
  • Have you ever thought about how the first few moments of your day set the tone for the rest of it?

    Today, I’m excited to dive into one of my favorite topics – the power of a morning routine. In this episode, I share my personal journey with morning routines, including how my consistent habits evolved over time. Life changes, and so should our routines. We’ll talk about setting intentions for the day, the benefits of making your bed, and why you should avoid your phone first thing in the morning. I’ll introduce you to the concept of habit stacking and give you practical tips for incorporating journaling, meditation, reading, and light exercise into your mornings.

    Join me as we uncover the transformative power of morning routines. Together, we’ll find ways to make your mornings more productive, peaceful, and fulfilling.

    What I discuss:

    [01:26] The Importance of a Morning Routine

    [02:40] Avoiding Phone Distractions

    [05:37] The Power of Making Your Bed

    [06:44] Building a Custom Morning Routine

    [08:48] Habit Stacking for Success

    [11:53] Adapting Your Routine Over Time

    [13:08] My Current Morning Routine

    Want more from me?

    Follow me on Instagram: @laceeiskk

    We have helped over 800 women transform their mind and body and become the best version of themselves. Want to be next? Click Here to Apply! - https://form.typeform.com/to/WKxPkc

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  • Have you ever considered how your body's drainage pathways affect your overall health?

    In this episode of the Lifestyle U Podcast, we explore the often neglected yet vital topic of drainage pathways and their significance in detoxification and overall well-being. Join me as I dive into the concept of the 'drainage funnel', explain how prioritizing these pathways can improve health outcomes, and provide actionable advice for supporting our drainage pathways. Let's empower ourselves to take charge of our health by focusing on foundational practices that support our body's natural detox processes.

    What I discuss:

    [00:00] Introduction to Drainage Pathways

    [00:05] Understanding the Importance of Drainage Pathways

    [02:16] The Funnel Analogy for Drainage Pathways

    [09:15] Opening Up Your Drainage Pathways: Practical Tips

    Want more from me?

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    We have helped over 800 women transform their mind and body and become the best version of themselves. Want to be next? Click Here to Apply! - https://form.typeform.com/to/WKxPkc

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  • Welcome to another empowering episode of the Lifestyle U Podcast! I'm your host, Lacey Iskra, CEO of Lifestyle U.

    In this episode, we continue exploring the remaining 3 valuable lessons I've learned over my five years as a full-time entrepreneur. Today’s focus is on embracing resistance, maintaining a positive attitude, staying authentic to oneself, and prioritizing consistency. We’ll dive into how leaning into challenges, finding joy in the journey, adapting with personal growth, and upholding self-integrity can transform your entrepreneurial and personal life.

    What I discuss:

    [00:37] Embracing Resistance

    [05:04] The Power of Positivity and Authenticity

    [07:03] Staying True Through Changes

    [11:09] The Key to Success: Consistency

    Want more from me?

    Follow me on Instagram: @laceeiskk

    We have helped over 800 women transform their mind and body and become the best version of themselves. Want to be next? Click Here to Apply! - https://form.typeform.com/to/WKxPkc

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a review. Your feedback helps us reach more women looking to transform their lives.

    Thank you for listening to the Lifestyle U Podcast! Remember, you have the power to create a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. Tune in next week for more insights and inspiration.

  • Welcome back to the Lifestyle U podcast! I'm thrilled to share with you a two-part episode that celebrates my fifth anniversary of entrepreneurship. In this episode, we'll journey together through my experience of pursuing my passion and transitioning from a full-time server to running a successful online coaching business and becoming a business mentor. Let's reflect on the profound impact of letting go of security in pursuit of our dreams and the invaluable lessons I've learned in five years of business. Stay tuned for next week's episode, where we’ll continue to be inspired in part two!

    What I discuss:

    [00:00] Celebrating 5 Years of Entrepreneurship

    [02:32] From Server to Full-Time Entrepreneur

    [07:29] The Power of Belief and Transformation

    [12:55] Building a Dream Team: The Key to My Success

    [18:59] Investing in Growth

    [24:40] Reflections and Gratitude

    Want more from me?

    Follow me on Instagram: @laceeiskk

    We have helped over 800 women transform their mind and body and become the best version of themselves. Want to be next? Click Here to Apply! - https://form.typeform.com/to/WKxPkc

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please support us by liking, subscribing and leaving a review. Your feedback helps us grow and reach more people. Thank you!

  • Have you ever considered the impact of nutrient deficiencies on your hormonal health?

    Welcome back to the Lifestyle U podcast. In this episode, I discuss hormonal imbalances and their connection to nutrient deficiencies. I explain how common hormonal imbalances are intertwined with deficiencies in key nutrients such as Magnesium, Vitamin D, B vitamins, Iodine, and Vitamin C. Tune in for practical tips on supplementation and dietary adjustments and insights into the role of gut health in nutrient absorption.

    What I discuss:

    [00:04] Understanding Hormonal Imbalances and Nutrient Deficiencies
    [01:09] The Importance of Listening to Your Body
    [01:57] Hormones: The Body's Messengers
    [03:05] Estrogen Dominance Explained
    [05:16] Nutrient Deficiency #1: Magnesium
    [07:32] Nutrient Deficiency #2: Vitamin D
    [09:06] Nutrient Deficiency #3: B Vitamins
    [11:11] Nutrient Deficiency #4: Iodine
    [12:18] Nutrient Deficiency #5: Vitamin C
    [13:18] The Critical Role of Gut Health
    [14:54] Personal Journey with Hormonal Imbalances
    [18:09] Closing Thoughts and Next Steps

    Want more from me?

    Follow me on Instagram: @laceeiskk

    We have helped over 800 women transform their mind and body and become the best version of themselves. Want to be next? Click Here to Apply! - https://form.typeform.com/to/WKxPkc

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please support us by liking, subscribing and leaving a review. Your feedback helps us grow and reach more people. Thank you!

  • In this episode of the Lifestyle U podcast, we explore ten habits that lead to a healthier and fitter lifestyle. Whether you're just starting on your wellness journey or looking to fine-tune your routines, these ten habits will set you on the right track. By adopting these ten habits, you'll be well-equipped to embark on your journey towards better health and fitness. Remember, it's the consistent, everyday choices that ultimately shape our well-being. Stay tuned for more tips and insights on living your best life on the next episode of Lifestyle U!

    What I discuss:

    00:00 Introduction to Healthy Habits
    01:09 Simplifying Meals for Health & Fitness
    04:53 The Importance of Hydration and Water Quality
    07:20 Smart Grocery Shopping for Whole Foods
    09:09 Consistent Sleep Patterns for Better Health
    12:07 Incorporating Movement into Daily Life
    14:21 Long-Term Goal Setting Over Instant Results
    17:09 Scheduling Workouts Like Appointments
    20:08 Finding Joy in Movement-Based Hobbies
    22:36 Moderating Alcohol for a Healthier Lifestyle
    27:40 Keeping Lifestyle Changes Simple and Sustainable
    30:06 Conclusion: Embrace Simplicity for Health

    Want more from me?

    Follow me on Instagram: @laceeiskk

    We have helped over 800 women transform their mind and body and become the best version of themselves. Want to be next? Click Here to Apply! - https://form.typeform.com/to/WKxPkc

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please support us by liking, subscribing and leaving a review. Your feedback helps us grow and reach more people. Thank you!

  • Are you in birth control pills?

    In this episode of the Lifestyle Youth Podcast, I discusses the complexities of using birth control, my personal experiences and some insights into its effects and alternatives. I talk about the side effects of birth control, including nutrient depletion and impacts on mood and attraction, and natural methods to support the body's hormonal balance and detoxification from birth control. Tune in to be equipped in making informed decisions about their reproductive health.

    What I discuss:

    00:00 Introduction

    00:43 My Experience with Birth Control and Initial Insights

    02:31 The Misconceptions and Realities of Birth Control

    03:17 Understanding How Birth Control Affects the Body

    10:58 The Detox Process After Quitting Birth Control

    14:58 Supporting Your Body's Detox and Healing

    23:27 Importance of Understanding Your Cycle

    Want more from me?

    Follow me on Instagram: @laceeiskk

    We have helped over 800 women transform their mind and body and become the best version of themselves. Want to be next? Click Here to Apply! - https://form.typeform.com/to/WKxPkc

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please support us by liking, subscribing and leaving a review. Your feedback helps us grow and reach more people. Thank you!

  • Do you know that hormonal imbalance is common among many women? And a lot of them don’t even realize it!

    That’s why in today's episode of the Lifestyle U podcast, I share my deep dive into the crucial role hormones play in our health, and why balancing them naturally is more important now than ever. I discuss the symptoms to watch for, the broad-reaching effects of hormones from mood to weight, and the numerous everyday factors that can disrupt our hormonal balance. I also share several actionable strategies that you can start today to foster better hormonal health. By adopting even a few of these practices, you can start on the path to better health without breaking the bank.

    What I discuss:

    00:15 The Importance of Hormones and Recognizing Imbalances

    05:21 Practical Tips for Balancing Hormones Naturally

    13:33 Prioritizing Sleep for Hormonal Balance

    16:18 Supplements and Diet for Hormonal Health

    22:26 Recap and Exercise Tips

    If you loved this episode, check out…

    Episode 114 - Defining the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen with Our Produce

    Episode 150 - 5 Simple Ways to Detoxify Your Kitchen

    Want more from me?

    Follow me on Instagram: @laceeiskk

    We have helped over 800 women transform their mind and body and become the best version of themselves. Want to be next? Click Here to Apply! - https://form.typeform.com/to/WKxPkc

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please support us by liking, subscribing and leaving a review. Your feedback helps us grow and reach more people. Thank you!

  • In this episode of the Lifestyle U Podcast, I explore the often-overlooked issue of under-eating, particularly among women. I discuss how a significant majority of my program participants initially come in under-eating and the adverse effects it has on the body, including hormone imbalances and gut issues. We will also dive into the process of reverse dieting and how slowly increasing calorie intake can help the body adjust and ultimately improve overall health. This episode is aimed at debunking the myth that eating less is always the answer to weight loss and encouraging listeners to reassess their eating habits for their health.

    What I discuss:

    00:22 The Prevalence and Impact of Under Eating

    02:07 Understanding Metabolism and Energy

    05:56 The Consequences of Under Eating

    11:43 Symptoms of Under Eating

    14:34 Addressing Under Eating with Reverse Dieting

    18:41 Personal Journey and Encouragement

    Want more from me?

    Follow me on Instagram: @laceeiskk

    We have helped over 800 women transform their mind and body and become the best version of themselves. Want to be next? Click Here to Apply! - https://form.typeform.com/to/WKxPkc

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please support us by liking, subscribing and leaving a review. Your feedback helps us grow and reach more people. Thank you!

  • Hey team, what's going on?

    Welcome back to the Lifestyle U Podcast. Today, I'm diving deep into a topic that's both personal and widespread - the long-term side effects of birth control pills. Despite their benefits and the freedom they provide, there's a side to them not often discussed.

    Throughout my coaching career, working with over a thousand women, I've encountered myriad responses to birth control, from seamless experiences to significant struggles upon discontinuation. My own story with birth control began at 14, introducing me to a world of hidden consequences and a path to self-discovery and healing. Join me as we explore these unspoken effects, seeking empowerment through knowledge and mindful choices.

    What I discuss:

    00:00 Introduction

    01:42 Personal Journey: From Birth Control to Hormonal Imbalance

    07:22 The Unspoken Side Effects of Birth Control Pills

    09:29 Recovering from Birth Control: Nutrient Replenishment and Gut Health

    17:07 Understanding Your Cycle: A Natural Approach to Fertility

    18:52 Closing Thoughts and Next Steps

    Want more from me?

    Follow me on Instagram: @laceeiskk

    We have helped over 800 women transform their mind and body and become the best version of themselves. Want to be next? Click Here to Apply! - https://form.typeform.com/to/WKxPkc

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please support us by liking, subscribing and leaving a review. Your feedback helps us grow and reach more people. Thank you!

  • Do you experience period cramps? Have you considered its underlying causes?

    In this episode of the Lifestyle U podcast, I dive into the topic of period pain. Join me as I discuss why it’s not normal, explore why we shouldn’t have to endure it, and the common causes of period pain, such as hormonal imbalances and nutritional deficiencies. Tune in for actionable strategies to address period pains, ultimately improving your quality of life during menstruation.

    What I discuss:

    (00:00) Introduction

    (03:32) Understanding Period Pains

    (05:50) Common causes of Period Pains

    (07:57) Tips to alleviate Period Pains

    (10:10) Addressing Hormonal Imbalance

    (11:59) Serious Conditions

    Want more from me?

    Follow me on Instagram: @laceeiskk

    We have helped over 800 women transform their mind and body and become the best version of themselves. Want to be next? Click Here to Apply! - https://form.typeform.com/to/WKxPkc

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please support us by liking, subscribing and leaving a review. Your feedback helps us grow and reach more people. Thank you!

  • Changing your life can be easier when you have a coach by your side. But what would you do if you couldn’t afford one?

    Welcome back to the Lifestyle U podcast. In this episode, we unpack what I would do if I couldn’t afford a lifestyle or health coach. Join me as I share on my fifteen-year fitness journey and discuss the importance of meeting ourselves where we’re at and finding the right balance.


    (00:27) My 15-year Fitness Journey

    (06:22) Importance of Your Morning Routine

    (08:17) Prioritize Your Protein for Breakfast

    (09:02) Avoid Your Cellphone

    (11:18) Daily Walks

    (12:52) Drink Your Water

    (16:06) Invest in Therapy

    (16:44) Do Mindset Work (Gratitude, Journaling, Meditation)

    (22:27) Importance of Mindset in our Journey

    (23:35) Prioritize Getting Sunlight

    (25:47) Key Things in Living a Healthy Lifestyle

    Want more from me?

    Follow me on Instagram: @laceeiskk

    We have helped over 800 women transform their mind and body and become the best version of themselves. Want to be next? Click Here to Apply! - https://form.typeform.com/to/WKxPkc

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please support us by liking, subscribing and leaving a review. Your feedback helps us grow and reach more people. Thank you!

  • Welcome to Lifestyle U Podcast with Lacey Iskra!

    In this episode, I dive into the transformative world of castor oil packs, revealing their ancient roots and modern-day benefits. Join us as we explore how this simple yet powerful remedy can support your liver's detoxification process and enhance your overall well-being.


    00:00 Introduction to Castor Oil Packs

    02:41 The Science and Skepticism on Caster Oil Packs

    06:07 Discover the Multitude of Benefits Castor Oil Packs Offer

    10:06 How to Get Started on Castor Oil Packs

    Want more from me?

    Follow me on Instagram: @laceeiskk

    We have helped over 800 women transform their mind and body and become the best version of themselves. Want to be next? Click Here to Apply! - https://form.typeform.com/to/WKxPkc

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please support us by liking, subscribing and leaving a review. Your feedback helps us grow and reach more people. Thank you!

  • Welcome back to Lifestyle U! I'm your host, Lacey Iskra, and this brand new episode.

    Today, we're diving deep into a topic: investing in ourselves for not just good, but great health and well-being. Joining me is a special guest, certified FDN practitioner and my sister, Kira Iskra.

    Together, we’re revealing the transformative power of prioritizing our health above all else. Kira brings her expertise and personal journey to the table, including her battles with infertility, a harrowing pregnancy, and her path to holistic wellness through the lens of a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition approach.


    06:07 The Impact of Copper IUD on Estrogen

    09:55 Health Beyond Genetics

    13:07 Clearing Psoriasis

    14:56 Realizing Health Improvement

    25:38 The Importance of Balanced Gut Bacteria

    29:27 Depletion Recovery: Lack of Nutrient Support

    30:26 Understanding Leaky Gut: Inflammation and Trigger Foods

    35:24 Prioritize Your Health

    38:07 Impact of Chronic Stress on Health

    Want more from me?

    Follow me on Instagram: @laceeiskk

    We have helped over 800 women transform their mind and body and become the best version of themselves. Want to be next? Click Here to Apply! - https://form.typeform.com/to/WKxPkc

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    Find more from Kira:


  • We've all experienced moments of discomfort or unexplained symptoms that may be attributed to gut issues. That’s why, in this episode of the Lifestyle U podcast, join me as I dive into the complex topic of gut inflammation, shedding light on the often misunderstood condition known as Leaky Gut. Tune in to discover invaluable knowledge and actionable steps to support your journey toward optimal health and vitality.


    00:00 Introduction to gut inflammation

    01:48 What is gut inflammation and its connection to chronic inflammation and cortisol levels

    07:41 Signs of gut inflammation

    13:20 Habits contributing to gut inflammation

    16:32 Strategies to reduce gut inflammation

    21:48 Prioritize health and seek professional guidance if needed

    Get your FREE Leaky Gut quiz. DM “Leaky gut” to @laceeiskk on Instagram

    Want more from me?

    Follow me on Instagram: @laceeiskk

    We have helped over 800 women transform their mind and body and become the best version of themselves. Want to be next? Click Here to Apply! - https://form.typeform.com/to/WKxPkc

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please support us by liking, subscribing and leaving a review. Your feedback helps us grow and reach more people. Thank you!

  • Welcome to a brand new episode of the Lifestyle U podcast. In this episode, we'll discuss five simple yet effective ways to detoxify your kitchen. We'll cover various topics, like buying organic produce, switching to glass or metal storage containers, choosing safer cookware options like cast iron, decluttering the kitchen space, and using natural cleaning supplies.

    Remember, it's important to prioritize your health, so let's take gradual steps towards creating a less toxic environment in your kitchen.


    01:47 - The importance of detoxifying the kitchen

    02:15 - Making small changes in the kitchen

    06:13 - Detoxification and supporting the liver

    09:07 - Tips for detoxifying the kitchen

    If you loved this episode, check out…

    Episode 114 - Defining the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen with Our Produce

    Episode 124 - Liver Health Masterclass with LifestyleU Coach Kira Iskra

    Want more from me?

    Follow me on Instagram: @laceeiskk

    We have helped over 800 women transform their mind and body and become the best version of themselves. Want to be next? Click Here to Apply! - https://form.typeform.com/to/WKxPkc

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please support us by liking, subscribing and leaving a review. Your feedback helps us grow and reach more people. Thank you!

  • Do you feel stuck or need help with how to create positive change in your life? Then tune in to the latest episode of the Lifestyle U podcast, where I take you on a journey into the world of manifestation. In this episode, I share my personal experiences and insights on how manifestation has transformed my life, from achieving business goals to finding love.

    You'll learn about the power of manifestation and how it can help you to manifest your desires. I'll also provide you with practical steps you can take to start manifesting positive changes in your life. Join me on this insightful episode and discover how you can transform your life through the power of manifestation.


    0:16 - Embarking on My Spiritual Journey

    3:59 - Rediscovering the Power of Manifestation

    5:05 - The Birth of My Podcast Through Manifestation

    7:04 - Key Ingredients for Successful Manifestation

    10:46 - Understanding the Law of Attraction

    12:22 - Defining Manifestation: What It Truly Means

    14:35 - Speaking Your Desires into Existence

    18:37 - Cultivating Gratitude in the Manifestation Process

    20:02 - Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs

    25:14 - Harnessing the Power of Energy in Manifestation

    28:12 - Practical Tips for Embracing Positive Energy

    Want more from me?

    Follow me on Instagram: @laceeiskk

    Join the journey of over 800 empowered women who've transformed their minds and bodies to become their best selves! Ready to embark on your own transformational journey? Click here to apply - https://form.typeform.com/to/WKxPkc

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please support us by liking, subscribing and leaving a review. Your feedback helps us grow and reach more people. Thank you!

  • Welcome to the Lifestyle U podcast. In today's episode, I want to share my journey of healing and health maintenance with you. Like many of you, I've faced my fair share of health challenges, and I know how overwhelming and confusing things can get. That's why I want to share my experiences with hormone balance, diet shifts, and lifestyle changes and offer you valuable insights and practical habits that have transformed my life and well-being. So, let's embark on this healing journey together and know that you're not alone in this.

    Episode Highlights:

    00:00 - My Journey to Healing

    04:10 - Transitioning to a Raw Vegan Diet

    08:32 - Transitioning to a Cleaner Diet

    10:57 - Navigating Life Changes: Managing Nutrition and Weight

    12:56 - Healing Psoriasis Through a Holistic Approach

    15:33 - Embracing Rest, Recovery, and Self-care

    18:22 - Approach to Food and Blood Sugar Balance

    21:09 - Reflections on Mental and Physical Well-being

    Want more from me?

    Follow me on Instagram: @laceeiskk

    We have helped over 800 women transform their mind and body and become the best version of themselves. Want to be next? Click Here to Apply! - https://form.typeform.com/to/WKxPkc

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please support us by liking, subscribing and leaving a review. Your feedback helps us grow and reach more people. Thank you!

  • Do you ever find yourself overreacting, feeling unacknowledged, or struggling to set necessary boundaries? Many of us carry the weight of our childhood experiences into adulthood without realizing how it shapes our relationships, self-esteem, and life choices.

    Welcome back to the Lifestyle U podcast, where we dive into the profound journey of healing your inner child. Tune in to get insights, personal stories, and strategies that can shape a fulfilling future.

    What I discuss:

    00:00 Understanding Self-Discovery and Inner Child Healing

    06:29 Exploring Childhood Memories for Emotional Healing

    12:51 Understanding Past Trauma: Effects on Present Behavior

    14:31 Overcoming Self-Sabotage: Proving Worthiness

    19:27 Recognize Emotional Reactions and Begin Healing Work

    23:39 Recognizing Fear of Abandonment and Practicing Self-Awareness Through Meditation

    26:21 Healing Trauma: Resolving Memories Through Meditation

    27:42 Understanding Childhood Experiences

    If you loved this episode, check out…

    Episode 145 - The Lingering Effects of Childhood Trauma

    Want more from me?

    Follow me on Instagram: @laceeiskk

    We have helped over 800 women transform their mind and body and become the best version of themselves. Want to be next? Click Here to Apply! - https://form.typeform.com/to/WKxPkc

  • Do disruptions in your daily routine affect your stress levels and cortisol balance?

    Welcome to this insightful episode of the Lifestyle U podcast. In this episode, I will take you on a journey into the world of cortisol levels, circadian rhythm, and stress management. Join me as we uncover the profound impact of circadian rhythm and stress management on your overall well-being. Tune in to have a deeper understanding of these concepts and practical strategies to enhance your daily life.

    Helpful Timestamps:

    00:00 - Circadian Rhythm's Impact on Health

    05:49 - Sleep Patterns and Late-night Eating's Health Effects

    07:20 - Improve Sleep with Less Stimuli and Habits

    13:03 - Accountability for Stress Management: Shifting Mindset

    15:14 - Daily Routine: Incorporate Stress Relief for Well-being

    17:33 - Replacing Coffee with Water for Managing Stress

    Want more from me?

    Follow me on Instagram: @laceeiskk

    We have helped over 800 women transform their mind and body and become the best version of themselves. Want to be next? Click Here to Apply! - https://form.typeform.com/to/WKxPkc