
  • Summary:

    In this new day of Spirit, the Holy Spirit is imparting through each member of the body, one to another. This impartation unfolds differently for each person as they feed upon His Word and are learning how to use their spiritual faculties so that they can walk in the Spirit with the Lord.

    Show Notes:

    The Holy Spirit may speak and reveal things differently to each person because we are all unique.

    Each member contributes his part of what is going on in the flow of the Holy Spirit.

    We are learning to use our spiritual faculties.

    We don’t stop but we stay in motion so that the Lord can guide us into these new realms.

    The renewing of your mind has been by an impartation by the Lord through many people.

    As we feed upon the Word that He speaks to us from our brother and sister, we grow and mature.

    We are determined to appropriate all the God has for us today.



    Walking in the Spirit may be entirely different and how the Holy Spirit or the Lord speaks to me. In the Spirit. Yes. By the Spirit. Yes. Just be yourself because everyone else is taken. We're going to be speaking words of Spirit as individuals out of our own individual personalities. And it'll be added to and be a part of everything that's going on. We still have teachers, but those teachers aren't teaching us the way human teachers teach. Their imparting, the unveiling of that impartation for you specifically is totally different. We've got to learn to use our spiritual faculties. That's where we grow and mature. We can see. We can hear. We can communicate. We can impart. We can receive. I get up every morning and live life more excited than ever before because there's so much that is unfolding to us. There's so many ways we
  • Summary:We have to have a revelation to really know the Lord. If you are depending on somebody else's revelation, then you are not depending on your personal relationship to the Lord. In this new day it is so important to reach into a level of revelation—of “knowing.” “Knowing” is different than “knowing about.” Show Notes: When you receive something from the Lord, when there's a revelation, you enter into a deeper relationship with Him. Your life will change, and it will express this new revelation, this new depth. The pure evangelism is not what we say, but what we are and what exudes from our life. People see God in you, you changed, you were transformed.
    When you enter that realm, the Lord begins to reveal to you different things that you did not know or you were not aware of.
    Today the door is open for you to walk in this new realm of revelation.
    As we become more and more spiritual people, we're going to communicate and relate by revelation.
     Quotes: If you say, “I think I know the Lord”, seek Him with all your heart to know Him.
    He's sharing Himself with you. You are His son.
    We change; we move into authority; we move into responsibility (correctly), if we move in by revelation. If not, we're moving by the flesh.
    Somehow we think this is way too mystical for us. We're talking about the spiritual realm that you can't see, you can't feel, you can't hear. This is a new day. As a body reaches in, we say, “I never saw things I'm seeing. I never understood the things I'm understanding, Don't make it difficult, because the door is open.
     References:Galatians 1:11-12 “For I would have you know, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man. For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ.”Ephesians 1:17 “that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him.I Corinthians 2:9 “things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him.”Revelations 3:8 “Behold I have put before you an open door which no one can shut, because you have a little power, and have kept My word, and have not denied My name.” Takeaway:In this new day, the door is open to know the Lord on a deeper level. As His sons, we can reach in for a revelation of things we have not seen or heard. This will enrich your personal relationship with the Lord until your relating and communicating with others will reveal a deep sense of knowing who He is.

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  • Summary:

    As this new realm is opening up to God’s people, they must each experience Christ in themselves and in one another. Christ is speaking in His family as each member speaks what Christ within them has revealed. In this atmosphere the true revelation of Christ is appearing and being imparted. In all this Christ continues to intercede for us as He is ushering us into the presence of the Father.

    Show Notes:

    This new realm is opening up by revelation.

    As we enter into this realm, we stand on His promises and He answer’s us.

    As Christ is revealed in us we are aware that He is the Word in us.

    Christ is being revealed in His many membered body.

    Christ in you must be an experience to your heart.

    God has said He'll drop everything that we've ever learned that's registered on a human level, and it'll become an old day that we have to discard.

    These new experiences that we are to receive will be imparted through our brother’s and sister’s.

    We want to walk humbly and hear His voice through one another.

    As we are moving as the Christ in the earth, Christ our head is interceding for us that we may come into a new relationship with the Father.

    As Christ brings us into this relationship to the Father, our relationship changes in how we are now relating to the Father.

    How is God expressing Himself to you, or to us right now? God is one and He expresses Himself through His triune nature, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


    What I see happening is a deeper level of revelation is called the voice of the Lord.

    All we have to do is call upon God and He has to answer us and show us great...

  • Summary:

    Today the family is reaching into a new realm, and a new anointing is resting within them. This anointing comes by the Holy Spirit and is manifesting in the laying of their lives down in love for one another. They are following in the footsteps of the Master as He laid down His life for us all.

    Show Notes:

    We each have received a special anointing of the Holy Spirit to function with in His family.

    He is drawing us into what we looked for our whole lives, a relationship with God. He creates in us a walk with Him in this realm.

    With this anointing we are speaking the Word of God to one another.

    This is a new realm in God and we will lose our soul life and yet it will be our greatest joy.

    In this new realm we are laying our lives down in love for one another.

    As we walk on in this new realm, the Father works in us His nature so that we walk in the same way Jesus walked.

    Only as we see our brother through the Father’s eyes, can we truly serve and love our brother.



    This is a very unique anointing that actually makes it possible for you to flow to one another in the Spirit. Because the anointing is there not only to speak, but to hear, to receive, so we're giving and receiving. We have come to a new day. We have come into the day of Spirit. We've been washed by the water of the word as it has flowed out of our mouths to one another 
 As we walk on and we mature in the Lord, we find out that He requires us to walk the way He walked. Yeah, there's a requirement to walk in the selflessness. In the giving of your life, in the love, all these things. God is freeing us to understand by revelation to give your life and lay it down for your brother when you perceive the Father's heart toward them. ...we're really...
  • Summary:

    Our Father offers simple solutions to the complex and impossible situations our human mind produces. He opens the door when asked for His solution; the mind of Christ is His provision.

    Show Notes:

    The Lord takes us to a place of utter devastation so that we don’t trust in anything except Him.

    God saying, “I want to give you a new mind, a new heart, and a new spirit.”

    Our mind and our emotions are probably the greatest access the enemy has to us. How do we appropriate the mind of Christ?

    This utter devastation produces within us a broken spirit and a contrite heart which God does not despise.

    We must come to the place of total trust in Him as He is giving us His mind.

    We must persist in our putting on the mind of Christ.

    I wished it happened overnight and it does as much as I can handle.. To me there is a tremendous amount of grace involved.



    ...the Lord takes you through a place of utter devastation, utter abandonment to anything that you would rely on in yourself. You rely totally on Him. God's saying it's not enough that you just do what you do because you've learned what you've learned. I want to give you a new mind. You have a broken spirit and a contrite heart. And what that does is that opens you up for His solution. And His solution is your initiative. To take the mind of His Son. You've got to come to the end of yourself. That's a principle that applies to so much in our walk with God. He will cover you with His love and His grace and let you come to the end of yourself. Trusting and believing Him, that He will give you His mind.
  • Summary:

    To become effective as a spiritual warrior we must put on the armor of God. The helmet of salvation protects that which we have appropriated and become in God by His Word. This piece of armor not only protects us form the assault of the enemy, but it houses all the living promises that God has made real to us and becomes the lordship of Jesus Christ in our lives.

    Show Notes:

    You don’t go into battle without proper training and without proper armament.

    The helmet of salvation is one of the most important parts of our armament because of what you have underneath it.

    After God has given you something, how do you protect it?

    We are not protecting the carnal mind. We are protecting what we have from God and opening up to receive more.

    We must keep asking, keep seeking, and keep knocking in regards to what the Lord has said pertaining to the helmet of salvation because it is progressive.

    We put on the helmet of hope which is God’s promise’s to me.

    The helmet of salvation protects me from all that assails me from the enemy.

    The armor of God is His Word that we assimilate and become.



    ...we're putting the helmet of salvation around the mind of Christ that's in you. What you're doing is you're covering what you've got and you're opening your heart and your mind to receive more. So putting on the helmet of salvation could be progressive as well.
    Keep on asking, because what you're saying to the Lord is, I trust You, and I believe what You're saying. I trust You, and what's happening in all that is, first off, you're getting a relationship with the Lord. ...put on the helmet of the hope of salvation. What is hope? Hope are promises yet to be...
  • Summary:

    Everything that God is doing in fulfilling His Word and purposes in His kingdom is being done within a people. The kingdom of God is within us and we must continually be reaching in to be filled up with the fullness of God. This is our high calling in Christ Jesus to know Him in His fullness within us. 

    Show Notes:

    Jesus Christ and the fulfillment's of His Word are coming forth within us not outside of us.Although Satan is raging, God is in complete control of everything.We choose to be obedient and follow His Word.We were chosen before the foundations of the world to walk with Him.We should be thankful to the Father for all that He is doing.There is only one calling and that is to be filled up to the fullness of God.


    Jesus Christ has come forth in us to one degree or another. Christ the Word is in us. Jesus said, if you've seen Me, you've seen the Father. All these things are in us.I believe that God is continually hammering at us to get us to understand that the fulfillment's of His Word are not taking place outside of us, taking place in us.Satan is raging and trying to destroy the earth. How can you believe that anyone but the Lord is in control of what's happening in the earth? He is the Lord!You can choose to follow God in His word and be obedient and humble and Love Him and serve Him or you can choose not to.I think Thanksgiving is huge. Because He just wants you to be thankful, because He's already accomplished it.There's only one calling, and that's this oneness with the Lord, and it's the only, there is no other calling.His purpose is that we'd be filled up with Him, His fullness.Come up into a higher realm. Come up in the spirit to know the Lord.


    Colossians 1:27

    To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

    Psalms 2

    (He who sits in the heavens laughs at the nations)

    John 14:10

    Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works.

    Romans 16:20

    The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.

    Ephesians 1:4-6

    (Chosen of God before the foundations of the world)

    John 17

    (Jesus prays that we will be where He is)

    Revelation 21:3

    And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them,

    Ephesians 4:4-6

    There is one body and one Spirit, just as you also were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism one God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in all. 


    There is a high calling for every believer in Christ. We must not settle for a lesser goal in our walk with the Lord. Each day we reach in by the Holy Spirit to know Him more and to be filled to all the fullness of God. 

  • Summary:

    True believers are on a path of experiencing and knowing God in this new day of Spirit. Even though the carnal mind wars against God’s work within them, the believer must refuse those thoughts and put on the mind of Christ that comes from the impartation of His Word through the Holy Spirit. We have entered into the age of the grace to become and to do.

    Show Notes:

    We are on a path of experiencing and knowing God.

    We must put on the mind of Christ.

    When we look at all the circumstances of our lives, what we’ve gone through – God has created within us a miracle.

    True faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.

    We are being transformed by the Word to be the body of Christ in the earth.

    We are beginning to lay our lives down for each other.

    The Word is becoming alive to us.

    It’s a new day with Him every day!



    We are becoming the Word. It's being imparted to our spirits. Wake up, house of God, believe what the Lord has already brought you through, and what He will continue to bring you through, and what He's created in you to become. Because our mind is not Spirit, it's part of this soul flesh side of our life. The mind is the enemy of God. And that's not what you listen to. ...despite all of that's going on or what I might be thinking in my mind. You just hold on to that belief and that faith, that's His faith in your spirit. My carnal mind is being dealt with, but my spirit is set on the Lord.
  • Summary:

    Our growth spiritual being depends on His grace. As He leads us we are dedicated to the means as we keep our focus set on His promises and provisions to bring forth His will on this earth.

    Show Notes:

    God is bringing us into a new realm of Spirit.

    In this new realm of Spirit we recognize the openness and oneness we have with people, no matter what they say or believe.

    A level of perception and openness to God is the capacity to hear their spirit.

    This new level of Spirit consist of oneness and power, not just words.

    As Christ comes forth within us we enter into the world He lives in.

    The kingdom of God is in power, not about agreement mentally.

    As this new day unfolds we are finding that we believe more, we impart more, we appropriate more, and walk in more grace.



    God is bringing us into another realm, where all of the sudden, you just recognize the openness in people's spirit, and you're one with them. ...we're done stumbling over what other people might believe different from us. Or see a different slant on some things. Does not matter. The only thing that matters. It's coming into this realm of Spirit together. What's effective is when you hit this realm of Spirit, it's the oneness and the power that comes out of it. As we are moving into this realm, and I'll call it oneness, the fruit will be the evidence. We stop listening to what people say And we listen to what's in their spirit. All of this is wrapped up in Jesus Christ and Him coming forth in us and opening us up to His world, opening us up to the realm He lives in. I think
  • Summary:

    We have many fine examples to lead us into a closer walk with God. We have from Abraham to Job to John the beloved to Paul, and they all point to walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ right into the heart of the Father.

    Show Notes:

    In our walk with the Lord we must come into a complete trust in Him.

    Job was a perfect example of a man who trusted God with his whole heart.

    Because of Job’s focus on the Lord, he had victory all the way through his testings.

    As we put our trust in the Lord it positions us in His presence.

    God first brings us into the realm of faith and real trust. Out of that comes the deliverance’s He has promised.

    He’s with us 100% of the time. He’ll allow our faith to be tested. He wants it to come through as refined pure gold.

    We go through many testings and trials, and it works in us a total faith and trust in Him.

    We must not complicate the promises of God. They are all fulfilled in His presence.

    It is His work not ours. We must trust and abide in Him, keeping our focus on Him as He goes after things that He want’s out of our spirits, The secret in our walk with Him is our focus and trust in Him.


    This is what we really cried for, is a closer walk with God. And how do you get one without faith, without trust, without trusting Him? That you really believe that every aspect of your life is in His hands. ...I can have authority and control of what I choose to believe. And of course, this is the foundation of a closer walk with God. Job had victory over everything that he was facing before he went into it, because of his focus on the Lord.
  • Summary:

    The Holy Spirit is leading us through a process of growth. God’s purpose for us is to obtain His nature – taking up His abode in us. Truth, knowledge, and love is the pathway to His eternal purpose in us.

    Show Notes:

    As we grow in God do we get stuck in a ministry that we have identified ourselves as.

    Could an Apostle, Prophet, evangelist, Pastor and Teacher or any other ministry be just an expression of Christ in us as we grow into the fullness of Christ?

    If we hold on to the past, if we try to minister from that place , we’ll never see the completion of what God brought us forth for.

    We lose our individual identity as it’s swallowed up in His great family.

    The partial will be done away with. That’s what we are moving into. Christ in me is the hope of glory.

    It’s the manifold wisdom of God being manifested through His family that is accomplishing His eternal purpose.



    As we grow in God, we grow past things that we thought were the cat's meow. We put them away. They have to be let go of. It's a different day. Christ in me is the hope of glory, so I don't have to rely on all these other things. There's always another level, and it's a constant process of bringing us up. into that realm of spirit where we can function the way God wants us to function, not the way we think we're going to function. God can use us in any order He needs. If you're in a situation where you need to be an evangelist, God can use you there. If you need to be a preacher, He can use you there. But it doesn't mean that's what you are. We are a family. We know that. And we share with each other and we reveal ourselves to each other because we know we're family, because we have this call. It's our response. It's our acknowledgment. It's our humility. It's our bowing down. It's our awe and our fear and our love. All those responses. They're doing something in proving...
  • Summary:

    Christ our Lord came to this earth as a servant and taught His disciples the importance of serving one another. Our Father is creating perfect copies of His son out of you and me, that we would be those who carry out His will in the earth today. It’s all creation coming together to serve our Lord and King, ruler of all creation.

    Show Notes:

    The servant’s ministry has come forth with the expression of all the gift ministries combined.

    People have taken the gift ministries and exalted them to a place they were never to be. They are all servants.

    Christ was the perfect example of a servant.

    Our servant ministry to each other is the riches of the kingdom that we can share.

    As people with a free will, God wants us to humble our selves and serve Him.

    We don’t look for rewards, or what I can get out of it, or any kind of recognition. It’s simply a service we are offering to the Christ in each other.



    Right now, one of the greatest ministries is the ministry of a servant. That ministry contains all the definitions of an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher. There's something about serving that is the ministry that we are to each other that's really pure. Unfortunately, people have taken apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers and exalted them where they shouldn't have never been. All they were was a servant walking in the ministry that God had given them. That's what Christ showed us when He was here on the earth, to minister as a servant, where He said, become the servant of all. We're receiving and understanding that the ministry of each one to us and ours to them is of great importance. It's the riches of the kingdom that we can share. So we as the body of Christ, if we all take on that mantle of servant, which is really the spirit of humility then we're right there functioning as...
  • Summary:

    In the family God’s love comes creating life everlasting for all. This is the plumbline we measure up to that we might return that love to Him.

    Show Notes:

    As we touch everyone with God’s love, their lives are transformed.His love must control our lives.Everything that we do and say must line up to the plumb line of God’s love.True perception comes as we are filled with God's love.We draw from God His love and minister it to others.As we speak God’s Word to one another, we are building up His family.His love and His life are synonymous.The atmosphere created in small groups of believers lends itself for every person participating in God’s love.A cry is coming out of God’s people to be His love in the earth.


    Whatever we do and whatever we say, the Lord's love should be infused into it.Success in the eyes of the Lord is touching somebody with His love, transforming their lives....the creativity of God only flows through His love.If you love someone enough you could say anything to them no matter how strong and they would receive it.The plum line for everything is the love of God.Only the love gives us the clear perception to see things the way they really are.One of the things we can do is freight everything we do with love.You reach into the Father, draw His love, and you send it out.As we come in to this place of recognizing who we are in the Spirit, and then speaking the Word that God puts in our hearts, we're building up the body of Christ.And the atmosphere that you have in these small groups, I would say that you have much more of a tendency to feel God's love, to participate in God's love, and to be God's love to one another.God needs a family. He's wanted a family.And I am so thankful that there is so much participation in these groups, because that's where the life is in the body that participates, where each and every joint speaks, each and every joint gives that which the Lord has given them....this is what we're saying, pour out all these things, because Your love is such a manifestation in the earth, and it's so desperately needed.


    1 Corinthians 16:14

    Let all that you do be done in love.

    Psalms 139:14

    (The creativity of God in love)

    2 Corinthians 5:14-15

    For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; 15 and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised

    1 Thessalonians 5:11-18

    (Building up one another in love)

    Isaiah 61: 1-3

    (The Spirit of the Lord upon us) 


    As we walk on in His family His love controls us. As we continue to speak His Word to one another in His love, we are filled to overflowing and begin to pour out His love to the whole earth. 

  • Summary:

    In these last days when the Satan is trying to wear out the saints, we must put on the full armor of God to be able to stand. The shied of faith is a piece of this armor which enables us to extinguish all the fiery darts of the wicked one and manifest Christ victory in this earth. 

    Show Notes:

    The assault that is coming against us, hits us in our strength, in our focus and in many different ways. The piece of armor that we haven’t talked about is the shield of faith.In times of spiritual warfare when we don’t feel we have what we need, the Lord says to take up the shield of faith which is able to quench all the fiery darts of the enemy.As we each take up the shield of faith, we become a protection and covering for the rest of the family.When we move in spiritual warfare it must be motivated by God’s love.The battle has already been won by Christ, and we are commissioned to execute that victory here on this earth. 


    I think of all the times that we feel like we don't have enough strength, or we don't have enough might, or we don't have enough faith, but then the Lord says to just draw on Him. He'll give us what we need.One of the main objectives, if you want to call it that, of the satanic realm is to wear out the saints of the Most High.One of the pieces of armor that we haven't talked about is the shield of faith. The stronger our belief, the more effective that shield is.In all these pieces of armor, I feel like we need to keep uppermost in our mind that these are expressions of Christ in the flesh.All the manifestation of the pieces of armor that we're talking about, there has to be, there must be the underlying spirit of God's love, the Father's love coming through that; even in judgment.How can I love you if I did not prepare for the battle by putting on His attributes and putting them to work.The battle has already been won. We have been given the commission. And the privilege of manifesting it to the earth.


    Ephesians 6:10

    Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might.

    Daniel 7:25

    And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

    Revelation 19: 11-21

    (Christ portrayed as a warrior)

    Ephesians 6:16

    Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

    Luke 9:51-56

    (James and John wanting to call fire down of the Samaritans)

    I John 5:4

    For whoever has been born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world: our faith.

    I John 4:4

    (The battle already won)


    God’s provision of His armor in this day of spiritual battle is to make us into overcomers; those who enforce His victories on the cross. 

  • Summary:

    As the age of the Kingdom unfolds, we see that the prophet of the kingdom will exhibit all the qualities of the old and new testament prophet and will have the heart of the Lord as a shepherd. Prominence and position will not be in them, but they will be submerged into the Body of Christ as it comes forth in maturity. 

    Show Notes:

    The Kingdom prophet will be different than the prophet of the church age in that he will have all the qualities and gifts of the old and new testament prophet and more.As the kingdom unfolds, all the designations that we have used to distinguish the different ministries will fade and each person will just flow together in the family.The Prophet is not a position, but a father to bring forth the people into what God has for them.Because of the deep love relationship that the people have with the prophet they will know what he is speaking is a Word from God and therefore will not be led astray.The prophet will help bring God’s people into all that they are to become. 


    The kingdom prophet will not only speak a Word, he will have the quality to be able to hear the cries like the Lord hears. And so he'll hear the unspoken cries of the people and be able to minister to that.There's Like a blurring of lines between the five fold ministries as they make the transition from the New Testament age into the Kingdom age....I think in the church age, the apostles, prophets, those designations were necessary so that people would take notice, listen, open up.And it's not a ministry that is a position. It's simply a ministry that's crying out to the Father for the people and having that father ministry with the people.I believe it's very significant when we're talking about the ministry of the prophet in the kingdom because he's going to be more than just speaking a word from God out to the earth. He's going to be a ministry that functions as a father and as a priest, and as a prophet....if you're in the family and you have relationships with the men and women of God, you're not deceived. Because you know these people, you know them by the Spirit, you know their hearts.When the Body of Christ will be mature, what does that mean? They will be grown up into one Body.They know and understand and they love me to the point where they lift me up to become something, to become who I'm supposed to be.


    Ephesians 4:11-13

    (Body of Christ built up)

    Ephesians 4:12

    (Depth of relationship)

    Jeremiah 3:15

    “Then I will give you shepherds after My own heart, who will feed you on knowledge and understanding.”

    Matthew 24:24

    For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will provide great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.


    In the unfolding of the kingdom of God, we are seeing the ministry of the prophet evolve into what God wants today. Prophets are one of the gift ministries of which there are many are for the perfecting of the ministries who build up the Body of Christ. 

  • Summary:

    As we absorb the scriptures, worship, and wait on the Lord, we find that this becomes the very preparation in us that creates the armor of God. We are coming with the answer, the gospel of peace, not further conflict. The battle has been won, Satan is a defeated foe.

    Show Notes:

    The armor of God is all about preparation.

    Getting into the Word of God in a constant way is a way of preparing you to be what God wants you to be.

    As we reach into the scriptures, worship, and waiting on Him; this becomes the preparation to us that enables us to walk in those things He has prepared for us to walk in.

    We put on the full armor of God and then we become a protection to our brother.

    What we are facing spiritually in the world on every level; if you haven’t been preparing your heart by the Word of God, you’re probably going to have a difficult time.

    As we walk in the fulfillment of all that God sets before us today; this become the preparation of tomorrow’s fulfillment.



    This thing of the armor is all about preparation. I think that there is a way that the man of God, the child of God, is continually in a mode of preparation. ...getting into the Scriptures, getting into the Word of God; it's preparing you beforehand so that when you run into situations spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, you're prepared by the Holy Spirit. I know the Word of God is very, very important, and it's important that we are in it daily, absorbing by the Holy Spirit what He wants to show us through the Word. Get into the Word. Get into worship. Get into waiting on Him. Do the things that you know to do, and He'll fill them. All those hours and times that you spent alone, was that preparation? Were you listening to the Father? Were you solidifying and growing in your relationship?
  • Summary:

    In the body of Christ there are many different expressions and ways of fulfilling God’s will. How are we to know the things that God is speaking to us and not be divided from our brother that is doing something different? We know that we must not use our carnal minds to try and discern what God is speaking, and that it is only by the Spirit of God within us that we can see what He is doing in each person. We all have something to contribute so that His family will be built up and complete.

    Show Notes:

    We must not use our human brains to try to discern the things of God. It is God’s Spirit within us that reveals the truth of what He is speaking.

    When we revert to using our carnal mind, we open ourselves up to deception and division.

    Will we lean upon what God has placed within our spirit, or our soul flesh and carnal mind.

    If we lean on our mind to figure things out we will always wonder if this is the truth – we will be confused.

    When I don’t understand something, I’m simply going to it on the shelf for God to interpret it to my spirit.

    Because there are many different expressions and paths in God, we must reach in to His Spirit to understand and love what He is doing in our brother.

    What we have to give to the body of Christ is so important – it supplies what the whole body needs.


    Our human brains are not meant to discern the spirit of God in understanding. It’s God's spirit in us that interprets or brings us into the truth of what God is speaking. The minute you rely on human thinking, and then it causes dissension, or it causes us to divide; you've allowed the enemy to come in. When they received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, now they have available to them the ability to rise up in the Spirit, tap into the Holy Spirit, and see the truth, not the lies and deceptions and things that come through the brain. Things in
  • Summary:

    Our vision of the body of Christ grows and expands as we function together. The day of the individual ministry is over and now each member of His body adds his unique part to the whole so that everyone is built up and the body of Christ is complete. Our interdependence becomes an element of divine order pleasing to our Father.

    Show Notes:

    We walk together in this walk with God. It’s not about an individual and longer. It’s about us doing this together. The provision is in the family.

    We reach into maturity by walking together in the family of God.

    We each bring what we are to the family.

    We must have a revelation of who we are in Christ’s body.

    There is no one that is not important in the body of Christ.


    Individual ministry that stands out, that has this incredible following, does all these signs and wonders, that day is gone. It's about the body of Christ, and it's not about individuals. I came into the body of Christ - I began to function with other people who had the same heart. ...we're shedding that light into each other; the Christ in us is beaming out His light toward each one of us in the group; and that's being manifested in the whole. ...you can't really come into a maturity in your walk with God without having the family. What we bring to the family is what we personally have in a relationship with God. ...we can't bring anything to the family, unless we get it from the Father. It's all being just that one thing in the body to help the rest of the body to function in what it has to be. ...there are different expressions. This is why it's so important that we actually have a revelation of who we are in Christ. ...
  • Summary:

    In this end-time battle that we find ourselves in, we must put on the whole armor of God if we are going to be able to withstand all the fiery darts of the enemy. The breastplate of righteousness protects the Word of God in our hearts that we have stored there. It is the Christ nature coming forth within us that is the expression of the breastplate of righteousness because He is our righteousness.

    Show Notes:

    The breastplate of righteousness protects the believer’s heart from all the attacks of the enemy.Each part of the armor of God has a specific purpose and a very important function in our protection.We don’t defend ourselves, we put on the breastplate of righteousness which defends us – an action that we take.The most valuable thing that we have, the Word of God is stored in our hearts.Satan wants to take away the Word of God stored in our hearts.We take an action to put on the breastplate of righteousness.Are these pieces of armor appropriated by faith? Yes, they are put on by faith. They become a permeate part of who we are.Christ in us is that breastplate of righteousness.You must have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ to have these expressions of His armor because they are Him. 


    One of the greatest gifts form God that we have is the armor of God.The righteousness is His righteousness. We're putting on His righteousness. But it's putting it on by the assimilation of the Word
.What does Satan want to take away from us more than anything else? The Word of God that leads us. Without that, we have nothing.It's a breastplate that allows us to hold on to the Word. We hold on to the Word with everything that's within us.Christ is the Word. The Christ in us is the word.Putting on the breastplate of righteousness is an action that we take.This breastplate of righteousness is an enabler. It enables us to withstand all the fiery darts of the wicked one, and it's a provision that God has given us to overcome.And we know as we wait upon the Lord, and as we give ourselves to Him, we are clothed with power from on high. And that clothing, that power, can be broken down into the armor of God.It is so important that we understand by revelation that we have received Christ, who is that breastplate of righteousness to us.As we're talking about these pieces of armor, to me, what they are, are expressions of Christ within you.You put on the breastplate of righteousness. Basically, what you're saying is you're appropriating, by the blood of Jesus Christ, His righteousness. 


    Ephesians 6:11 / 6:14-17

    (The armor of God)

    John 14:26

    But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

    Psalm 119:11

    Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

    Colossians 1:27

    To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

    Romans 13:14

    But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to it’s lusts.

    John 16:7

    But I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I am leaving; for if I do not leave, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.

    I Corinthians 1:30

    But it is due to Him that you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption.

    Take Away:

    In this end time conflict, God has given us spiritual armor that we must put on. The breastplate of righteousness protects our hearts...

  • Summary:

    Christ’s many membered body today must put on the full armor of God to withstand all the tactics of the enemy. Each part of His body may supply a different aspect of this armor and be a unique expression in His body. God has put together the body so that there should be no division in the body, but that each part should have an equal honor and expression to help complete the full manifestation of His body today. 

    Show Notes:

    We must change our thinking from being individuals to a part of His body.Each person may have a different expression and supply a unique thing to the whole of His body.As individuals we can accomplish very little, but as a part of His body we are unlimited.God did not make us to be all sufficient in ourselves. We are a part of His body and as every member comes together and supplies what it is suppose to supply the body begins to function. 


    each joint supplies or could supply a specific attribute, or a specific manifestation of that armor.maybe you're just a part of the armor of God, and you're not sufficient in yourself to have the whole armor of God because God doesn't want you sufficient in yourself. He wants you part of the body of Christ.Individually, we can do very little, but together. We can accomplish the will of God together because every joint provides or supplies or is a part of the answer....if you're not prepared, and that's what's been wrong with people that are absolutely just spectators. And not participants that did not work and will not work. God will have a body that is functioning.I'm not the whole thing and I don't have to be the whole thing and God didn't make me to be the whole thing, but He made me to be a part of this armor, a part of the attributes of Christ.I think we're talking about one of the most important parts of our functioning together; is the revelation of the Christ within us; in each individual part, participating. functioning together, and being a provision for each other.What is the body of Christ? We're all connected in to the head and out of that the body function each individual part ministers what they have that they've received from the Lord for each other.We are completed by each other. 


    I Corinthians 12:21-27

    (The many membered body of Christ)

    Ephesians 4:16

    from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.

    Thessloinians 5:23-28

    (Made wholly and complete)

    Colosians 2:10

    ( Complete in Christ) 

    Take Away:

    In this day when Satan is raging against God’s body, we must learn to put on the whole armor of God. As Christ body matures and every joint supplies it’s unique expression, we find that we are each other’s covering within this armor and we become invincible through that which each joint supplies.