Get your link for the free interactive talk about Deactivate Your Limiting Beliefs on Wed 12th July
Fancy a game of Limiting Beliefs Roulette (LBR)?
You: What’s that you say? (Sounds a bit rubbish)
Me: You’re right. LBR is pants of the lowest order, as just about nobody but Harriet ever says. This is where you present your limiting beliefs to some guru, who tells you how to overcome or destroy them. Their ideas are about as good an idea as giving up your job or business and making your living at the roulette wheel. Very few can do it.
Here’s the truth: they have got it all wrong. Their advice never worked for me because it betrayed a deep misunderstanding of how these faulty thought viruses get installed in our minds.
In this episode I clear up that confusion. If you’ve ever tried the ultra-successful gurus’ solutions and felt inadequate when you failed to be as ultra-successful as they are, fret no more!
Liberating and enlightening, you will end this episode with hope and focus on how to move forward.
Free Interactive Talk: Deactivate Your Limiting Beliefs
Wed 12th July 2023
Find out how to make your limiting beliefs irrelevant
Discover how people you admire like Malala and paralympic athletes stepped over their blocks instead of trying to fix themselves
Experience The other component you need to deactivate your unwanted negative thoughts
Email: Info (at) theshiftinside dot com
Get your Mindtrailers Instruction video here
I interview artist Catherine Rains and I wanted to bring you this interview because I extracted so much wisdom from it. Catherine is an amazing human being who has lots of life lessons that will put food out of a job.
“Double-pronged non-resistance”: while continually affirming the job she wanted, she was at the same time embracing the job she had.
How to be unintentionally intentional
The five words anyone can use in a negative situation to feel more empowered
Catherine’s epiphany about non resistance
The non linear nature of change.
How she diverted her energy to sidestep jealousy and intended her way to the job of her dreams
Why affirmations don’t work for so many people - because they are doing this thing alongside the affirmation
Her strategy for releasing fear and dread after her cancer diagnosis (I have never heard this from anyone else)
How she developed compassion for her husband in the midst of her divorce but still shielded herself from his manipulation
Her hilarious way of managing old resentments
Get your Mindtrailers Instruction video here
Get your link to the free taster Shift Session here
Check Catherine Rains out on Instagram: @catrains.artist
Watch the video version of this interview:
Email me: Harriet Morris
Info (at) theshiftinside dot com
Manglende episoder?
Come and try a free taster Possibility Shifting session. Get your link here: https://www.theshiftinside.com/taster/
In this episode, we dive into the top 5 times when the law of attraction doesn’t work. Remember, none of these mean that it’s faulty. None of them mean you are a bad manifester.
These blocks all express a misunderstanding of how this law works and taking lack of success far too personally.
Mistake 1: Believing That Manifestation Is A Skill
You are always manifesting, whether you know it or not. Whether you want to or not. Far too many people have made too much money off the back of trying to sell others into upskilling your ability to manifest.
Instead it is time to avoid ego traps, embrace the mystery, reframing negative events as life lessons, and living as powerfully as possible within the universal limitations of life itself.
Mistake 2: Expecting Certainty
So many people plough their hopes and dreams into a certain outcome. Because the LoA is not a consultation-cum-done for you life upgrade service, you are not going to get smooth, easy results from your intentions.
Instead, start working with this power as equal partners.
Mistake 3: Over Reliance on Self-Belief
This mistake will follow from the previous two as surely as night follows day. A very human mistake is to place your faith in your conscious goal-setting mind as the supreme HQ of motivation and perseverance. Sitting at the centre of this HQ is self-belief.
But self-belief wavers more than British weather! The 2D gurus need more than exhortations to “just persevere”. But what happens when perseverance and determination walk out on you? What then?
Mistake 4: Self-Blame
Q: What DOES happen when perseverance and determination walk out on you?
A: Self-blame
Mistake 5: Underestimating Your Resistance
This is the big one. All four preceding errors can fit snugly under this umbrella.
It is time to sit down and have a chat with your internal resistance to what you long for. Because we all have it
In the podcast, I tell the story of how mad I got at a highly successful guru in the manifestation space for propagating the toxic myth of “It’s your fault if you ended up with (Insert source of misery).
I also give you some reasons that life can send ALL OF US curveballs at times.
Don’t believe me? Try this. In the podcast episode, I give you a thought experiment to test this statement out.
There are two ways to dissolve your resistance to what you want:
#1 Show your unconscious that it is safe to align with your intentions via your actions.
#2 Possibility Shifting sessions, where I connect you to a powerful part of your mind that can calm all of your unconscious fears. Come and try a free taster session and see if I am right.
Possibility Shifting Taster session link
Email info (at) theshiftinside dot com
Harriet Morris
Starring a very lucky theft & Britain's top personal development author...
In this episode I explain some highlights from how I have managed to activate the law of attraction.
I explain how I went from random manifestation episodes and sabotage via my victim mindset to success in these areas
Healing old life wounds
I also talk about
*How random events can be frustrating and even chaotic and negative experiences can build the path to living the life you love
*How I reframed frustration as a message from life
*How a specific type of visualisation helped random acts of manifestation be one more reliable
Mindclips now called Mindtrailers
Interested in having one-to-one coaching? Book a 20 minute chat with me here https://hmorris.as.me/20
Try a taster Shift Session
Harriet Morris
info (at) theshiftinside dot com
The law of attraction is an amazing facilitator that we all have access to. However, getting your ego, your self-doubt and victim narratives out of the way - aye, there's the rub!
Let's explore what this through the six activation principles.
1 You're Always Manifesting, Whether You Know It Or Not
The law of gravity works all day, every day. You cannot be more on the ground than another person who is also walking down the street. In the same way, nobody is a better or more inadequate manifester than anyone else.
2 Alignment is Batman and Intention is Robin
In Gotham City, Batman does the lion's share of the superheroing, with Robin as his much less powerful sidekick. So many people make their vision boards and write out their affirmations (Robin work), hoping this will do the job. Wrong! Aligning with your intentions via your actions (Batman work) is where the real change happens.
3 Neutralise Your Internal Resistance
The greatest lie told by any guru anywhere is that your intentions and excitement about what you want to manifest are enough to get you there.
4 Embrace Limitation Wrangling
Life (or your divine self, or the Universe - pick whichever term works best for you) sees that you have some resistance to what you want. It responds to this as an intention to have some limitations.
Limitation wrangling means asking some counterintuitive questions. Find out what they are in this episode.
5 Shift From Being A Perfectionist Manifester To A More Agile One
When you shift to embrace Limitation Wrangling, you automatically become a more agile manifester. I explain what this means in reality.
6 90% Beats Perfection
The law of attraction is not a test. (Even if it were, remember that most tests allow a pass rate of less than 100%). You are allowed to mess things up. Think of alignment not as one massive boulder to push uphill, but many magnets that you are aligning with each other.
Mindclips Now called Mindtrailers
Interested in having one-to-one coaching? Book a 20 minute chat with me here
Try a taster Shift Session
Harriet Morris
info (at) theshiftinside dot com
The LoA Activator is more than a law of attraction podcast. This is your entry visa to manifestation in a way that finally makes sense. Imperfect, sometimes messy, often thought-provoking…but always liberating. Guaranteed 100% guru-free.
Are you fed up of feeling inadequate when it comes to drawing to yourself a life you love?
Tired of waiting for the universe to provide, are you still wondering why your hopes and dreams are still on your vision board - and not in your diary yet?
Law of attraction coach Harriet Morris has some good news for you.
There is nothing wrong with your manifestation skills.
The problem is that you have been trying to do a 2D version of the LoA. It's not you that have failed, but rather the cookie cutter strategies of all those self-styled gurus who have no understanding of how easy it is to self-sabotage. It's not a question of believing harder or having more self-confidence.
What's going on here is that you haven't yet learnt how to activate the law of attraction.
This podcast will help you press the activation button to a better life.
Be warned! This is not always a straightforward path. This is no insta-transformation.
Will you accept the challenge of doing this in the real world?
Are willing to stand up to your ego's craving for everything to go your way - and replace that small-minded energy with a more expensive way of showing up?
Can you be open to neutralising your own victim stories and swap the fleeting comfort they offer for an adventurer's mindset?
Do you want to learn to laugh at your inner critic instead of passively accept their toxic nonsense?
Can you accept that part of you resists the thing you long for - and then dissolve that resistance?
If so, welcome to a powerfully imperfect life of greater ease and joy for no reason.
Let's transform your mistakes into magic, and turn your so-called failures into the raw materials for a life of more success and greater fulfilment.
It's time to activate the law of attraction. Play starts now.