8000m, Kristin sits down with Lifekeys CEO and clinical psychologist, Gudmundur Ebenezer to discuss career, life and death amid the world's tallest mountains.
Check out the Lifekeys Talks podcast channel for more interviews:
https://www.youtube.com/lifekeyshealth -
Bjarne Hansen er leder for forskningssenteret for psykisk helse, Bergen Center for Brain Plasticity og professor ved Universitetet i Bergen. I denne episoden av Lifekeys Talks har han satt seg med psykolog og daglig leder i Lifekeys, Guðmundur Ebenezer for å diskutere psykologiens påvirkning på hans liv og karriære.
Bjarne Hansen is the Director of the Bergen Center for Brain Plasticity and a professor at the University of Bergen. In this episode of Lifekeys Talks, he sits with clinical psychologist and Lifekeys CEO, Gudmundur Ebenezer, to discuss the impact of psychology on his life and career.
Check out the Lifekeys Talks podcast channel for more interviews:
https://www.youtube.com/lifekeyshealth -
Gunnar Staalesen, en av Norges mest anerkjente forfattere og mannen bak blant annet kriminalromanene om Varg Veum, tar en prat i Lifekeys Talks. Sammen med psykolog og daglig leder, Gudmundur Ebenezer, diskuteres forfatterens tilnærming til skriving, karriere og livet i Bergen.
Gunnar Staalesen, one of Norway's most significant writers and author of the acclaimed Varg Veum crime series, sits down with clinical psychologist and CEO Gudmundur Ebenezer. Together, the pair discuss the author's approach to writing, career and life in the Norwegian city of Bergen.
Check out more interviews and full episodes of Lifekeys Talks here:
https://www.youtube.com/lifekeyshealth -
Norges- Europa og verdensmester i svømming, Aleksander Hetland setter seg ned med Gudmundur Ebenezer CEO i Lifekeys. Sammen diskuterer de psykologiske utfordringer ved å konkurrere i verdenstoppen i svømming. I tillegg forteller han om de personlige og faglige utfordringer han måtte takle i karrierebytte fra svømming til næringsliv og veien til hans nåværende jobb som partner og kundedirektør i et av Norges ledende reklamebyrå.
World and European champion swimmer, Aleksander Hetland sits down with Gudmundur Ebenezer, CEO of Lifekeys. The pair discuss the psychological challenges of swimming at the highest levels of the sport. In addition, they talk about the personal and professional difficulties of switching career from swimming to the world of business and becoming a managing partner at a leading advertising agency.
Lifekeys Talks: A series about personal journeys in mental health and psychology. Check out video interviews at:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5F2w8tnivO9vnwirkrG1sA -
Lifekeys CEO og klinisk psykolog Gudmundur Ebenezer setter seg ned med Inge Alexander Gjestvang, leder for FRI, Norges eldste og største LGBTQ+ seksualitet og kjønnsmangfold organisasjon. Sammen diskuterer de historien om like rettigheter i Norge og utfordringene som fortsetter å berøre seksuelle minoriteter frem til i dag.
Lifekeys CEO and clinical psychologist Gudmundur Ebenezer sits down with Inge Alexander Gjestvang, the leader of FRI, Norway's oldest and largest LGBTQ+, sexuality and gender diversity advocacy organisation. Together the pair discuss the history of equal rights in Norway and the issues that continue to affect sexual minorities to this day.
Lifekeys Talks: A series about personal journeys in mental health and psychology. Check out video interviews at:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5F2w8tnivO9vnwirkrG1sA -
Johan Brand is the Co-Founder and MD of We Are Human and the driving force behind startup Kahoot. Sitting down with Lifekeys CEO and Psychologist, Gudmundur Ebenezer, the Norwegian entrepreneur explains the personal choices and motivations behind his business journey.
Lifekeys Talks: A series about personal journeys in mental health and psychology. Check out video interviews at:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5F2w8tnivO9vnwirkrG1sA -
In this episode of Lifekeys Talks, entrepreneur, mathematician and investor, Silvija Seres sits down with Lifekeys CEO Gudmundur Ebenezer. In a far-reaching interview, the pair discuss the implications of the latest global technology trends and the personal decisions that led to her current work in Oslo.
Lifekeys Talks: A series about personal journeys in mental health and psychology. Check out video interviews at:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5F2w8tnivO9vnwirkrG1sA -
Lars Erik Lund is perhaps the most high profile figure in Norwegian business to have discussed mental health so openly. Here, the Veidekke executive talks with Lifekeys CEO and clinical psychologist Gudmundur Ebenezer about his own experience of depression and its impact, as well as the thinking behind his decision to speak out about mental health.
Lifekeys Talks: A series about personal journeys in mental health and psychology. Check out video interviews at:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5F2w8tnivO9vnwirkrG1sA -
Sami artist, activist, and lead singer of the band Isák, Ella Maria Hætta Isaksen sits down with Lifekeys CEO Gudmundur Ebenezer. Together, the pair reflect on the different turning points in her life which have shaped her political, personal and artistic development.
Lifekeys Talks: A series about personal journeys in mental health and psychology. Check out video interviews at:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5F2w8tnivO9vnwirkrG1sA -
Tom Georg Olsen er medgründer og konserntjener i Miles, et selskap som har blitt kåret til Norges beste arbeidsplass to ganger og og en av de mest innovative bedriftene i Norge hvert av de siste fem årene. Her setter den respekterte foreleseren seg sammen med Lifekeys CEO og klinisk psykolog Gudmundur Ebenezer for å diskutere hans unike ledelsesstil og innsikt i næringslivet.
Tom Georg Olsen is the Co-Founder and Group Servant Leader of Miles, a company that has been voted Norway's best workplace twice and most innovative workplace three times. Here, the respected lecturer sits down with Lifekeys CEO and clinical psychologist Gudmundur Ebenezer to discuss his unique management style and insights into the business world.
Lifekeys Talks: A series about personal journeys in mental health and psychology. Check out video interviews at:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5F2w8tnivO9vnwirkrG1sA -
Lifekeys CEO and clinical psychologist Gudmundur Ebenezer sits down with Attensi CTO, COO and former CEO Anne Lise Waal. Together the pair discuss mental health in the workplace and coping with a rapidly expanding team.
Lifekeys Talks: A series about personal journeys in mental health and psychology. Check out video interviews at:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5F2w8tnivO9vnwirkrG1sA -
Lifekeys CEO and clinical psychologist Gudmundur Ebenezer sits down with Annbjørg Lien to discuss her extraordinary story. A musician by trade specialising in the traditional Norwegian Hardanger fiddle, here Annbjørg Lien talks about overcoming illness and partial deafness to rekindle her love of the instrument and achieve a PhD in Music.
Lifekeys Talks: A series about personal journeys in mental health and psychology. Check out video interviews at:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5F2w8tnivO9vnwirkrG1sA -
Kjartan Slette is the Co-Founder and COO of Unacast, one of the fastest-growing data analysis companies in the world and former head of music company, Tidal. Here, the experienced CEO discusses his career, and approach to mental health both personally and at work.
Lifekeys Talks: A series about personal journeys in mental health and psychology. Check out video interviews at:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5F2w8tnivO9vnwirkrG1sA -
Former Norwegian Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik made history in 1998 by being one of the first world leaders to speak openly about their mental health. Here he sits down with Gudmundur Ebenezer, CEO of Lifekeys to discuss life, career and the importance of creating better mental health awareness.
Lifekeys Talks: A series about personal journeys in mental health and psychology. Check out video interviews at:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5F2w8tnivO9vnwirkrG1sA -
In this episode of Lifekeys Talks, Clinical Psychologist and CEO Gudmundur Ebenezer visits the incredible restaurant Under on the southern coast of Norway to speak with Head Chef Nicolai Ellitsgaard Pedersen. Together the pair discuss Nicolai's journey and the challenges of an industry so hard hit by Covid.
Lifekeys Talks: A series about personal journeys in mental health and psychology. Check out video interviews at:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5F2w8tnivO9vnwirkrG1sA -
In this episode of Lifekeys Talks, Healthy Eats founder Vilde Regine Tellnes sits down with Lifekeys CEO Gudmundur Ebenezer. Together they discuss the motivations and challenges behind growing a business, as well as looking at what drives the 30-under-30 CEO to get Norway eating healthier.
Lifekeys Talks: A series about personal journeys in mental health and psychology. Check out video interviews at:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5F2w8tnivO9vnwirkrG1sA -
Artisten, komikeren og foreleseren Tore Petterson inviterer Lifekeys daglige leder, Gudmundur Ebenezer, inn i hjemmet sitt for et spesielt intervju. De ser tilbake på Tores tidlige erfaringer med mobbing, å komme ut og forholdene som har formet ham. Sammen diskuterer de også arbeidet han gjør i dag for å støtte andre i lignende situasjoner.
Norwegian artist, comedian, and lecturer Tore Petterson invites Lifekeys CEO Gudmundur Ebenezer into his home for a special sit-down interview. The pair look at Tore's early experiences with bullying, coming out, and the relationships that have shaped him. Together, they also discuss the work he does today to support others in similar situations.
Lifekeys Talks: A series about personal journeys in mental health and psychology. Check out video interviews at:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5F2w8tnivO9vnwirkrG1sA - Vis mere