
  • Today's the last episode of LIKE THE DOVE. I believe in 'ending well' and I wanted to spend some time sharing with you what to expect with our new podcast BECOMING CATHOLIC but I also wanted to share my gratitude for all we've experienced together in this space together. I loved having this last opportunity to pray over you (timestamp 20:45). You mean so much to me. Thank you for being here with me.

    Whether you decide to join me over in our new podcast or if this is goodbye - THANK YOU!
    If you'd like to stay in touch join our email list here: https://www.elizaceci.com/free-resources

    Come listen to BECOMING CATHOLIC'S first 3 episodes and trailer here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/becoming-catholic/id1746568203


    You can always watch/listen to any of the LIKE THE DOVE episodes on our YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5Zpkg3f7XM&list=PLr3JHkwVVFlCYCAyWT0WSxoDAH9w8SyhU

    Follow & Subscribe to BECOMING CATHOLIC pod...
    + on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgofVTTdEnub2rr1dt59jLA
    + on Apple - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/becoming-catholic/id1746568203
    + on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/0bVRVZazIxlfFdSLuvYK5x?si=b3fda1e903c94f0f

    Please share your favorite of our first 3 episodes to social or text to a friend. (this means SO much as we're just starting up, thank you!!)

    Connect with Eliza

    Email: info@elizaceci.com

    Donate to our ministry: https://www.elizaceci.com/donate

  • I'm excited to (finally) share the new project and I hope you'll follow along.

    Follow / Subscribe to the new podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/becoming-catholic/id1746568203

    Listen to the Becoming Catholic Trailer! Please share with your friends who would like this too?

    On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERYs-iTX8-U&list=PLr3JHkwVVFlAf0Bkh2mZeJpQ432Rl1nro

    On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7a325SLs7QLdi2CNwehJQH?si=fccdd661c44947cd

    On Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/an-honest-journey-of-what-its-like-to-become-catholic/id1746568203?i=1000656170735

    The best way to stay in touch is to join our email list here: https://elizaceci.myflodesk.com/e6ilhghe5w

    All Like the Dove podcast episodes will live here on YouTube, like this playlist to have them to go back to or listen to the ones you've missed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5Zpkg3f7XM&list=PLr3JHkwVVFlCYCAyWT0WSxoDAH9w8SyhU

    I'm sad this podcast is ending! I'll miss you, and, hope you'll continue along with me for what's next. I'm SO grateful for you. Thank you if you've enjoyed these episodes, thank you if you've shared an episode, left a review, emailed, asked for a prayer request, donated, or just quietly enjoyed what you've heard. I hope you learned something, and I pray you'll continue your journey growing close to the Lord.

    I love you so much.



    Connect with Eliza

    Email: info@elizaceci.com

    Donate to our ministry: https://www.elizaceci.com/donate

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • In this episode, I'm sharing a huge announcement that's coming next week. I give you a big hint about what it is. And we talk about full surrender and obedience to the Lord and how we can check-in to make sure we're living that out vs trying to fit our circumstances into a God-shaped box.

    Please pray for me. And message me to let me know how I can be praying for you. Make sure to listen to next week's episode for the full big announcement. I love you.


    Shorten your learning curve and shop my fav books and Bibles via my amazon store front: https://www.amazon.com/shop/elizaceci_

    Get your free resource library to help get you started as a new Christian.
    DOWNLOAD YOURS HERE > https://www.elizaceci.com/free-resources

    Connect with Eliza

    Email: info@elizaceci.com

    Donate to our ministry: https://www.elizaceci.com/donate

  • In this episode, let's pray for our unsaved friends, family, and loved ones. Sometimes the Holy Spirit really presses on me to stop, drop, and pray for someone specific. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. So, let's pray together for the poeple in our lives who don't know the peace, joy, and grace of Jesus (yet). Let's lift our prayers up to the Lord today and focus on the miracle of salvation.

    The blog post I mentioned with the scripture to pray over your unsaved loved ones is here: https://www.elizaceci.com/blog/praying-for-unbelievers


    Blog - common questions about Lent answered: https://www.elizaceci.com/blog/what-is-lent-answering-common-questions-for-new-believers

    Shop - fav books and Bibles via my amazon store front: https://www.amazon.com/shop/elizaceci_

    Let's work together - Presence session: https://www.elizaceci.com/shop-1/presence-session

    Connect with Eliza

    Email: info@elizaceci.com

    Faith-based life coaching: https://www.elizaceci.com/christian-life-coaching

    Donate to our ministry: https://www.elizaceci.com/donate

  • In this episode we talk about what will feel meaningful to give up this Lent, how to find the right balance for yourself (not under or over-doing your commitments), and ideas and encouragements for how to let go of comforts to cultivate a more good and holy posture toward the Lord this season. I hope it blesses you.


    Blog - common questions about Lent answered: https://www.elizaceci.com/blog/what-is-lent-answering-common-questions-for-new-believers

    Shop - fav books and Bibles via my amazon store front: https://www.amazon.com/shop/elizaceci_

    Let's work together - Presence session: https://www.elizaceci.com/shop-1/presence-session

    Connect with Eliza

    Email: info@elizaceci.com

    Faith-based life coaching: https://www.elizaceci.com/christian-life-coaching

    Donate to our ministry: https://www.elizaceci.com/donate

  • We're starting a new thing on the pod. At the beginning of every month we'll have one episode dedicated to praying over you and your month. This month I pray for your covering and protection from spiritual warfare, for your Lent season to be blessed, and for you to come into agreement with who you are through your identity in Christ. I hope this prayer supports you. If you know someone in your life who could use this prayer please pass it along to them. Scripture references: Psalm 91 and 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24


    Ready to get 1-1 faith-based life coaching that's biblical? Learn more here: https://www.elizaceci.com/christian-life-coaching Curious about becoming a Christian life coach? Learn more about Now Bloom here.

    Connect with Eliza

    Email: info@elizaceci.com

    Donate to our ministry: https://www.elizaceci.com/donate

  • https://www.elizaceci.com/blog/wilderness-seasonIf you like to read and listen go here: https://www.elizaceci.com/blog/wilderness-season

    In this episode, we talk about what a wilderness season is and how to identify if are you in one. Plus, I share some of the personal lessons the Lord taught me in my little-longer-than-a-year quiet season. And suggestions for how to keep faithful when you're in the thick of it.

    Please, if you know someone in a wildnerness season and you think this episode would encourage them - please share it.

    APPLY for 1-1 faith based coaching here: https://www.elizaceci.com/christian-life-coaching

  • Let's celebrate halloween by sharing all that God's been doing in our lives. I want to encourage you in this episode to put your testimony together because your story of salvation is important. I pray that you'll see the work God's doing in and through you as a way to give God glory and also to help encourage someone you know on their faith journey.

    Download the 75 Unbiblical Worldly and New Age Practices PDF https://www.elizaceci.com/free-resources

    Awe of God by John Bevere - my favorite resource in deepening your understanding of fear of the Lord https://amzn.to/3QC6BRR


    Shop my fav books and Bibles via my amazon store front: https://www.amazon.com/shop/elizaceci_

    Connect with Eliza

    Email: info@elizaceci.com

    Faith-based life coaching: https://www.elizaceci.com/chosen

    Donate to our ministry: https://www.elizaceci.com/donate

    Have a suggestion for an episode or something you'd like to share? Send a voice note: https://www.speakpipe.com/elizaceci

  • In this episode we talk about the new age meditation I am begging you to STOP doing. I break down WHAT it is, WHY it's dangerous, and WHO is teaching it. (all backed up by the Word of God - I share scriptures to study too). Full show notes here: https://bit.ly/3tHISqm

    I hope this episode blesses you!!
    Eliza Recommended homework...

    25-year old's testimony of going to heaven and hell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IXMaFXAx1A&t=2516s

    Near death experiences, hell, and the afterlife: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBNRApDPnQI

    John Bevere's book Driven by Eternity: https://amzn.to/3rW23wf and his youtube series that's a guide through the book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkvpUXCArOE&list=PL99vg9m34jB3MHi67kYcJg3_NobuckZAW&index=2


    Shorten your learning curve and shop my fav books and Bibles via my amazon store front: https://www.amazon.com/shop/elizaceci_

    Join the email list here > https://www.elizaceci.com/free-resources

    Connect with Eliza

    Email: info@elizaceci.com

    Faith-based life coaching: https://www.elizaceci.com/chosen

    Donate to our ministry: https://www.elizaceci.com/donate

    Have a suggestion for an episode or something you'd like to share? Send a voice note: https://www.speakpipe.com/elizaceci

  • In this episode I share what God's been teaching me through my life experience of recent grief and loss of a family member + how we can use these hard times in our life to grow closer and more in love with our Savior.

    I also share some ways we can be praying for the tragedies in Isreal and for the demonic forces at play. Remember, we follow a Risen King who already has the victory. Prayer is a powerful spiritual discipline we must lean on in hard times. Have faith, my loves.

    Fav worship song - Nothing but the Blood https://open.spotify.com/track/0L5tCfWfJ8rTwr1EWlHyWc?si=31c22b3c692046dd Books - Victory in Spiritual Warfare, Driven by Eternity, The Great Disappearance Schedule a 1-1 session to see if coaching is right for you - https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=14480223


    Shorten your learning curve and shop my fav books and Bibles via my amazon store front: https://www.amazon.com/shop/elizaceci_

    Get your free resource library to help get you started as a new Christian.
    DOWNLOAD YOURS HERE > https://www.elizaceci.com/free-resources

    Connect with Eliza

    Email: info@elizaceci.com

    Faith-based life coaching: https://www.elizaceci.com/chosen

    Donate to our ministry: https://www.elizaceci.com/donate

    Have a suggestion for an episode or something you'd like to share? Send a voice note: https://www.speakpipe.com/elizaceci

  • access the full episode notes here: https://www.elizaceci.com/blog/3-lessons-im-learning-from-god

    Ever have one of those seasons where God is pressing in HARD and teaching you, showing you, and convicting you - daily? That about sums up my summer and I wanted to spend time in the first episode of season 2 !! to share 3 lessons that are helpful, loving reminders how God's always at work in you, even if you don't see Him or feel Him.

    Leave Eliza a voice note with your questions or shares about the podcast.
    Like I mentioned in the episode, you can leave a question, tell me how this podcast has been helping you, share a little about yourself, or any old thing that comes to your mind.

    Share with me, here >> https://www.speakpipe.com/elizaceci

    Ready for faith-based life coaching?

    Apply here >> https://www.elizaceci.com/chosen


    Like these episodes? Tysm! Buy me a coffee here >> https://www.elizaceci.com/donate

    Shorten your learning curve and shop my fav books and Bibles via my amazon store front: https://www.amazon.com/shop/elizaceci_.

    Get your free resource library to help get you started as a new Christian.
    DOWNLOAD YOURS HERE > https://www.elizaceci.com/free-resources

    These are the resources I use, trust, and that have helped me so much in my faith based learning and growth. I hope it supports you.

    Email me with your questions or prayer requests here > https://www.elizaceci.com/contact

  • We're taking a summer break! Like the Dove Pod will be back for season 2 on August 29th.
    In the meantime, would you please...

    1. sign up for weekly updates by joining our free email list
    HERE: https://www.elizaceci.com/free-resources

    2. send me a voice note and share what you've been liking about this podcast OR what you'd like me to cover more in season 2. Leave a message HERE: https://www.speakpipe.com/elizaceci

    3. My family + I are going through some big transitions and grief with the health challenges of a loved one. Can you please keep me in your prayers? Restored health, no pain, and comfort in grief would all be lovely prayers to lift up for us if you're able. Thank you SO much.

    4. If you have been thinking about working together 1-1 definitely get on the email list because I have a new way to work together coming next week that you won't want to miss.

    Love you so much! See you in a few weeks.
    xo, Eliza


    Like these episodes? Tysm! Buy me a coffee here >> https://www.elizaceci.com/donate

    Shop my amazon favorites list here >> https://www.amazon.com/shop/elizaceci_
  • access the full episode notes here: https://www.elizaceci.com/blog/best-books-for-new-christians

    Aside from building a habit of reading the Bible, what books are best for new Christians? This was a huge learning curve for me. So in the spirit of summer reading I've put together a list of my 5 favorite books for believers. We also talk about why it's a good thing that where you start in your believer journey with teachers and authors isn't where you'll end up. I share one of my stories about that in the show notes. Go check that out while you listen along.

    Ready for faith-based life coaching?

    Apply here >> https://www.elizaceci.com/chosen


    Like these episodes? Tysm! Buy me a coffee here >> https://www.elizaceci.com/donate

    Shorten your learning curve and shop my fav books and Bibles via my amazon store front: https://www.amazon.com/shop/elizaceci_.

    Get your free resource library to help get you started as a new Christian.
    DOWNLOAD YOURS HERE > https://www.elizaceci.com/free-resources

    These are the resources I use, trust, and that have helped me so much in my faith based learning and growth. I hope it supports you.

  • access the full episode notes here: https://www.elizaceci.com/blog/should-christians-use-herbs-and-flower-essences

    Can I still use flower essences and herbs as a Christian? Is it biblical? Or, is it witchcraft, divination, and idolatry? Let’s have this much needed and nuanced conversation.

    Essentially the BIG question we’re asking is, is it ok to use plants, like herbs, in a wellness practice? Is it witchcraft? Is it wrong? Am I actively rebelling against God? And the answer is, it depends.

    So, I want to share with you in this episode some thoughts about this, where I’m currently at with each of these, what I’m learning about if it’s biblical to use plants in our everyday lives and if it is, how can we do it WELL.

    Interested in working together 1-1?

    I'd love that too! Apply here >> https://www.elizaceci.com/chosen


    Like these episodes? Tysm! Buy me a coffee here >> https://www.elizaceci.com/donate

    Shop my favorite books and Bibles via my amazon store front: https://www.amazon.com/shop/elizaceci_.

    It can feel really confusing to find resources, books, podcasts, Youtube channels to trust, in general, let alone as a new believer. So I created a free pdf resource library to help get you started. DOWNLOAD YOURS HERE > https://www.elizaceci.com/free-resources

    These are the resources I use, trust, and that have helped me so much in my learning and growth. I hope it supports you.

  • access the full episode notes here: https://www.elizaceci.com/episode/19

    In this episode I share one really specific thing I was recently convicted by God to STOP. The new age can run so deep and I truly didn't think much of this BUT Jesus showed me - YES, it is a big deal. Obviously I listened and I'm sharing the story with you today. Honestly, some of the new age stuff I used to believe in is so embarassing. If you're an ex new ager like me, can you relate?

    Make sure to click over to the show notes to use the journal prompts to help yourself find any areas where you might be doing this too. I hope this episode helps you today. If you do like this pod, I'd be so grateful if you'd share it was a friend or two who'd like it.

  • access the full episode notes here: https://www.elizaceci.com/episode/18-redeeming-our-phone-time

    If you’ve been frustrated with all the algo changes and pressure to live your life through a social media lens instead of living your actual life to the fullest I think you’ll like what we’re talking about in episode 18.

    I’ve been wrestling with should I or shouldn’t I quit social media for a while - almost a year, actually. You too? I wanted to leave it behind because I knew it was a problem for me for a handful of reasons. And obviously, I was procrastinating on it. But then, the Holy Spirit came and said, ‘Eliza, enough!’

    In this week’s episode, I want to share my experience of doing a 40-day instagram fast (which quickly shifted into leaving instagram for good).


    Have you been blessed by this podcast or by Eliza’s work? Please consider giving a tip…
    To help move this work further out into the world we are gratefully receiving tips (donations of any kind). You can do that right here: https://www.elizaceci.com/donate Thank you SO much!

    Email me: info@elizaceci.com

    Shop my favorite books and Bibles via my Amazon Storefront https://www.amazon.com/shop/elizaceci_.

  • access the full episode notes here: https://www.elizaceci.com/episode/17

    In episode 17 we are looking at the practicals of building a relationship with Jesus. Not only as your Savior, but also as your Lord.

    Inside the episode...

    what does living with Jesus as Lord of your life mean and look like?

    what are the practices, experiences, and choices you’re making in your life currently that you’re being obedient to that AREN’T God?

    plus, I teach you to how self-coach with journal prompts and my favorite suggestion for going from inaction to action immediately

    and, an invitation to apply to work together 1-1 (enrolling now)

    APPLY for CHOSEN 1-1 faith based coaching here: https://www.elizaceci.com/chosen


    Join our broadcast channel on insta for free daily coaching: https://www.instagram.com/j/Aba4THWxAFKozUJp/

    Shop my favorite books and Bibles on my Amazon store front here:https://www.amazon.com/shop/elizaceci_

  • access the full episode notes here: https://www.elizaceci.com/episode/16

    In this episode, we talk about the fears that consume you when you're first saved - specifically about sharing the changes that have or are happening to you. But it's also fear of: rejection, isolation, being misunderstood, made fun of, of your life changing in-not-good-feeling-ways... And these are all valid.

    I'm coaching you today if you have any fear around your faith and who God is calling you to be. Grab a notebook or a fresh note on your phone app and let's explore this together.

    APPLY for CHOSEN 1-1 faith based coaching here: https://www.elizaceci.com/chosen


    Join our broadcast channel on insta for free daily coaching: https://www.instagram.com/j/Aba4THWxAFKozUJp/

    Shop my favorite books and Bibles on my Amazon store front here:https://www.amazon.com/shop/elizaceci_

  • access the full episode notes here: https://www.elizaceci.com/episode/15

    Wherever you might be on your believer journey, I think we can all agree there are challenges. Afraid of messing up, being judged, losing friends, fights with your husband or kids, not feeling ‘ready’ to share your faith - it’s all pretty complicated and emotional.

    I want to take some time over the next several weeks to cover some of the biggest challenges new believers, ex new agers, and Christian women face with solutions, tools, and resources to help you on your faith journey.

    Today we look at the 6 most common challenges and some small steps you can take to move through them with grace.


    Interested in working together 1-1?
    Join the waitlist here: https://www.elizaceci.com/waitlist

    Send me a DM on Insta: https://www.instagram.com/elizaceci_/

    Shop my favorite books and Bibles via my Amazon storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/elizaceci_

  • access the full episode notes here: https://www.elizaceci.com/episode/14

    Something NEW is coming next week. Join the waitlist to get first dibs, all the details, and $100 OFF >> https://view.flodesk.com/pages/6446df9de916153dc771f063


    DM me on Insta: https://www.instagram.com/elizaceci_/

    Shop my favorite books and Bibles via my Amazon Storefront here: https://www.amazon.com/shop/elizaceci_