Explore the art of making authentic friends while living abroad. Discover how to attract like-minded connections, spot fair-weather friends, set healthy boundaries, and avoid people-pleasing pitfalls. Embrace the opportunity for a fresh start, surrounding yourself with those who align with your dreams and values. Join us as we guide you through the journey of meaningful friendships abroad.
Welcome to a very special episode! It's time to peel back the layers and get to know the voices behind the mic. In this intimate and revealing episode, we're opening up the confession box and sharing our deepest thoughts, quirkiest habits, and personal stories as we answer the questions you've sent us via our confessions page. You'll hear our candid responses to your thought-provoking queries, ranging from our favorite childhood memories to our guilty pleasures and even our most embarrassing moments. It's a chance to discover what makes us tick, laugh, and sometimes cringe. Expect genuine, unfiltered conversations that give you a peek into our lives, personalities, and the camaraderie that fuels our podcast. Whether you're a longtime fan or a new listener, this episode promises to bring you closer to the heart of our show and the hosts who bring it to life. So grab a of your favorite beverage, settle in, and get ready to uncover the real us as we delve into the confessions.
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We delve deep into the process of settling down in a foreign country, providing you with insights on what to anticipate. From essential documents to tips on how to navigate the process smoothly, we recount our experiences on acclimatizing to life in Hungary.
From hilarious misadventures to the heartfelt connections forged across cultures, we continue the enlightening conversation on cultural shocks. Tune in to gather practical tips for navigating these unfamiliar waters and transforming these challenges into opportunities for personal and intercultural enrichment
A captivating episode where we explore the intriguing concept of cultural shocks; from the initial bewilderment that they often bring, followed by the profound lessons they teach. We unravel personal stories on adapting to new languages, academic systems, and social norms, offering both humorous and thought-provoking perspectives on these eye-opening encounters.
From practical advice on choosing the right essentials to understanding cultural nuances that influence your packing choices, we continue the conversation on effective packing by delving in on how to maximise space, prioritise necessities, and minimise the stress of sorting through your belongings.
Proper packing is the foundation for a smooth start in your new home. Tune in to get invaluable tips, personal anecdotes, and a detailed overview of how to pack smart when making the leap into a new country.
We played a few "icebreaker" games and spoke about what you can expect from us through the podcast.