
  • Welcome back! Jessica and I took a small break from recording to handle life, and now we find ourselves recording in different locations! How are you holding up during the “Great Quarantine?” In this episode, we talk life with Covid-19, what it’s like wearing multiple hats for our families, and trying to find the silver linings in an otherwise bleak situation. Come take a listen and see if anything we say resonates with your own quarantined world! If have questions about this podcast or want more information, please feel free to comment below or simply e-mail me with your questions: [email protected]. If you like what you heard here today, SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!!!! That way you stay on top of all the great topics that is coming your way for 2020 from Lifestyle Listener. Be sure to follow me on social media too and get constant tips and motivations for finding your healthy lifestyle. Instagram: @lifestyle_listener, Facebook: @lifestylelistener, and Twitter: @lifestylelistener. Or just visit my webpage for more information about what I do as a health coach, recipes, other podcasts, and my blog. I look forward to hearing from you!

  • In our last podcast, Jessica and I talk about finding balance and space to make positive changes that will LAST in your life! This week we dig a bit deeper and give you more tools and ideas on exactly how you can make happiness and goals a reality. And of course it’s never boring when you have cats and dogs playing in the background!! Thanks for spending 30 minutes of your day with us and hope to see back the next time. If have questions about this podcast or want more information, please feel free to comment below or simply e-mail me with your questions: [email protected]. If you like what you heard here today, SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!!!! That way you stay on top of all the great topics that is coming your way for 2020 from Lifestyle Listener. Be sure to follow me on social media too and get constant tips and motivations for finding your healthy lifestyle. Instagram: @lifestyle_listener, Facebook: @lifestylelistener, and Twitter: @lifestylelistener. Or just visit my webpage for more information about what I do as a health coach, recipes, other podcasts, and my blog. www.lifestylelistener.com. I look forward to hearing from you!

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  • We all deal with stress.  It's just a part of life and there is no getting around it.  In this episode, Jessica and I talk about how stress and work go hand-in-hand, but there never seems to be time to relive ourselves from it.  It doesn't matter if you have an office job or if you work inside the home (yes, you stay-at-home parents are career people too!), stress affects us all and has detrimental outcomes on our health.  

    So take a listen and see if the tips and pointers I discuss with Jessica could help you alleviate stress in your own life and make things a little more peaceful.  Remember, STRESS CAN HARM YOUR HEALTH!!!!  So let's find some ways to help you learn to calm your mind, lower cortisol levels, and help you breathe a little easier each day.  

    If you have questions about this podcast or want more information, please feel free to comment below or simply e-mail me with your questions: [email protected]. If you like what you heard here today, SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!!!! That way you stay on top of all the great topics that is coming your way for 2020 from Lifestyle Listener. Be sure to follow me on social media too and get constant tips and motivations for finding your healthy lifestyle. Instagram: @lifestyle_listener, Facebook: @lifestylelistener, and Twitter: @lifestylelistener. Or just visit my webpage for more information about what I do as a health coach, recipes, other podcasts, and my blog. I look forward to hearing from you!

  • In January Jessica and I decided to do a cleanse, but not the type of cleanse that involves smoothies and certain food groups.  This was a cleanse to help clear out the used space in our brains squashed by mindless spending and social media apps.  For the entire month of January, we decided to ONLY purchase things out of a necessity.  So Target runs were only for needs like toilet paper, paper towels, and any other personal hygiene product we were out of at the moment.  No running through the dollar aisle or picking up cute "shirts with words" because they would be fun to wear.  We were working on being mindful of our shopping habits and seeing where we dropped extra cash on items we really didn't need.  We also decided to take a break from social media apps and not waste time mindlessly scrolling through news feeds or get wrapped up in the latest and not-so-greatest news regarding celebrities or other famous figures.  

    This is a quick podcast, so take a listen and see how we did! If you had your own cleanse of something in January, we would love to hear from you and your experiences, so comment or e-mail!  

    If you have questions about this podcast or want more information, please feel free to comment below or simply e-mail me with your questions: [email protected]. If you like what you heard here today, SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!!!! That way you stay on top of all the great topics that is coming your way for 2020 from Lifestyle Listener. Be sure to follow me on social media too and get constant tips and motivations for finding your healthy lifestyle. Instagram: @lifestyle_listener, Facebook: @lifestylelistener, and Twitter: @lifestylelistener. Or just visit my webpage for more information about what I do as a health coach, recipes, other podcasts, and my blog. I look forward to hearing from you!

  • January is off to a great start and we thought talking about physical activity would be the perfect topic for those still knee-deep in diet resolutions.  So, the connection between diet and exercise has always been promoted as a key to weight loss, but what if you were told exercising doesn't cause you to loose weight?  Would you still do it?  Would you stop all activity and become a couch potato?  

    I did some research and digging on the correlation between physical activity and weight loss, and I was not surprised to find several articles with credible citations making the claim that moving more won't help you weigh less.  So why even bother?  Not all of us enjoy physical activity, but what is important to remember when it comes to a healthy MIND AND BODY is that physical activity is necessary for both.  

    Some of my information came from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (http://www.integrativenutrition.com/).  I also found some great info about this topic from the book, Intuitive Eating:  A Revolutionary Program that Works by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch.  You can get it on Amazon or at any other bookstore.  I also found some interesting research links via an article on VOX.com  (https://www.vox.com/2016/4/28/11518804/weight-loss-exercise-myth-burn-calories).  Go check it out if you want to learn more for yourself. 

    Come take a listen and let's see if you agree or not with what we discovered about why Exercise Won't Make You Skinny!

    If you have questions about this podcast or want more information, please feel free to comment below or simply e-mail me with your questions: [email protected].  If you like what you heard here today, SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!!!!  That way you stay on top of all the great topics that is coming your way for 2020 from Lifestyle Listener.  Be sure to follow me on social media too and get constant tips and motivations for finding your healthy lifestyle.  Instagram:  @lifestyle_listener, Facebook: @lifestylelistener, and Twitter:  @lifestylelistener.  Or just visit my webpage, www.lifestylelistener.com for more information about what I do as a health coach, recipes, other podcasts, and my blog.  I look forward to hearing from you!

  • We are all consumers...it is the world we live in.  But have you ever thought about taking time off from being a Consumer?  For the month of January, Jessica and I are challenging each other to buy less this month.  We only are going to try and buy the necessities-food, toilet paper, paper towels, household cleaners, etc.  What we are not going to buy is random things that look shiny and fabulous, but really don't need to be purchased.  After spending so much during the holiday season, we just want to be more conscientious of how we spend our dollars.  It's just our way of trying to ring in the new year being mindful of how we spend and how we save.  What are you doing this new year to add positive changes to your life?  

    If you would like to ask questions regarding this podcast or any other podcast you hear on Lifestyle Listener, please e-mail me: [email protected].  I am also on social media:  FB (@lifestylelisener), IG (@lifestyle_listener), and Twitter (@lifestylelistener).  Or check out my web page, www.lifestylelistener.com.  We look forward to hearing from you and don't forget to hit that subscribe button to keep up with the latest podcast from Lifestyle Listener!!

  • We said goodbye to 2019 and hello to 2020, a new year and a new decade!  We are also starting season 2 of Lifestyle Listener!!  

    So, are you someone that makes resolutions each new year?  Does it involve food and dieting after indulging during the holiday season?  Or do you find other things to resolve, like saving money or cleaning out that closet with all the junk in it?  Maybe you want to volunteer more this year, or work on advancing your career?  Whatever you might find needs a boost in your life, the new year is usually the time to start.  Jessica and I talk about our own resolutions this year and why we felt they were important to us.  We also discuss how resolutions can have a negative impact on life because it sets some people up for immediate failure.  The one thing we hit on is, when making a lifestyle change (a.k.a. resolution), it's important to slowly implement those changes.  You stand a better chance of actually sticking to the goals you have laid out, and the actions become part of your normal routine.  So whatever your 2020 goals are this year, we hope this podcast helps you reach them successfully!

    If you would like to ask questions regarding this podcast or any other podcast you hear on Lifestyle Listener, please e-mail me: [email protected].  I am also on social media:  FB (@lifestylelisener), IG (@lifestyle_listener), and Twitter (@lifestylelistener).  Or check out my web page, www.lifestylelistener.com.  We look forward to hearing from you and don't forget to hit that subscribe button to keep up with the latest podcast from Lifestyle Listener!!

  • It's the last podcast of 2019!!!!!!  So, we recorded this before the end of the year, but I was a little late getting it edited and ready to post.  Whoopsie!  Lifestyle Listener is coming up on the one year mark for being a live podcast and we thank you so much for stopping by and taking a ride on this crazy train of ours!  We hope this last year of our conversations, recommendations, and personal roadblocks has helped you overcome something in your own life.  And as we look towards 2020 we are super excited to continue down the path of discovering the healthiest and happiest way to live life!  

    For our final podcast of the year, Jessica talks about her time in Tulum and some of the struggles she encountered there as her mind and body learn this new process of Intuitive Eating and saying "NO" to typical diet culture.  It just goes to show that living your life the way your body needs is a constant learning process full of frustrations, but also tremendous personal growth.  So as you go into the New Year, try not to sweat the days you feel less successful and celebrate the moments where you found joy and peace.  

    See you next year!!!

    If you are interested in learning more about Intuitive Eating, I highly recommend Christy's podcast, The Food Psych.  She has some great guests and tons of pertinent information on how to fight today's Diet Culture.  If you would like to ask questions regarding this podcast or any other podcast you hear on Lifestyle Listener, please e-mail me: [email protected].  I am also on social media:  FB (@lifestylelisener), IG (@lifestyle_listener), and Twitter (@lifestylelistener).  Or check out my web page, www.lifestylelistener.com.  We look forward to hearing from you and don't forget to hit that subscribe button to keep up with the latest podcast from Lifestyle Listener!!

  • Question everything.  Even when you agree with someone or something, it is still healthy to question its foundation.  Part of living a healthy lifestyle is to gain knowledge of what works for your own mind and body.  In this episode, I discuss with Jessica my own uncertainty about a recent podcast I listened to by Christy Harrison, a licensed dietician and Intuitive Eating expert.  In the beginning of her podcasts, Christy answers Q and A from listeners, and this particular one hit home with me and had me doubting her reasoning.  It dealt with someone who was recovering from an eating disorder but also had Celiac Disease.  As a mother of an 11-year-old girl with Celiac, I am very heightened about the disease and how it forces my daughter into a restrictive diet.  But it's restrictive because her body requires gluten to be removed.  Otherwise it physically harms her intestinal lining.  What I heard had me definitely flipping the other side of the "intuitive eating" coin and recognize its flaws.  It goes to show even the best of ideas can have their weak points.  It's important we can recognize the weak points in things we hold near and dear, look at them objectively, and know how to incorporate our viewpoints into the theology.  It doesn't mean you completely disagree with the ideology, but know how to adjust it to fit your own needs and beliefs.  

    If you are interested in learning more about Intuitive Eating, I highly recommend Christy's podcast, The Food Psych.  She has some great guests and tons of pertinent information on how to fight today's Diet Culture.  If you would like to ask questions regarding this podcast or any other podcast you hear on Lifestyle Listener, please e-mail me: [email protected].  I am also on social media:  FB (@lifestylelisener), IG (@lifestyle_listener), and Twitter (@lifestylelistener).  Or check out my web page, www.lifestylelistener.com.  We look forward to hearing from you and don't forget to hit that subscribe button to keep up with the latest podcast from Lifestyle Listener!!

  • In this episode, Jessica and I discuss all those apps on your smart phone geared towards kids and "family."  Have you ever given thought to how companies are targeting children, which can affect how you decide to ultimately parent your child?  Children's brains change so drastically over a short period of time and technology is not always improving those changes. We are not saying all kid-friendly apps are the enemy. There are some great ones out there being used by educational experts and health practitioners. What we are telling you in this episode is to be mindful as a parent as to how much exposure the little people in your life have to this kind of technology.

  • In this episode, Jessica and I have a conversation about what life is throwing at us while we are trying to prepare for the hectic and absolutely crazy holiday season.  Do you find yourself stressed during the jingle and mingle of parties, family gatherings, and end-of-the-year deadlines?  Maybe you can relate to what Jessica and I share together as we laugh through our own thoughts and perceptions on why we get stressed and what we should really be doing to make this season a more joy-filled holiday.  We are so glad you came to join us, and remember to hit that subscribe button to stay up-to-date with the latest healthy living advice from Lifestyle Listener.  

    If you want to know more about my health coaching practice, or you like some of the ideas and topics we discuss in this podcast, please visit me at www.lifestylelistener.com.  Have questions or comments?  No worries!  I would love to hear from you, so shoot me an e-mail at [email protected] or find me on social media.  I am on Instagram (@lifestyle_listener), Facebook (@lifestylelistener), and Twitter (@lifestylelistener).

  • In today's episode, Jessica and I talk about the idea of how important our word is to the world and to ourselves.  We discuss the book "The Four Agreements:  A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book)" by Don Miguel Ruiz and begin the next several podcasts on Ruiz's Toltec Wisdom guides to finding peace and happiness in life.  The First Agreement, which is to be impeccable with your word, not only involves how we talk to other people in our lives, whether that be friends, family, our kids, etc.  It also deals with how we talk to ourselves.  I highly recommend this book, especially if you are on your own personal journey to learning more about your self, or trying to help others on their own self-help discoveries.   Hopefully you can pull some wisdom from our conversation in this episode to help you on your own health and wellness goals.    Ruiz's book can be found on Amazon, along with several other books he has written on self-help and self-discovery through Toltec wisdom. Here is the Amazon link: 


    If you want to know more about my health coaching practice, or you like some of the ideas and topics we discuss in this podcast, please visit me at www.lifestylelistener.com.  Have questions or comments?  No worries!  I would love to hear from you, so shoot me an e-mail at [email protected] or find me on social media.  I am on Instagram (@lifestyle_listener), Facebook (@lifestylelistener), and Twitter (@lifestylelistener).

  • How often do you think about food each day?  Is it a positive or negative thought?  Do you feel terrible guilt about eating a certain thing?  Jessica and I dive into the topic of relationships with food in this episode.  With her new-found freedom in Intuitive Eating, Jessica takes charge with her freedom to help listeners understand that trying to prescribe to certain "regiments" is not a path to freedom with food.  It's just another way someone out there is trying to make you fit into a certain mold.   She has worked diligently and is still new to the concept of loving who she is in her own skin her, not because she is ten pounds lighter from eating Paleo or Vegan, but because her body is getting healthy and finding balance.  She is learning the art of quieting the mind full of demons that tell her she isn't worthy because she doesn't fit into a particular mold.  And she is finding joy in movement that doesn't stress or injure her body. 

    Let's face it, we all have been affected by someone telling us how to eat, what to eat, when to eat...the list goes on and on.  After years of struggling with my own relationship with food, I have discovered the beauty of learning to love my own skin and what makes my body run properly.  I have spent the last several years not even changing in my clothing size because each day I am choosing to listen to my body.  Learning to develop a healthy relationship with food based on what works for YOU is a process that can't be achieved overnight, but it CAN be achieved through hard work and learning to quiet your mind and find out what your body NEEDS from YOU!!  I prescribe to the ideal that we are all bio-individuals and what works for one person is not going to work for the next.  I believe in the ideal of living 80/20 when it comes to food.  Eighty percent of the time I am focused on trying to eat a variety of vegetables, fruits, healthy protein sources, and healthy fats.  I allow the remaining 20 percent to have fun with and indulge myself with things I love, from cupcakes to wine, to lounging in my pajamas all day.  It's how I have found my balance and it's also part of how Jessica is learning to find her own self.

    Let's break cycles and stand up to an industry that is making money off of telling us what we should eat and how it will make us thinner, or healthier, or live longer.  Let's continue to work on listening to ourselves and finding out exactly what it is we need to feel healthy and happy in our own skin. 

  • Jessica and I have taken a break recently for vacations and various other obligations, so we come back together and catch up in this episode on what has been happening in the last few weeks of life.  One of the most important things we can do as human beings is form solid relationships.  Jessica and I talk about how important relationships are in our life, whether that be with great friends, our spouses, or our children.  What relationships do you have in life that build you up?  Are there any relationships that bring you down or make you feel less than whole?  What can you do in life to have more solid relationships as part of a healthy lifestyle?  

    Come join us as we dive into what life has thrown at us recently and how relationships help keep us balanced in mind, body, and spirit. 

    If you want to know more about my health coaching practice, or you like some of the ideas and topics we discuss in this podcast, please visit me at www.lifestylelistener.com.  Have questions or comments?  No worries!  I would love to hear from you, so shoot me an e-mail at [email protected] or find me on social media.  I am on Instagram (@lifestyle_listener), Facebook (@lifestylelistener), and Twitter (@lifestylelistener).  

  • Jessica and I talk a bit more about Spirituality this week and how self-compassion is a huge part of a spiritual practice, as well as a necessity for good mental health.  It's hard to practice self-compassion when you live in a world that looks down upon it.  Self-compassion also gets roped into negative terminology, such as narcissism or self-indulgence.  But when practiced in the right mindset, self-compassion is a great tool to use for an overall healthy lifestyle.  We give our own reasonings as to how and why we practice self-compassion, and ways you could incorporate this trait into your own daily routine. 

    We also tie in self-compassion with another facet I like to use in my own healthy living routine, the Enneagram Test.  The Enneagram has been traced back to the ancient Greeks, and is used widely today to help assess personality traits.  It consists of 9 numbers on a scale that looks very similar to a geometric math problem.  Based on a series of questions, you are "placed" into one of these number categories and you might even cross over into several numbers.  It's a great tool to help you understand your own self, and to also understand the personality traits of the relationships around you.  

    There are lots of websites promoting this particular test, and a source I like to reference back to for understanding and learning about the Enneagram is a book titled, "The Road Back to You," by Ian Morgan and Suzanne Stabile.  It's available in print format from Amazon and Barnes and Noble, and is available in audio.  There is also an entire podcast series dedicated to this book with some great interviews from guests. I suggest you check it out and learn about your own number!  

    For more information about any of the concepts you hear in the podcasts, e-mail me at [email protected] or visit my website, www.lifestylelistener.com.  I can also be found on Instagram (@lifestyle_listener), Facebook, and Twitter.  And don't forget to SUBSCRIBE!!!  It will keep you up to date on the latest health and wellness tips covered each week.

  • In this episode, Jessica and I touch on the topic of spirituality.  Spirituality is one of the main facets learned at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.  As a health coach, I like to include spirituality in my program to find out what a client feels really speaks to them.  How does it improve their life?  How can it help their overall health?  And it's good to know that Spirituality can mean many different things for people.  It can be a person's faith, it can be learning to really know oneself and finding purpose in life.  The important thing to note about this topic is EVERYONE can benefit from having a Spiritual connection.  It can provide peace, a sense of belonging, and allow you to achieve a balanced "head space."  So what is your Spiritual practice?  

    We just want to thank you for listening to us and please hit that "Subscribe" button to get the latest episodes!

    If you feel a connection to the topics you hear on this podcast, reach out to me via e-mail at [email protected] or visit my website, www.lifestylelistener.com.  I am also on social media, so like and follow my pages on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.  You can also get those links on my website. 

  • When you hear the word "exercise," do you find yourself wanting to look the other way?  Or do you stop and listen to see what fun activity might be awaiting you?  It's not rocket science to know that our bodies are made to move, and I am not talking about a Cross-fit, heart-pumping kind of movement.  I am just simply saying that we are natural movers, whether it is walking down the street or hiking through the woods.  In today's health and wellness world, the idea of moving has morphed into this notion you can only be healthy by joining a gym or beating up your body doing superhuman types of exercises.  But in reality, if we just allow our bodies to move the way they want to move, we are being healthy!  Yes, that means you can go out and rake leaves for an hour and you are getting in "exercise!"  Or take a nice stroll through the park and enjoy what nature has to offer.  Perhaps you want to do a gentle stretching or yoga class.  These are all ways to move our bodies, be healthy, and stay in a positive mindset.  So sit back and listen to see what Jessica and I have to say on this topic of "joyful movement."

    The book I reference in this podcast can be found online-I ordered mine through Amazon.  It is called "Within:  A Spiritual Awakening to Love & Weight Loss."  By Dr. Habib Sadeghi.  

    For more information about me and what services I offer as a Holistic Health Coach, visit my website at www.lifestylelistener.com. or you can e-mail me at [email protected].  I am also on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.  

  • Jessica and I sit and chat about the podcast WE like to listen to right now.  From Murder Mysteries to Intuitive Eating, this episode might help you find something new to play in the car.

    Remember is you like what you hear, please hit that "subscribe" button to stay in touch with other topics relating to health, wellness, and everything in between life throws at us!

    For more information about my health coaching practice and how I can help you achieve Body Positivity, contact me via email at [email protected], or visit my website at www.lifestylelistener.com and schedule a free consultation with me!  I am also on social media:  Instagram @lifestyle_listener, FB @lifestylelistener, and Twitter @sambrownrhodes

  • Chances are you have probably tried the latest fad diet, supplement, or health craze, right?  Did you ever stop and think about how those products and services are marketed to the general public?  Did you know marketing strategies are manipulated to attract us into thinking the latest and greatest product will make us healthy and have perfect bodies?  Well, sit back, buckle up, and listen as Jessica and I deconstruct these notions of how marketing in the health and wellness industry is actually hurting us more than helping us.  Our bodies can be healthy at any size, and the beauty of us all is we are INDIVIDUALS!  So why should society try and squeeze into the same preconceived mold of health?  Perhaps these questions we address here will make you stop and take notice of how companies strive to entice the public into drinking the same "kool-aid."  And age is not a factor because now companies are targeting certain age groups in order to make money and maintain their status quo (Think of Weight Watchers and their new campaign targeting children).  

    As a health coach, I am more about helping individuals find their best bodies, not loosing weight to be "skinny," whatever skinny means in our society.  Health and happiness comes in all sizes, and what works for me will be totally different for you.  I also believe we need to educate people more about how marketing companies are targeting the weakest link in the general population-that being insecurity and a need to "belong."  

    If you have any questions about the information you hear in this podcast, contact me by email at [email protected].  Or visit my website at www.lifestylelistener.com.  You can also look me up on social media:  Instagram: @lifestyle_listener, FB: @lifestylelistener, or even Twitter: @sambrownrhodes.  

    Episode disclaimer:  You might hear a few choice words in this podcast.  Call it "heat of the moment" frustrations at The System.

  • Should you add supplements to your diet and lifestyle?  What supplements are safe to take and how do we know if they really work?  These are some of the questions Jessica and I dive into in this segment about Supplementation.  Supplements, not including medication, can be viewed as a pro and a con in a person's healthy lifestyle.  There are so many factors to consider when taking supplements, such as how much, what brand, and for how long?  It's also important to remember that supplementation is also a huge money-maker for the health and wellness industry, so being a smart consumer and educating yourself before adding anything to your own diet is very important.  Take a listen and see if we can help you figure out whether or not YOU should supplement.  

    Want to know more about the kind of supplements I take?  Visit www.lifestylelistener.com and read my latest blog on this subject!  Also, check me out on social media via Facebook (@lifestylelistener) or Instagram (@lifestyle_listener).

    The Podcast we reference to in this episode is Science Versus "Vitamins and Supplements-Are They Worth It?" https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/science-vs/id1051557000